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6036765 No.6036765 [Reply] [Original]

Who do you think is the most relevant contemporary philosopher?

no bully plz

>> No.6036772

I hate Sam Harris but I don't see what's the deal with this quote. Is this one of those things we take out of context and then cynically misinterpret it on purpose?

>> No.6036781

I like the quote, that's why I posted it. I legit think he's the best philosopher around, really the only good one since Hume.

>> No.6036793
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>> No.6036794

And how many other philosophers since Hume have you studied?

>> No.6036797

I agree this is bait, I still predict

>144 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.

since /lit/ always falls for bait

>> No.6036802

b8s r fun

>> No.6036810

Enough to know that they don't actually systems of logic except in criticism. Of if they do use a system, like dialectics, it's a pretty arbitrary one just chosen to serve their views.

>> No.6036819

Well, the last bit is a fallacy. It doesn't follow that "faith is bad" from "terrorists are faithful". A lot fo people are faithful, don't commit terrorism and do good to society. Also, there's a lot of people without faith that commit crimes.

>> No.6036822

Academically, I have no fucking clue.

But I think Zizek's cultural commentary is usually on point and he publishes articles / videos rather frequently.

>> No.6036830

>It doesn't follow that "faith is bad" from "terrorists are faithful".

"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." -- Thomas Aquinas

>> No.6036834

Name me 5 philosophers that do this

>> No.6036839

"Nietzsche is dead." - Dawkins, Richard

>> No.6036841

Saul Kripke, probably.
It's on point if you agree with it, yes.

>> No.6036844

Contemporary, as in, 20th century or alive and working?

For 20th century, there are loads. Wittgenstein and Heidegger are considered the two biggest.

For alive and working, probably Hilary Putnam, Saul Kripke, Jurgen Habermas

>> No.6036847
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Is Sam Harris the Ayn Rand of the 21st century?

>> No.6036852

Rand was at least halfway original in thought

>> No.6036860

Not really. Anything she with any worth can be found in Aristotle and Locke. And her only "original" contributions are misunderstandings of those thinkers.

>> No.6036862

Rand was a halfbaked misreading of Aristotle mixed with Stirner-lite.

>> No.6036866

Anything she said*

>> No.6036874

More Nietzsche-lite than Stirner-lite.

>> No.6036929

>Who do you think is the most relevant contemporary philosopher?
Quentin Meillassoux , more generally, anybody going beyond Badiou

>> No.6036947


>> No.6036949


please, listen, and accept Ayn Rand for the complete and utter hack that she is

the only way someone can appreciate her is if they are just fucking ignorant about what other people have said and what she stole from

>> No.6036954

Philosophy is pretty gay

>> No.6037057

It is a bad quote because he is implying an attack is the only outcome of "perfect faith" which is an idiotic generalization of all of the religions of all the world.

>> No.6037222

Not at all what was implied.

>> No.6037229

I think you'd need to narrow the topic(s) in philosophy youre interested in in order to come up with a philosopher to call best

>> No.6037360

>I hate Sam Harris
Please explain.

>> No.6037373

Ok, you pic related is pretty damn funny. Saved.

>> No.6037463

E-celeb does not equal philosopher.

>> No.6037480

>It's ironic because he himself is a man of perfect faith.

>> No.6037489

Professor A C Grayling

>> No.6037583

We all know it's Zizek and Dugin.

>> No.6037920

why do you keep remaking this thread everyday

>> No.6039147

Alain de Botton because at least he tries to be "relevant". No other philosophers today care to address the present moment. They're all too busy trying to cement some kind of legacy that will last eternity. There are no Marshal McLuhans or Timothy Learys of the present day, except for Botton. Chomsky gets second place. I don't think anyone gets third. Zizek I like, but he doesn't live now. He's living in eternity.

>> No.6039264


Agree, and so well spoken, and truly right on every point these days. Love this guy.

>> No.6039273

>Chomsky gets second place

lol he's a senile idiot.

>> No.6039302


>> No.6039336

thomas metsinger because I like his theories and agree with his antinatalism

>> No.6039411
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>> No.6039450

>Quentin Meillassoux

Divine inexistence is the silliest shit.

>> No.6039742

Sam Harris is one of the few progressive voices willing to speak truth to power. He's really brave.

>> No.6039784

>thomas metsinger
does he have philosphy of the good life/moral views/political life etc. since he thinks the self is not existent ?

>>>Quentin Meillassoux
>Divine inexistence is the silliest shit.
I myself do not have counter argument to oppose to him sadly. Who fights him today ?

>> No.6039813


If you can't see why it's a bad quote then honestly you're part of the problem.

>> No.6039846

David Chalmers.

>> No.6041512

In terms of tech,

Jaron Lanier and in second place, Richard Stallman.

Lanier is the best philosopher of what's going on at the moment. I truly believe, however, that Stallman's ideas will live a thousand years from now. You all have Stallman to thank for Linux and open source. If it wasn't for Stallman, we'd probably all be using Apples without keyboards.

Stallman has formulated a complete philosophical foundation for man's relation to technology. A stunning achievement to come from one man.

Stallman's ideas are foundational, but unfortunately not topical. Lanier does the best at evaluating new trends in tech and analyzing them for meaning.

>> No.6041530
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>> No.6041535
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>> No.6041655

That is not what the quote means.
He is criticizing people that say those terrorists were not religious or that they were cowards. It is possible for faith to empower people enough to do brave things. What they did was brave, stupid but brave

>> No.6042241

le edge

Reminds me of when Vonnegut said pretty much the same thing

>> No.6042276

That's not how "bravery" is ever defined, though. You can't display bravery on life-threatening situations with a belief in afterlife (especially when "sacrifice" is supposed to be your happy ending ticket)

Neither "brave" nor "coward" applies here IMO

>> No.6042294

perhaps not anymore >>6042281

>> No.6042443


>> No.6042841

I know that is not the correct use of bravery but the point of the quote is to say that using coward to describe the terrorists is incorrect, which you seem to agree with.

>> No.6042884

The point of the quote is that it is terrible to be a man of faith.

>> No.6044559

>Sam Harris


>> No.6044951

I really like PEL and until I started reading/studying certain philosophers closely I thought they were spot on. For example their episode on utilitarianism has many cringe worthy over simplifications and possible misinterpretations, however, they do cover these indiscretions with the more entertaining clause at the start of the show. That being said while I do enjoy them and will continue to listen don't pretend their episodes are always a solid representation of the material.