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/lit/ - Literature

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6024619 No.6024619 [Reply] [Original]

I just found out that my girlfriend of a few months read all the 50 shades of grey books, and really liked them.

I suspect this means she's down to get tied up and shit. I want to read the first book to get some ideas of what she could be into.

What should I expect? I've heard these books are terrible. Any chance I could just cliffnotes it?

>> No.6024656

Read deSade and show her what's really up. 120 of Sodom, alright?

>> No.6024680


Eh, I'm not trying to get all into BDSM or whatever. I just want to get a little weird with my girlfriend.

>> No.6024685


How weird is weird if it isn't BDSM? You obviously want something in particular.

>> No.6024692

>I suspect this means she's down to get tied up and shit
Protip: 99% of women are. The meeker the more likely.

>> No.6024693

Do you really need a book to tell you how to pork your gal?

>> No.6024707

Is that her, OP? Her feet are huge, would not bang.

>> No.6024710


Nah dog, our sex is great. I just figured there would be some specific fantasies in the book. It would be much cooler if I could surprise bust them out rather than asking her.

>> No.6024716

Crusty assholes, mate, crusty assholes. Read it up.

>> No.6024724

>I just found out that my girlfriend of a few months read all the 50 shades of grey books, and really liked them.
Uh-oh. She will cuckold you with her boss.

>> No.6024728


I don't really know. I've never tied a girl up before. The weirdest we've ever got is some hard spanking with my hand and aggressive dirty talk. Nothing really weird at all IMO, so this is all new to me.

>> No.6024738

>I suspect this means she's down to get tied up and shit.

ehhh tread lightly, one thing doesn't necessarily mean the other

I really liked IJ, but I don't want to start playing tennis and taking drugs now

>> No.6024747

Read up on some forums dedicated to BDSM, you don't want to be the guy asking "are you okay, dear?" if she says ouch when spanked, but you don't want to take it too far either.

If you fail at satisfying her, she will cuckold you with her boss.

>> No.6024759

>he said from experience

>> No.6024770


I tried to. All those pussies talk about is safety and rules. I'm not trying to undergo a fucking legal proceeding. I just want to slap some ass and call my girlfriend a slut.

>> No.6024772

People read IJ to shitpost on /lit/ about it

People do not read 50 shades for literary quality or to brag about it (except maybe if they're 50 year old housewives who want to be a bit "wild")

>> No.6024778

Nobody has answered my questions yet.

What's the deal with this book?

>> No.6024779


>> No.6024780


What's IJ?

>> No.6024787

infinite jest

>> No.6024790

If they don't have all the talk about safety and rules, they risk being attacked by both conservatives and feminists for being morally depraved misogynists.

Just do the slapping and namecalling but add some blindfolds and restraints. Either buy some sort of cuffs or practice knots, so your attempt at being sexy and dominant doesn't end in trying to tie up your spaghetti.

Read the Story of O if you want some literature, it's an okay book and from the female perspective, so it might offer some insight.

>> No.6024796

Just make sure that she's not the sort of girl who reads it to look cool.

>> No.6024811

I'm guessing a lot of people have a fetish for being dominated and trying taboo things. 50 shades is easy to read and isn't over the top, so it's accessble to the massess. Since it's also been marketed so well it's also not as "taboo" to admit you like it.

It's not as extreme as de Sade, and the marketing agent is better than other erotic literature's, so it managed to fill a gap in the marked.

>> No.6024826

People who only read to seem cool make me want to fucking murder them. I read for fun, I read for knowledge, I read to become a better man. I don't read for people on facebook to call me 'cool' for slogging through the latest shit cache that everyone else reads only because others are reading it as well, not because they have any clue how literary merit is measured. Sometimes I take a look around at those people and get fucking angry, but then I just start to pity them; after which I feel the pity leave my body and return as a will for action - one day I will put a bullet through the head of someone that I can tell only reads to look 'cool'.

>> No.6024864

Hi, you must be new here to /lit/

>> No.6024866

holy shit please be copypasta

>> No.6024893


is now copypasta

>> No.6024936
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>gets so emotional he literally creates a post worthy of new pasta

You have just failed at the internet for the rest of the week.

>> No.6024937

lmao you will keep me coming back til the end, /lit/

>> No.6024950


>> No.6025057

ok look the books are shit. my girlfriend read the first one and i sneaked a look. the horror, the horror.

as for tying up etc. don't just suddenly appear with a whole load of ropes and stuff like you're going camping. you have to introduce stuff gradually and gauge the reaction each time. also, it's more exciting that way and she won't freak out.

if you have done hand spanking then the next step is to try a paddle. just order one from amazon or a specialist website like lovehoney or something. what i did: i gave the paddle to her as a gift and said that she should keep it and when she was ready she should bring it to me. that puts her in control of when she wants to be submissive. also the act of handing over the paddle is part of the play. she brings it about once a week.

next you introduce some restriction into the play. just buy some cheap fluffy handcuffs or something from a sex toy shop to begin with. same deal- she decides when they get used. ask her if she wants them - "do i have to get the handcuffs out today?" then one day try cuffing her to the bed frame (just one hand) and then add the second pair of cuffs etc etc...

>> No.6025069

thread of the year right here

>> No.6025292


brb gonna make this my Facebook status

>> No.6025326


I don't even read the words, I just carry trendy books around and pretend to read them whilst looking ponderous.

>> No.6025344
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>> No.6025633

I don't do any S&M, certainly haven't read 50 Shades, but I've managed to learn a couple things about girls in bed from the girls themselves:

girlfriend [to other girl at party]: "I like sensitive boys, but sometimes a boy has to throw me down on the bed!" [other girl hi-fives her]

fwb [while I was 'making love' to her]: *sigh* "ram me!"

another girlfriend: "you have to grab a fistful of my hair and twist it around your fist when you fuck me."

yet another girlfriend: "I want the boy to do this: [forcefully jams fingers up under my jaw and pushes me down]"

these were all pretty different types of women. the throat girl was a pretty vocal feminist. throw-on-bed girl was super outgoing and actually tried (and failed) to dominate me once. Ram-me! was into BDSM with previous boy. hair girl was somewhat shyer/hippie style than the others. my point is, they all pretty much want these things. After learning this stuff, I've employed it on every single girl I've been with (well, the throat thing is kinda touch-and-go) and only one was not down. Which is fine, don't force it, but I pretty much default to the hair thing first off, or even while kissing, and it is always met with enthusiasm. I adopted spanking as an outgrowth of this stuff and it is pretty well "for them" more than "for me"--I used to be a pussy about all this stuff and thought it was strictly a macho male fantasy but now i get into it because they all do.

hope that helps.

>> No.6025672
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yeah ok many (some?) girls have fetishes for bondage etc but how many are just fantasizing about being fucked by a billionaire

apparently there's a whole genre of billionaire romance

how am I supposed to live up to this? I will slap your ass and tie your hands and enjoy the hell out of it but I will never be a billionaire there are only 1600 in the world ffs fuck my life

>> No.6025685

HNWIs and above tend to be self made. What you mean to ask is how do I into the incumbent wealth band, and the answer is you get her pregnant like the books.

>> No.6026870

Just read some books on BDSM.

>> No.6026896

Wow, now you got me scared to read my copy of Gravity's Rainbow in public.

>> No.6026899

>you will never have sex

>> No.6026900


>> No.6026903

just get it over with and fuck a fat chick or a hoe

>> No.6026913
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for some things there are no silver linings

>> No.6026926
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This thread literally made me growl with sexual frustration

>> No.6026938

Are there really virgins on /lit/?

If you're older than 18 or 19, it's really not that hard to have sex. Stop jerking off so much so you feel pent up, and just try. I literally spent weeks once getting turned down and it hurts, and it doesn't ever stop hurting being rejected by women, but eventually one will say yes and you can peepee friction pleasure her and then deal with all the weird emotions. And weeks is a rarity, usually I can meet a new girl in a week if I put myself out there.

It's seriously doable with nothing but a little willpower. You just have to be willing to take a risk.

Think about it. Did anyone ever gain something without risk? Bill gates? The founding fathers? No, and you may fail, but I have found that in retrospect, id rather have a life of failing than a life of nothing

>> No.6026943

>Are there really virgins on /lit/?

This is 4chan you idiot. If there's one thing you can count on, its a high percentage of virgins.

>> No.6026945

It's so easy though

>> No.6026946

>tfw 24yo dateless holdinghandless kissless virgin

>> No.6026948


I repeat, this is 4chan

>> No.6026950

Woah easy there Chad

Just be yourself.

>> No.6026956

How? When you see a pretty girl, what do you feel?

>> No.6026959

that is no advice for monsters

>> No.6026960

"Just be yourself" is the worst, most terrible advice. It's worthless to anyone who's not happy with who they are

>> No.6026962

not him, but I feel shame, frustration, disappointment, cupio dissolvi, acedia, anomie, and disavowal (in that order)

>> No.6026966
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>> No.6026967

I've been here since 2006 and am a "normie", you are fucking retarded. Go lurk /r9k/. Not like "oh haha look at these guys lol but it's not bad", actually hang out there and follow threads for a week or two or four. Or better yet, go to wizardchan, read their rules quickly and then click on /b/ for a crash course.

Some people are beyond redemption. How can you not realize this. You must occaisionally see someone who at least physically fits the bill.

>> No.6026968

You guys need to spend more time on /r9k/

The "just be yourself" thing is a joke. intentionally useless advice that chads dish out because it works for them

>> No.6026974

and what if the struggle not to be yourself is itself a part of who you truly are?

>> No.6026975

>I've been here since 2006

good god

>> No.6026976

Of course there are you braindead zombie tool, it's called being sensitive ad having a heart for fucks sake

>> No.6026980

i'm surprised how normal this board is.

i always imagined the average lit poster to be the fedora meme incarnate

>> No.6026982

Next time, just rush in, ignore the emotions and say hi

When you train yourself to beat the emotions, it gets easier

In the end, I regret more the openings I didn't take than the openings I did and was rejected for

>> No.6026986

This board is more normal because normal people don't go on /r9k/ to bitch about women, and beat down the tards on here

>> No.6026991


I suppose reading widely opens your mind if nothing else. And with that can come self-awareness. Something that /r9k/ is critically lacking

>> No.6026996

I had not had sex in like two years at one point. One of the first girls I asked out I had seen like eight times. I thought she was very pretty and built up my imagination a bit. One day, I pushed down all those emotions and said I wanted to go out with her. She said no, I said cool and walked away. When I drove off I punched my steering wheel and cheered because even though the emotions were painful, they had been expressed and they moved. It felt better to be rejected than to feel the dull self-hate, because the rejection at least meant I had done something, rather than stay inside myself again

Acute pain is better than dull pain, if the acute pain fades. Being turned down by a girl will fade, getting old with no romance won't.

>> No.6026997

Telling them "it's so easy" is not "having heart". If anything, it is the oposite, you dumb faggot

>> No.6027001

Talking to women is the ultimate self-awareness. It's about letting yourself be judged in the most painful way. Being seriously made fun of by a woman is more painful than any fight I've ever been in

>> No.6027002

why not? what`s wrong with you?

>> No.6027005

It is easy though, speaking in purely mechanical terms. 95% of the conflict is emotional.

The process is about getting past your emotions, not about how hard it is to actually do. This is what I'm getting at

>> No.6027007
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>What should I expect?
>>i'm too lazy to just actually read a book and form my own opinions

>> No.6027010

>97% of /lit/ posts

>> No.6027015

Don't let these degenerates get to you. Sex is a mere animal drive, lacking in all beauty, aesthetically disgusting.

>> No.6027019

*tips fedora*

>> No.6027020

Have you ever been in a serious fight?

>> No.6027021


What if you get into a fight with a strong woman who makes fun of you at the same time?

>> No.6027022
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Lmao maybe lead off slow with leaving the house. You are terrifically stupid.

>> No.6027028

I've never even held hands with a girl—I wouldn't know where to begin

>> No.6027030

how old you?

>> No.6027036

same. i just freeze up and end up avoiding it all

>> No.6027038

>tfw can't even make eye contact

>> No.6027039

You shouldn't. Women, even pretty ones are usually totally lacking in all virtue. Their sole worth is their physical form, yet you experience that as well as any other, so you have already experienced all they have to offer.

>> No.6027043
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> Their sole worth is their physical form, yet you experience that as well as any other, so you have already experienced all they have to offer.




>> No.6027046
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>> No.6027049


>> No.6027054

>I am such an insufferable NEET I'll never find love


>> No.6027058

Keep torturing yourself at the alter of lust, it makes no difference to me.

>> No.6027061

>Implying I'm talking about myself

I'm telling you to pull your head out of your retarded fucking ass while you browse a website that has 20 something KV-NEETs on it.

>> No.6027064

I really don't care dude

>> No.6027065


But how can you say you're appreciating a qt's physical form as much as chad thundercock who gets to bang her brains out whenever he wants?

>> No.6027068

>Repeatedly respond and entirely misunderstand someone telling you that giving advice to permavirgins is just mean
>You finally manage to gain some semblance of the entire scenario
>"But I don't even care" (15 minutes later)

Magnificently retarded is what you are

>> No.6027073


>> No.6027081

way too young to give up
keep at it

'just be yourself'

>> No.6027084

Some shit from 120 days of sodom will set her straight. She will stop reading shitty erotic books for sure

>> No.6027087

You'd be surprised how many women are into being dominated sexually.. Must be something to do with our inner animal. I got this dope as bitch to pick me up from my house one night when i was fucking wasted, got back to hers, choked her, tied her up with an extension cord, Finger fucked the absolute shit out of her and munched her perfect ass and pussy. Went to fuck her and... Couldn't get hard..

Still think about it sometimes, Missed an incredible opportunity.

>> No.6027088

You're still a youngling.
I didn't get my first kiss until 17 and laid until 20. As long as you're not a bad drunk, attend places with alcohol and shit like that will happen eventually.

>> No.6027093

Yeah whoever tells you sex can't be like in the pornos is lying. I've had bitches that love getting choked, face-fucked, slapped, spat on, called whores, etc...
All women are down to be at least a little submissive.
Except some bitches that I know where molested as children and really don't like hair pulling or spanking or anything remotely painful or degrading.

>> No.6027097

No shit, Though this girl was raped by her grandad when she was young.. her sister copped the brunt of it, but IMO most girls who are sexually molested as children are into more violent and submissive sex than those who aren't

>> No.6027105

Not surprised in the least. Submission is their natural state, they know and can know nothing else.

>> No.6027111

Because the appreciation of form is intellectual. "chad thundercock" is not enhancing his appreciation of form, but enhancing his total pleasure by augmenting appreciation of form with the pleasure of the sexual act.

>> No.6027114

The ones that I've met who are really into violent and submissive sex are the ones with daddy issues. It doesn't have to be sexual abuse. In my experience it was just fathers who were very demanding, controlling, had anger issues, or were otherwise abnormal, distant, or left the family behind.
Those whores are crazy in bed

>> No.6027148

shit on her chest, then put turd on her face tape it with duct tape. Fuck her ass raw untill there is blood.
Once you achieve that wait till she is on her period, make sure that you use lemon juice on her ass so it keeps bleeding.
Congratulations you now have a selflubricating fuck toy.

>> No.6027158

I vomit before I'm drunk enough to approach women

>> No.6027620

I did this back in the sixties with my wife and by 1972 I was meating strange men in hotel rooms, putting on gimp suits and letting strangers buttfuck me to the sounds of dogs barking. It's a slippery slope is all I'm saying.

>> No.6027633

don't make the same mistake i made and assume that she is into that kind of stuff because she likes to read about it. i found out the hard way that sometimes people like fantasies to remain just that, and any attempt on your part to help them play out in real life just ends in disaster.

>> No.6027671

Are... are you Thomas Pynchon?

>> No.6027716
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i just lost my shit

>> No.6027770

>id rather have a life of failing than a life of nothing
Fuck off, we're not all plebs like you.
If it can't be perfect then it's disgusting.

>> No.6027784

stay mad

>> No.6027789
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>you will never be a submissive qt