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/lit/ - Literature

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6031825 No.6031825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I'm trying to craft myself politically.

I am moderately liberal on economic issues but I'd consider myself a classic liberal (libertarian) when it comes to social issues, which is why I'm against cultural marxism, modern feminism, etc.

What is some literature I should read to help develop myself?

>> No.6031829

What is some literature that'll reinforce the world-view you've already hand-picked for yourself? Is that your question?

>> No.6031832

cultural marxism doesn't exist.
Third wave feminism is a commercial ruse to make women buy men things.

>> No.6031835

I think critically.

>> No.6031839

>cultural marxism doesn't exist.
Why would you say that

>> No.6031844 [DELETED] 


how is karl so based 24/7

>> No.6031852
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>> No.6031856

I think you need to start from scratch, OP.

You reek of pure ideology.

>> No.6031857


>> No.6031862

And what would that mean?

Rational Wiki? Come on. That site was taken over by feminists awhile ago.

Nobody uses "cultural marxism" to refer to a conspiracy to destroy the US. It's used to refer to people who apply this interpretation of marxism to culture. So ideas like political correctness, hate speech laws, diversity quotas, etc. are products of cultural marxism.

>> No.6031883

the principles of classic liberalism still apply to feminism etc lol

>> No.6031887
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Don't mind him. Have you seen these video OP?



>> No.6031893

/x/ meets /pol/ - a love story

>> No.6031896

>I am moderately liberal on economic issues but I'd consider myself a classic liberal (libertarian) when it comes to social issues, which is why I'm against cultural marxism, modern feminism, etc.
what you call classic liberal is actually new liberalism. DO not fall for the inability of the left to see it as what it is.

>> No.6031897

A lot of the people on /lit/ are Marxists OP. Especially in the philosophy threads. So don't be discouraged if posters here try to put you down.

>> No.6031898


Great argument.

>> No.6031903

I've heard of the KGB one but never watched it.

Make no mistake, I'm not anti-semitic. I don't believe there's some Jewish conspiracy.

>> No.6031907


The videos don't mention Jews in particular. You're not anti-Semitic for talking about things Jews have done. That's like saying you're racist for condemning the actions of Trayvon or Brown because they are black. That's ironically racist.

>> No.6031909

>Make no mistake, I'm not anti-semitic. I don't believe there's some Jewish conspiracy.

Esc and Ctrl: The Guardian Investigates Israeli Internet Hasbara

Hasbara Spam Alert

The Internet: Israel's New PR Battlefield

Israel Invests Millions in Drive for Elite 'Cyber Warriors'

Israel 'Media Bunker' Peppers Internet with Propaganda Tweets and Facebook Posts

Israel Recruits "Army of Bloggers" to Combat Anti-Zionist Web Sites

Israel to Hire Pro-Government Tweeters and Facebookers

Israeli Government to Recruit Students as Undercover Agents on Social Media

Israeli Students to Get $2,000 to Spread State Propaganda on Facebook

The Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF)

Prime Minister's Office Recruiting Students to Wage Online Hasbara Battles

Twitterers Paid to Spread Israeli Propaganda

>> No.6031912

>confusing the actions of the state of Israel with the purported actions of the ethnoreligious group of the Jews

ayy lmao

>> No.6031915


>implying they aren't the same thing

>> No.6031917

>I'm against cultural marxism, modern feminism, etc.

So you want to keep us in the Dark Ages?

>> No.6031921
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>> No.6031923

>israel is the only nation state to do this


>> No.6031924


That's not what was said.

>> No.6031926

/pol/tards are adorable

>> No.6031928

We haven't been in the Dark Ages for over 500 years.

>> No.6031930

>still believing the false Dark Ages occurred 500 years ago

no wonder you're such a /pol/tard, you have no clue of history

>> No.6031931

my bad i thought israel was full of jews

>> No.6031932

Then why do marginalized groups of people suffer constant oppression?

>> No.6031933
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JIDF out in full force today. Watch for the lack of arguments and slandering of those who disagree.

>> No.6031934

>someone made a large flowchart for the purpose of starting a reasonable discussion


>> No.6031938
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>> No.6031939

I don't go to /pol/.

>> No.6031941

>the JIDF browses /pol/

ayylmao this is hilarious

>> No.6031942

>Watch for the lack of arguments and slandering of those who disagree.

you mean like what you just did with this very post?


>> No.6031945



>> No.6031947

There are no oppressed groups of people in the western world.

>> No.6031948

there are no gays in iran either

>> No.6031950


Homosexuals? Transsexuals? People of Color? Women?

>> No.6031951

>Cultural Marxism

In which the political right of the US belatedly realises that the Cold War is over and does its best to keep using 'Marxism' as a bogieman.

There's already a massive pseudo-Marxist superpower rival for you to encircle and destroy again, why aren't you satisfied with that?

>> No.6031952


He posted an image along with the comment, showing the presence of the people on 4chan. Does your computer not display images?

>> No.6031954

internet posters aren't cut out for the military. they're taking the fight to where it really matters

>> No.6031955
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top kek

>> No.6031956
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>> No.6031957

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.6031959

it displayed pure slander, yes

was there a sticky on /pol/ warning people that anyone posting from israel is jidf?

>> No.6031962

There is nothing stopping you from being gay. Not being accepted is not equal to oppression.

What do they want?

>People of Color
Some people of color are in worse situations, but this is not attributable to modern oppression.

Western women are the most privileged group of people in the world.

>> No.6031963
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>> No.6031965

WARNING: /pol/ WILL spam you out with image dumps when they feel trapped. They have done this MANY times before and they have entire folders dedicated to these images.

>> No.6031966


Are you going to start posting anything significant?

>> No.6031969

ladies first

>> No.6031971


Give us an argument and we'll answer. Otherwise we'll just post images exposing the truth.

>> No.6031974



>> No.6031976

you'll answer until you start squirming then you'll post something like this


simply epic

>> No.6031979

no in fact i'd be the one in the kitchen :)

>> No.6031988
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WARNING: JIDF WILL spam you out of projection and buzzwords when they feel trapped. They have done this MANY times before and they have entire platoons of spotty Israeli teenagers dedicated to sitting behind computers and posting on chinese cartoon forums.

>> No.6031996

>So ideas like political correctness, hate speech laws, diversity quotas, etc. are products of cultural marxism.
These things have fuck all to do with marxism, including the Frankfurt School.

>> No.6031997
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>"A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated"


>> No.6032003

/lit/ - Literature
/lit/ - Literature
/lit/ - Literature

>> No.6032006
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They literally sat down and talked about how to destabilize the west with these ideas in the Frankfurt School. How does the Soviet Union and Marxism have fuck all to do with each other?

>> No.6032009

This board is for books only.

>> No.6032010


Get a mod to 404 the thread then.

>> No.6032017

>they literally sat down and talked about how to destabilize the west with these ideas
You have never read a single sentence by any one of those people, amiright? Since when is this level of pleb acceptable on a literature board?

>> No.6032018

>waah, I'm literally so retarded that I have no self control
>I need the mods to tell me that my thread is irrelevant and not books

You already have an entire channel for this content, so why not just take it there, where it will be better received?

>> No.6032028

It's only a parody. The problem however is that the world itself is turning into a mix of multiple parodies.

>> No.6032029

So uhh when did all the western nations fall? I must have missed it.

>> No.6032034


Look up the definition of downfall.

>> No.6032035

>it's only a parody?
I've been on /pol/ long enough to know that that's not true. Unfortuantely, people who believe that the Frankfurt School is to blame for the 'downfall' of the west do, actually, exist.

>> No.6032036

What those people mean by downfall is that now there are some ethnic and sexual minorities who get treated like actual people, and women have jobs.

>> No.6032042

Still not seein it

>> No.6032051

>cultural marxism
not an actual thing, by the way

>> No.6032058

>the downfall of all western nations
When did that happen?

>> No.6032063
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>Nobody uses "cultural marxism" to refer to a conspiracy to destroy the US

>> No.6032064

This, Wikipedia agrees.


>> No.6032066

yet you're not a marxist or feminist?

what are you criticizing? those against the status quo? you're just a reactionary

>> No.6032069

how about you actually read their literature instead ofo looking like a fucking idiot

>> No.6032080

start with the greeks

>> No.6032082

It leads to this page and section:

>> No.6032121

Well you could start by not being a libertarian.

Its a shitty philosophy for rednecks and tax evaders.