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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
601440 No.601440 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see where the anons of our most beloved board falls, shall we? Just a little curious.

Economic Left/Right: 3.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 4.92

>> No.601447

and how do you compute the scores?

>> No.601450
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>> No.601456

predict most will be in green

>> No.601457

should automatically show you your chart. scroll down a bit once you've finished.

>> No.601472
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>> No.601481
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>Question 1: If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.

worst political survey. ever.

>> No.601496
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Here's the chart from the site so you can compare yourself to some famous leaders.

>> No.601500
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I've always considered my self as a right authoritarian.
Perhaps I should do some thinking...
Or re-take this test when it's not 4 am.

>> No.601502
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>> No.601506
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Bottom right.

>> No.601507
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here's the other one

>> No.601509

gotta love Thatcher

>> No.601511
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>> No.601517

Last time I took this mother, I got (-3,-1).

I always fancied myself as a moderate, but I'm 30% faggot according to these guys.

>> No.601527

the quiz doesn't lie

you are what you are

>> No.601529
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Economic Left/Right: -4.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.74

I'm pretty much the Dalai Lama you guise

>> No.601543
File: 3 KB, 480x400, political_compass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the layman's version.

>> No.601544

Economic Left/Right: -5.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.67

>> No.601546
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>> No.601551


>implying libertarians are not bigger assholes than authoritarians.

>> No.601554
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Kind of predicted this one. Odd that everyone has been either libertarian left or authoritarian right.

>> No.601555
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Pretty close to the Dalai Lama. I do like Buddhism.

>> No.601564

inb4 no one is within 4 units of the center

You guy are so edgy.

>> No.601565

Why? Obviously some answered one way, some another.

>> No.601566
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Economic Left/Right: -7.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -9.33

>> No.601571


It's phrased with bias.

>> No.601572
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>> No.601574

Yeah, good point. I chose my political beliefs because I thought they made me look cool.

>> No.601575
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holy fuck we are all pretty similar.

>> No.601577


>> No.601578

>No one chooses his or her country from birth, so it's foolish to be proud of it.

Isn't that like saying it's foolish to be proud of your family since you didn't choose to be born into it?

>> No.601583

I am actually surprised how well this works too. This is exactly what I thought I was.

>> No.601588

you aren't some idiot that thinks it's the only perfect religion are something are you? or the kids I knew in high school that said they were buddhists but had never heard of the four noble truths or eight fold path

or people that say buddhism isn't really a religion, but a philosophy (this one especially pisses me off, look at their fucking artwork, there's gods and spirits everywhere)

>> No.601589

And yet many people I know would choose the transnational companies. They are asking questions that are radical for both sides because they are not just determining which square you are in. They are also determining how far into that square you go.

>> No.601593

No, its saying we shouldn't be proud of our country just because its OUR country.

>> No.601599

Err... uhh...

Ah, yes. We're discussing the most vital part of any literature: The reader themselves. Therefore, this thread is justified.

>> No.601600

sort of, but the family is a different institution than the nation. the latter causes far more stupid and terrible shit to happen.

>> No.601601

also in my Asian history lecture the other day the professor mentioned how impoverished Japanese peasants sold their daughters to brothels and their sons to... Buddhist temples

both for exactly the same reasons

>> No.601602

well yes, it is quite foolish to be proud of your family if they do not deserve it.

>> No.601608
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About what I expected.

>> No.601614


It IS foolish to be proud of your family just because you were born in it...

>> No.601616
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Most people here lean left.

>> No.601618

what the fuck, man

>> No.601619

>implying stupid shit isn't done by individuals within society and obviously came from a family.

>> No.601624


>1. Some of the questions are slanted

>Most of them are slanted ! Some right-wingers accuse us of a leftward slant. Some left-wingers accuse us of a rightward slant. But it's important to realise that this isn't a survey, and these aren't questions. They're propositions - an altogether different proposition. To question the logic of individual ones that irritate you is to miss the point. Some propositions are extreme, and some are more moderate. That's how we can show you whether you lean towards extremism or moderation on the Compass.

>Some of the propositions are intentionally vague. Their purpose is to trigger buzzwords in the mind of the user, measuring feelings and prejudices rather than detailed opinions on policy.

>Incidentally, our test is not another internet personality classification tool. The essence of our site is the model for political analysis. The test is simply a demonstration of it.

>> No.601625
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I'm pretty balanced between liberal and conservative values. Surprised I wasn't closer to Libertarian.

>> No.601626

I didn't say I was Buddhist, but I like Buddhism. I've studied it a little on my own, read books, took a World Religion class in which I chose to visit a temple and interview Theravada Buddhist monks from Burma and got some good literature from them about Buddhism. Not an expert, but I'm a fan.

I think there's a lot of good indigenous American and African religions. Hinduism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity and some forms of Judaism and Islam are cool too.

>> No.601627


Like every one ITT.

>> No.601631



>> No.601632

>confusing biological reproduction with social institutions.

>> No.601634

It's kinda lame when people take credit for shit hundreds of years ago, be it their nation or family.

"We invented bla bla bla first!" etc. is just stupid.

>> No.601638
File: 13 KB, 491x545, political compass SHOCKINGDISCOVERY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was surprised by how entirely unsurprising my results were. Also, to help this thread have something to do with literature, I submit the following:

Steinbeck was a pretty good writer.

>> No.601644


well i'm pretty sure you invented buttsecks.

>> No.601645

>A significant advantage of a one-party state is that it avoids all the arguments that delay progress in a democratic political system.

Ummm.....what? That's a fact. How can you agree or disagree with that?

>> No.601646
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>> No.601647

Lol hi guys. What is this sarcasm of which you speak?

>> No.601651


Yeah, I especially love Youtube videos that devolve into retarded arguments of 'WE BAILED YOUR ASSES OUT DURING WWII'

>> No.601652


See >>601517

Sagers gonna sage.

>> No.601656

Don't take the questions literally. The question is really asking "Do you think a one party state is a good idea?" I don't know why they didn't just say that.

>> No.601657


>Doesn't know anything about politics or history.

>> No.601659

wow this thread exploded

>> No.601661


>13, It's true that a one party state has a significant advantage; even so I wouldn't support it. So how can I respond ?

>From classical Greece onwards, discussion and, inevitably, argument, has been viewed by democrats as essential for considering all viewpoints and consequently reaching the best informed and most representative decision. For such people, the replacement of polemics with speedy dictates would definitely not be seen as any sort of "significant advantage" or "progress".

>> No.601671


I suppose some could hold the opinion that democracy is efficient.

>> No.601677

>inferring social institutions are not human?

who the fuck do you think makes up the social institutions? robots?
you're clearly just trying to remove any responsibility from the individual by saying some big bad institute did it therefore no one is to blame.

>> No.601682

Yeah, George Washington was a much bigger asshole than Stalin.

>> No.601684


Yes, it's the only way we can reflect on the Bush era without feeling suicidal for voting for him.

>> No.601690
File: 26 KB, 945x424, 4unitsaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You best reconsider, nigger.

I totally didn't expect this

>> No.601691

>Implying Libertarian is being used that way.

>> No.601695

Bottom right.

>> No.601704
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I'm ok with this

>> No.601709

Um... no he didn't?

>> No.601717


It's stupid to be proud of being born in a country, which is of no consequence, but it's fine to be proud of something your country has done, likewise with your family analysis. you shouldn't like your dad because he's your dad, you should base your opinion off of his character.

>> No.601720


This is a fact if we define progress as making decisions and carrying them out. Democracy is inefficient and thus stagnant. But the wisdom of those decisions is found through discourse. A one-party state can only be as wise as that party's members (and nepotism and/or cronyism will probably weed out the innovative in a few decades).

>> No.601721
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Shit I'm way to leftist... I guess I should've paid better attention in my economics class...

>> No.601725

Here's the problem, you probably think Glenn Beck and people like him are libertarian. I am sorry to say he is authoritarian and there is no bigger asshole than Glenn Beck. So libertarians can't be bigger assholes than authoritarians, because no one can be a bigger asshole than Glenn Beck. You see?

>> No.601726


Confucius say: get out of my house! I have no son!

>> No.601730

Yeah. Too bad we have a Republic, not a Democracy.

>> No.601734

god bless america

>> No.601740

you are the only edgy one here man

>> No.601741
File: 3 KB, 480x400, interesting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economic Left/Right: 4.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.46
This test is pretty bad; there's no option to not care about some of the questions.

>> No.601748

This test is not pretty bad, it's fucking terrible.

>> No.601749

God Is The State, The State Is God

>> No.601755


Why? Because you don't agree with its outcomes or its procedure?

>> No.601756


Fuck off Trotsky

>> No.601757

says the lefties

>> No.601760

No. You're an asshole. Go suck off Stalin's dead corpse.

>> No.601763

I'm a free market anarchist.

>> No.601769

im not sure what you are trying to say. but chances are you are retarded.

>> No.601770


Not an autocratic republic.

>> No.601772


Trotsky Sucks, Stalin Sucks, Marx Sucks, Lenin Sucks, Castro Sucks, Mao Sucks, Che Sucks... Communists and Communism Suck

>> No.601774
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>> No.601776

I agree with the result, broadly, I just felt that there were a lot of questions asked where my answer was: "I don't give 2 shits." Like whether homosexuals should be allowed to adopt; it's not something I worry about or care about.

>> No.601778


Agreed; there should be an 'undecided' option...

>> No.601780

oy vey. you are supposed to read "the latter causes" as "people who are retarded nationalists cause more harm..."

it's a standard figure of speech in these parts. learn to adjust

>> No.601786 [DELETED] 

They shouldn't be allowed to adopt. They need their brains evaluated, that's what. What they do, what they are, isn't natural.

>> No.601789


Calm down, Joseph.

>> No.601791

10/10, I raged.

>> No.601793
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Finally the test can reflect my positions.

>> No.601806

I support gay marriage and even adoption.

But I consider homosexuality to be a disease (or at least an adverse condition) regarding the biological urge to reproduce. Apparently science doesn't use that term anymore and I believe they should again. That's what it is. Men can't have children on their own, nor can women, so the attraction is unnatural. That doesn't make their sex immoral or unethical, but it does make it wrong - like a fetish but taken to the extremest of extremes lol

That should be a question on the quiz.

>> No.601808
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Because that guy deleted his post.

>> No.601811


>> No.601816

Because if this planet needs one thing its more people.

>> No.601819


Malthusianfag detected.

>> No.601822
File: 13 KB, 297x350, computer-out-window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


∞/10 raged uncontrollably

>> No.601818 [DELETED] 

Oh, sorry, I deleted my post on accident.

Anyways, I said that gays shouldn't be allowed to adopt children. As I said before, I don't think their brain chemistry is exactly in the right order. What they are isn't natural, and until they have their brains fixed I think that they should stay far away from any children.

>> No.601824


I agree. If being homosexual is natural why does it violate one of the basic biological facts of life, reproduction?

>> No.601828

that guy really likes deleting his posts.

>> No.601831

Humans aren't the only species that engages in homosexual sex.

>> No.601837

>implying that homosexuality is natural

>> No.601838

We're being trolled. He's trying to make the thread illogical. As if it couldn't do that on its own.

>> No.601840

Yes. Yes it is.

>> No.601842
File: 24 KB, 300x273, happytroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My Work Here is Done

>> No.601844

Let's get back on topic, guys. Has anyone else taken the test?

>> No.601847
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>> No.601848

OK Everyone stop replying to the faux homophobe.

>> No.601851


You only trolled one person.

>> No.601852


No it isn't. Neither is their any solid evidence that homosexuality is natural. Look it up.

>> No.601855

So guys, how about them books? I think they're pretty neat, with all their words and such.

>> No.601856


One is all it takes (refer to: >>601822)

>> No.601859

What is this "book" of which you speak?

>> No.601860

There's more evidence suggesting it's natural than suggesting it's unnatural.
It's not like people just say, "Hmmm, I'm going to submit myself to a life of discrimination and inequality just so I can anger Jesus Christ."

>> No.601863

Humanity uses resources on this planet faster than it produces them, and is overall making it a shittier place to live. I guess we're unnatural too.

What does that even mean, "unnatural"? People use it as a synonym for "abnormal" but in it doesn't work in this context because something abnormal isn't necessarily unnatural.

>> No.601864

how could homosexuality be natural

I know it happens "in nature" but that doesn't fucking mean it's natural at all

any species that is naturally homosexual is destined to extinction

>> No.601866


You assume I'm a Christian. That is your first error. Secondly, there is little empirical evidence that homosexuality is naturally hardwired into the brain.

>> No.601867


Natural in the sense that it occurs from birth and is carried permanently through life, but not natural in the sense that it serves a purpose to the expansion of the species.

>> No.601869

It's pretty good population control.
And obviously, no species is entirely homosexual.
Also, look up the Kinsey scale.

>> No.601870

>I know it happens "in nature" but that doesn't fucking mean it's natural at all


>any species that is naturally homosexual is destined to extinction

it occurs in individuals

>> No.601871

Is there any evidence that it is not?

>> No.601873

There is little empirical evidence for either side of the argument. Turns out science and love don't mix.

>> No.601876

The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

>> No.601877
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Where are my libertarians at?

>> No.601879
File: 92 KB, 450x1461, troll feed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god guys just stop.

>> No.601880

We're all busy being anarchists.

>> No.601881


There is evidence its hormonal. There is no evidence it is culturally/socially/environmentally influence. Where do you think it comes from?

>> No.601882

Top right for the fucking lose.

>> No.601883


We're all in the green square, moralfag.

>> No.601887


But what if the hormonal shift is due to environmental factors (it's evolutionary)?

As Isaac Asimov once jested, homosexuality should be prescribed as a cure to overpopulation.

>> No.601893

That doesn't really change much if it is true.

>> No.601895


I'm an authoritarian MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!

>> No.601899


I wouldn't know about that, or what that implies

If it were evolutionary it would still be natural

>> No.601904
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>> No.601905
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yet another classical libertarian here

>> No.601908

I hate you, just thought you should know.

>> No.601909
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>and so on

>> No.601911

Green square means you are economically liberal, and socially liberal.

True libertarians are in purple,

>> No.601913

OP here, what am I?

>> No.601915


No. True libertarians are in the blue square. I'm very libertarian and I'm in the top left corner.

>> No.601916

A right wing faggot.

>> No.601919


So libertarians oppose economic liberty?

>> No.601920

ITT: the same people who tell leftists that they do not have a monopoly on "true communism" attempt to have a monopoly on "true libertarianism"

>> No.601923

>Top left


>> No.601924

Not so. Originally libertarian meant anarchist communist.

>> No.601925


If you're in the blue square, you're not libertarian. It's right there on the fucking graph's Y-axis label! The blue square is for opposing personal freedom in favour of culture stability and homogeneity.

>> No.601927


Left wing economy is one controlled by the government. Go back to grade school.

>> No.601931

You know shit's gone sour when /lit/ is color-blind and can't tell its left from its right.

Fucking hopeless.

>> No.601932

Purple is pro economic freedom.

>> No.601933


But he used the term "economically liberal", meaning economic liberty. Is English your second language?

>> No.601934

Jesus, left wingers can't read fucking charts.

>> No.601935
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all you libertarians are living in some sort of fantasy world.

>> No.601937

Oh look, another neoconservative republican asshole trying to hide his true identity by claiming to be a libertarian. Don't you have a show to do Mr. Beck?

>> No.601938
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>> No.601940

economic freedom is the self emanicpation of the working class

>> No.601942


Don't be so hard on yourself, buddy, we all make mistakes.

>> No.601943

>All you people who don't support the current situation herp derp herp derp..

>> No.601944
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Economic Left/Right: goat
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: ass

>> No.601945


It's called quitting your job. Bam, you're emancipated.

>> No.601946

Economic liberal use to mean pro free markets.

>> No.601949

I believe Russia is missing one of it's revolutionaries.

>> No.601953
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>not SFW

>> No.601954

And Republicans used to oppose racism and slavery. What a world we live in.

>> No.601958
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there are not enough choices or enough questions in that test for it to meaningfully reflect my politics.

>> No.601960
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>> No.601966


Your opinion

>> No.601972


the banana crotch
the tip shake
i feel dirty

>> No.601984

and then the goddamn Stalwarts came around and ruined everything

>> No.601985
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>> No.602059
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hello political soul mates

>> No.602081
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I'm not really -that- left...

>> No.602124
File: 18 KB, 480x400, politicalcumpass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am.

>> No.602129
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And now for some educational graphs.

>> No.602132
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>> No.602136
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>> No.602137

(-2, 3)

I've taken this test before.

>> No.602139
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>> No.602143
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>> No.602147

Sup nonexistent mods! How would you feel about deleting this thread?

>> No.602149

lol /lit/ mods.

>> No.602152
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>> No.602168
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>> No.602222
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I never thought of myself as so... extreme.

>> No.602265
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Economic Left/Right: -4.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.49

I'm the red dot.

>> No.602317

I remember I was low to center, libertarian, yet also somehow more to the left a bit. Odd since I always saw myself right of center.

>> No.602354
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>> No.602384
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Another bleeding heart left libfag here.

>> No.602386
File: 152 KB, 258x314, reaction_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that test implying being a liberal and a leftist is possible
>my face

>> No.602399


>implying it's possible to capture a person's political beliefs within a single dimension

>> No.602405
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I suppose I don't really fit in with you lot.

>> No.602410

There is more than one usage for the word liberal.

>> No.602431

That result should worry you.

>> No.602434
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>> No.602442
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>> No.602477

Just another Dalai Lama here, can't be bothered saving the pic.

>> No.602481

You mean you're a revanchevist theocratic fascist?

>> No.602486


Now it doesn't sound so cool anymore. ;_;

>> No.602511
File: 28 KB, 167x175, 180px-Y-Stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all bydlos postin' in a bydlo thread

>> No.602514
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>> No.602523

My circle was near and had a few points in common with Gandhi's.

>> No.602526

On what basis do you guys plant the dot?
This whole thing is completely arbitrary, and you seem to lack understand that self-description and "objective" ascription is often not the same.

>> No.602549

>>601616 Most people here lean left.

Now a surprise - most scientists lean left.

>> No.602555

>>602526 On what basis do you guys plant the dot?

Do the test the OP links to, moron.

>> No.602564
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that's why I go to 4chan, to be among like-minded people

>> No.602571
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Man, that questionaire is fundamentally flawed and says more about US society than its actual outcome says about the individual.

>> No.602602
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economic Left/Right: -8.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.18

>> No.602624
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I think I'm with the lit majority

>> No.602627
File: 15 KB, 300x299, Losonczy Geza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is now officially libertarian socialist.

>> No.602630

this is sort of like a loony test.

things that you have to choose to be considered "rightwing" by this test:

retributive justice
some sort of religious fundiism
blatant ignorance of enviro externalities
some sort of worship of 'free market' and corporations
crude nationalism/tribalism/nativism

pretty much all the 'left' econ questions are vague platitudes that everyone accepts.

i don't think my 'right wing' econ professors would score to the right of the economic axis with this test.

>> No.602635

>this is sort of like a loony test.
>things that you have to choose to be considered "rightwing" by this test:

Pretty accurate then, yeah?

>> No.602637

well yea

>> No.602676
File: 40 KB, 463x399, politicalcompass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I took this test, a couple of years ago, I was in roughly at the middle of it. The results were quite surprising, because I figured I became more right-winged over the years. Oh well.

>> No.602681
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I'm close to Gandhi.

>> No.602686
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>> No.602687
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>> No.602717

Astoundingly there is almost noone in the right-down corner.

Which leads me to the conclusion that nobody here actually likes Ayn Rand but is simply trolling.

>> No.602729 [DELETED] 
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>> No.602732

noone isn't a word.
you're on /lit/, expect things like this to be pointed out.

>> No.602736
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>> No.602769


>> No.602780

>A significant advantage of a one-party state is that it avoids all the arguments that delay progress in a democratic political system.
Well, duh. Of course it does. That doesn't mean I approve of a one-party system though.

>> No.602790
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>> No.602798

noo ne?

>> No.602799
File: 21 KB, 480x400, hyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds about right. i gues.s.

>> No.602804
File: 21 KB, 466x406, compass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this test a couple of years ago and it was closer to the X-axis

>> No.602806
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Why are you all so green?

>> No.602811
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at me, I'm just like everyone else in this thread!

Can't say I'm surprised.

>> No.602813
File: 3 KB, 480x400, political.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to see a pattern here.

>> No.602836
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What a shock

>> No.602839

I'm sure /k/ would weep if they were to look at this thread

>> No.602851

but why?

they would only see more potential opportunities for target practise.

>> No.602858

is /k/ really as batshit insane as you guys make them out to be?

>> No.602864

why don't you just check it out for yourself.

Nothing beats the lecture of the original text.

>> No.602871

I don't want to trespass on their property

>> No.602901
File: 3 KB, 480x400, political test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this make me a centrist?

>> No.602909

no, it makes you a phlegmatic.

>> No.602938
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economic Left/Right: -1.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.69

>> No.602944


>> No.602950

I thought 4chan would be more right-leaning.

How surprising.

>> No.602951

To be fair, if you went to /k/ or /new/ you would find a lot more right wingers. i'm not that surprised that /lit/ is a particularly liberal board.

>> No.602952

Same here.

guess its just a vocal minority or the troll instinct inside of us all.

>> No.602965

Most of 4chan's population is between the ages of 17 and 25.
It's only natural we lean left a bit. Time will take care of that, don't worry.

>> No.602969 [DELETED] 


>> No.602972 [DELETED] 


>> No.602989

ive done these on most boards, some are left some are right

>> No.602996

if you scored on the right on this test, you are pretty much a loony. richard epstein would be center left on this test, so will all the neolibs. anyone who is in university basically

>> No.603012
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buncha commies on here man, fucking ridiculous

>> No.603020

To anyone not scoring on the bottom right: why do you hate freedom so much?

>> No.603026

>Implying that those on the bottom left hate freedom

Keep on trollin'

>> No.603030

>implying that they don't
>additionally implying that any politicoeconomic theory on the bottom left isn't filled to the brim with contradictions

>> No.603037
File: 20 KB, 261x300, John_Locke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Sup, retard.

>> No.603039

Well I don't hate freedom. Liberty from government interference is one of the few things I truly value.

>> No.603043
File: 31 KB, 270x312, 1234567890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup Locke

>> No.603047


Yet you want the government to take my things by force and prevent me from engaging other people in mutually profitable exchanges of goods and services.

>> No.603049


>> No.603050

Even Adam Smith would disagree with your faggotry.

>> No.603053
File: 11 KB, 265x297, 1237667447434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am i reading

>> No.603055
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are you a wizard?

>> No.603056


>probably think keynes had the right idea

>> No.603058


Highschoolfags with no concept of what being a leftist actually implies in terms of policy. /lit/ used to be good..

>> No.603059

Look sir! Randroids!

>> No.603062
File: 12 KB, 287x350, adamsmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable. "

"To feel much for others and little for ourselves; to restrain our selfishness and exercise our benevolent affections, constitute the perfection of human nature. "

"As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce. "

That's right bitches, I just invented the free market WITHOUT being a selfish whiny prick. That's because I'm Adam fucking Smith.

>> No.603063


Yes, label every liberal philosophy with the Rand label so you never have to actually counter their arguments. Brilliant!

PROtip: pretty much nobody outside the chans has even heard of Rand and her crappy literature and philosophy.

>> No.603068
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>> No.603071

retard who fools himself that classical utalitarianism, liberalism and economists have much in common with his neo-liberal gun-owning bullshit.

"oh, milton friedman. I love you so much, I want you to have carnal knowledge of my anus while I look at nudes of Ayn Rand and Allan Greenspan feasting on orphans."

>> No.603072

As opposed to you, who apparently decided to skip school in favor of watching Glenn Beck.

>> No.603074

The test is completely fucking retarded.

>If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.

This is a strawman between fascist-style corporatism and insane hippie socialism. How about I fuck the test's shit instead?

>> No.603077


Beck is situated in the top right, which is as shitty if not shittier than your retarded bottom left. Try again.

>> No.603079

You think Beck's authoritarian? I appologize, you're not stupid--you're from a completely different dimension entirely.

>> No.603080

man, it sure took a long time till this turned into a major shitstorm.

made me laugh hard by the way

>> No.603085

rightwingers do say they want it to serve the interest of humanity, but differ on how exactly this will be done, or whether it will happen. it's not all that controversial.

the entire test is just a gigantic strawman when it comes to economic stuff.

>> No.603110

>I believe Russia is missing one of it's revolutionaries.
>I believe Russia is missing one of it is revolutionaries.
>missing one of it is revolutionaries
>it is revolutionaries

>> No.603173

Hahah, this is funny because I consider myself a collectivist personal-liberties okay anti-church expertise-authoritarian but the quiz put me on the left libertarian side.

Bad metrics man, bad metrics.

>> No.603190
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nice to see I am close to most of you guys

I wonder how people who watch Fox news will look like

>> No.603212

I tried this and fell far left lower.

And I Followed far-right principles of enlightened despotism, go figure.

inb4 idealist

>> No.603254
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i'm such a fag

>> No.603292

Fuck all you leftist fags!

>> No.603296

Well, most of the users on /lit/ are young and actually read so...yeah.

>> No.603302
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>> No.603322
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Reformed Commie here!

>> No.603332


Left/right = -.12
libertarian/authoritarian = -1.69

>> No.603338

Idiot- go right not up! Up is bad.

>> No.603363
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>> No.603369

If you're not in purple you don't love freedom.

>> No.603375

they see me trolling

>> No.603490
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RON PAUL 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.603496

If you are in green you want the terrorists to win.

>> No.603535


Any specific terrorists, they are quite a varied bunch you know?

>> No.603564

cant be arsed to do the test, but hardcore extreme anarcho-capitalist reporting in

>> No.603565
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Economic Left/Right: -6.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.15

left libertarians are the sexiest people on earth

>> No.603567

no, there are only those that want to kill you, your family and your values.
Because they hate freedom.

>> No.603568

you are aware that such a creature only exists in the fantasies of degenerates?

>> No.603572


Why repeat yourself?

>> No.603576

anyone who thinks an anarchist can be a capitalist has obviously fapped until their liquified brains gushed out of their nose simultaneous with the cum skeeting from their loins

>> No.603578
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>> No.603580


why don't you guys make a thread together, like, one about Ayn Rand.

>> No.603585
File: 3 KB, 480x400, Politics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economic Left/Right: -6.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.74

>> No.603588

actually i was referring to the fact that people like ayn rand and her randoids stop defiling the good name of anarchy with their peurile capitalist tit sucking infanticides

>> No.603590

should stop*

>> No.603605

>no authority
>nobody around to stop free exchange of goods & services


>> No.603611

oh fuck off.
a) ayn rand was a filthy statist
b) capitalism through a free market naturally emerges from anarchy, but not corrupt lobbying nepotist-infested US capitalism which comes from people believing in a state

>> No.603616
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>> No.603623

Capitalism still requires the presence of law to protect individuals from force and to enforce contracts.

>> No.603632

> statist

lol. you mean etatist. statism is a word for american faggots that refuse foreign words because they are basically illiterate.

wow, idiots and their own made-up words...