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6017314 No.6017314 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Lovecraft so...disappointing?

>> No.6017321


You had false expectations.

>> No.6017326

/threadest of /thread

>> No.6017330


I did not expect to read a painstaking scientific report about things that never happened.
>Arrogant rock formations

>> No.6017335

In our modern culture it is the norm to latch onto something vaguely original and dràaaaaaaaain and suuuuuuuck it dry until its just a dead husk who's fleshy innards have been stretched brutally taut into cliches to be used by other books/videogames/shows etc etc

Also his prose is either atmospheric or just a fat glob of text when it doesn't work

>> No.6017348

The only thing that I can say to point you in the right direction is that you must look beyond what lovecraft is writing. His words point beyond themselves at something we can't bare. His writing amounts to a frightened cromagnon man running back to his tribe pointing, shouting, and flailing at something in the opposite direction.

The cleanliness, verbosity, and subdued excitement is to suggest a mask being worn by the author covering the face of said caveman. He has seen something, he dares not and cannot talk about it directly. He suggests it with his monsters, but they are just metaphors. True cosmic horror annihilates you, you break inside. All one can do is hope that the others run away and don't see it.

>> No.6017445
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Wtf did I just read?

>> No.6017465

i think he is trying to say that lovecrafts monsters are a metaphor for mans greatest fear, the fear of the unkown. lovecraft wanted to be a astronomer and this inspired him to create these cosmic monsters but for the fact that when he studied the stars he felt space was very empty and an abyss and he populated it with his mosnters.

validate my opinion

>> No.6017479

>validate my opinion

I'd say you're close to what I was trying to get across, there is more to it, but it's satisfactory enough an explanation. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. He can be whimsical and frightens the unprepared.

>> No.6017628

What's wrong with "arrogant rock formation"? Can you come with something better?

>> No.6018247

Oh shite, this post was written hours ago, whatever.

Not OP and I get exactly what you mean, I took up a book containing all he ever wrote, I have not reached (OP's book) yet or the Chutl..THAT saga or circle, but anyway I am getting tired of this clique of him.

They say, "show dont tell" and this book is not showing me anything (with words) I cant imagine, I just get this "oh boy you have no idea how awful it looked I cant even imagine it".

Dante did a whole "what I saw was so intense that my memory can barely hold it", hundred of years before and better too so far.

>> No.6018705

You're a pleb
Probably right about most things
You've seen some shit
Trying too hard
>arrogant cock formation
Good call

>> No.6018728

>starting with the mountains of madness
wow, bad idea.

you've gotta start with the greeks

nah really, good ones to start with are
the outsider
cool air
the statement of randolph carter
the temple
from beyond
the color out of space
shadow out of time

at the mountains of madness was a novel which connected and explained a lot of his work. Before ATMoM, people thought of lovecraft as a fantasist and not a science fiction writer.

>> No.6018737

people read lovecraft like he's a novelist. He really really isn't. you can overdose with him. Intersperse his writing with other things. He wrote for magazines 90% of the time.

also, try The King in Yellow and The Great God Pan.

>> No.6018740

Because he writes the same story over and over again.

>> No.6018758
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True, pic related is about 80-90% of his short stories

>> No.6018783

>learn what people want to read
>paid by wordcount, better insert as many eldritches and squamiouses in as possible
>never think your work will be collected
like i said, you've gotta split it up. you wouldn't just go on a stephen king binge.
when i found out that my friends from highschool were heroin addicts, i showed them this album. I'm sure that lovecraft knew people addicted to opium, he uses it enough in his stories enough.

>> No.6018790

>He suggests it with his monsters, but they are just metaphors.
They are real, they transport you to Shanghai is you manage to summon them properly.

>> No.6018795

This is it, yes, but when his flailings persist and become his profession, such that before long he's contributing nothing but ever more sophisticated flails, well, then he just becomes the town lunatic. Which is what Lovecraft - similarly to Kafka, in my opinion (an opinion stolen from Brecht) - is: a writer whose project was noble, but experimental; and their experiment failed, i.e. Lovecraft fails as a (literary) writer.

>> No.6018806

Sorry about that clusterfuck of a second sentence, but it's grammatical, so if you're persistent, it should be decipherable.

>> No.6018996

You are a puppet plebeian who doesn't see anything wrong with existence and is constrained by literary forms, that's why.

>> No.6019074

Made me kek