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6022672 No.6022672 [Reply] [Original]

The most badass novel characters you can think of?

I'll take Meursault (The Stranger)
Raskolnikov (Crime And Punishment)

>> No.6022676


David Masters from Stoner

>> No.6022707

Not sure if srs, He got turnt the fuck up in like chapter 6

>> No.6022713

What was so badass about Meursault? I thoughts he was an idiot.

My pick is Holden.

>> No.6022715

Judge Holden* not the bitch from Catcher

>> No.6022716
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gully foyle

>> No.6022719

Stoic, sure, but a coward with little self-control.

>> No.6022720 [DELETED] 

Jesus (Bible)

>> No.6022721

OP: He consequently stood by his philosophy/ perception of life.

Not saying that it's a behaviour I'm striving to reach.
Why do you think he's an idiot?

>> No.6022723
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Alex from a Clockwork Orange is pretty badass.

>> No.6022726

Haha, I liked that guy too. Total bro.

>> No.6022730

He was a pathetic little rapist who got his head kicked in and milk bottled by his own crew and bitched it so hard in jail he gave up his free-will.

yeah, bad ass.. Sure thang.

>he most badass novel characters you can think of?

This question has unintelligent pleb written all over it. DUDE, Most of the authors of these books would be turning over in there fucking grave.

>> No.6022740

That's why this question is on 4chan and not in the super intellectual elderly book club.

>> No.6022741

Did you even read the book?

>> No.6022744

+1 for Holden. The diy gunpowder indian massacre was incredible. The book just screams movie adaption, I just fear whoever does it will drop the ball.

>> No.6022748


It's different sort of badass. You wouldn't understand babby.

>> No.6022751

I always thought that Raskolnikov should have just eaten more than some soup every other day and all of that would have never happened.

>> No.6022881

Still thinking there is something called Patrician that makes you mre intelligent or superior to people you disagree with (Plebs).
Go kill your parents and then yourself.

>> No.6022900

>a coward with little self-control.

This is bait, right? Or do people think The Stranger is just some quirky little story about a man who kills a guy and then goes to prison for it?

>> No.6022914

Ofc not, that's why I included him and I mentioned above why I think he is "badass", but litfags find it more important to debate whether it is stupid to idolize characzers or not.

>> No.6022936

Don't take the last part serious though.

>> No.6023060

I absolutely disagree.

I'd say Homer's Diomedes and Ajax, Milton's Satan, and Hamlet because he absolutely isn't one.

I don't care.

>> No.6023063
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takeshi kovacs

>> No.6023068
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>japanese first name
>magyar last name

>> No.6023074


>> No.6023249

>thirsty as fuck and hungry
zero fucks given
>kills some olds cunt
bet you couldn't go through that cunt
>everyone is siberia hates him
you'd probably kill yourself if you went to siberia, faggot.

>> No.6023261

The girl from True Grit

>> No.6023695

A bit plebeian but Dudley Smith or Pete Bondurant from James Ellroy's novels.

>> No.6023707

Is that cover supposed to look like an angry guy from a distance and a sleeping guy up close?

Because to me it does

and if so that's cool

>> No.6023862

bruce robertson from filth

>> No.6023887

Comparing based Raskolnikov to that pathetic POS Meursault fuck you OP, you triggered me.

>> No.6023903

Juliet, from the homonyms novel by Marquis de Sade. That bitch could even kill an orphan just to get off.

>> No.6023911
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Bad news friend

>> No.6023930

Do none of you know what a bad ass is?

Anyway, my pic is Odysseus. He's a batman in an army full of supermen. My favorite part in the Iliad is when Diomedes needs to go on a two-man stealth mission into an enemy camp. He needs to pick one other person to go with him. His pool of soldiers includes Ajax (who is pretty much a giant), the fucking king of Sparta, and some other demigod warrior types. He chooses Odysseus.

>> No.6023960

Ernst Jünger
Emil Sinclair
Robert Jordan

>> No.6024071

wheres that pic from

>> No.6024148

Phileas Fogg is easily the biggest badass, he's super cool and smart and doesn't affraid of anything.

>> No.6024159

That fucking passage where the Indians storm his tent and his stood there completely naked with an 8 foot cannon under his arm

>> No.6024209
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Nishizumi dono

>> No.6024315

Nigger, the fucker regretted it so fast he got a speeding ticket for it.
He was only a naive badass in the beginning, clearly his ideas didn't match his expectations.
Meursault is more of a "badass"... he does have a sort of breakdown but in the end he does commit fully, so I'll give him that, although imo he's just a nihilist that got himself in silly unnecessary trouble.

I'd say Stephen Dedalus, he's the kind of nigger I'd respect.
The fucker uses money he won to pay for a hooker during his early teenage years, he then repents and goes through religious ecstasy and shit but when he goes to confess you can't help but laugh because of all the things he has done while being a teenager. Then in the end the guy does leave town and shit and chooses what he wants to do, instead of just doing whatever is expected from him (like joining the church), which people even to this day struggle to do.

>> No.6024411
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>> No.6024425
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>> No.6024457

Transmetropolitan. It's a comic book series about a reporter, heavily influenced by Hunter S. Thompson.

>> No.6026428
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>> No.6027286

Virgil. He's leading you through Hell. What a bro.

>> No.6027321

Mistah Kurtz. Either give him the ivory or your head goes on a stick.

>> No.6027327
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Is there a literary character stronger than Madara Uchiha?

And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Madara. I'm talking about Rinne Tensei Madara Uchiha with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan and with rikidou techniques, his Gunbai, a Perfect Susano'o and control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he also has mokuton kekkei genkai and yin-yang release ninjutsu.

>> No.6027337

I'd say that is a good choice, but Aneas. Toughed through everything, and still killed Turnus at the end. Just show's how troubled he was.

>> No.6027577

Captain Segura

>> No.6027613

>not Diomedes
At least you tried

>> No.6027617

Diogenes of Sinope...enough said

>> No.6027624

Noburo from Mishima's the Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea.

He killed the shit out of that kitten with 0 remorse, that cold-ass mofo.

>> No.6027645

don't forget that he also

murders his dad so yukio can get off to his death fetish

>> No.6027650

Diomedes and Odysseys were in a lot of adventures togheter including the theft of the Palladium (the statue on which depended the fate of Troy), and the night raid in the camp of the young king Thracian Reso, that Diomedes struck with the sword while he slept. Maybe and is this the " stealth mission"?

>> No.6027683

bitter stuff.

>> No.6027829

I agree, Odysseus is a badass. Though my favourite part is when Diomedes is trying to kill Aeneas, Aphrodite jumps in between them to block his strikes, Diomedes keeps bashing and hits Aphrodite, Apollo comes to lend aid to Aphrodite and jumps in front of her with his shield, Diomedes doesn't give a fuck and keeps on bashing I mean, Jesus Christ, what's with the guy?

>> No.6028015

From McCarthy's Border Trilogy:

Billy Parham


>captures a fucking wolf and journeys into Mexico to release her
>after she's killed, he travels back to the US and arrives, near-dead, still only 14 years old
>finds out his parents are dead and his horses stolen
>stay in the USA? FUCK THAT. He goes back into the country that almost killed him to find the horses
>returning again fucked up and beaten, he waits a while and goes back for his brother
>finding his brother dead, he decides to bring the kid's bones back to the USA
>fights off bandits after they trash the remains and heals his horse after they stab it

Fast forward to Cities of the Plain:

>tries to save eternal fuckup John Grady, but helps him when he realizes the kid won't back down
>holds his young friend while he dies
>wanders the US for years on end, becoming homeless despite his kindness and sacrifice
>meets Death and doesn't even give a shit
>Death is so impressed he just walks away
>is finally taken in because he's just so cool that people want to help him, even though he's a vagrant
>not to mention that he's like the only McCarthy character to ever survive

I'm 90% sure that he was created as a counterpoint to the Judge, like an archangel or something, even though he screws up quite a bit.

>> No.6028126

I forgot exactly how he puts it, but Zeus basically told Aphrodite and Apollo was in his right and even though he was hurting gods, he wasn't acting impiously.

>> No.6028132

*Diomedes was in his right

>> No.6028143
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Frank is pretty based, kills his annoying coworkers without batting an eye in very imaginative ways and when the darkness consumes him he accepts his finitude and embraces his death instead of whining and bargaining like a bitch.

>> No.6028330

>I'm 90% sure that he was created as a counterpoint to the Judge, like an archangel or something

Neat idea, havent read the trilogy yet, but somehow this makes it sound even more appealing

>> No.6028337

That was an exaggeration.

Billy is still a very human character, but proves that there is still decency in McCarthy's world, and that even if it can't outright triumph, it can survive.

>> No.6028367

I'd figure that humility and down-to-earth decency would be a stronger argument against the judge than any divine representation would be.

>> No.6028506


>> No.6028509

Athena said to Diomedes that he shouldn't back away from Aphrodite. But regardless, trying to kill Aeneas, Aphrodite and Apollo at the same time is fucking badass.

>> No.6029221

sounds like it could be entertaining, ty

>> No.6029664


>> No.6031696

I thought it was Javier Bardem

>> No.6031790

Plucky Purcell, bitches, from Another Roadside Attraction; literally the baddest bro that ever lived.

>> No.6031792

Ajax? Mfw ...

>> No.6031796

Have you met Plucky Purcell?