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/lit/ - Literature

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6014900 No.6014900 [Reply] [Original]

I used to come on here all the time and enjoy the leftist, intellectual discussions, but now I find in every thread I go into, I'd be hard-lined to not find a /pol/-related post. In the past few weeks I have witnessed rampant racism, misogyny, transmisogyny, extreme tumblr/SJW hate, anti-intellectualism, etcetera; all things found on /pol/, but exhibited here on /lit/. I would like to ask: What happened?

>> No.6014907

don't even trip son, /pol/ is back to normal. It'll wear off.

>> No.6014909

You saved /lit/ with this thread, OP
Good job

>> No.6014911


report and hide

>> No.6014910

/pol/ happened.

>> No.6014913

The SJWs brought their mouth frothing vitriol here. It is very difficult to ignore it and as soon as you try to refute their maddening, illogical pontification you are marked as a racist/mysoginst pariah.

They bring the whole tone of any discussion down because they are only interested in their issues being discussed.

>> No.6014914

>I used to come on here all the time and enjoy the leftist, intellectual discussions
>have witnessed rampant racism, misogyny, transmisogyny, extreme tumblr/SJW hate

le epic bait thread :^)

>> No.6014922

/pol/ has always been trying to convert /lit/ in vain. It's nothing new.

>> No.6014923

>extreme tumblr/SJW hate

But everyone who isn't part of that community hates it, not just /pol/.

>> No.6014928

>The SJWs brought their mouth frothing vitriol here.

Stop trying to act like you were here before us

Literature = education = being a SJW. le edgy politically incorrect themes are more suited for boards about stand-up comedy.

>> No.6014932
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>Literature = education = being a SJW
Report and hide, people

>> No.6014941

>waaaah I disagree with the post so It should be removed

>>>/reddit/ would be much more suitable for you

>> No.6014944

SJW = A fundamental misunderstanding of one's self importance mixed with supreme arrogance.

It is clearly evident from countless tumblr posts and youtube videos that being an SJW does not mean being educated, in fact they are almost mutually exclusive.

>> No.6014953

I don't see what's wrong with this claim.

We all know college people for example, specially those in intellectual fields, tend to be inclined towards social justice, while sports, radio and videogame fans tend to despise it.

I'm not saying they're necessarily right because of that, but that's the reality.

>> No.6014960

This thread is a NatSoc falseflag.

>> No.6014961

Yea this thread is literature relayed

>> No.6014964


It's not that simple, retard.

>> No.6014968

Oh, you're saying that you think the people you stand against are dumb and stupid and the side you're on is smart and well-informed? Boy, what a novelty, I bet that's not reciprocal at all.

Come on, be a little mature here.

>> No.6014970
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>Literature = education = being a SJW

do me a favor and put on a trip before i fucking TRIGGER you

>> No.6014972

intellectual fields are universally garbage, since the intellectual person is one which thinks a lot but ultimately does nothing

>> No.6014979

Or colleges (or the disciplines sociology, psychology etc.) are inherently left leaning therefore it is not that only intelligent people are left leaning it is that people with just enough intelligence to attend university never questions what they learn and get stuck in this vicious, demanding, tautological mindset.

>> No.6014987

People are wisening up and opening their eyes to see that the left is degenerate and destroying western values. In other words, people arn't as retarded as you OP

>> No.6014988

Identifying with SJWs and their authoritarian ways is retarded

>> No.6014990

You are arguing exactly they same thing so you can hardly denigrate my stance.

In fact you know nothing about me, but you are defending SJWs which I have seen plenty of evidence of their foolishiness and superficial philosophies.

>> No.6014993

People who "do things" without backing their actions with years of intellectual research, analysis and debate, first or second hand, usually do harm. Working on the advancement of ideas is just the first step towards change, and a life spent in it is a life well-spent.

>> No.6014996

SJWs don't bother anyone unless you actively seek them out.

>> No.6015000

They bother the fuck out of me mate.

>> No.6015001

Yes they do. Consider that chap from the ESA with the silly shirt.

>> No.6015003

definitely a /pol/ false flag

>> No.6015004

This thread is addressing the quality of posts contained within this board, and thus they are relevant to the global 4chan rules (rule 6)

>> No.6015011

>Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc) on the imageboards may result in post deletion and a ban.

>> No.6015015

You're sounding like creationists who think there's an anti-religious bias in science teaching. You can't just plot with people who share your philosophy to infiltrate and take over an entire field. It barely works in a single institution, let alone universally (the phenomenon of left-leaning intellectual classes is global)

Not even all these millions spent by conservative think-thanks could effectively keep universities following their designs for long because intellectual debates makes progress very quickly, and nobody can afford to be left behind.

About people just "never questioning what they learn", well, this is ridiculous and kind of ironic. I mean, someone on 4chan who is right-leaning and despises political correctness? What a freethinker you must be.

>> No.6015016

Yes, years and years and years of intellectual research and debate until you die at age 86 and haven't put your foot down outside of campus. "Someone else will take action, my comfortable work is much too important"

>> No.6015021

>(its policies, moderation, etc)
I'm complaining about the quality of the posts, not the structure of 4chan as a whole

>> No.6015023

>the phenomenon of left-leaning intellectual classes is global
Maybe because the west is currently left-leaning AND completely dominating the world? We're not talking about some sort of unshakable law of the universe, the current situation is a historical eyeblink.

>> No.6015025

... in real life*
(... usually**)

Not so on the web, a corner of which this thread addresses

>> No.6015026

>You are arguing exactly they same thing so you can hardly denigrate my stance.

I'm refering to social phenomena, not making claims about the intelligence of anyone who follows any particular ideology. If Rothbard, Hayek and Mises could themselves identify "intellectuals" as a class as left-leaning as well, then I don't think what I'm doing is biased.

People with particulars philosophies just tend to gravitate towards certain fields. You wouldn't be shocked if in a business or religious milieu most people you met with were conservative.

>> No.6015030


I used to come for the lit, now I just come to chew some kola

>> No.6015032

probably because people bring them up so much. If people didn't complain about them or bring them up would they still bother you?

>> No.6015035

You are confusing correlation with causation old chap.

I'm not right leaning because of 4chan, I'm at 4chan because I am right leaning.

>> No.6015039

Thay may be unnerving to you but I'm sure it isn't for people who chose this path.

And I don't see what the problem with comfortable work is. Is the comfortableness of your work inversely proportional to its value? Should we be guided intellectually by truck drivers instead?

>> No.6015042

Can't believe so many people are falling for this shitty bait

>> No.6015043

political correctness has nothing to do with being a freethinker. its exactly the opposite. if you cannot question the holocaust (i never did, and i think its retarded to do it) where is the freethinking aspect? you cant even question the numbers, profiteering from it, ignoring the slav, gypsy and gay victims while putting emphasis on the jews? freethinking as fuck m8

>> No.6015048

>Maybe because the west is currently left-leaning
Wrong, but I feel like it would be a waste of time arguing with you about that.

>We're not talking about some sort of unshakable law of the universe, the current situation is a historical eyeblink.
This is precisely the think your people do not want to accept. If new ideas, new research and new intellectual developments supported right-leaning project, then these fields would gradually shift to a right-leaning one, just like they were once historically. In the present situation, this isn't the case. That's all I'm arguing here. It could change tomorrow through a democratic, intellectual process, but that's how it is today.

>> No.6015057

>I'm not right leaning because of 4chan, I'm at 4chan because I am right leaning.

Then the same principle could be the one behind the modern intellectual class.

>> No.6015075

I always thought SJWs here were being satirical of ignoramus feminists from tumblr. I know feminists in real life, they talk about how idiotic "tumblr feminists" are, and how they bring down the feminist image, hurting the cause.

>> No.6015080

tumblr sjws are pretty ludicrous but i feel like they have a better grasp of theory and political reality than normalfag sjws. They're just lacking in the social skills department.

>> No.6015164
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>> No.6015191

no, god no. tumblr is a total circlejerk culture.

say what you want about how racist 4chan can be, i would say most people here are not actually racist, they just dont feel the kneejerk reaction to respond to "pol shit" which is usually 80% hyperbo and bait.

lit has not become more pol or more racist in general. the recent pol shutdown has brought a bout, but its just a small wave and the general ethos of lit is quite liberal and reasonably conservative.

if anything i see the word nigger used here far less often than it has been in the past, so my own opinion would be that lit has become more mature over the years

>> No.6015209

I *really* wish they would listen to this guy. Even if he's wrong about the first part (many institutions are already adopting flexible gender options, which I agree with; and some are already implementing TWs, which is fucking despise) he's definitely right about these people having to learn how to deal with people.

It's precisely because they isolate themselves in these elitist, snobbish, arrogant groups that people will never support them. If you're just a regular person working at a store, a thousand regulations of conduct will come to you before any dialogue regarding them. You'll not even be told why we're changing this and that because these people think they're "above" explaining this to commoners.

I fucking hate that. But I like seeing it. Post more if you have.

>> No.6015212

This reason won't help. SJWs aren't happy unless there is something to get violently angry about so this is really just an echo chamber for the person in question to get worked up enough to write a really aggressive tumblr post, probably about you not recognizing how your privilege blinds you to online racism.

>> No.6015218

I don't disagree with you, but just like 4chan isn't all /pol/ I don't think tumblr is a monolithic as you guys paint it sometimes.

>> No.6015220

I got it from /r/TumblrinAction.


>> No.6015228

is there a problem with any of that commie?

>> No.6015230


Yea, for sure. SJW are going to disagree with you even if you agree with 95% of what they say and reject their rhetoric or project.

Its like Muslim extremists who are really just losers from a real country, they wanted to find some fight they could commit to so badly that they dont really care about what is right and wrong anymore. they want to lower and complex issue in to something that is us v them and rail against it indefinitely in a fashion that will never cease.
it is impossible to appease such a person with reason because their true desire is the conflict itself, and the identity that this conflict gives them

>> No.6015253
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>implying theres anything wrong with marxism

>> No.6015257
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Tumblr is filled with authoritarian leftists who hate sex more than any evangelical christian ever would and treat minorities like pets they have to protect from the ebil white man who controls everything but at the same time has contributed nothing to society somehow.

They spend their days looking for things to be offended at and anyone who shows any confidence or talent is downgraded as a privilege haver.

They want to cut down the trees so everyone is forced to be weeds.

>> No.6015260

Marxism, no. Marxism-Leninism, yes.

>> No.6015263

Marxism sounds good in theory but it just doesn't work. Its been tried. When will you retards learn

>> No.6015267
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>> No.6015268
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SJW should mean an egalitarian. Instead it means someone championing gender equality and diversity in entertainment and media. The latter has got fucking tiring fast.

I feel like the 'movement' is so some woman undergrad can watch tv and films and go online without being upset.

>> No.6015269

go to bed trotsky

>Its been tried
Marxism has never been tried nerd, all of the countries led by communist parties were socialist

>> No.6015279

tell that to the millions murdered by your currupt system.

>> No.6015287

Start living in the real world hippie

>> No.6015293

>Instead it means someone championing gender equality and diversity in entertainment and media.

one of the SJWs main drive is the further commidification of culture, more blacks and gays in movies, handing over money to the capitalist,to them this is progress.

>> No.6015304

Identifying your "opponent" as religious, fanatical force is almost always in itself a quasi-religious act. The implication behind it is that they're beyond redemption, no amount of concession or dialogue with them can be fruitful, and a hostility yet to find form is the only option we have left. I'm sorry, but I can't agree with that. Specially given how, unlike the image you painted, that isn't reciprocal at all: tumblr kids definitely realise the difference between being in the Ku Klux and being someone unconscious of structural hierarchies.

I think fanatism always has a point if you dig deep enough. I always understand people frustrated with political correctness, but I can't just say everyone who stand for it is wrong about everything. It's the unifying causes you must identify and try to remedy. For example, think of the muslims you mentioned or even someone like Hitler and the nazis. They'd be lonely voices if they didn't stand against a couple of things that most people of a particular group can identify with. Al-Qaida doesn't immediately say something religious to new recruits like "think of paradise" - they connect their ambitions with something already present in their immediate reality: think of Palestine, think of Iran.

Just like SJW are, wheter you like it or not, a diverse group of people who feel the current organization is unfair with them and other groups, and all they're being told is "stop being a victim". Their frustration is definitely understandable as well.

I think, like always, the truth will lie somewhere in between. We'll eventually figure it out, but being 100% for or against SJW as a movement is ridiculous.

>> No.6015321

>handing over money to the capitalist,to them this is progress.

this reminds me of Lenin's 'Marxism and Reformism' where he states "The liberal bourgeoisie grant reforms with one hand, and with the other always take them back, reduce them to nought, use them to enslave the workers, to divide them into separate groups and perpetuate wage-slavery. For that reason reformism, even when quite sincere, in practice becomes a weapon by means of which the bourgeoisie corrupt and weaken the workers. The experience of all countries shows that the workers who put their trust in the reformists are always fooled. "

>> No.6015325

>think of iran

al qaida are sunni muslim you idiot

>> No.6015329

>A method of societal analysis that focuses on class relations has murdered millions

>> No.6015330

Read Lenin, read Stalin, understand the origin of Soviet "socialism" and what it was actually trying to accomplish.

Lenin was by his own admission trying to achieve a moderate capitalist project to create the liberal developments every marxist consider essential to a transition towards socialism. Stalin agreed with this, but rolled the clock back to a war command-economy when the the capitalism encirclement they were left in started turning hostile. Achieving socialism, let alone communism, was never the short term plan of the Bolsheviks.

>> No.6015342

> rampant racism, misogyny, transmisogyny, extreme tumblr/SJW hate,
These are all popular views on issues. I would recommend posting on a board from a more Marxist place than this particular Malaysian loli forum. But to be honest, Marxist countries don't really have the time or resources for decadence such as this. You should make repair of tractor. Tractor is of more import than which pronouns trap prefer.

>> No.6015343

I think that "mount stupid" comic about when arrogance and a little knowledge meet was made for you. You have a lot of wikipedia articles to read before you type anything stupid in this thread again.

>> No.6015355
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>wikipidia articles
>web comics

>> No.6015374


you are right, my analogy is totally wack.

all i meant to describe is that there is a certain type of person who seems to want to find identity in their "fight". and when that is the case they are often not interested in reviewing their position because they never really cared about the components of the position in the first place.

I dont mean to label people in that way, in a general sense, because i dont mean to look down my nose at them and discourage debate. but i still feel that it is the fact of the matter for a good group of SJW.

that does not mean that someone could not be a SJW and break from that type of action, and it does not mean that we should preemptively treat and SJW as such.

>> No.6015412

Never forget the 6 gorillion killed by the Marxism mode of production. 1 like = 1 prayer.

>> No.6015584

Supreme snark. The usual from your type.

>> No.6015863

So much division and hatred...won't be long till were at each other's throats in real life id wager.

>> No.6016373

I really do hope the race war starts soon. The longer we wait, the more corrupted whites and half-whites we will have to kill.