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/lit/ - Literature

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6041894 No.6041894 [Reply] [Original]

>30,000 books on e-reader
>60 years left to live

why do you do this to yourselves

>> No.6041915

count up, not down my friend

even better, don't count at all, just enjoy each one for what it is and know that it's not possible to run out. the goal of reading is to read not to finish

>> No.6041923

>using an e-reader

>> No.6041941
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>refusing to see the advantages of an e-reader

>> No.6041976


>thinking e-readers are advantageous

>> No.6041977

>muh smell

>> No.6041980

daily reminder that if you don't read real books you don't even read.

>> No.6042301

I've got 700 on mine, of which 200 are my main TBR.

If I'd had to buy the physical books, they would have been more expensive, they would have taken up lots of space that I don't have, the big ones with tiny text would have been a pain to carry around and read, and most physical books are made so badly that they would have been turning into yellowed/browned messes by the time I got to read them.

>> No.6042881
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>Implying you've got that many years left

>> No.6043007
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I was thinking about getting an ereader (it's apparently used without the hyphen) so I could read doujinshi and bad fanfiction and any other type of writing that's online only, because I hate reading on a glowing screen.

Am I part of the problem, /lit?

>> No.6043017


I've been dying for a glass of Trappist beer ever since I finished Seven Storey Mountain.

>> No.6043021

I recently went to San Diego for a conference and even the methhead liquor store at the Hotel Circle South had Trappist, where do you live?

>> No.6043022

Convenience varies.
Calibre isn't perfect, and for Kindle, Amazon doesn't exactly have the most extensive range.
But when they work with the actual books you want to read, they really are great and convenient.

>> No.6043043


E-readers don't have glowing screens.

>> No.6043048

Some do.

>> No.6043049

I didn't say they did, I meat I don't feel like reading online stuff on my laptop, phone, or a tablet.

See what reading on a glowing screen does to your comprehension?

>> No.6043229

I bet only 500 of those books are worth reading.

>> No.6043873

I have 130 on my kobo at the moment, at the rate I'm going it will take me two years to finish them.

After that, I just don't know.

>> No.6043881


I'm /paper/ master race bruh

>> No.6043892

>use an ebook out of necessity
>wish I could just buy all the books I actually wanted
>also kind of wish I could carry them around in as convenient a way

>> No.6043893


>cumbersome, unreliable decaying organic material
>inferior in terms of durability, space requirements and cost effectiveness
>master anything

toppest of keks, enjoy being obsolete grandpa

>> No.6043932


Enjoy your decimated comprehension and aesthetic bankruptcy, pleb

>> No.6043941

>decimated comprehension

Are you referring to that one study that wasn't even peer-reviewed and used questionable scientific "methods"? Please.

>"aesthetic bankruptcy" whatever the hell it even means
>buying into the pleb/patrician dichotomy

opinion discarded