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/lit/ - Literature

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6019373 No.6019373 [Reply] [Original]

Why is George R.R. Martin incapable of writing for adults?

>> No.6019383

too busy fighting japanese whalers on his discovery channel tv show

>> No.6019397

Why is everyone always shitposting? The more you hate something the stronger it becomes, have you never heard of this? Or do you just have too much fun fishing for lulz instead of creating something worth talking about?

>> No.6019411
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that joke would have been so much better if you ended after 'whales'. jesus christ guy

>> No.6019413

I'd rather read A Song of Ice and Fire than The Hunger Games or Divergent. He's no literary genius, but he's better than 90 % of the popular authors right now.

>> No.6019421

What was so wrong with his books, OP?

>> No.6019424

I'm with you, man.

>> No.6019641

That's not very hard, you know.

>> No.6019664

Why are the threads started by you idiots of such ridiculously shitty quality?

Stop asking vague and subjective bullshit, start a thread about what you specifically think about a certain subject and why, why you want to discuss it in the first place and ask others to contribute. Ffs nigger it's not that hard.

>> No.6019671

>Why is George R.R. Martin incapable of writing for adults?
Adults, so 25 years or older. Well its because his market is your adults and teenagers as both like similar but not necessarily overlapping types of fiction. His success would suggest that the type of book he writes is remarkably appealing for that sector so why should he try to write something harder, its his job - he is successful and therefore a true murkin.

>> No.6019673

He has bills to pay.

>> No.6019686

Why is OP incapable of being innovative or clever with his shitposting?

>> No.6020126

>tfw no Discorey Channel to watch Martin fighting japanese whalers

>> No.6020264

G.R.R.M is his name.
When referencing him in conversation, I pronounce it grrrrrrm.

>> No.6020301

Look at him. Does he look like an adult? He looks like an old kid about to have his pile of pancakes served by the big boobies waitress. And he should be happy.

>> No.6020314
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>The more you hate something the stronger it becomes

is that why nazism is as strong as it has ever been?

>> No.6020329

Why is /lit/ incapable of talking about the good books and prefere to circlejerk about the bad ones?

>> No.6020336

When does lit circle jerk over bad books?

>> No.6020344

This really isn't as funny as you might have thought it was.

>> No.6020370


I can say with confidence that nazism was hated most when it was in it's height of power.

>> No.6020591

Brotip: it wasn't.

>> No.6020879

>The more you hate something the stronger it becomes

Just like the more she drank, the more she shat

>> No.6021515

I want to know why the fuck is he taking so long to come out with a new book

>> No.6021558

arrested emotional development to do with food addiction

>> No.6021820

He writes other books, I think.

>> No.6021857

Because he celebrates too much.

>> No.6021866
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/r/ing that 'books you could've read instead of asoiaf' image, also that one which show GRRMs plagiarism.

>> No.6021869


He also writes for the show.

>> No.6021870

To be honest i read the first 3 books while at work and they were OKAY, (besides skipping entire ayra, and whole pages of useless food wanking).

But i have to say after starting a feast for crows, i cant fucking be bothered to read it. im like 200 pages in and i really just asked myself "is the writing beautiful? is the story interesting? do i really give a single fuck about what happens to even one of these characters? is the world worth exploring?"

the answer to all of these questions was no. so i did what i hardly ever do and i set down a book and series i started.

gonna start the magic mountain instead.

>> No.6021881

come on girl, let's go outside, away from this boring thread.

>> No.6021968

I had practically the exact opposite feeling, except regarding the writing. How on earth were you so tuned-out and unimpressed? Sounds like you skimmed the entire thing.

Also skipping chapters, in any book, is fucking appalling. It's as rage-inducing as creasing spines or dog-earing pages.

Oh and complaining about the food - pure pleb. I can't get enough of food and dress descriptions. I can't say why but it feels so satisfying reading them.

>> No.6021995

i bend the shit out of spines, dog ear the shit out of pages; but i've never skimmed or skipped till i attempted to read this rambling hack make what is essentially a TV soap opera into a fantasy novel.

The food descriptions are absolutely shit teir anon. if you want real food descriptions check the fuck out of a redwall book.

>> No.6022005

i started skipping chapters in book 4. then i decided to skip the rest of the book and the series.

>> No.6022009
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>> No.6022010

>rambling hack make what is essentially a TV soap opera into a fantasy novel.
You've managed to combine the two most tried and common meme-tier catchphrases used when shitposting about these books

Honestly you complaints are straight out of the /lit/ text book regarding Martin. I mean this shit is next to meaningless, and gets repeated practically word for word without any thought.

Not that OP wasn't obviously shitposting.

>> No.6022020

to be honest i never went in these threads so i honestly did not know.

but, if the shoe fits.

>> No.6022024

>besides skipping entire ayra
Your opinion is worthless. Back to /v/ wity you.

>> No.6022075
File: 86 KB, 337x332, 1364445736705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess kids like boring books with swearing and sex in them

wow medieval europe great setting for a fantasy novel george no one has ever thought of that before

wow knights and peasants lords and ladies this will be familiar and easy to digest. I mean I like "Speculative Fiction" and read 1.5 of these ASOIAF shits and they're just not that good. At least people fighting over them reminds me of the old days of /lit/

>> No.6022095

Please oh PLEASE put some effort into it. lit's standard of shiposting has never been at such abysmal levels.

>> No.6022104

You don't have to know. As long as popularity rubs you the wrong way, you're bound to say and think the same shite.

>> No.6022117

But 4 and 5 are terrible anon. This is an indisputable fact

>> No.6022177


I just don't like these books. just because i don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm shitposting.

the setting is boring: the war of the roses has been fought a thousand times in generic fantasy

the characters are difficult to identify with and short lived: if this was lit I wouldn't mind but if this is supposed to be fun genre stuff you have to make me like the characters. none of them had any depth either or show any growth or progression

fake medieval english

it wasn't so much that the plot was boring as it had no plot - a succession of characters fight a violent internecine conflict - it's like the lebanese civil war except less compelling. I don't give a fuck what happens to westeros because it's filled with dicks and seems like it would have too many brooks and deciduous trees like bad LOTR cover art.

I'd rather read bernard cornwell or even ken follet if I'm going to read literary junk food

>> No.6022359

Martin is not bad. Granted, he's not Tolkien or Wolfe tier, but overall he's decent.

/lit/ makes a show of hating him only because the show based on the books is crazy popular right now. I remember before the show you could discuss asoiaf peacefully here.

tl;dr contrarian hipsters.

>> No.6022398

>h-he doesn't like shit
>must be a hipster!!

it's like I'm on /a/ or /v/

>> No.6022400


You misunderstood my post. You're free to dislike Martin of course, but it'd be nice to see some reasoned argument or criticism instead of SUNSET FOUND HER SQUATTING IN THE GRASS.

Coincidentally, the amount of GRRM-related shitposting increased after the show became popular. Before, you had people who didn't like him, but at least they could fucking argue.

>> No.6022437

>the setting is boring
No it isn't.

This is about as compelling as the rest of your post gets; mere assertions, nothing whatsoever to back them up.

This one is particularly good:
>if this was lit I wouldn't mind but if this is supposed to be fun genre stuff you have to make me like the characters
Read this again carefully.

>> No.6022814

Not him but Martin's wordbuilding is one of the worses ever. Westeros is almost as boring as Alagaesia.