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File: 142 KB, 600x809, 1384931778575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6027543 No.6027543[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Say what you will about Senior Hitler, but he was absolutely right about modern art movements:

>Anyone to whom this statement may appear strange need only take a glance at those lucky States which have become Bolshevized and, to his horror, he will there recognize those morbid monstrosities which have been produced by insane and degenerate people. All those artistic aberrations which are classified under the names of cubism and dadism, since the opening of the present century, are manifestations of art which have come to be officially recognized by the State itself. This phenomenon made its appearance even during the short-lived period of the Soviet Republic in Bavaria. At that time one might easily have recognized how all the official posters, propagandist pictures and newspapers, etc., showed signs not only of political but also of cultural decadence.
About sixty years ago a political collapse such as we are experiencing to-day would have been just as inconceivable as the cultural decline which has been manifested in cubist and futurist pictures ever since 1900. Sixty years ago an exhibition of so-called dadistic ‘experiences’ would have been an absolutely preposterous idea. The organizers of such an exhibition would then have been certified for the lunatic asylum, whereas, to-day they are appointed presidents of art societies.

>> No.6027551

why is Charlie Chaplin punching that sculpture

>> No.6027558
File: 502 KB, 2580x1116, sheeple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what modern day drones actually say

>> No.6027567

we had this discussion before - hitler's drawing breaks perspective many times, the house seems to be dressed in cameo, it's amateur level

>> No.6027572

It's sad when his art is better than most you can see in modern art museums.

>> No.6027576

hitler was just mad jelly bcoz he was a shitty artist

>> No.6027583

But it isn't. Have you ever been to a modern (or contemporary) exhibition?

>> No.6027593

lol /lit/fags are so dumb.

Hitler clearly had talent and his paintings are aesthetically and objectively pleasing to the eye.

>> No.6027601
File: 30 KB, 496x350, 1388897723885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are the words of a man who has either never studied with any degree of competence or is too narrow to comprehend the impact nor merit of any of the following names:

Alexander Rodchenko
El Lissitzky
The Vesnin Brothers
Le Corbusier
Kazimir Malevich
Vladimir Tatlin
Konstantin Melnikov
Ivan Nikolaev

>lol it's just a box
>Equating Suprematism and Constructivism to shitty contemporary/modern art

>What are you even doing m8

>> No.6027604

Yes. And it was incredibly awful.
Unless you mean if I went to an exibition of contemporary art as in actual paintings that take years of skill to perfect, I also did that, but that isn't the point.

>> No.6027612

>modern art movements
Oh, you mean like the hollywood movies?

>> No.6027655


>Still equating Suprematism and Constructivism to contemporary art

m8, give up.

If you want to discuss things like the Soviet notion of viewer activation and why that's bullshit--I'm game. If you want to talk about what the Stalinist regime did to an entire artistic movement, let's ride. If you're interested in discussing the differences between the Soviet Avant-Garde and modern/contemporary trash art, it's an odd comparison, but sure. Constructivism wasn't perfect. But you've got to cut this shit out first. Hitler's paintings are trash, and the analysis 'well, it's all subjective, y'know?' is not a valid explanation of a Suprematist work.

Malevich would have slapped the person who said that, as well.

Read Camilla Gray. Read an Architecture for World Revolution. Read The Struggle for Utopia. Read Maria Gauph. Read Boris Groys. Pick up the complete works of Rodchenko.

This thread is shitposting unless you bring the conversation. So far, it's bait and shitposting.

>> No.6027670

>look! babby can't comprehend modern art!!!
>OHHH sooooo cuuuuuuuute i bet it is why you are so upset am i right cutie patooti??? ;3

ANyway Hitler was literally highschool tier drawer. He sucked dick big time, then got mad at jewish art collectors coz they aint buy shit.
Like bitch they could get acces to shit like picasso, modigliani etc etc why waste money on some little impotent kike with piss fetish.

>> No.6027732

Let's be fair, he probably would have had a decent career drawing greeting cards and such.

>> No.6027760

the things is there were like 1000 thousands "artists" that would do this better than him. Since most of art school were really classical.

>> No.6027761

Yeah he is untutored in perspective drawing, he could've done with that place in the Viennese academy. Some of the stuff I've seen ain't too bad.

>> No.6027765
File: 198 KB, 804x1022, self-portrait-1907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liberals will shit on Hitler's painting
>While sperming over picasso

You guys are literally the minions of jews.

>> No.6027787

Hitler was okay, I guess.

>> No.6027792

Yeah but Picasso's work is actually interesting, Hitler's stuff is all just mediocre kitsch.

>> No.6027795

You're retarded though if you think that painting is good.

>> No.6027801

Define "better".

>> No.6027807
File: 118 KB, 480x683, Picasso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Man in a Beret, which Picasso painted at 14.

>> No.6027809

thats picasso dude.. he was really innovative at the time. Hitler kept painting pictures that were the same as the ones being painted for 100 years

>> No.6027815
File: 51 KB, 400x575, pablo-picasso-first-communion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from Picasso at age 15

Tremendous talent, and what a start. It's cool to see how he developed from there

>> No.6027817

But there is nothing that interesting about these, in comparison to his later work this stuff is amateur

>> No.6027824

That's what we're trying to say - people who outright dismiss modern art as "people who can't draw" don't look at the development of art and artists, of course this is amateur

>> No.6027828


>Picasso's early works were not retarded
>Therefore his disgustingly retarded works are great
>Different=always better

Do you see how the logic doesn't follow at all? Or are you filthy jews?

>> No.6027831

Why is it that 100 years after Fontaine people still completely misunderstand modern art?

>> No.6027832

I think the point is Picasso at 14 is a better painter than Hitler at any age.

>> No.6027834

So they're wrong in phrasing it as "people who can't draw", but still right in that "modern art" often demonstrates or requires very little to no technical skills.

>> No.6027839
File: 489 KB, 1804x1411, science-and-charity-1897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


picasso was a master at every style he put his mind toward, that's why he had to invent some new ones. if you look through his early work chronologically, its like him picking up all his antecedents and flexing his muscles: as if to say, see, i can do degas, lautrec, matisse, renoir, etc.after he threw out his training wheels (taking a historical tour of western europe), his painting started to get interesting.

here, take this painting here. he painted this when he was 16. to stay within western european trends and history would be to limit yourself as an artist and stagnate. if he kept painting like this until he died his work would likely still be highly esteemed--his talent was undeniable--but not nearly as distinguished as he is now, worldwide.

reactionaries like you just look at something you barely understand and instead of trying to comprehend, which would take mental effort, you just knee-jerk

>muh jews

>> No.6027841
File: 61 KB, 610x765, 1379113623584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck cares about innovation when everything he drew looked like ass? If it was a "historical" "evolution" or whatever you want to call it, why aren't we instead of picasso talking about the guy who took his innovations and made something that doesn't look like ass with them?

>> No.6027842

that bigot missed a spot!

>> No.6027844

>OMG guys James Joyce is so fucking shit. Like, his sentences don't even make sense. What a fucking fraud. Modernism killed literature. JK Rowling is sooooooooo much a better writer. xD

>> No.6027847

Isn't it more reactionary to still make paintings after the invention of far more complex and therefore superior art forms?

>> No.6027849

You're diggin yourself a grave boy

>> No.6027850

funny how some proportions are already a bit off in that painting :^)

>> No.6027855

What does being jewish have to do with anything? I realise not everyone like modern art, its not for everyone. It's interesting because it shows the cultural changes at the time. People didn't want to draw realism for ever.

>> No.6027857

Constructivism > Futurism, get fucked reactionaries.

>> No.6027858

Constructivism was a development out of Russian futurism. I love both.

>> No.6027859

>complex = superior

So you admit Finnegans Wake is the greatest thing ever written?

>> No.6027860

Are you retarded?

>> No.6027865

>What does being jewish have to do with anything?
Oh you naive child.

>> No.6027869

The whole point is that the photograph and cinema killed pure representation in art. Jerk off to photographic realism in the style of 1850's academy drones all you want, but it's a pale imitation of what modern arts can achieve now. That is why painting had to evolve.

>> No.6027871

le illanumati reptilians

>> No.6027876

le shill face

Fuck off to tumblr

>> No.6027878

>anyone who doesn't believe in anti-semitic conspiracy theories is from tumblr

>> No.6027879
File: 173 KB, 700x639, 1386087965283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6027887

arrogant neophyte plebeian ignoramuses like yourself are absolutely intolerable for the volumes you speak over subjects you know nothing about

you'll probably cite rothko, pollack, or other abstract expressionism as examples of degenerate 'modern art,' when those artists and their movement have been dead for decades. actually over half a century at this point, and in instances supported by the CIA against communist realist art. i'm willing to bet you haven't set foot in any relevant fine art galleries, like actually at all. go ahead, name some without google. name at least five. you'll probably spit out some top google search results for "contemporary art painting gallery" and maybe some key words like "new york" or "berlin" if you're at least a half wit. with what precious little foresight you have, you'll at least dig to page 2 or 3 of the results to appear innocent.

you've been in MUSEUMS, where if there is any contemporary art it is usually only given a small space that rotates after 3-6 months. even then the artists are usually established: people like gerhard richter, borremans, etc. and thats the best case scenario.

people of your type are usually the source of poorly fed brain-shits like

>nobody actually enjoys noise music, they just pretend to seem cool
>inception, the matrix, and fight club were the last movies that really made me think
>music today sucks. queen, led zeppelin, that's real music! sometimes i think i was born in the wrong generation

lol, go die or at least shut up

>> No.6027892
File: 131 KB, 900x658, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew you'd post a reply like this you filthy degenerate stormfaggot HAHAHAHA

>> No.6027893

>people of your type are usually the source of poorly fed brain-shits like

>nobody actually enjoys noise music, they just pretend to seem cool
>inception, the matrix, and fight club were the last movies that really made me think
>music today sucks. queen, led zeppelin, that's real music! sometimes i think i was born in the wrong generation

>lol, go die or at least shut up


>long old books are boring, I only read YA xD

>> No.6027894

An art form is not a piece of art. An art form is more like a set of tools that allow you to create things within the possibility space that those tools allow. A single artwork no longer have any possibilities left, it's set in stone, and increased complexity also happens to allow you to make much, much worse works as well as better. Just compare the suffering you get from a shitty painting(or watching shitty paintings for 1½ hours) compared to a shitty movie if you want that fact illustrated.
Evolved...or atrophied?

>> No.6027897

better than being a leftist cluck whose world views are entirely backward. open your fucking eyes sheeple

>> No.6027905

this is bad bait. you should use less buzzwords to improve your troll-level

>> No.6027907

>Evolved...or atrophied?

well considering that so many of the most popular and enduring works of art date from the beginning of the move away from representation in painting, it's the former.

>> No.6027908

But it's not better you absolute plebian.

>> No.6027909

I know right, I say stormfaggots are fucking morons, and how much money are those evil Jews who run the world paying me? Not a cent! I'm getting gypped!

>> No.6027912

>denies the truth so much that he calls it bait

cluck much?

>> No.6027913
File: 244 KB, 1600x1191, Comrade_Legoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soviet architecture fuckin owned

>> No.6027921

"No age can claim to free itself from it’s duty to foster art: it would lose did it do so, not only the capacity to understand, but also to experience art. The creative artist educates and perfects through his work the Folk’s capacity for appreciation…...Art must be the prophetess of sublimity and beauty and thus sustain that which is at once natural and healthy."

-Uncle Adolf on art

>> No.6027925
File: 447 KB, 684x1782, 20141116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy to say when you don't have to live there.

>> No.6027930

Brutalism is interesting, but its not something Id wanna see everywhere.

>> No.6027937

How can barely century-old paintings be said to be more enduring than those who came before, and which we remember? Is Guernica more enduring than The Last Supper? Is Egon Schieles stuff more enduring than the greek sculptures? Am I more enduring than my grandmother(whom i visited during christmas)?

>> No.6027946

They made concrete cubes buildings in the 70s, its because its more efficient and art is completely useless. Modern architects don't deal with that stuff anymore anyway.

>> No.6027954

Show where I said 'more enduring', you moron. I said they've endured for a 100 years and probably will so long after.

>> No.6027961
File: 137 KB, 580x385, barbican-london-photos-ext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Barbican is GOAT

>> No.6027962

>...many of the most popular and enduring works of art date from blah blah

>> No.6027970

Yes. 'Many of the most popular'. Where did I say those works endured MORE than other works? Can you fucking read? Apparently not.

>> No.6027982

How is that brutalism?

>> No.6027988

>The Barbican Complex is a prominent example of British brutalist architecture


>> No.6027993

When you say MOST POPULAR AND ENDURING it means the same thing as the MOST POPULAR AND MOST ENDURING.

>> No.6027999

I said
MANY OF the most popular and enduring
That is a non-exclusive statement

What the fuck are you doing on /lit/ if you cannot read English?

>> No.6028001

Its actually pretty nice, when I think of brutalism I think of less symmetrical stuff. I think the style gets a lot of hate because of all the concrete, it would be cool to see a modern glass revival or something

>> No.6028014

Its the exact same thing you fucking cluck. are you mentally retarded?

>> No.6028016

>lol modern art amirite
>actually quoting hitler to support your argument

>> No.6028020

8/10 kept me going for a while

>> No.6028022

a)What is preventing this shallow cunt from living in a cottage in the woods?

b)Zach Weinersmith can be amusing, but there is little to no depth involved in his jokes. It's oblivious fedora humor.

>> No.6028029

>a)What is preventing this shallow cunt from living in a cottage in the woods?
Something called urbanisation. Set in a few hundred years ago, so you should be aware of it.

>> No.6028036

i think glass is shit
what's wrong with concrete?
I wish i could live in a brutalist commieblock complex instead of this idyllic suburban house.

>> No.6028039

did you even read the comic?

>> No.6028040

I love how the architect is a flaming strawman in that comic. As if brutalist architecture was deliberately designed to make people hate themselves.

>> No.6028042

>what's wrong with concrete?
it's ugly
it weathers bad, turning it even uglier

>> No.6028047

>but I have to work there

Yeah and I guess now you come with
>well she should have just been successful and rich

>> No.6028057
File: 176 KB, 1250x556, guernica3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting in this thread, but do you guys honestly think that blue painting is worth millions? I can understand that it was a very radical comparison and that Picasso did pull off some interesting paintings, like pic related (inb4 >it's shit), but what about the post-modern stuff these days?

>> No.6028058

is that the only argument against concrete?
The very decay of concrete is what i find the most aesthetically pleasing.
What now bitch?

>> No.6028065
File: 90 KB, 480x615, 1373663966866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these days

>> No.6028067

Ah, sorry about that. I didn't meant to put them together, I was deciding what I would use.

>> No.6028079


Well J.K. Rowling didn't ravage Europe with her legions of fanatic followers like Hit..oh. Nevermind.

>> No.6028081
File: 61 KB, 1536x1089, rothko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you on the blue painting. But I do like a lot of abstract art, even if it can be hit and miss some of the time. I've seen the Rothkos at Tate Modern and they're excellent, it's like staring into the abyss.

>> No.6028101

the "shallow cunt" is the guy, we didn't mean the girl

>> No.6028130

>It's oblivious fedora humor.

I challenge you to define "fedora humor", you buzzword spouting retard.

>> No.6028145

>a)What is preventing this shallow cunt from living in a cottage in the woods?

Yes you did. The guy already lives in a cottage.

>> No.6028147

By limiting what art can and should be you are limiting the potential of the individual. Fascism was all about manipulating the individual, so of course Hitler was against modernism.

>> No.6028170

Fuck off jew.

>> No.6028175

Hitler was absolutely wrong about everything.

>> No.6028201


Hitler was an aspiring art STUDENT, you raging autist. Of course what he painted isn't fantastic. He had no formal training. But he did have promise as an architect.

>> No.6028206
File: 15 KB, 420x420, SalvadorDali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Dali was easily the best painter of the 20th century

>> No.6028212

Then why is all art the nazis have condemned as 'degenerate' infinitely better than anything they produced?
Also, how cringeworthy is that pic?
>No, mister jew, stop depicting the struggle of modern life in such a disturbing manner!
>[crushes the piece like a playground bully]
>now, here's what we're gonna do from now:
>a naked dude!

>> No.6028214


>> No.6028217
File: 35 KB, 308x416, 114-dali-flowers..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lel then who was better, Picasshit? please

>> No.6028226

well picasso is one of many better painters

>> No.6028227

So you're saying that only the rich and successful live in cottages in the country?

>> No.6028239

The upper-middle class and successful depending on where you live, however definitely not those who commute into city every day.

>> No.6028242
File: 130 KB, 726x1139, Dali_Crucifixion_hypercube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


m8 there is no one who compares with Dali in the last 100 years. you are deluded

>> No.6028246

Hitler was probably the greatest artist of all time. He designed one of the most recognizable images of all time, the swastika flag, which even today still gets probably the strongest immediate emotional reaction out of most people of any abstract symbol you could show them. And that's not even considering other aspects of Nazism as a purely aesthetic phenomenon. He was an artistic genius. Too bad murdering people is wrong.

>> No.6028251

dali is like 95% a painter for people who know nothing about painting. he's like a painter for teenage pink floyd fans

>> No.6028253

everything is subjective so go ahead and build your concrete home where I don't have to see it

>> No.6028255


I guarantee I know more about painting than anyone on this trash board. Try me you fucking philistine.

>> No.6028259

ok who was the greatest painter of the 20th century?

>> No.6028263

>He designed one of the most recognizable images of all time, the swastika flag

poor bait, he took it from the Romans who in turn took it from Hinduism/Buddhism, but the first swastika is from at least the neolithic age

>> No.6028273
File: 25 KB, 450x345, DaliRhino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dali, you autist.

The most dextrous, imaginative, innovative, and simply talented. He could literally have painted anything he wanted.

He also happened to be one of the most irresistible personalities of the 20th century.

>> No.6028275

You know that Hitler neither invented the swastika, nor was he even the first to use it in a political context. Hell, he wasn't even the first jew-hating german to do that. And the natsoc aesthetic is primarily the work of Leni Riefenstahl and Albert Speer, people of actual talent.

>> No.6028280

Ironically Picasso was an ardent fascist, so was Klimt, their art was considered degenerate nevertheless

>> No.6028281

I'm talking about the flag, not just the swastika. Hitler personally designed that flag. You've got to admit that the tilted swastika, white circle, and red field have a certain something, and is a perfect flag design, if not a perfect design.

>> No.6028285


>> No.6028286


And Dali was fascinated by Adolf Hitler. He certainly was not alone in that.

>> No.6028289

oops you're wrong haha picasso and matisse and others are far better and appeal to more than teenage stoners

>> No.6028290

Yeah, he put an Asian symbol on a colour-inverted jap flag, big deal. That doesn't make him a genius, but rather the first weeaboo.

>> No.6028291
File: 73 KB, 583x750, flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Read the title of this brilliant painting. Do you have any idea how sophisticated a depiction of dream-phenomena is?

Here's a section from Nietzsche that should illuminate it for your stunted brain:

>The error of imaginary causes. To begin with dreams: a cause is slipped after the fact under a particular sensation (for example, the sensation following a far-off cannon shot) — often a whole little novel is fabricated in which the dreamer appears as the protagonist who experiences the stimulus. The sensation endures meanwhile as a kind of resonance: it waits, so to speak, until the causal interpretation permits it to step into the foreground — not as a random occurrence but as a "meaningful event." The cannon shot appears in a causal mode, in an apparent reversal of time. What is really later (the causal interpretation) is experienced first — often with a hundred details that pass like lightning before the shot is heard. What has happened? The representations which were produced in reaction to certain stimulus have been misinterpreted as its causes.

The 'subject' in this painting is lying asleep somewhere. She has just been stung by a bee and her brain is in the process of waking up in response to the stimuli. However, right before this can happen, the brain is still locked into its dream-state, where causes for exterior sensations must be furnished with a ground by the imagination. Therefore the pomegranate which she was a moment ago observing suddenly breaks forth into a chain of fish and tigers, concluding with a bayoneted rifle which finally becomes the 'cause' as it were for the actual contact to her skin made by the bee's stinger. The tigers represent the violence of the sting to the dreaming brain.

The two tigers represent the body of the bee (yellow with black stripes) and the bayonet its stinger.

To depict things like this was simply beyond Picasso or any other 20th century artist.

>> No.6028292

Dali still hated fascists and that's why he cut his friendship with picasso

>> No.6028297

>picasso was a fascist
Dude, he was a commie.
Would a fascist have painted Guernica?

>> No.6028306

If I pressed you to explain why you thought that was a good painting, you'd shit your pants and cry over how much of a fraud you are.

Go on, explain why you think that's a good painting. I dare you.

>> No.6028333

It's a way to laundry money.

>> No.6028336

Because it's made out of right angles and concrete.

>> No.6028344

how much have you read in support of modern art?

>> No.6028351

>he's well known and acknowledged of being one of the best so he's shit xD Like your opinion lol

>> No.6028353
File: 59 KB, 635x354, dali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dali was going to play the Emperor in Jodorowski's Dune. Holy shit.

>> No.6028361

Probably because the people who say they understand it never say anything besides "O.m.g. Why dont you just understand this?" As if their opinion on art actually means anything in the first place.

>> No.6028369

dali is a fine painter. he isn't acknowledged as being anywhere close to picasso's level for a reason

>> No.6028370

>he didn't want to do it unless he would be the most well-salaried actor in the world, so they were going to pay him a million bucks an hour and show his face for like 12 seconds
it's a shame this movie was never made

>> No.6028371

i'm not sure how anyone can separate hitler and by extension nazism from modernism with any ease. nazi ideology was modern, nazi art was modern

>> No.6028373
File: 127 KB, 500x667, 1376022750675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on coward, explain why you think that painting is good.

>> No.6028379

Someday we might get an animated feature. That and El Topo 2.

>> No.6028383

Not that guy but I feel bad that I can't explain why I like paintings. I'm a miserable pleb.

>> No.6028390

It's not the same when all the people involved are dead or old...

>> No.6028394

It's best to just not talk about nonsense, anon. Don't sweat about it.

>> No.6028397

Jodorowski is still alive, and while I think all of the artists are dead now, their careers were so influential that there are lots of people who imitate their styles.

>> No.6028408

Yet you still feel like your opinion on art matters at all.

You're human filth.

>> No.6028413

Oh, Chris Foss is still alive.

>> No.6028418

Holy Fuck just go back to your containment board you pieces of shit

>> No.6028431

If theology threads are allowed, so is Hitler's aritistic critcisms, jew.

>> No.6028438

>"everyone else is in decline"
>lose the war

>> No.6028473
File: 406 KB, 570x489, KbRANB0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say what you will... but he is right

>> No.6028490

That makes no sense and proselytizing threads should be banned as well. Coming from someone who is suspicious of kikes and OPs a /pol/ channel on rizon: go the fuck back to your terrible board

>> No.6028511


This is a containment board you worthless inbred kike

>> No.6028516

Yeah, but for us, not you. You get contained over at /pol/, so please leave.

>> No.6028522

Hitler was actually right about virtually everything, honestly. I used to think he was the cudgel while Mussolini was the aloof philosopher king, but Hitler is fucking based. He really was the avatar Heidegger wanted.

Too bad everything went to shit. Guess nothing's perfect.


>> No.6028523

I'm gonna have to agree with OP on this one.

I was in Vienna last week, and I went to the "museum neighborhood". I first went to a modern art museum to see an exposition called "blue" or some shit like that. It consisted of water bottles filled with liquids of different shades of blue, a sign written in blue which said "this sign is red", a room with a projector which just projected some blue screen and some other shit like that.

Then I crossed the road and went to the Museum of Art History where I saw some of the most beautiful paintings of the past 500 years.

I mean, sometimes I feel like I'm in the middle of some epic ruse. Do some people really like modern art? It's such utter shit.

>> No.6028532

It's funny how these retards like you OP think their "old art" is better and not degenerate when it was as criticized as post-modern art is nowadays.

There's always people criticizing art for being degenerate.

Did you know some greek fag said books were shit? Then books are degenerate, amirite?

But now books are "omg so patrician" and e-books are shit.

I really don't understand the way you think.

>> No.6028535


You're being culturally enriched at the moment

Deal with it

>> No.6028542

I for one like modern art, but yeah, the 'degenerate' stuff of the 20s is much better than all that 'ironic' or whatever shit some people do today.

>> No.6028543
File: 17 KB, 500x502, sadfrog suprematist style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this board is so shitty now that this bait thread, with exactly the same picture and the same text is posted, replies are guaranteed

>> No.6028548

Yeah, we don't do multiculturalism on 4chan. One board, one culture. Assimilate or gtfo.

>> No.6028558

He was rejected several times.

>> No.6028574 [DELETED] 


Lel that's rich coming from a board run by fanatical Marxists

>> No.6028587
File: 3.14 MB, 3768x3138, romero-britto-images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That stuff in the 20s had a whole context and tried to be actually creative, and you didn't have to extrapolate from fucking everything to understand their works, because they were about things of that time. Now you tell me what the fuck are people trying to do these days and getting rich by drawing shit like this.

>> No.6028588

Lol. This has nothing to do with Bolshevism. The same movements Hitler criticizes here were criticized as degenerate bourgeois shit in the USSR.
It was called socialist realism: Marx said that art and culture was a reflex of the economical infrastructure, so art in the Soviet Union should show nothing but happy workers and emancipation and shit, to show the great progress communism brought.

>> No.6028591

>to show the great progress communism brought.

What progress was that m8?

>> No.6028604

lol there's a context behind the stuff being produced today

>> No.6028605

He was a billionaire commie with a fortune in stocks and real estate. The best kind of commie.

>> No.6028606

happy workers and emancipation and shit

can you not read?

>> No.6028614

Marxism has nothing to do with multiculturalism. It's internationalist, not anationalist.

>> No.6028616

Dali is one of the most overrated artists of all time. He was good at self-promotion I'll give him that.

>> No.6028626

>Marxism has nothing to do with multiculturalism. It's internationalist, not anationalist.
Top kike

>> No.6028629

Explain yourself.

>> No.6028643

Well you're right that Marxism isn't "multiculturalism" in the sense that it supports the idea of a single uniform culture, but "multiculturalism" as practiced in today's western democracies isn't "multiculturalism" either. It's more akin to multiracialism and miscegenation.

Marxism also shares many ideas with today's "multiculturalism", which is really just internationalism : open borders, loss of ethnic identity, cultural relativism, etc...

>> No.6028652

I beg to differ, communism is decidedly anationalist, but at the same time inherently eurocentric, as value judgments about cultures are deeply ingrained in its theoretical basis.

>> No.6028658


Yeah. "I have to prove to the world that my degree in art wasn't a total waste of time."

>> No.6028664


>> No.6028665
File: 255 KB, 745x3541, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder who could be behind it all...

>> No.6028674

>the jews are behind /pol/ invaders
I know that antisemites will believe anything, but still kek'd.

>> No.6028682
File: 318 KB, 1100x549, autumn-rhythm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>way better than the mona lisa!!!

>> No.6028687

>implying all art isn't decadent
art is literally about simulating feelings you don't want to have to deal with by yourself

it's emotional porn

>> No.6028688

>said no one ever
What point would it have to endlessly produce renaissance art? It has been done to perfection.

>> No.6028689

Paglia is the most important philosopher of aesthetics currently alive

She has diagnosed the cancer and we must rape it into oblivion

>> No.6028698

to be honest there was some "scandal" where some SJW found out who was making a bunch of anti semetic shit and it turned out to be a jew.

>> No.6028703

It is intersting how much people who push for cultural relativism get massively butthurt when people don't agree with their narrative. Also interesting anyone who opposes them is "reactionary", despite their unending impotent rage being a reaction to the societal norms. It's pretty depressing that people fall for their language manipulation dogshit.

>> No.6028704

VICE: So, Camille, how come contemporary art is so terrible?
Creative energy has migrated into industrial design and digital animation--videogames, for example, are booming! Commercial architecture is also thriving, as shown by amazingly monumental new buildings everywhere from Dubai to Beijing. But the fine arts have become very insular and derivative. There is good work being done, but it too often reminds me of ten other sometimes better things over the past 100 years. The main problem is a high-concept mentality. There's too much gimmickry and irony and not enough intuition and emotion.

>> No.6028705

not even pol. but thats a fucking disgusting and degenerate view of art, and is 100% not true.

>> No.6028706

Like, the Zyklon Ben stuff?

>> No.6028709


>> No.6028723
File: 1.52 MB, 1049x1190, roman_concrete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets a lot of hate because of all the concrete

Dude, concrete rocks. I used to work in a building that was designed after a computer punch card - the windows were actually a program. You can't make cool stuff without concrete. The romans loved it.

>> No.6028729

Would you rather be james bond or napoleon, or look at james bond or napoleon? Would you rather watch a tragedy, or experience true tragedy, only you're strong enough to overcome it?

And I say this as someone who loves both art and porn.

>> No.6028731


Rothko "in the flesh" is very different to reproductions. There's something completely mesmerising about his work.

>> No.6028737

Better to try for greatness than produce assured shit.

>> No.6028744
File: 585 KB, 1280x1027, fat_birds_jogging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



No question.

>> No.6028749

Thx bb

>> No.6028753

pollock was trying for greatness and he succeeded lol what world do you live in?

>> No.6028755

That's an extremely generalizing view of art. It's like you're saying just because a fictional work gives me emotions, they are not real because the actual "event" didn't happen to me physically. The only distinction is in your fucking mind.

>> No.6028756

But doing what a bunch of people already have done isn't great, it's boring and meaningless. That's what you don't seem to get: the renaissance has succeeded, thus it has ended. Culture isn't a static affair, it constantly creates new stuff, or it dies. The problem is not that contemporary art isn't pretty, it's that it is no longer evolving in an interesting direction, as it still did throughout the 20th century.

>> No.6028760

>he can see neither autumn nor rhythm in that painting

why the fuck do you even have eyes?

>> No.6028764

>it's that it is no longer evolving in an interesting direction

but it is

>> No.6028771

It doesn't even have a dick, what a shite artist.

>> No.6028772

There are characters in fiction that I'd like to be, but I can't so I watch their lives in their respective works. What now?

>> No.6028781

Right now? Maybe I'm too pleb, can you show me an extremely contemporary example?

>> No.6028795

i bet there was a lot of great poses, emotion, action etc in that original sculpture like the greatest baroque and neoclassical works but hitler, the complete shithead that he is, thought it best to demonstrate exactly how he didn't have the mind to comprehend artistic genius and thought art should just represent what people ought to aspire to. literally no clue

>> No.6028797

The emotions aren't fake, emotions cannot be fake, but they are more faint than what you get from the real deal. Again, porn.
You'd like to feel what they feel, but you are too weak to put yourself in similar situations. Don't worry, that's most people, including me. You could use examples otherwise if you'd like to be helpful.

>> No.6028861

brutalism plus plants is always GOAT.

>> No.6029079
File: 28 KB, 571x429, 20141122_c737f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: He didn't make it into art school. Despite it being an antebellum world.

>> No.6029087

>we had this discussion before - hitler's drawing breaks perspective many times, the house seems to be dressed in cameo, it's amateur level
Could you please elaborate?

>> No.6029143

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.6029164

Barbican represent

>> No.6029620

>Then why is all art the nazis have condemned as 'degenerate' infinitely better than anything they produced?

It's not though. Jewish art of the period was objectively degenerate and had a corrosive influence on Gentile cultures.

Just look where the sensibilities of modern art have led us--to Europeans literally giving away their ancestral homelands to migrating barbarians and refusing to bear children. This is objectively an extremely degenerate state of affairs by any past standard. It's pretty much Rome in her last years.

>> No.6029634

The swastika is as much a European symbol as an "Asian" symbol.

>> No.6029705

>he retconned the architecture that's why the perspective is off
>he walked away from the art apprenticeship he had a letter of introduction for because he beta'd out
he would have been playing minecraft and shopping the twin towers back into new york while eating his vegetarian burritos if he had been born in our time

>> No.6029866

Agree. Anything made of big chunks of concrete, then covered in cool plants looks incredible to me.

>> No.6029881

>obviously never read a book on the fall of the Roman Empire.

>> No.6029892

they teach this shit in high school, he was just a shitty painter.

>> No.6029903

Piccasso had already mastered painting when he was 12, dude had nothing to prove after that. His work is interesting and challenging and goes beyond

>look at those pretty colors

>> No.6029915

>tfw Picasso at 12 was a better painter than Hitler at any age

>tfw polfags don't understand art beyond it looking pretty

Does it upset you that Jews are the literal masterrace along with Koreans and Japs? I bet that makes whitey mad.

>> No.6029926

Nah dude he's not the shill, I'm on the clock right now shilling for the overlords.

You need some more cultural marxism in your diet bruh

>> No.6029930

photos of Rothko's works are frustratingly dull as compared to actually seeing them

>> No.6029937

>Does it upset you that Jews are the literal masterrace along with Koreans and Japs?


>> No.6029942

r u guys severly retarded or just in highschool?

>> No.6029950

Picasso at 12 was a better painter than tons of people who got into the art school Hitler was rejected from. Your post makes no sense.

>> No.6029965


Hitler applied to a prestigious art school and was rejected, how is this out of the ordinary? He wasn't that good at painting, its that fucking simple.

>> No.6029970

prove him wrong tho, you faggots bring up IQ when talking about niggers all the time, why is it that you forget about when you're confronted with the higher performing ethnicities?

>> No.6029974

It's not out if the ordinary until you see the completely degenerate Jewish trash produced by the people who were accepted instead of him. It's pretty clear that Jewish culture was subverting German culture to an incredible degree.

>> No.6029984

German culture was stagnant and shitty back then, the French and English weren't subverted you know why? Because they had shit to contribute.

You don't have a right to culture, thats literally a tumblr argument.

>> No.6030001

When did I bring up IQ? IQ only measures your ability to do well on IQ tests, not racial superiority.

Anyway Japs and Koreans are not "high-performing." Gauss or Euler alone have contributed more to mathematics than the entire island of Japan. Koreans work twice the hours Americans do and are still less productive. Being forced by your parents to spend your whole life cramming for standardized tests does not actually make people more intelligent, shockingly.

Ashkenazi Jews are smart obviously, but they succeed to the degree they do because of ethnic nepotism, chauvinism, and ultra-urbanization. And they are obviously not some kind of master race--on the contrary, they are frequently repulsive and completely lacking in virtue.

>> No.6030023

I think an ethnic group has the right to preserve and perpetuate its culture in it's own homeland and is not obligated to allow itself to be subjugated by other ethnic groups just because certain cliques have seized control of the newspapers and write all the art criticism. Crazy, I know.

>> No.6030024

Who replaced butterfly with some /pol/tard.

>> No.6030039

>claims Japs and Koreans are the master race
>dumb claim is easily refuted
>resorts to le poltard sperging and questions my identity

Can you fucking not.

>> No.6030041

Marry me, Sarah.

>> No.6030054

I'm not the same person. I'm just concerned that a namefag I considered a sane moderate is spouting /pol/ memes.

Either A) you are trying to hijack butterfly's persona or B) butterfly was always secretly one of the horrible tripfags like kitty.

>> No.6030055

It'll be okay

>> No.6030070

Fedora Humor:

Mocking, deriding, and patronizing things that are generally viewed as unscientific or not objectively true enough. Usually contains references to superheros, video games, science and technology, and/or toilet humor.

>> No.6030099

thats hilarious because this is exactly what the various ethnic groups in Germany would say about the perpetuation of North German culture.

These weren't Jewish Immigrants, these were the Jews who had been living in Germany since roman times, they've always been a nation in exile. Jewish culture was German culture.

>> No.6030113


Completely ignoring the numerous engineering and technological advancements Japan and Korea have made in their first century as world powers.

I'm gonna ignore your baseless stormfront tier attack of Ashkenazi Jews because theres nothing to address. They're no more repulsive than the Germans and Italians.

>> No.6030177
File: 1.62 MB, 5746x4654, harmony in red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you equate greatness with influentialness (there is really no more suitable alternative), the greatest 20th century painter was matisse

picasso was the better artist, however

>> No.6030228

Completely ignoring the numerous engineering and technological advancements Japan and Korea have made in their first century as world powers.

They don't compare to anything Europe's accomplished, so I don't see how you can claim that they are a "master race." My point about mathematics still stands.

The "attack" on Ashkenazis is not baseless, their culture is objectively disgusting and lacking virtue, and they objectively do get ahead via ethnic nepotism.

>> No.6030243

>Jewish culture is German culture

So German culture is anything that happens within the borders of Germany?

Jewish culture is not German culture--in fact it's frequently opposed to German culture. Germany culture is the culture of the ethnic Germans, not of Semitic wanderers (who did not assimilate).

>> No.6030272

It really is though. Mona Lisa is the definition of overrated.

>> No.6030348
File: 37 KB, 500x375, cnfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna grab a coffee?

>> No.6030378

back off she's mine!

>> No.6030525

>So German culture is anything that happens within the borders of Germany?

This is your definition not mine, there isn't one German ethnicity there are multiple groups who would take umbrage with you placing them all into one umbrella. Especially Bavarians.

>Jewish culture is not German culture--in fact it's frequently opposed to German culture

you saying this doesn't make it true.

>Germany culture is the culture of the ethnic Germans, not of Semitic wanderers (who did not assimilate).

Again all you're doing is labeling all the white people within a countries borders as the same people. Was Bavarian culture being destroyed by the High Germans?

>> No.6030546

>No one explaining why their favorite modern or contemporary art is great.
>just being as bad as OP and being smug faggots.

Why is it always the same every fucking thread?

>> No.6030553


You're comparing two nations to an entire continent. If I'm allowed to do the same the Orient (including India for cultural reasons) is no slouch in terms of maths or philosophy. I'm not a SJW so I'm not gonna pretend they're fucking equals, but they aren't getting demolished like you claim.

>Jewish culture is not German culture--in fact it's frequently opposed to German culture. Germany culture is the culture of the ethnic Germans, not of Semitic wanderers (who did not assimilate).

How? You're just spouting off unfounded claims that are more than likely educated by angry posts by cucks on /pol/. You write off their achievements because of nepotism, did Einstein revolutionize the way human beings perceive reality through nepotism?

You not only have to demonstrate that these people are disgusting, but that they're more disgusting than Italians or Germans.

>> No.6030598

The only defending line you spout is "it's original and other art has been done before." You're defending its existence but not it's artistic value.

Why is it fucking good? How do do I see greatness and depth and rothko outside of some essay accompanying it? I really want to like most art considered great 1960s onward but I find it difficult and people like you make it worse

>> No.6030621
File: 4 KB, 125x113, 1417899949349s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you waste the time and effort to explain the aesthetic intricacies of anything on 4chan when any old shitposter can dismiss your post with two words of greenttext and a picture of a cartoon frog. If you want effort go to reddit.
Here is how I would dismiss a three paragraph long response about the merits of impressionism (my favorite movement) in ten seconds
>muh alienation
>muh dissolution of temporal and spatial hierarchies because of rapid urbanization and technological advancements

>> No.6030634

this exercise seems awesome. Here's how I would dismiss Caravaggio (my favorite artist)


that was easy

>> No.6030643

Anything before 1800 is kitsch shit.

Fucking pleb reactionary

>> No.6030666

>post-Napoloeonic era
>not derivative degenerate trash

wow I'm altering perspective and realism arent I edgy and innovative xD. I bet you are a "cultural marxist," too.