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/lit/ - Literature

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6022302 No.6022302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What other boards do you frequent besides /lit/?

>> No.6022308

occasionally /cgl/.

>> No.6022309

mostly /s/ and /hr/
occasionally /b/ and /o/

>> No.6022314


fight me faggots.

>> No.6022315

I very rarely browse /tv/, /mu/ and /b/. Sometimes I look at /pol/ or /r9k/ in the same way I would a petting zoo or a freakshow

>> No.6022317

Op here:


>> No.6022322

Sometimes /fa/

Sometimes /mu/

Very rarely I go on /pol/ to have a laugh

/lit/ is where I spend 95% of my time on 4chan.

>> No.6022324


>> No.6022327

/pol/ when I want to be depressed
/d/ when I want to masturbate (sometimes)

>> No.6022328


I've recently quit /tv/.

>> No.6022335


>> No.6022338

Only /lit/ and the occasional incest thread on /b/

I used to go on /tv/ until it was taken over by BANE posters and /pol/scum

I used to go on /mu/ until I got sick of fucking Kanye West

I like it here.

>> No.6022339


>> No.6022340

/lit/ and /mu/ are the only boards I frequently post on really.

I sometimes lurk /fa/ and /ck/.

I used to post a lot on /g/ but left the board in summer 2011 and never looked back.

>> No.6022342


>> No.6022345

/tg/ is my homeboard
/x/ I frequent a lot
/b/ too

>> No.6022348
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/x/ even if it's 99 percent nonsense at least there's open minds, much less bickering than other boards and occasionally interesting info. /sp/ because he does it for free.

>> No.6022364

when he stole the phone the mugger didn't know he actually made a propose

>> No.6022365

Why not shitpost there? It's perfect for it.

>> No.6022371


used to go on /r9k/ before it turned into feels fest

>> No.6022380

>every single reference to /pol/ itt is derogatory

hehe, are you guys really this insecure? besides the stormfags, /pol/ isn't that bad

>> No.6022382


>> No.6022383


>> No.6022384


>I mean, if you don't mind the shit, a shitheap is a nice place to live

This is how you sound

>> No.6022388

Used to be /tv/ but I don't have a TV anymore so there's no point.

>> No.6022389
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It's basically just /int/ with cuckposting now thanks to mootles

>> No.6022390

None, this place is shit.

>> No.6022393

Nice analogy, mongrel.

The worst board on 4chan right now is /tv/. Too much memeposting, every thread that is barely on-topic gets derailed fast. /r9k/ is a close runner-up

>> No.6022394


>> No.6022397


I actually agree.


1 - /tv/
2 - /r9k/
3 - /v/
4 - /pol/

>> No.6022403

/x/ (homeboard, going to shit but still has some good threads)

/vg/ (total war, stalker general)

/v/ (i have to stop)

sometimes /pol/ to amaze myself on how media fucks people's minds up.

>> No.6022404

hey, can u rec me any good browser game? something casual that requires attention

>> No.6022410

I dunno any browser games, sorry.

Something casual that requires attention; I'm not sure if you're trolling.

Whatever, go play Talos Principle.

>> No.6022412

I can. Dominion. Its based on a great card game.

>> No.6022417


sporadically /b/, /pol/, /gif

>> No.6022472

I was browsing /int/ for a few hours today and it was incredibly stupid most of the time
I can't believe I missed this place

>> No.6022500

/lit/ is the board l frequent most, several times a day. I also go on /int/ regularly, as well as /tv/. I used to go on /pol/ for laughs before it went to shit.

>> No.6022508

/mu/ once a year for their AOTY things, there's always something good in there. (HTRK this year)

That's it. I might start going to /co/, though, because I've recently started living on my own, and I only know about 7 dishes that actually require cooking.

>> No.6022510

Meant /ck/, as you can tell, I've never been there before.

>> No.6022517


>> No.6022519

/sp/ on Saturdays or whenever Liverpool lose

/mu/ whenever I'm bored and want to listen to a new band,

/fa/ infrequently

/r9k/ and /pol/ shitpost whenever I see interesting threads

/adv/ very rarely

/lit/ is my homebase tho

>> No.6022528


It has a great android app called androminion

>> No.6022531


>> No.6022542



>> No.6022585


>> No.6022600

Dominant species.
Ok not really, it's a game that takes a lot of time and requires maximum concentration. But it's the best board game I ever played.

>> No.6022601

/ck/ now and then

>> No.6022736


>> No.6022772

/vr/ for the nostalgia
/v/ and /fit/ for the memes
/fa/ to see what kids are up to these days
/s/ and /hc/ to masturbate
/b/ if I'm completely bored and want to shitpost
/ck/ to talk about vodka
/x/ to laugh about mentally ill paranoid retards

>> No.6022789

Just /lit/, /trv/ and /ck/ on 4chan for me these days. I browse a couple of other image boards as well, though.

>> No.6022798

/co/, /ck/, /vr/, /tg/
/v/, /jp/, /b/, /pol/

/co/ and /ck/ were the first boards, if you bar the touhou shitposting I did on /jp/ in 2008. /vr/ and /tg/ were around the same time, but /tg/ came first.

I've only started browsing /v/, /b/, and /pol/ recently. I've been quite bored; /pol/ might be an incredibly shitty board, but they're interesting, to say the least.

>> No.6022800

fuck, i didn't mean to reply to that post

>> No.6022805

sci, mu, fa, fit, and, uh, r9k...

>> No.6022815

/pol/ used to be my main board, but nowadays I just visit occasionally to remind myself of how shitty that place is. Then I also vist /r9k/, to revel in the misery of despicable people.
/mu/ introduced me to NMH and Death Grips, but little else, so it got boring very quickly and I don't go there anymore.
So, mostly, it's just /lit/, all day erryday.

>> No.6022825

/a/ and /pol/. First thing I do is check for a Hegel-related thread on /lit/ though.

>> No.6022896

/b/, /fa/ and /tg/

>> No.6022908

Been on /tv/ since 2007 and honestly nowadays Baneposters are the only shitposters I actually like. Every other form of shitposting there now feels like it came from some other board.

>> No.6022913

>le worst board meme
People have been saying that shit for at least 5 years as if in an echo chamber. It's just accepted now. Despite the fact that /sp/ memeposting is 10 times worse.

>> No.6022917

swap /v/ and /pol/

>> No.6022921

The worst board is /soc/ because it flies in the face of everything that 4chan stands for (or stood for). /fa/ and /mu/ probably attract the most reprehensible posters on the website, though. /tv/ and /sp/ are just good old fashioned shitposting boards; nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6022926

/pol/ is not a good board, deal with it.

>> No.6022932

As for /r9k/ and /pol/, they may not be the most likeable bunch but I feel like they belong here. The beauty of 4chan is that it gives outcasts and losers a platform to blow off some steam and make their voices heard. (For the record I browse neither of these boards since they were re-implemented after being deleted last time.)

>> No.6022939

Just /lit/

>> No.6023293


and once in a blue moon /b/

>> No.6023338

/g/ is my home. /lit/ comes after it.

>> No.6023359

Sometimes when major shit hits the fan on the News I like to go to /pol/ to watch them lose their shit about the happening.

>> No.6023361

/pol/ and /b/. Don't really frequent /lit/.

>> No.6023369

/vg/ for X-Com threads

>> No.6023379

/fit/ and /int/, /v/

>> No.6023402


>> No.6023461

/co/ is the only one I frequent besides /lit/

I'll drop by /tv/ or /v/ once and a while, but I usually get turned off pretty quick

>> No.6023470

/mu/ (kinda stopped going there tho)

>> No.6023473


Sometimes /b/ when I feel like killing myself

>> No.6023483

Just /p/

Used to be a /fa/ggot though, but then I realized I was rich and they were bitter

>> No.6023487


/sp/ sometimes.

Used to go to /fit/, but people there are seriously brainwashed and have totally disturbed views of real life (well...this is 4chan after all).

Also like to go to /sci/.

When I want to laugh I go to /pol/. I enjoy dar-humor.

>> No.6023490



>> No.6023517

80 this
15 soc
5 teeg when this is boring me

>> No.6023520

/tv/ because you can't find good shitposting anywhere else
[s4s] when i'm looking for a hug, and feel like checking dubs
and sometimes /b/, mostly lurking

>> No.6023523

The dota2 general so I can share my freshly forged newmeta builds with the unwashed gulagites.

>> No.6023534

Surprised nobody has said /biz/.
/int/ rarely because I can't comprehend the foreign stupidity.

>> No.6023540

I go on /biz/ sometimes; it's just too slow

>> No.6023556

/int/ mostly
sometimes /sp/, /fa/ and /soc/

>> No.6023581

And /pol/ for political commentary from time to time

>> No.6023587

extrovert diaspora?

>> No.6023592

/biz/ is awful.

/p/ on which I have a trip
/tv/ when I can stand it
/pol/ when I want to get in an argument with idiots
/mu/ when I need new music
/d/ when I dress up like a girl and fuck myself with a dildo
/b/ for fap roulette threads when I'm doing the above
/gif/ for the pegging threads

>> No.6023605
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by frequential order: sci, diy, jp, a, fa, and 3.

>> No.6023609

sometimes /fit/ for the cbt asses

>> No.6023611

>Stalker General
my nigga. best threads on this entire website

I browse /mu/ whenever /lit/ is especially slow, and /ck/ every now and then. that's about it

>> No.6023622

>>>/x/ (which is awful)

>> No.6023630

pics bb

>> No.6023639

exclusively /lit/ and /hm/
the rest of 4chan is awful

>> No.6023641

No thanks.

>> No.6023645

/mu/ and /fa/ for hair threads

Go to /s4s/ for Post-ironic shitposting and /r9k/ for regular shitposting

>> No.6023651

/fa/ and /vg/
used to browse /mu/ years ago but stopped since it turned to shit

>> No.6023657


>> No.6023680

It's not awful at all.

>> No.6023724

Then obviously you're awful.

>> No.6023731

/k/ is my home board

/tg/ is fun

/r9k/ makes me feel better about myself

/pol/ has good discussion sometimes

/a/ i like Chinese cartoons

/c/ cute things are my life

/x/ before it became "how to summon tulpa? how to summon suckybus?"

/v/ I like video games

>> No.6023733

you are the cancer that is killing this site

>> No.6023746


>> No.6023748


/a/-Anime and Manga are more secondary hobbies for me but I like both as a medium.
/int/-I like how useful it is for learning about other countries. Helped me with some languages.
/lit/-Probably the only sensible board on this site even if the shitposting has gotten completely out of hand. Nice to discuss novels when we actually have discussions, really feels like the only decent literature community on the net.

>> No.6023761


/soc/ is the shittiest board on this website

top 5 shittiest boards:

buncha fuckin' normalfags

>> No.6023764

/mu/ for free shit
otherwise I go on other imageboards

>> No.6023776


>> No.6023777

I go on /int/ every now and then even though I hate their /pol/ like tendencies.

I go on /mu/ to find music but not as often as I used to.

Thats about it, I spend like 90% of my time on 4chan on /lit/

>> No.6023785

>all that violence was to hide the fact that I was gay


>> No.6023807

There is no fucking reason why "daaaa juuuuuss, genocide all none whites" shouldn't be the absolute worst board on 4chan. /tv/ is bad but not nearly on the level as /pol/

>> No.6023836

When I first found out about 4chan in I think 09, I obsessively reloaded /b/ for a couple years, just lurking trying to figure out wtf was going on. I didn't even post for over a year. I always assume /b/ was most people's portal into 4chan (or maybe /a/ or /v/, but I never go there) but maybe not? in all that time, moot wasn't posting any announcements. the first one I saw was to announce new boards, including this one. Quit /b/ and obsessively f5'd /lit/ for a year or so.

/lit/ is my browser bookmark

/n/ is where I post most. I'm a /bike/ but I like the other /n/ people, too.

If homes are slow/more time:
/fa/ lurk, most non-home posting--often wristwatch threads
/ck/ lurk, some posting
/sci/ lurk
/out/ lurk
/s/ for porno

as a music nerd, I avoided /mu/ for years, then I had it in rotation for a while, they taught me to get the music i wanted for free (mediafire days) but quit going after a while.

/tv/ when i want a fast-ish board, SNL threads

/b/ almost never, see what the kids are doing or big news events e.g. boston marathon, always has the fastest info/links anywhere online.

I'll hit up the hobby boards for specific questions a lot, this is perhaps the best overall feature of 4chan. /k/ helped me fix up an old gun, /g/ explains why my 4chanX is borked, /sp/ gives me streams for Hawks games [CAW CAW], etc.

>> No.6023842


>> No.6023843

Only /ck/, but I have interests that are covered on /tg/, /k/, /asp/, /jp/, /diy/ and /po/. I just don't go to those boards often.

>> No.6023861


Also /a/ when watching a show but nothing appeals to me currently

>> No.6023904

I was on /b/ from around 2008 to around 2011, then I migrated to /mu/ until 2014 when I settled here.

>> No.6023922


I spend probably 90% on /lit/

Sometimes I'll visit:

>/x/-for spoopy times and Halloween fun
>/v/-It's become the most cynical of all boards, ironically, because we all know vidya is serious bidniz.
>/vg/-For finding gamerbros to vidya with
>/sp/-Mostly for college football season
>/tg/-Probably the coolest board on 4chan. People actually help each other and the amount of shitposting is limited.

/tv/, /mu/, and /pol/ have all pretty much imploded. /mu/ and /tv/ are probably the worst boards on 4chan right now.

>> No.6023968

Im almost done with 4chan and may restrict myself to /lit/ travel and experiment with Reddit in 2015. Im really getting tired of threads bitching about Seahawks fans.

>> No.6023971


US 12's was funny for about a month. Now it's become as insufferable as Bane Memes

>> No.6023981

/b/ has become a de-facto porn board with a couple cool threads occasionally, honestly its too embarrassing to read the threads there I have tried.

Sometimes you've just got to laugh though.

>> No.6023994

Bane was better because it was a joke everyone is in on, it was almost like a community crowdsourced humor project.

Having almost everyone treat you like shit because you are rooting for a team they think is unworthy because of being some LGBT fans kind of feels bad, and then I throw down some amazing smack and kill them but it doesn't feel worth it.

>> No.6024008


>> No.6024016


If you've just about had enough with 4chan, you'll be tired of Reddit in 20 minutes, I'd bet. 4chan and reddit are both cesspools, but reddit gives you content based up front on the popular opinion of their user base. 4chan at least takes a little while before each individual board develops its popular opinion and runs anyone who doesn't agree off entirely.

Same shit though at the end of the day.

>> No.6024019

/out/-down to earth people and also intelligent
/mu/ for /classical/-i love classical music and don't read a single thread about anything else

>> No.6024030


This is mostly true but Reddit is far more of a hivemind than even 4chan can be. It's really kind of amazing considering board culture on places like /mu/, /tv/, and /v/.

There is a reason Redditt is a meme here on 4chan.

Very rarely will you find a reddit that is worth anything. It can be useful for incredibly obscure interests and groups of people looking for essentially a tight nit community of people that generally think and act the same way.

It's great for hobbies and other stuff like that. For broader topics, it's total shit.

>> No.6024321

You are dangerous

>> No.6024339

10 minutes on r/worldnews and you`ll gladly becom a /pol/ack.

>> No.6024341

/fit/, sometimes /tv/, I wanna into /mu/ but my music taste is shit

and /gif/ and /s/ for fapping

>> No.6024383

How can you guys browse /tv/ at all?

It's 98% memes.
And they really have shit taste.

>> No.6024402



My brethren

>> No.6024403

/lit/ + /v/. Sometimes /3/, /m/ and /vr/, and I also frequent /agdg/ on /vg/.

All other boards are shit. Either 95% memes or a bland hive mind. In other words, /tv/ and /mu/ respectively.

>> No.6024407

Going to /tv/? Fucking disgusting.

>> No.6024413

Settlers of Catan (playcatan)

>> No.6024426

Not sure if I should be flattered or not.

>> No.6024461

Mu (a bit, I used to be a big hive mind fag but I've moved away from that in the last 3 years and hardly go there anymore)

Fa(again the same)

That's it really mostly just lit and fit

>> No.6024471

/fit/ and seldom /mu/ (because I can't stand their pretentious attitude toward mainstream music).

>> No.6024498

>/sp/ and /fit/ on that list
Ayyy lmao

>> No.6024500


>> No.6024524

"round" should be one of those words that doesn't change when put in past tense.

I'm a well round person. Maybe "rount".

>> No.6024577

/mu/ mostly

>> No.6024703


by the time i started, it was obvious by old screencaps that /b/ was cooler before, but I was still amazed by how creative it could be. then the spammer guy, captcha, and the continual influx of more, and more-normal, users I guess turned it into what it is now. I was late, but I still got to see it when it was still pretty cool, i think.

>> No.6024750


To think this entire time I might have unknowingly been replying to manchildren

>> No.6024781

/int/ is the only good board left tbh. came on /lit/ for the first time in a minute today and its fucking garbage

>> No.6024815

I go to /jp/ and /a/ mostly

>> No.6024831

also /v/ but mostly /lit/

.../b/, /s/ and /gif/ for porn.

>> No.6024836

/pol/, /r9k/, and /lit/ have all been my main boards for years

I'm a Humanities PhD student responsible for half the effortposts and informed recommendations on this board

>> No.6024841

>on the internet
>for free

>> No.6024842

>>I'm a Humanities PhD student responsible for half the effortposts and informed recommendations on this board

well, pin a fucking rose on you!

>> No.6024855

/sp/ when the Superb Owl or World Cup comes around
/mu/ for /bleep/ general
/v/ every now and then to see how shitty it's become
/lit/ is home town
/sci/ is life

>> No.6024868


>> No.6024869

/f/ is my home

sometimes /s4s/ /x/ and /tg/

rarely /lit/

>> No.6024906

used to hate /v/idya (don't play anymore, just go there ocasionally)
used to be /fit/
and /sci/ sometimes when I'm bored but that board is just filled with 16-20yo clueless faggots same as this one

/a/ and /g/ are my boardfus

>> No.6025167

r9k and /tv/ Ironically

I use to shitpost and troll /mu/ before I became disgusted with myself and everyone else.

I like x and P but am too afraid to comment. Sometimes I'll go to K and fit for the memes. But mostly I just reply to tripfags on lit

>> No.6025171
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>> No.6025184

/adv/ (I enjoy trolling with weird requests and reading cool stories, bro)
/int/ (Fun to see people from other countries talking shit about each other)
/lgbt/ (I'm bi)
/tv/ (Only the Doctor Who and Star Trek threads)

/lit/ is my favorite because highest probability of reasonable discussions

I'm also autistic as fuck, too bad there isn't an autism board

>> No.6025190

Put /mu/ where r9k is. You can at least laugh at r9k mu is fucking hipster scumbags

>> No.6025200


r9k is fun if you read the selections on the r9k_txt twitter page before the original posts. The lack of context makes them so much funnier.

>> No.6025214

update your may mays jesus christ, the year is 2015

>> No.6025223

In this order:
Homeboard: /v/

>> No.6025228

Le epic pixelated fish is timeless.

>> No.6025236


>> No.6025304

I read 40 books last year and watched 50-60 movies but I still would way rather post with you guys than on /tv/

so, in short, /tv/ occasionally but mostly /lit/

>> No.6025319

started with /fa/ but never go there now.
now /mu/ and sometimes /r9k/ when I'm really really bored.
not /lit/ as much anymore. haven't been reading as regularly as I used to since I started drinking a lot.

>> No.6025419

I started visiting /b/ in January 2008 after hearing about anonymous protesting Scientology.

I then left /b/ for the most part and was on /k/ and /tg/, and then also started going to /r9k/ when it was still /greentext/.

My politics changed radically after entering highschool (I entered in August 2008 and became a leftist in my sophomore year) and I started visiting /mu/ and /fa/, leaving /k/ and /tg/ and returning to /b/.

Once /phil/ came around I started going hear all the time and I haven't really stopped since. It's the only board I frequent once a day, though I do still often visit /b/ in the hopes I'll actually see something funny (which I never really do anymore). I'll pay /tg/, /mu/, /fa/, and /tv/ a visit every once in a blue moon, as long as some subreddits (but it's still /plebbit/ and I find as much good stuff there as I do on /b/ normally).

I also go to /hc/ and /gif/ for porn.

I miss it when going on 4chan was really fun every time. /lit/ still manages to be surprisingly good pretty regularly (ridiculously better than anything that still gets posts and is related to my interests on /redshit/) but I realized a long time ago I've really grown out of essentially all this internet culture bullshit and the philosophy threads so often get shat up by people making dumb arguments. The German literature threads are cool but almost never happen.

I'm not saying /lit/ is worse than it was before, I think it's stayed roughly the same in terms of quality. It's just now /lit/ is the only board I actually care to read, and it's too damn slow (which has always been a problem). However, I post pretty regularly in threads that interest me- I used to exclusively lurk, and /lit/ is the only board I've ever posted in, sans four or five times on other boards.

I'm sad, in a way, because I can't distract myself with pointless bullshit on the internet anymore. It's been really healthy for my interpersonal relationships but I'm losing touch with something that was really important to me as I made the transition from shitty metalhead to socially active adult. To be fair, I'm able to contribute helpfully to threads here now and I'm happier in a much more fulfilling way, but I've the lost the feeling of being in the special internet club that no one knows about because I don't want to be here and there is not enough serious leftism where I am in the states to be truly involved in a meaningful way (though I can while I'm studying abroad in Leipzig).

I think this is what getting old feels like. It's very wistful.

I'm only 21.

>> No.6025432

do you honestly think people are gonna read this shit dude

>> No.6025462

/co/, /m/, /mu/, /vr/, and /tg/

Mostly /co/ and /mu/.

>> No.6025463

Nah, but it's nice to dump emotions sometimes, and it's anonymous. And who the fuck would I tell that shit to in real life? That would be such a terrible decision.

>> No.6025495
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You just need some smugness to make it fun again.

>> No.6025507

>taking 4chan this seriously

>> No.6025529

That was actually bretty good.

>> No.6025535

/mu/, /soc/, /co/, /s/, /adv/ (less so recently) /fa/ (very infrequently)

>> No.6025614

Pepe's po-mo self-therapy is the best thing to come out of /lit/ anno 2014.

>> No.6025736

Hijacking topic

ITT: List your hobbies/interests other than reading and writing

>> No.6025748

I doubt you've spent any significant amount of time there. It's hardly 98% memes. They also hardly have shit taste. When there's a thread that leads to discussion, you can see that the shitposting, at least for the regulars, is a choice. Because as soon as there's an actual discussion they are interested in, you realise how much a lot of them know and how many films they've watched. A good example of this is the Werner Herzog thread that was up yesterday. When there's something to talk about that they're interested in, people come out of the woodwork.

>> No.6025750

Eating, drinking, napping. Taking walks sometimes.

>> No.6025754
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>ctrl+f /mlp/
>no results

I thought you guys liked New Sincerity?

>> No.6025761

that would be [s4s] :^)

>> No.6025764

>frequenting other boards

top pleb

>> No.6025769
File: 577 KB, 642x428, calle borjesson shitposting away.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6025777

/out/ shit
Looking for females with penises on a taiwanese tapestry image board

>> No.6025808

film and TV
sketch comedy
board games (chess, Catan, storygaming with something like D&D or Fiasco/Microscope, etc.)

>> No.6025838

Nice try FBI!

>when I want to masturbate
/gif/ is superior (Maybe /s/. I just haven't been there in a while)

Dubs. It is so.

Art-ing. Music.

Oh, you camwhore, you.

>> No.6025893

This, like anything worth your time to get anything of value out of /tv/ you have to waddle through a lot of shit, but I'll be dammed if you won't leave a good thread with awesome recs and great conversation.

>> No.6025899

I meant
>Nice try FBI!
Donno what happened.
Sage again.

>> No.6026093

/ck/, /a/, /vr/, /m/ and sometimes /x/, /r9k/ and /gif/

I'd like to browse /tv/ but they don't talk about movies.

>> No.6026103

in order of frequency

two or three times a week

at least once a week

special circumstance

>> No.6026106

and sometimes /r9k/

>> No.6026117

just start a thread yourself about a certain style/director/specific film and people will respond, otherwise, yeah it's drown out by a lot of posting about star wars now that baneposting is done, whatever movies have come out recently, and then tv show discussion

>> No.6026334

/sp/, /a/, /jp/, /sci/, fit, [s4s]

>> No.6026519


>> No.6026535

Learning Japanese
3D Modeling
Drawing and painting
Game developing
Computer programming
Learning math
Watching movies
Smash Bros.
Magic the Gathering

>> No.6026611

more programming
studying languages
cooking / baking
drawing portraits of people on the train sometimes

>> No.6026735
File: 71 KB, 537x682, under_construction_31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

infrequent videogames

>> No.6026753

I browse /tv/ and post in arthouse snob threads because I'm a cinephile freak.

I browse /sp/ and talk shit to people who hate the Seahawks.

I browse /mu/ because they sometimes have good recommendations for music and I'll admit I'm not very savvy at discovering new acts.

Once in a while when I'm in the mood for pictures instead of video I'll jerk it to a topic on one of the porn boards. Even less often I'll see what /b/ is up to.

Mostly though, I hang out on /lit/ and argue philosophy with the other children who reside here.

>> No.6026759

are you a dog

>> No.6026768
File: 70 KB, 1024x768, BwEmlDHCMAEGwu_.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6027242

>too bad there isn't an autism board

there are sixty-three.

>> No.6027274

My main board is /int/

/lit/ is one of my secondary boards