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/lit/ - Literature

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6018649 No.6018649 [Reply] [Original]

I can write anything for my creative writing class. Give me a basis for a sci-fi story. As fucking crazy as you want.

>> No.6018668

all of the planets wake up
they're really gods that have been slumbering for millennia, circling the king god, the perpetually sleeping sun
so anyway, they wake up and start going to war. all the planets fighting each other, carnage on a cosmic scale
then the sun wakes up and shit really gets real

>> No.6018674


Ancient humans knew about it, hence the names of the various planets.

>> No.6018682

sweet... do they grow arms and legs and shit? or do it be like marbles in space

>> No.6018687

set it on phobos, the moon of mars. the moon is only 1000 feet above the planets surface, and is falling 16 feet per year. describe it like when you look up you have intense vertigo and it feels like you're falling. Write about fear.

If you just do a "pew pew lazers" scifi story your teacher will hate you. you need alegory and metaphor.

>> No.6018701
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An alien species of humanoid mantis-people have ingressed western society to bring it to a steady decline via drugs, rap music and liberalism, in order to increase the number of abortions which they use for food.

A small but resilent resistance is building an underground network in the biggest cities of the US to fight the invaders.

>> No.6018727
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I'm liking this a bit more. Something less spacey.

>> No.6018748

a planet inhabited by medieval-tier humanoids is hit by Voyager 1

they start worshipping the Golden Record

>> No.6018770

a guy makes a laser gun that makes 'pew pew' noises as it shoots and then struggles with his conscience because on the one hand it's cool as heck, but on the other hand it will kill many people if he releases it
previously he has also created a samurai sword that goes 'ZING!' when you unsheathe it

>> No.6018774

Not OP. This is brilliant. May I use it?
You ripped it from Melancholia?

>> No.6018792

its a story i'm trying to write, but i fucked it up so i don't even care.

>> No.6018801

and also its more like 3000
in reference, our moon is 300000 miles from earth

>> No.6018817

A giant solar-flare bathes the earth in radiation and effects everyone's brain in a weird way that causes everyone to be telepathic and for everyone's thoughts to be broadcast to everyone around them

Mass suicides ensue as all the people with deep-dark secrets can't handle everyone knowing about them

The main character lives in New York and tries to cope with the situation like everyone else

People start to become respected by the uniqueness of there minds which becomes apparent to everyone since all can perceive it

The main character meets a girl who is experienced in meditation and yoga, her mind is like a waterfall, they take acid, fall in love and get it on

>> No.6018825

That image makes me really uncomfortable

>> No.6018826

A cult hatches on earth, one devoted to infecting people with alien parasites from space. It turns out the parasites are actually pretty intelligent and friendly, and can manipulate our chemistry so we'll always be happy, if we so ask them to.

>> No.6018849

a pair of sunglasses that make you really depressed, but make you look really cool

>> No.6018886

There is a cult of High School students that worship a now retired geometry teacher's pet cat named Hestia. Hestia is actually possessed by the ghost of Cardinal Richelieu, and is trying to use these High School Students as a way to restore the French Monarchy.

>> No.6018937

The redacted 28 pages of the joint congressional report on 9/11 that deal with the involvement of foreign governments in 9/11 are reluctantly released by Obama and the senate passes a resolution demanding he do so

Mass controversy ensues as it is revealed to the public that isreali Mossad agents helped the hijackers and that Saudi Arabia financed them. Congress cuts off foreign aid to both Isreal and Saudi Arabia

The US stops protecting Isreal at the UN and in the face of security council resolutions and impending sanctions Isreal is forced to make peace with the Palestinians.

In response the US no longer being it's ally Saudi Arabia steps up it support for ISIS, the US teams up with Assad and Iran and gets rid of them.

The Iranian bucket deal is completed, the US switches from being allies of Isreal and Saudi Arabia to being allies with Iran

The books protagonist travels to Iran and gets a QT Iranian girlfriend that he smokes hash with

>> No.6018945


*iranian nuclear deal is completed

>> No.6019079

A giant star that is collapsing into a black hole but is rotating so fast that it actually becomes a black ring.

>> No.6019090

Aliens come to our solar system and send a powerful gas to earth's atmosphere. Anyone touched by the gas goes into a coma. Soon, the gas goes back to the alien ships who fly away but most people were affected. Earth has stopped, and only few people have escaped from the gas.
A few weeks pass and everything has stopped. But the comatose are still in a coma.
Our hero, Plucky Anon, discovers that comatose people cannot be killed after seeing his (affected) little sister fall from a roof and remain unharmed. We later discover that he pushed her off because he is jealous of her.
Plucky Anon goes about town experimenting on the comatose and finally has sex with a real girl, altough asleep. As months pass the comatose remain alive and unmoving, not even needing to breathe. Plucky Anon has a few close calls with a band of looters, and develops parkour skills.
After a full Earth year has passed, the aliens come back to Earth. Their ships station over every big city. They suddenly make a very violent and sudden noise, which confuses Plucky Anon in the middle of an experiment on a comatose. He slips and hits his head and dies but it's okay because this isn't his story.
When the alien ships stop the sound every comatose awakens. The aliens send beautiful rainbows everywhere and suddenly the people who have awakened can only speak one language, the language of aliens.
They are now immortals, the alien say. Also, they will never age and their bodies will never evolve. They are indestructible.
The aliens thank the earthlings for their time and leave (to be seen again on book 78, where it is revealed that they vampire'd mortality out of the humans).
Frontiers, language and culture mean nothing after a few decades. There's no need for food.
Since no one can age everyone meets everyone and people now have thousands and thousands of acquaintances. Orgasm cannot be attained, but no one can get pregnant anyway.
Everyone starts to read and write and paint: with infinite times all of the arts can be enjoyed to their fullest extents, and anyway there's really nothing better to do.
Five hundred years later the earthling society revolves around finding something to do.
Some people do crimes for fun. Others play at being police officers. Truly annoying people are packed and strapped to giant rockets and sent into orbit. Even in space they do not die.
Some earthlings even travel the infinite breaches of space, using their immortality to reach another world.

>> No.6019097

They have champions
20 000 kilometer champions of ice or rocks or steel or shit

>> No.6019108

Do a story about a solar system where two planets have life on them, like twin Earths. The people on both planets see each other for centuries before space travel is achieved. What are the reactions when they finally meet? How similar are they?

>> No.6019663


>my face when I thought this was going to be a bukkaka video

>> No.6019699


The funny part is that the 28 pages likely do say that IRL and a lot of stuff in that post will probably happen

>> No.6019725

A desert planet with an extremely slow rotational period.
The only species on this planet live on the sun's light. They die if fall into the night.
They must always walk to live.

>> No.6019828

Has anyone reported this homework thread?

>> No.6020011
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At least it's tangentially /lit/, unlike 90% of threads from the past week or so