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6037195 No.6037195 [Reply] [Original]

I hate New York City.

I hate the way all news and culture in this country is filtered through its lens.

I hate the fact that it's the only place that still hires people to write.

I hate the fact that I'm going to have to move there within the next five years.

>> No.6037203


>> No.6037307


It's basically the as in the place to go for 1st generation Americans. Work and get paid huge money, start a business, take your assets and get out. People make the same mistake they do when rent apartments, which is staying there much longer than needed, especially in NY where rent is not cheap

>> No.6037527

I really fucking hate the ironic "lol I'm pretending I don't know how to sing" type of vocal these bands do

>> No.6037579

New York is cool and it also is terrible. But when you live there, or near it, and you work or go to school there it grows on you. The crazy over stimulation and absolute schizophrenia of the city grows on you. I hate yuppies, but now I feel weird when I'm in a town and I don't see them. After New York any smaller city seems so tiny and quaint and boring.

You'll love it.

>> No.6037596
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>> No.6037601

what makes you think they know how to sing

>> No.6037612

>But James Murphy doesn't know how to sing
At the very least he doesn't at all on the album the song is on

>> No.6037644

Just like how after living in Tokyo or Shang hai, New York seems pretty quaint and boring.

>> No.6037656

>grow up in the DMV
>everything is expensive
>our local news is the same as the national news so we can't escape politics
>most locals leave so if you stay you end up pretty isolated from all your friends who fled the area
>everyone who moves to the area works for to the government or companies that work for the government
>so many new yorkers live here
>all of them complain about how shit DC is compared to NYC
>we have shops like this in NYC, though ours are better

>> No.6037673

lel, i didn't even mention DC, the second place one can live and expect to find journalism work

as much as i dislike NY i just assume DC is worse despite never having been there

>> No.6037692

It's a great city, really. It'll grow on you when you come here. I don't know anywhere else, really, so I can't compare, but I like this town a lot for the reasons you dislike it.

>> No.6037716

reminds me of:

>Franzen can’t handle the Midwestern strand of his plot because he simply doesn’t know the Protestant milieu he tries to portray — and because he has no imaginative power, he can write only about what he actually knows, the Manhattan Bobo world. While his observations about Manhattan are merely trite, his attempts to depict Minnesota are just plain wrong.

>Even his thefts are inept. Exhibit A: the recliner. Franzen spends pages and pages going on about how Al, the Midwestern husband, loves his recliner, though his wife would love to get rid of it. Sound familiar? It should. How many sitcoms have mocked the slob husband’s love affair with the big, overstuffed, ugly recliner? You know: the wife just hates the darn thing! But he, the big loveable lug, just won’t let her give it to Goodwill! I’ve seen that on Married with Children, The Simpsons — in fact, it goes back at least to the sitcoms of the sixties. You’d think that by now, the old recliner would be so used up that even Goodwill wouldn’t want it.

>But it’s good enough for Jonathan Franzen. In fact, it’s such a selling point that the publishers actually put a sketch of this recliner on the book’s cover. What hicks!

>Yes, it’s time someone said it outright: Manhattanites are the new hicks. The mall kids are generations ahead of them. Things that are stale jokes to the mall kids strike the NY publishing world as fresh and hilarious. Maybe they just don’t watch enough TV, or they spend too much time drinking cocktails with F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ghost — whatever the reason, the Manhattanites have lost it completely. The scriptwriters of Christmas Vacationare Flaubertian chroniclers of provincial mores next to Franzen. When you compare Franzen with really talented observers of Minnesota life, like the Coens in Fargo, or even Garrison Keillor in Lake Wobegon Days, his incompetence stands out even more sharply.

tfw Dr Dolans novel will never be back in print

>> No.6037733

new york is caving in on itself

rent prices are skyrocketing, crime is going up, venues are closing, galleries are closing

cheap neighborhoods are going through the process of gentrification quicker and quicker

most of lower and mid manhattan apartments are owned by billionaires whos primary residence is not new york or america

the only people that live there are either yet to die (and have rent controlled apartments) or simpletons who were tricked into it

there is nowhere left for art to be made and appreciated

>> No.6037774

They are all moving to Portland.

>> No.6037778

I'm guessing you've never been in L.A.'s sprawl.

>> No.6037800

>there is nowhere left for art to be made and appreciated
Where I live in the South seems to be fairly involved in the arts. The problem is that people who decide what is worth money/recognition are still stuck in the mindset that anything worth noting comes from NYC, etc.

>> No.6037820


>omg new york is getting expensive so that means all art and culture in the entire US is dead

seriously fuck new yorkers

>> No.6037826

Daily reminder that Upstate New York is superior to NYC in every conceivable way except shopping options

>> No.6037864

I was optimistically trying to give credit to an artist I don't listen to but the reality of it is awful.

>> No.6037890

I was disappointed when I got to New York and on the first day of my four month stay, I was jet lagged, went out at about 11pm and found most of The City That Never Sleeps to be closed.

>> No.6037896
File: 52 KB, 335x500, TheNewYorkTrilogycover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good book

>> No.6037910

>I love New York City

>> No.6037933

I wouldn't mind going to Alex Grey's commune sometime. The Utica area isn't too far from there either where I have family.

>> No.6037943


Can confirm, New York, compared to L.A, is a short, mouthy trust-fund teenager with cosmopolitan pretensions that are really just the intense parochialism of its narcissism.

L.A, in the words of the American bard, contains multitudes. There is a New York segmented out over Los Angeles, and with that segmentation over space there's room for more more, both bigness and variety.

>> No.6037965

L.A. is a monster though, and anyone who spends more than a tourist's time there will find out. Sure, there's room to grow and flourish, but at any point its multitudes can swallow you up and spit you back east.

>> No.6037966

I'm from California and recently moved to NYC. I'm not quite sure what to make of the place; my attitude is mostly ambivalent. The bookstores are nice. I haven't had a chance to make many friends yet so I mostly just go walking in the park in the evenings. There are a few things I like but also a lot of things I dislike. Mostly I dislike this perception that New York City is the "center of the universe," when it's not.

>> No.6038066
File: 148 KB, 900x400, turun_pyoratiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You peoples should move to Europe, here every city is artistic.
Because everybody is cycilng!

>> No.6038079

Say what you will about Amerikans being fat, but you Europes are paunchy as fuck.

>> No.6038087
File: 2.56 MB, 244x250, puke girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6038088

It's difficult to move to Europe and the process is entirely obnoxious. There are literally thousands of Americans who'd move to Europe tomorrow if the process were easy.

>> No.6038097

Lol just come as illegal. Nordic countries will take you and fucking pay a shitload of money aswell.

>> No.6038105

i didn't say 'new york is the only artistic city'

that was actually the type of attitude/perception i was annoyed by

i was just saying new york is one of the few places with plentiful writing jobs for someone with a bit of experience

>> No.6038107

Especially if you are African or Muslim.

>> No.6038121

Paunchy is better than obese.

>> No.6038123

>writing job
Enlighten me.

>> No.6038126

I couldn't give a flying fuck about new york and it is funny to me how it became the cultural capital of the American Empire. Where I am from we have a different cultural capital. If I was some rural biggot I hate our lens as well. Instead I hate the rural biggots.

>> No.6038145

New Yorker here. Some of this is true, but

>rent prices are skyrocketing, crime is going up, venues are closing, galleries are closing
Rent prices are going up in many neighborhoods, yes. Crime is not going up, what the fuck? Galleries are not closing. More and more are opening. Stop talking out of your ass.
>cheap neighborhoods are going through the process of gentrification quicker and quicker
True. It's a shame.
>most of lower and mid manhattan apartments are owned by billionaires whos primary residence is not new york or america
Don't really know enough about this to wholly dispute it, but you're certainly exaggerating.
>the only people that live there are either yet to die (and have rent controlled apartments) or simpletons who were tricked into it
Not true at all. Not even in the slightest. You know nothing about New York City.
>there is nowhere left for art to be made and appreciated
Williamsburg. Greenwich Village. SoHo. Chelsea/meatpacking district. DUMBO. Redhook. Harlem.

I don't know any New Yorkers who think this way. Perhaps all the retards moved out of the city and that's why you're seeing them where you live.

>> No.6038219

I've been living in NYC since 2008 and it's made me a stronger person, but I hate humanity more as well. Just today on my commute home, I saw a mother yelling at her son, a single teenager taking up three seats (not manspreading, although I find that people's elbows are more intrusive than legs), and three construction workers making fun of a beggar with a speech impediment.

If you want to write hopeful fiction, this is not the place to be. Plus, it's expensive as shit.

>> No.6038247

tell me more

>> No.6038269

>Not being born and growing up within the NY metropolitan area or nearby

Doomed to plebhood.

>> No.6038405

I was thinking of the same thing. I wish he'd write again normally and not just under the War Nerd persona.

>> No.6038517

Someone should just take this city and flush it down the toilet

>> No.6038540

smells like someone already did llmao

>> No.6038551

>New Jersey
>not plebs

>> No.6038553

do you guys mean Pleasant Hell because I'm pretty sure you can still find that pretty easily for not that much money

>> No.6038573

Well today it smelled like smoke

>> No.6038574

Where? It's $400 on Amazon

>> No.6038577

>living in large cities ever

>> No.6038629

is this a real life meme

those three first points are probably said every 5 years

>> No.6038671

lol nvm fuck I should have bought it a year or two ago. you could still get it for $20 really recently

>> No.6039107

don't move to the east. stay with us on the west. we are the best coast for a reason you know.

>> No.6039175

Uh, where exactly? Rochester, Buffalo and Syracuse are all shitholes.

>> No.6039183

>tfw born and raised in brooklyn
>exposed to dirty pollution every day
>still 6'1" master race
Too bad i have no friends because i can't relate to guidos at all and every group in this city is just a big high school clique

>> No.6039316

Can confirm. I live about 30 minutes north of Poughkeepsie and it's wonderful.

>> No.6039334

Reminds me of Pavement for some reason. :/