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/lit/ - Literature

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6022954 No.6022954 [Reply] [Original]

>your age

>your job

>your /lit/-related ambitions

>> No.6022957

Good thread, post more like this.

>> No.6022963

34, Senior inspector at a major tampon factory, to be the next Pynchon

>> No.6022966

24, security guard, to be the next Pynchon

>> No.6022970

45, Pynchon's man servant, to one day meet the man himself

>> No.6022971

Are you the Scottish guy who works night shifts and whose friends works on an oil rig?

>> No.6022972

Nothing, student.
None, just browse here to relate to edgy posters (not kidding).

>> No.6022983


Student of English literature.

To be the next Pynchon.

>> No.6022988

>your age

>your job

>your /lit/-related ambitions
waiting to hear back from a publishers about my first book since they liked my last one that I withdrew from consideration

>> No.6022990

try to get something published eventually

>> No.6023000



to read > 100 books this year, like last year, the first time ever I pulled that off. Writing is hard and sucks dick.

>> No.6023005


Business intel

to be able to read through what I seek to know. (currently the Red Book and Boethius Consolation of Philosophy)

To continue writing poetry, maybe just as self analysis and auto-therapy.

Also, I would like to find time to dedicate myself towards writing a novel, but I need to read more. I don't seek to be known or publish, I just want to exorcise myself of some ideas and go from there on. I always dream and think about so many sceneries, dialogues and concepts that I sometimes feel I'm really wasting them by not putting them on paper.

>> No.6023024

>your age

>your job
I run a website that makes money from ad revenue and appeals to teenagers who are into meme culture

>your /lit/-related ambitions

>> No.6023038

teaching english as a language around the world
to write something where other people seem to like it and i don't hate it which so far is impossible for me to do both

>> No.6023049

Where you at right now?

>> No.6023070



Create great works of art using pens
Also, snort yopo

>> No.6023079


>> No.6023086

>your age

>your job

>your /lit/-related ambitions

>> No.6023097

Have you met Tao Lin yet?

>> No.6023098
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>your age
(whale noise)

>your job
(whale noise)

>your /lit/-related ambitions
(whale noise)

>> No.6023101

Laurie Penny plz go

>> No.6023103

Tao Lin lives in Manhattan, dork.

>> No.6023105

Our queen isn't fat.

>> No.6023111
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Weo! Weo! Weo! Weeeeeeeeee

>> No.6023115

That's just a double he pays to attend readings

>> No.6023121

>implying Ms. SJWpenny is still queen of /lit/

>> No.6023122

Med student
Zero literary ambitions

I'm here for the discussion.

>> No.6023143

39, music producer, want to publish at least one play and a collection of short stories, then see from there.

>> No.6023160

Have you produced any music people here are likely to have heard of?

>> No.6023184

>Ms. SJWpenny
Bad nickname.

>> No.6023190

Yeah I tried thinking of something good but I felt pressured to respond and I'm tired as hell after two hours sleep although that's a lame excuse

>> No.6023192

Law student
Be extremely well read by the time I finish college

>> No.6023194

well i wouldn't be an anonymous anymore if i was saying that, would i?
But let's say it's unlikely you have heard my music.

>> No.6023206

Man I wish I was your age again. Being able to spend hours at the campus library every night was so amazing.

For anybody young enough not to be expected to work full time ITT, I hope you understand how precious (I know, it's a cliche) your free time is right now (that's if you don't have a job and / or a stressful schedule during college). I am still in my early twenties but I am drained and worn out already.

>> No.6023212

Who cares?

Post your stuff

>> No.6023215

There's a place and time.

>> No.6023221

Long-term unemployment
Read fast and die young

>> No.6023229

Sysadmin student
I want to read all of Shakespeare's plays by the end of this year. 1 down, 36 to go

>> No.6023231
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>obtain MA in England lit
>get a career in some way linked to writing such as editor or lecturer

>> No.6023234

Trying to enter university and become a biologist.
Read more everyday, finish all the great books and enhance my english skills

>> No.6023243

>you will never be a Stoner-esque lecturer

Feels soooooo bad.

>> No.6023286


>> No.6023312

22. sub-editor for an online publication based in NY + editor of an online literary journal. use my family contacts to get my first book of short stories published next year (uncle's wife / aunt works at Knopf...)

>> No.6023335

who is miss penny? genuine question no troll

>> No.6023366

>bussiness intelligence consultant
>publish a novel by my mid thirties after getting bored doing engineering sort of like ernesto sábato, go live in a shack in the middle of the chaco for a year and come back a literary legend

>> No.6023384
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pic related

>> No.6023389

kill urself omg

>> No.6023394

22. Student. Eliminate moral aestheticism.

>> No.6023405

Just reading, I'm a maths student and a piss poor writer. Want to get through Phenomenology of Spirit this year.

>> No.6023421


>I copy all poems and text published at /lit/ and sell them in self-publishing markets - doing suprisingly well actually

>write a book

>> No.6023439

21, Army Technical Engineer, publish something worth reading by 25 that my kid can read some day and know who I was at the time.

>> No.6023440

>killing oneself for not having a job

You're a good prole.

>> No.6023442
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Cook - pastry chef

own and operate a cafe which allows me to sit all day doing what I love reading, writing, listening to music, baking & drinking tea/ coffee

I would also like to use my establishment to host literary and music events within my circle of friends and what not.

>> No.6023443

There are 44. Are you trolling?

>> No.6023455

politics student
become a habermas expert and continue his work, synthesizing western marxism and wittgenstein

>> No.6023456

how did you come to own a cafe? inherited wealth?

>> No.6023462

Murakami plz go

>> No.6023471

define Shakespeare

>> No.6023519

> 19
>likes habermas
To your credit, you can only get more interesting from there.

>> No.6023524 [DELETED] 


>> No.6023558

Stop being new.

>> No.6023575

Laurie Penny, young feminist far-left essayist for The Guardian, boring opinions from 30 years ago.

There was a time here when every second post was about her, thankfully that stopped. People still shitpost her though.

>> No.6023607

>Technical writer
>Want to be able to make a living writing fiction

At least I get to write for a living...

>> No.6023608

My God, a young Ted Chiang

>> No.6023642

Ph.D. in High Energy Physics
Read, read, read.

>> No.6023683


Avid reader
Hit men

I published two novels.
One research.
In a few months I will publish another 2 researches.

>> No.6023735
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Code Monkey/Graduate Student

Read a lot of books, write the occasional story and finish my thesis.

>> No.6023781

>your age

>your job
Psychology student

>your /lit/-related ambitions
Publish some work of high value, maybe get appreciation, but it's optional.

>> No.6023783

I'm at the campus like 8 hours a day, I spend the rest shitposting, playing dota and read like 25 pages a day. Isn't much, but ends up with like 25-40 books a year, depending on the size.

>> No.6023848


>early twenties
>giving advice like he's an old man


>> No.6024032

>your age

>your job
Unemployed as of November. My girlfriend is supporting us for a few months so I can work on a novel unhindered. Prior to that, I was a cook at a country club.

>your /lit/-related ambitions
I don't care if I get rich off of writing, I just want to make enough so that I will not have to do anything else.

>> No.6024034


Pleb detected

>> No.6024036

Firefighter training?

>> No.6024037
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quality taste

>> No.6024040

do you read literature for the psychology?

>> No.6024080
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>Write fiction for a living, even though I love what I do.

>> No.6024090

Then get a part time job and live as cheaply as possibly doing what you want with the extra time.

>> No.6024091

10/10 artwork, best scene in Silmarillion

>> No.6024096


Isn't it? Such a beastly scene.

>> No.6024125

history student
become an alcoholic professor of history and then kill myself. leave behind a 5000 page suicide note that nobody reads

>> No.6024131


>Ms. SJWpenny

wow real original man. just end yourself..

>> No.6024249

Computer science student
> Ambitions
Writing a literary masterpiece.

>> No.6024603
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>tfw my qt gf has been supporting us for two years so I can just write

welcome to the winners circle, bruv

>> No.6024659


IKTF. I don't know how people work full time for longer than a few months at a time.

>> No.6024694
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>I am still in my early twenties but I am drained and worn out already.
That;s because you work. Unemployment is the fountain of youth.

>> No.6024701

Being a student isn't a job, young man.

>> No.6024704

>student, probably going to get a part-time job waiting or something along those lines soon
>bring about a rebirth of poetry in America

>> No.6024739

As someone that went to a really hard college, I feel the complete opposite. Having a set schedule of work of just 9 hours a day, with weekends off, is amazing. So much less stress and confusion.

>> No.6025025


Own my own brewery/used book store selling pastries beers and such. There's one out west that does pretty well

>> No.6025043

publish a poetry chapbook
long term:
eventually get a residence at a school somewhere

>> No.6025179

Bookshop/brewpub sounds a lot better than bookshop/coffeeshop.

>> No.6025198

Drunk people don't often respect merchandise. They also shoot fluids out of their mouths, leak it from their genitals, and sometimes anus. And anywhere there is booze, drunk finds a way.

>> No.6025213

But people who voluntarily drink overpriced coffee in public places recreationally are soulless cunts.

I'd rather have drunks than coffee snobs.

>> No.6025218


1. In the next five years: win a first book of poetry contest from a press I respect.
2. Acquire more writer friends.
3. Read.

>> No.6025230

People who do that pay the same or more mark up with a much lower risk of ruining the books.

>> No.6025277

Barista/English Lit Student
Write Bizarro Fiction

I'm surprised how many posters here are just students without an actual job.

>> No.6025288

>your /lit/-related ambitions
to make it through a single /lit/core book, so far Dostoyevsky is eluding me

>> No.6025316

do Notes from Underground my man, you can knock that one out in an afternoon

>> No.6025382

receiving dude at sears
i like writing and i want to publish some of my writing but i wouldn't call it /lit/-related because /lit/ doesn't do anything

>> No.6025407


Graduate student

To be a published author of at least 5 fantasy and/or horror novels before my eventual death

>> No.6025415

Shit retail
Masturbate into library books and return them.

>> No.6025440

To finish Finnegans Wake in Chinese

>> No.6025451

old enough to party


being patrish by /lit/'s standards in my lifetime

>> No.6025468

Undergraduate Student
To master classical Chinese and read Laozi and Zhuangzi in its original medium.

>> No.6025514



>> No.6025539
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oop? oop? oop? woowooowooooooa? ooooooop! ooop! booooooop! huuuaaaahuaaaahuaa? boooop! bwwwwooooop!!!

>> No.6025548

you can't truly master a dead language breh

>> No.6025557

Count dump trucks and go to college.
To track down Pynchon shortly after his death, and to devour his rotting corps in order to gain the writing capabilities of Cormac McCarthy so that I might crank out a perfect homage just in time for his death. Using my newfound $30,000 that the publishing company will give me I will track down and dig up his grave to consume McCarthy as well. As these two dead greats waller round my stomach I'll begin to track down DFW now skeletonized and jellytonized body for which to make a costume by. With this newfound suit of bones, complete with femer for a cock surrogate, I will unleash myself on the nearest college in bone thousands of hipster men and women in a suit of their long dead idol. I will do all of this within the next decade. Mark my words /lit/.

>> No.6025567
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Oh shit.

How many are you going for total? You're probably better off jerking off in the back of the libarary so that you don't get caught. You could maybe even turn it into a statement of some sort by jerking it into one specific genre or philosophy branch.

>> No.6025596
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>>your age
>>your job
dental assistant, going to dental school soon
>>your /lit/-related ambitions
obviously dentistry but i fuck around in writing. i dont expect anything to manifest

>mfw i mostly felt like posting to make others feel like shit about their life choices
you have to be a masochist to work in this field, which, luckily, i am.

>> No.6025605

>the year is 2025
>government now has dna profile of every citizen
>dna tests are everywhere and cheaply available
>librarian decides to get back at you and buys a scan
>cum dna gets linked back to you
>convicted by AI judge
>authorities automatically notified via scanner
>fines automatically taken out of your bank account
>submitted to 'voluntary recalibration neurotherapy' for 21 days
>get vandalism and sex offender added to digital government ID forever

great plan chef

>> No.6025626

Bone DNA has a half-life of 521 years, so this will actually happen

Plus DNA tests are already only $100 a pop and will only get cheaper.

See http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2012/10/05/rspb.2012.1745

>> No.6025643
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>> No.6025741
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It's pretty much the reason why I'm a good lad. It used to be that God was watching every wrong, then we had a moment of obscurity but now we'll get to the point where everything is monitored to the point of the all seeing judge arises once again in the form of the state.

Which means that being a good boy at all times will become the most rational egoist choice again because you won't get away with anything anyway.

>> No.6025758

No plan to stop ill just keep going until my balls start to hurt perpetually.


Do you really think it will come to that? Won't the DNA go bad eventually? I already jerked off in ~10 books and returned them

>> No.6025773

You're fucked, m8. I saw this coming years ago, which is the sole reason I haven't let a bitch near my seed unsupervised.

>your fucking face when a decade from now that one girl you fucked raw on holiday because you were drunk scans her son's DNA and links him up to you via GovID
>your façade when millions of dads who got away get linked to their offspring
>your face when billions of bucks of child support will flood borders and bank accounts like the great amazon river during the rain season

If you know what's good for you, you started being a good citizen decades ago.

>> No.6025775

>tfw you will never have sex so you don't have to worry

>> No.6025783
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Good for you, anon. I practise abstinence as well now awaiting the new world.

>> No.6025788

well i don't really have a choice in the matter personally so calling it abstinence is a bit far

>> No.6025807
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Do you have no reproductive organs? Otherwise you do have a choice and you're making the right one.

>> No.6025885


I think by not a choice the person you're replying to means they're a rape victim

>> No.6025888


>> No.6025914

is this really a possibility?

>> No.6025926

26, software developer, read the entire classical Greek and Roman literary corpus in the original.
I've got a bits and pieces done but I haven't started formally tackling it.

>> No.6025928

depends how much of your freedom you want to replace with security.
the devilish thing is that there are virtually no downsides if the system doesnt get abused :^)

>> No.6025936
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click click

>> No.6025963

There's one in Portsmouth, NH called the Book & Bar. It's always filled with hipster looking folks.

>> No.6025969

>some cunts rob a store
>their GPS chips get tracked immediately
>case closed

absolutely delicious

>> No.6025973

>Actual job
Toppy Kekk hold the milk, please.

>> No.6025977

I'll make you whaleposters cry:


Crying myself tbh

>> No.6025998
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>> No.6026070

to suck a 7 + inch dick

>> No.6026140

How can you understand anything those books are saying when your life is just a nebulous blob void of any real experiences?

>> No.6026168

But I have had plenty of real experiences, anon. What do you think I've missed?

>> No.6026170

>Contracting Specialist
>finally write that monstergirl fantasy novel I've been putting off for years

One day...one day.

>> No.6026188

>>finally write that monstergirl fantasy novel I've been putting off for years

please anon do

>> No.6026197

Managing a global trade empire, tracking leopards through the Sackoochi jungles, etc

>> No.6026206

Main character is a green water snake who wants to be a sea snake and leaves her village to see the ocean.

>> No.6026208

Sounds like shit tbh, and most EETs don't do that either.

>> No.6026209
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> 20
> Machinist, Welder, Comp-Sci Student, Drunk
> To be the voice of my generation

>> No.6026218

9/10 oblomovism outfit m8 would endorse

>> No.6026220

>Voice of a generation

>> No.6026234

never be mean to comfy lads

>> No.6026239

Sorry, I'm really just projecting my own insecurities. It's something I need to work on.

>> No.6026265

If humans ever get rid of religion and accept the importance of evolution, then darwin will be the voice of that generation

>> No.6026271

>tips fedora

>> No.6026282


>> No.6027096
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I'm 24, I work in a bookstore, I really want to open my own bookstore.

But just in case I'm going to study InfoSec first, and maybe some BA degree, you know, just in case.

>> No.6027104

>your age

>your job
Nothing really (student), though I write for my friend's fashion blog for like $150/month

>your /lit/-related ambitions
Right now would be to continue writing and developing my skills. Then it would be getting published. Ultimately, I'd love to have some sort of impact or influence.

>> No.6027121

>English as a language
As opposed to a cooking method

>> No.6027122
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>>your age
>>your job
>>your /lit/-related ambitions
To wrote something that I am not ashamed to read a few month later and get it published.

>> No.6027149

by 'wrote' you meant 'write' I guess

>> No.6027156

Yes, I am not good at wroting.

>> No.6027171


law student (patent law)

i'd like to write a movie screenplay or two.

>> No.6027421

Ah fuck. Well hopefully by that time they won't be able to tell its semen. That or physical book become obsolete. Fuck I'm just glad I didn't jerk off into any children's books haha

>> No.6028457


>> No.6028464

>your age
>your job
Student planning to major in French and something else. Maybe government.
>your /lit/-related ambitions
Translate important shit

>> No.6028476

24, bartender/student, I wish to wholeheartedly rip off pynchon. I am sad that I am from the Commonwealth nations and only garbage first person narratives win the Booker prize. How can I ever become famous. My only option is to dedicate the next 20 years to the utmost productivity and then stage an elegant suicide while my looks are intact.

>> No.6028497


>Screenplay writer

I'm taking a degree in History just as a backup.

>> No.6029184

To write 7 plays, and an epic poem; to master Ancient Greek and Latin.

>> No.6029200


Rip off your favorite artists, tweak their works a bit and combine them with rip offs of other works

>> No.6029382

It's more of a job than spending Mommy's, Daddy's, or the bank's money.

>> No.6029399

how long have you been NEET?

>> No.6029448

It's probably been about 4 years now.

>> No.6029460


Thief (I steal from cashiers)

I wish to write a memoir on my thief adventures and profit from that.

>> No.6030036

>I want to provide a good time to my readers. I'm a short story addicted writer.

>> No.6030047

Oh, hi me. I'm the dude above.

>> No.6030119


Change it from french to either Arabic or Chinese and you'll have a career

>> No.6030125


> Backup history degree

>> No.6030130


Who are you living off of?

>> No.6030278
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>generic clerk
>read as many books as I can before inevitable suicide

>> No.6030363

He was listing it as a goal

>> No.6030364


NEET, though i did serve a full 4 years in the military

finish some fantasy novels and profit enough to live a comfy life (10k a year will suffice)

>> No.6030781

36, blogger/journalist/memoirist/tv writer, to be the next denis johnson

>> No.6030788

22, Psychologist, be the next gibson.

>> No.6030800

post some shit ma nig

>> No.6030882
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>undergrad student

>to obtain my PhD in History/Russian Studies

>> No.6030909


I work 60 hours a week but I spend 35-40 of those hours reading, have 0 stress, no responsibility, get three days off a week to do whatever I want.

>> No.6030996
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20, machinist, write stories about interesting people that I know & learn German and read theology and philosophy in the language

>> No.6032392

write something I'm proud of