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6042600 No.6042600 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me /lit/, is the purpose of life being happy?

>> No.6042601

Not at all. We aren't here for comfort and enjoyment.

>> No.6042605


What are we here for?

>> No.6042621

Searching for that answer is in itself half of what we're here for.

>> No.6042625


So you believe the purpose of life is finding a purpose?

>> No.6042633


but not this >>6042621

>> No.6042637

Fucking and punching.

>> No.6042640

The meaning of purpose: the reason for doing something. The purpose of walking to the bathroom can be so you can empty your bladder. The purpose of walking to the fridge can be so you can get a glass of water.

In these cases, it's used for an action. Purpose can also be used for a general activity, i.e. what is the purpose of basketball. Many reasons can be given for this; for exercise, because it's fun, etc… However, it's merely a grammatical abbreviation. What it's really asking is what is the point of PLAYING basketball. What's the point of school: what is the point of GOING TO school. What is the point of work - what is the point of working.

As the original definition says, purpose is the reason for DOING something.

What is life? Life is a noun, meaning the state of being alive. Also used colloquially for the aggregate of actions performed and experiences experienced during this state.

One could pick up a rock and say, "What is the purpose of this rock?" Anyone could see that is a frivolous question, unless one subscribes to some mystical teleology where everything fits in a predetermined place. A rigid system like this might work for one who seriously wants to know, "What is the purpose of life?"

However, since this question actually means, or could be rephrased as, "Why do humans do anything that they do?", the best answer to that is, "Hey, I don't want to give an accounting of every action I've ever done in my life, and I haven't done them all for just one single reason either; who are you, God?"

>> No.6042642


What is it then?


Is that a "Californication" reference?

>> No.6042651


If you don't do everything for a reason, doesn't that mean that you have NO REASON to do anything?

>> No.6042653

In many ways, yes. To find something higher than ourselves to live for, some ideal beyond our own urges and ego.

>> No.6042656

Punching the other guys so I can fucking the bitches.

>> No.6042663


Does anyone else have a vague feeling that the purpose of our existence is to be a link in the chain from our species' genesis to a far flung destiny as Gods of Life and Death? I mean, why not? We've come a long way since we climbed down from the trees.

>> No.6042666

There is no purpose. We float through our days forgetting yesterdays until we eventually become nothing, again, like we should be, like we were before.

>> No.6042667

I used to think that when I was a teenager, but I grew passed it once I discarded my arrogance and learned humility.

>> No.6042670

satan is a nihilist

>> No.6042671

You're looking at everything like our actions are entirely self serving, existing only to satisfy our urges and desires. You aren't looking deep enough into yourself.

>> No.6042675

dark trips

>> No.6042677


That's an extremely nihilistic view on existencialism.


Please explain better.

>> No.6042680
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>> No.6042682

>being an Englishman

>> No.6042683


Our technology will advance to a point where we are effectively immortal, with full control over the laws of nature.

>> No.6042687


>> No.6042689

these are the thoughts of the enemy

get behind me, satan!

>> No.6042690

Nihilism is valid. You're just instinctually conditioned to give a fuck about your life, but we both know you don't mean shit. None of this does.

>> No.6042691


Did you hear that on a youtube video, or the yahoo homepage?

>> No.6042693


I didn't get it.

>> No.6042695

Nihilism says more about how the individual views themselves than about the world.

>> No.6042698

Yes, but happiness is not joy. Happiness, true happiness, comes from complete compassion towards others, and acting right so that you and all others can get to the same bliss.

>> No.6042707


That's altruism.

>> No.6042711

Just as any form of ideology. Your point being?

>> No.6042712

This has to be one of the most retarded posts I read on 4chan in the last few years.

>> No.6042719
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lurk more

>> No.6042724


He's right.

>> No.6042729

Exactly. Voila, you've been Max Stirner'd.

I looked deep into myself and then I think I got schizophrenic as a result. I don't actually believe anything I wrote in that post, I believe in the exact opposite. I believe in a mystical teleology where even the lowest rock has an unfathomably beautiful meaning and place in the universe.

I've considered the idea of whether humans can be truly altruistic and selfless or whether they're all selfish to the verge of suicide. Then I pseudo-realized that I wasn't really suicidal for the reasons I thought I was, i.e. for purely philosophical reasons, but for neurochemical and psychological reasons as well e.g. shitty childhood and shitty environment. I realized, in short, that my very philosophical worldview could have been based on material circumstances, and that if I was completely different, I could be completely different in this way and so forth. Essentially it was like a hardcore realization of determinism. Of course, I say it was a pseudo-realization because it called into question my very mind itself. The more I got into learning about psychology, the more I pseudo-realized I was basically an archetype, a type of character that had already been set out long before, with a host of different psychological ailments and ways of thinking resulting from certain events just as people who were writing long before I was born predicted. Then I realized that I might in fact have been merely verifying what applied to me, in the much the same way people think horoscopes are very realistic. But then I actually had a life-changing dream, quite coincidentally, one night, that almost completely shattered my entire psyche and worldview and quite accurately predicted not only what happened to me the day after the dream but what happened in the long-term after that over a few months; well, as I was saying, another day after that, I randomly looked at a horoscope in a newspaper for the day that the dream occurred, and it actually pretty cheesily said that people with my astrological sign would have an incredibly important dream that night that they would probably do good to write down and remember (which I did, immediately upon waking up from the dream). That just about blew my damn mind.

What was I saying? I don't actually write this autistically. I'm a bit like Proteus. Everyone is nowadays. Last night I tried to write a short story but ended up writing an insane half-coherent rant about how everyone is trying to castrate me and I signed it with these names in a list

>Gregor Samsa
>Darl Bundren
>Quentin Compson
>Leopold Bloom
>Stephen Dedalus
>Chief Broom Bromden & McMurphy Co.
>Josef K.
and more

I used to cry a lot for no reason but now I laugh a lot for no reason. I feel really happy but I'm beginning to creep other people out. Usually a rant like this should be ended with please help? but I don't need your help.

>> No.6042731


I do believe technology is a huge factor when we start analyzing our purpose here.

>> No.6042737

that's not true. there's plenty of self-serving ideologies and philosophies

>> No.6042741


Give me an examplem please.

>> No.6042747

The answer you're looking for has been right in front of you your entire life, you're just too afraid to reach out and humble yourself before it.

>> No.6042752
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>yfw god exists

>> No.6042765

Hope you're not talking about any God that a Church follows. All corrupt in my experience. Although a host of psychic phenomena and synchronicities has led me to believe there are both benevolent and malevolent supernatural forces behind the universe, and probably some Absolute. Again, am I insane … ? I could be Christ's little brother if I only stopped jacking off. heh.

>> No.6042772

It's exactly the opposite; a stance implying that humans are deep and have profound motives, other than their affects, just like humans only seems deep because you never get to reach the bottom of it: it is in fact, --- not even superficial.

The moral or religious feeling, or the feeling that an act has profound causes, is caused by a 'profound' emotion; this emotion is the result of many different thoughts commonly going with it, who are perceived as a whole, and not as a plurality of profound thoughts, which are nevertheless, in themselves, self-serving: thus an act is done, and one gets this particular feeling, and mistakes a plurality for a unity, thus believing his feeling about his deed is the result of something deep, of something profound, where once again it is, --- not even superficial.

Abstracting this 'profound' feeling enough will result, at first, with a theory of morals as something deep, and irrational; as something fundamental in humans, and then, the second result of the abstraction of such feelings perceived as deep, will be to look for a cause to them, --- the logical answer will often be divinity. The final result of the abstraction of a confusion between plurality and unity, is kantian ethics.

>> No.6042777

I'm not talking about the God of any church anon. Spirituality and religion are two separate things. You have to reach out to God yourself, not through some other person.

>> No.6042782

Good! And holy trips too. Someone else exists besides me. No more solipsism. Thank you. I've already suspected this. But what's the point? Everything's pretty funny. I'll see you eventually. Ow

>> No.6042789



>> No.6042800

It's our relationship to divinity that defines our existence in this place anon. You just haven't taken that leap, to let yourself be beholden to something higher than yourself.

>> No.6042806

>not through some other person.

there is a lot in the bible that encourages the meeting of believers

btw the 'other person' should be christ, who is manifested corporately in the church (by church i mean believers, the body of christ, not a physical building)

>> No.6042810


>It's our relationship to x that defines our existence in this place anon. You just haven't taken that leap, to let yourself be beholden to something higher than yourself.

>> No.6042811


I just think that we're alive for too short a time to effectively grasp our purpose. We still have one, but it's such a macroscopic purpose that it renders our actions meaningless at this point. We're each little iron atoms in a structure we're too tiny to see. In this light, I'd recommend adopting a hedonistic attitude towards your life.

>> No.6042824


Oh shit

>> No.6042827

It's important to reach out to others, but it begins by looking within.

>> No.6042832

You reply with empty sentences, emptier than your new-age I-don't-have-to-worship God. Even if your God existed, he would not be the justification you seek to explain the miserable existence you lead, and why you can't put up with the Great Expectations that you once had; --- your God is an abstraction, and nothing but one more word to justify existences, like people justify it with ideologies, or humor, but they fucking shake inside, especially when they're about to die, and saints realized at this point that they fucked up when heathens dismembered them, that they shouldn't have listened to all that shit, and shit's absurd yeah, but why would you even care? it's all words, it's not like meaning or divinity or whatever actually matters; you lead your life and spend, what, very few moments thinking about it, and it doesn't matter, you would live the sameway maugre your empty concepts, and why would you even care if it weren't the case?

You sound empty... if you've got but an hour upon the stage, don't strut and fret the shit out of it.

>> No.6042833

The purpose of life, is the most meaningful tautology there is, that is, living.

>> No.6042843


Sed quid igitur sum? Res cogitans. Quid est hoc? Nempe dubitans, intelligens, affirmans, negans, volens, nolens, imaginans quoque, et sentiens.


>> No.6042849

I grew passed Gnosticism a long time ago. The God I'm talking about here isn't some vague abstraction. I had to humble myself before I could experience something beyond that. But this isn't something we can really discuss in an argument like this. It's not meant for this.

>> No.6042891

At the same time

>> No.6043262

Has anybody figured it out yet?

OR is it naive to even question this?

>> No.6043266

Not happy, but to find contentment and balance.

>> No.6043283


> spook

>> No.6043300
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Life is what you make it

>> No.6043302

almost certainly not

>> No.6043328

Still love that song.

Yet, you're wrong. It most certainly can and *should* be. At least in part.

>> No.6044403

lmao, all these pseudo intellectuals

The purpose of life is however you define it.

>> No.6044408

The purpose of life is whatever the fuck I want it to be.

>> No.6044412


>Excuses others of being pseudo-intellectuals (never been on /lit/ before?)
>Uses a cliche to answer to question

>> No.6044475

No. The point is virtue.

>> No.6044541

>Calls me a newfag lol

lol, nice argument there friendo, now disprove it.

>> No.6044546 [DELETED] 

But as the philosopher Jagger once said, "You can't always get what you want".

>> No.6044547

Whose virtue?

>> No.6044823

if you think so

>> No.6044829

it being a cliché doesn't make it any less right

>> No.6044968

This is a good thread. The Stirner guy, Tallis, the godfag are all actually bringing up decent points if contradicting, but the great part of 4chan is they don't have to jerk each other off and be respectful.
Good job guys.

>> No.6046021

The purpose of life Is to be happy. Searching for "Deeper meaning" or "serving a higher power" are just roundabout ways of achieving that goal.

Some people find happiness through sex and drugs, others find it through good works. If they are both equally happy, then both paths are equally valid. Remember however, what makes one person happy might not necessarily make somebody else happy.

>> No.6046061

i think that's too simplistic. you have to distinguish between what makes people happy, and then what only makes them happy in the short but not in the long term, and, what people say makes them happy but really doesn't.

anything doesn't go.

>> No.6046071

You're confusing what happiness is. There's a difference between being content and fulfillment in life and ecstasy.

>> No.6046077

These are the rare threads that this place was made for.

>> No.6046102
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>Tell me /lit/, is the purpose of life being happy?

There is no purpose to life. But that doesn't mean life can't be meaningful.

>> No.6046216

What meaning do you see in life anon?

>> No.6046282

That you asked that means you're a shitstained cunt

>> No.6046286

Why's that?

>> No.6046342

Is not the real question -- is it relevant? If there is a purpose, or even if there's not, does the identification and understanding of the purpose affect the outcome?

>> No.6046378
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I am legitimately terrified that there is some divine reason for such strangely opposing odds to be presented on an imageboard in opposing dubs

>> No.6046394

"Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder, 'Why, why, why?' Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand."

>> No.6046734

The purpose of life is to suffer.We are what our life makes us.The endless situations we find ourselves in, the endless choices we have to make, we make them, but in the end our choices make us.There is not a single living thing that has not suffered in any way.Saying that sounds way to gloomy, but as time goes by we find that suffering more and more bearable.In the end something good comes out of it, something you wouldn't think you deserved.At the end, when all we have left is memories of that suffering we so fondly remember, death is the only release.

>> No.6046872

there is no purpose to life, purpose is just some word we made up. trying to think up a meaning is like trying to assign colours to numbers

>> No.6046877


How do you argue that suffering is the purpose? It is obviously an inevitability, but not the purpose.

>> No.6046891


>> No.6047066

Fine, Mr. Semantics. What is the purpose for our existence?

If you are still stuck up on the idea of the necessity of an action, which is clever, but not entirely true, then I can rephrase still:

What was purpose of our creation?

Of course asking that question makes you think I am implying a creator, but I am not, the fact that we exist points to the fact that we were created.

Personally, right now I am of the opinion that there was no creator and there is no purpose, but I am liable to change.

>> No.6047076


ITT: People who haven't read the bible and think the number of the beast is 666, instead of the actual 616.

>> No.6047087

So there is no objective purpose?

So your cliche uplifting comment is only a disguised advocation for existential nihilism?

>> No.6047099

How were we created if there was no creator? Why would we have the capacity to have these thoughts if there was no purpose?

You know just as well as I do that it is an absurd notion to think that there is just no reason to anything and that we just spontaneously came into existence from nothing for no purpose

>> No.6047105

>What was purpose of our creation?
>right now I am of the opinion that there was no creator and there is no purpose

It's not that there is or isn't meaning or purpose, it's that's both meaning and purpose exist in the semantic web we use to describe things, and not in the things we describe. There is a fine but crucial difference between saying that X has no purpose, and that we have created the concept of purpose, superimposed it onto X, then act as if there should be a purpose-ness form or essence within X to examine.

>> No.6047120

the purpose of life

Well, there's no purpose to life in that sense.
the purpose you can apply to your life is to escape suffering in the eternal round of rebirths by attempting to achieve nirvana

There is no other purpose, you might as well be a fool on the side of a path eating fruits from a tree saying "Don't know!" until you die

>> No.6047201


Primaly breeding. Secondary who knows. Asking questions like that maybe.

>> No.6047320

How did the creator come into being? Surely there must be a creator before him then.

>> No.6047337

That depends on if you believe the inherent state of reality is non existence rather than existence

>> No.6047339
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The OP's question is the best proof and demonstration of the mental illness of the west - identified by Heinrich Himmler as 'The Poison From Sinai.'

But the Nazi - not Neo-Nazi - identification of the Semitic with all things evil is a skin deep diagnosis. And any attempt to cure the disease by removing the Jewish tumor will leave some number of cancerous cells, which will once again divide and continue to rot humanity's once fair and beautiful face.

It goes further back than that. Ironically, to the Aryans the Nazis idealized. A great mistake was made by the Aryans, which was to adopt a monotheistic worldview.

Monotheism is defined, not simply by a single god, but by the limitation to a single identity and ego. Muslim men - and let's not suggest that Islam is any different in the regard I discuss than Christianity and Judaism - are admonished to emulate Muhammad. And Muhammad lived one way. While it would be ridiculous to suggest that all Muslim men act the same, it's a fact that a uniformity of virtue exists within Islam. You won't be considered a great man within Islam unless you exemplify Muhammad.

This mono-polar compass of virtue is the definition of Aryan culture, and all descendent cultures. It causes a person to identify with one set of characteristics, and reject all other characteristics as vehement to one's self image. The sensation experienced when other characteristics are considered is pain. That which is not like you is hated, because to see it is pain.

If you think of racism, you're missing it. It's men hating women, and women hating men. The rejection of facets of your own body, family, society, biosphere, planet, universe. And it's the insistence that everything reflect you. Literally, to carve your presidents, Pharaohs and Buddhas into the face of the rock. It's the Dukka that Buddha was trying to escape.

Identify with everything. When you focus on the space contained within the head of a man, his closed eyes leave you in pitch blackness. When you focus on the space contained within the Void - which is the entire universe - what eyes are there that can be closed to darken you?

>> No.6047348
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Why is the ubermensch always associated with superman? Is there a single similarity between the two?

>> No.6047349
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The Aryan worldview is defined also by the belief that it's virtues are Something which came from Nothing. A finite whiteness within an infinite blackness. When this worldview is deprived of the religious notion of eternal life, the depressed life of the theist is replaced with the suicidal life of the atheist. The theist tells himself that one day, he'll unite with his virtues. The atheist tells himself that even if he obtains his virtues, all that's good - the whiteness - is destined to be eroded into blackness.

Let me propose a new worldview; that we exist within a finite Void, surrounded by an infinite non-Void. That surrounding Nothing, is a Something which is Everything at once. All things.

Within this worldview, one's virtues become polymorphous. One can be anything in the universe. You can place yourself within the head of a man, attempt to accomplish your goals, and if you fail, exit his head and enter the head of another man. When your enemies bash your suit to pieces, metaphorically you can slink away and crawl into the head of another man and continue your campaign.

There is only one mind, and one body. You experience it as your will, but this is due to the delusion of the body you focus on. Outside of 'your' body, the same will is experienced by 'others' as their will.

'Life' is a word, and so is 'purpose,' and 'happiness.' As long as you limit yourself to identifying with these words, you'll have none of the three. Not only that, but your enemies will be able to make the final judgement pertaining to your fate. Jehovah can condemn you to hell, and the state can execute you and doom you to eternal nothingness. If your mind can float from any point to any other, you have no ends or limits. Your perception becomes an endless moment, without beginning or end.

>> No.6047430
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Because once you've overcome yourself, you lack all identity or context. At that point, you might as well create a new identity, and imagine it within context where it has ultimate power.

But such an identity has nothing to do - it can do anything. Thus, there's no purpose for such an identity to do anything at all. Or rather, put another way, if you can surmount all obstacles, you do so and find yourself at the end.

And so you slow yourself. You give up your ability to accomplish any goal in no time. You savor the journey, rather than the destination - the end. And as you repeat your script, you slow it more and more each time. So that eventually, the script takes so long that you lose yourself in each step of it.

Since you can place your perception anywhere, you take your time. You step slowly from one place to the next, and forget where you're going as you make a giant circuit that includes all points.

This is the purpose of infinite return. This is why you have to stop letting your identity and context chain your will, and allow your will to determine your identity and context.

The Overman isn't a lord of other men. He's a spider, weaving them, and pulling their strings like puppets. They do his bidding because they are him. And his bidding is to have something to struggle against - to overcome. He never lacks peaks to ascend, because as he reaches one peak, he re-imagines himself at the foot of another.

Nihilism is to give up in the face of this. To decide that without a static, universal identity and context, life is meaningless. The Christian who fears death is not a true Christian, and he fears death because his Aryan Nihilism is more fundamental to him than his eternal Christian heaven.

>> No.6047928

Do I have to read to understand what you just said? Nietzsche?

>> No.6047934



>> No.6047950

It is impossible to be happy all the time.

>> No.6048254

Seeking only gratification in this life strengthens the fetters of attachment, aversion, and delusion, and will lead to a poorer rebirth. Seek utter disenchantment, dispassion, cessation, calm, direct knowledge, self-awakening, and Unbinding.

>> No.6048374

Sounds boring

>> No.6048402

Me in 2 years

>> No.6048425

Happiness is a social construct

>> No.6048452

This is the true nihilism right here.

>> No.6048497

Personal virtue.

>> No.6048547

it is hedonism. Nobody has single counter-argument against hedonism.

>> No.6048553

>>Why is the ubermensch always associated with superman?
superman lies in the opposite of the ubermensch indeed.

>> No.6048554

No, the purpose of life is revelling in your and others misery

>> No.6048567

This, so much this.

>> No.6048586

>You know just as well as I do that it is an absurd notion to think that there is just no reason to anything and that we just spontaneously came into existence from nothing for no purpose

>As far as we know that is the case
>but that's absurd!

>> No.6048719

>Buddhism is nihilism
Read a book.

>> No.6048721

Buddhism is a nihilistic philosophy, it's about the extinction of the "flame" that is the self.

>> No.6048725

No, it is about finding inner peace. Jedi style.

>> No.6048731

Buddhism is an essentially nihilistic philosophy in which the evolution of self culminates in self-annihilation. This implies that the self is a manifestation of pure nothingness which deludes itself regarding its own existence.

>> No.6048732

Countless Buddhist scholars have explained at length why it is NOT nihilistic. Even Alan Watts does in The Way of Zen. I suppose one might think it is if they've only read the wiki article on Buddhism, and don't really understand it.

>> No.6048736

No, the Buddha is clear that believing both that there is a self and that there is not a self are wrong view.

>> No.6048739

>This implies that the self is a manifestation of pure nothingness which deludes itself regarding its own existence
Be honest, have you ever read a single sutta in your life?

>> No.6048741

Do I have to have?

>> No.6048748

If you think that Shakyamuni taught that "the self is a manifestation of pure nothingness", yes, you probably should, because you don't know what you're talking about. For starters, he taught that what we regard as the self can be broken down into its aggregates. Believing there is no mind is an undetermined question and also a wrong view. Believing there is nothing is another wrong view. I'm not giving you textual citations, this is first week of Introduction to Buddhism level shit.

>> No.6048753

You sound like a weekend buddhist

>> No.6048754

I don't know what that means, but I'm not a Buddhist, so sure.

>> No.6048787

That wouldn't be a purpose, that would be a wish.
You don't look for happiness. Happiness is something that you think at one given moment. It would be too fucking easy to think happiness is brought by having a wife/husband, kids, jobs and all that.

Have you asked someone you know if they have a purpose? They'll confuse it with goals.
"My goal is that i want to live off my Art." Ok but that's not a purpose.
I think purpose is a rather religious term, like you've been assigned a task by a higher power or something.

>> No.6051934
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mine is. you can pick your own though :3

>> No.6051952

> Life
> Is
> A
> Gift

*symbolic high five if this thought makes you happy for a moment*