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6039158 No.6039158 [Reply] [Original]

What philosophies do you personally subscribe to?

>> No.6039166


>> No.6039173


>> No.6039181

You don't 'personally subscribe' to philosophies. Philosophy isn't something that should change your outlook on life or how you live it. You experience your own life and don't attempt to rely on a single person to do so. Philosophy is very interesting and fascinating to read, research, and discuss, but to me it isn't something that should change how you live life.

>> No.6039184

Guns & Ammo

>> No.6039187

sorry, this thread is for reactionary fedoras only

>> No.6039188

why would you study philosophy if not to change behaviour

>> No.6039194

>why would you study philosophy if not to change behaviour
Because it's stimulating and interesting.

>> No.6039199

Everyone's got some kind of belief they think is most correct to them though.

>> No.6039202 [DELETED] 

Because it's mentally stimulating and interesting.

>> No.6039205


>> No.6039210
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Materialist. Marxist

>> No.6039218

Stating that philosophy shouldn't dictate your life as an universal truth is dictating how people should live according to your philosophy.

>> No.6039223

you're mentally retarded

>> No.6039249

why are so many weebs Marxists? is it because they know nothing of real life?

>> No.6039252

sorry, but you're an idiot. one of the most basic questions of philosophy is "how should one live?".

>> No.6039255

You don't seem to know what Marxism is friend

>> No.6039267
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I personally subscribe to The Beatles' philosophy: "All you need is love."

>> No.6039293

Don't believe the lies

>> No.6039295

well, absurdism basically

>> No.6039314

all I need to know is that Stalin and Mao and Kim yung il murdered millions

>> No.6039372

You are mentally ill.

>> No.6039378

What is love?

>> No.6039381

Positive emotionalized gravity.

>> No.6039384

What is memes?

>> No.6039390

... to write a hit song

>> No.6039445


bro, do you even eleventh thesis?

>> No.6039470


>> No.6039489

Liberalism. It's the view that philosophy is so trivial that one "personally subscribes" to it.

>> No.6039552

>I personally subscribe to The Beatles' philosophy: "All you need is love."
One hippy , how surprising.

>> No.6039560

This, and Zen Buddhism, though I guess that's not so much a philosophy as it is "a way of liberation."

>> No.6039570
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this tbh
if you wanted to be more specific I'd be a hedonist though
>and so would everyone else in this thread

>> No.6039572

serenity prayer

>> No.6039576

"All you need is love," said by rich famous popular talented people. Sure, that's all you need when everything else is successful in your life. Love is the only thing that you need to worry about at that point.

>> No.6039580


>> No.6039588

>to a philosophy

Weeeeewooooooo haha call the fuckin nerdalert

Philosophy isn't a magazin and if you have one or two words u can throw out to people to summarize your whole outlook on life then you maybe should sit down and think for yourself before deciding what you think is the coolest most infallible trendy flimflam

>> No.6039594

they didn't grow up rich, though. A poor couple madly in love with each other have a better probability of fixing their situation together.

>> No.6039599

baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

>> No.6039627
File: 110 KB, 513x546, 1417305076406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although personally I fucking hate Marxism, It's less of a Marxist thing and more of a 4chan thing, /pol/ has plenty of weebs whining about the decline of manliness and patriotism in society while posting reaction faces from Japanese cartoons about little girls. It's quite hilarious.

>> No.6039635

what are your beliefs, are you an idealist?

>> No.6039640


>> No.6039658
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x1707, 1421653440797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnosticism. may seem edgy but it makes life easier as a whole

>> No.6039664

Christian hedonism

>> No.6039699
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>> No.6039739


>> No.6039740

how on earth can gnosticism have a practical effect on your life?

>> No.6039741

so... christianity?

>> No.6039759
File: 60 KB, 1280x1024, 10_brigitte_helm-theredlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I suppose its more of a mixture between Gnosticism and Solipsism but..
- As a whole I am a person that wastes a lot of energy thinking about and trying to change the world around him, at the expense of himself. But the message of Gnosticism is that the world is a huge error in itself and it cannot be saved. But if you work on yourself and detach from material things, you can overcome it. That gives me peace somewhat
- If other people are illusions than this is good. You stop caring about their opinions, or their judgements, and live a more stress free life

>> No.6039776


>> No.6039786
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'Tis epic to see, hither in thine yonder direction, such a gentleman of mine caliber. Truly thou art a classy alpha male of thoust highest order. Mine fingers doth desire to present thou with hither upboat :D

>> No.6039811

sounds like bullshit

>> No.6039818

other ppl are real in gnosticism, you bloody sociopath

>> No.6039823

it's impossible to describe what I believe. maybe something like there will always be another door, or another room over, or another dim half-remembered horizon, just out of reach. but don't despair! the rooms you progress through are so strange and beautiful that the journey is well worthwhile, especially because it seems to never end--the enjoyment is prolonged forever!

And at the end, of course, all things are returned to that which they love best.

that I believe

>> No.6039832
File: 125 KB, 1000x1027, Bo-Bartlett_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says who? What if not all people have the divine spark, and most are there only as extensions of the world? It would certainly explain why most people are such unpleasant idiots

>> No.6039850

all of them.

>> No.6039908

see >>6039199

In this case, your personal philosophy would be: being a fucking casual.

I guess I'd fall into the analytic school which has left me believing that nothing truly matters (I don't know if that would make me a nihilist or just amoral). However, most of my beliefs prior to that 'revelation' are much the same.

I'm a vegan fag, anti-utilitarian, and anti-natalist, even though all three of those sort of require a greater philosophical truth behind them to be consistent. I guess I'm more just waiting to see if I come across that hypothetical greater truth, but I sort of doubt it's there.

>> No.6039910

>As a whole I am a person that wastes a lot of energy thinking about and trying to change the world around him, at the expense of himself.
Can you illustrate ?

>> No.6039913

>What philosophies do you personally subscribe to?
To the latest one I read about. Really, I keep changing my mind as I discover new theses.

>> No.6039994

I focus on the themes of the most recurring thoughts I have, and attempt to apply a reductionist mentality to them to further attempt to find out why I find them so obsessively engaging.

Well that's glorifying it.
Really, I'm just trying to find a satisfying reason for why I like what I like.

>> No.6040002

pretty much this, not that anyone here actually reads philosophy.

>> No.6040036
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>not that anyone here actually reads philosophy.
Yes, because just reading other people's philosophies and interpretations of them somehow validate people's comprehension of philosophy.

>> No.6040136

Ontology - abstract nominalism, physical monism
Epistemology - foundherentism
Free will - indeterminism without free will
Aesthetics - subjective
Ethics: deontology in everyday life with emphasis on empathy, but consequentialism when shit gets tough
Meta-ethics: anti-realism, internally motivated, relativism
God: weak atheism
Time: growing block
Consciousness: eliminative materialism, rejection of epiphenomenalism
Politics: economically centrist, socially permissive

>> No.6040159

I am pretty sure if you go on /a/, you'd get the regular /pol/ ideologies along with Imperial Japan did nuttin wrong.

>> No.6040160

>weak atheism
>next to eliminative materialism and other shit
How can it be weak you faggot? It should be strong.

>> No.6040208

My certainty regarding philosophy of mind isn't very high, I just think eliminative materialism is the best bet we have. I see some conceptions of God as logically but not naturally possible, the mormon idea for example sees Elohim as a physical being, the Greeks and Romans saw their gods as very physical, I guess I'm saying the furthest I could stretch myself on the issue is some sort of doctor manhattan or lovecraftian type being. I honestly should call myself a strong atheist yeah, I'd put the chance of God existing as abysmally low but still non zero.

>> No.6040324

>Politics: economically centrist, socially permissive
his this cut economy-social possible without contradiction ?

>> No.6040378

I'm sorry, what?

>> No.6040408


That boy's knee is about to blow as soon as he puts pressure on it.

Just general fatalist stoicism I guess, ascetism interests me but I do not practice it fully.

>> No.6040460

I don't really know for sure, I mean, I haven't developed my personal philosophical thought (which is pretty much how you "subscribe" to a certain philosophy) but I feel close to some kind of post-structuralist take on Cosmoteandrism, viewed through the object-oriented philosophy of some schools of Speculative Realism

>> No.6040504

good god you're greasy

>> No.6040545


>> No.6040553
File: 24 KB, 387x461, 1421154845106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6040554

Trail and error

>> No.6040564

Really, I'm trying to understand what you said. Why am I greasy?

>> No.6040568

I wasn't the one that said that.

>> No.6040569

Fair enough then. Sorry m8

>> No.6040574

>but to me it isn't something that should
Yeah okay, this is where I stop reading. Great for you, you have specific convictions, why moralise?

>> No.6040581

kierkegaardian existentialism
life having a default liberal bias
muppets: treasure island is the pinnacle of value in the known world

>> No.6040587

>Philosophy isn't something that should change your outlook on life or how you live it.
That's stupid.
You would have to be pretty arrogant or lazy not to at least question your way of thinking and living when good arguments for particular, modernly relevant philosophies are put forth to you.

Maybe it shouldn't directly, immediately make you change your outlook on life, but it should encourage you to question, discuss, and perhaps interpret differently.

>> No.6041321

>and so would everyone else in this thread
you are acting like that's not obvious anon, why are you so young?

>> No.6041331

thanks for this dude, this is interesting, you have earned your spot as a character in one of my stories

>> No.6041406

too many assholes, too many dumbasses, nothing's worth it type of deal.

>> No.6041428

beet me to it.

>> No.6041579

I guess maybe Taoism? I do just go with the flow of things. Try not to worry too much.

Doomed from the start. It's grim.