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6014885 No.6014885 [Reply] [Original]

Did anybody else find this boring and slow? I stopped reading about halfway through.

>> No.6014893

try again.. you really think its the books fault you didn't enjoy the book?

>> No.6015350

Catch-22 was terrible. Heller was a try-hard.

>> No.6015359

>The knife came down, missing him by inches, and he took off.

Stopped reading there.

>> No.6015369

It has funny moments, but most of it is boring in my opinion. I'm not very much into comedy for what matters.

May finish the last ~100 pages soon after Aurelius.

>> No.6015376

How the hell do people find this book boring?

>> No.6015391

I remember all of my peers in fifth grade telling me how difficult of a book Finnegans Wake was. Let me tell you, that shit is like reading Dr. Soyce. What the hell were those twerps on opium while masturbating in the shower with cold beer reading it? Sometimes I don't understand people or why they even put me in the looney bin in the first place.

>> No.6015413

It's a witty dark and interesting book. There are far more revered books than this that are dull. Infinit Jest perhaps?

>> No.6015417

I'm just kidding by the way, I was never in the looney bin.

>> No.6015461
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Catch-22 is the first book I enjoyed reading. It slowed down at the end a little, but not disappointing by any stretch.

You want disappointing? This book was boring as shit. I wasted a whole day on this thing.

>> No.6015880
File: 74 KB, 330x495, nearly rustled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boring as shit

>> No.6015896

You can not tell me the last 50 pages of this book were fucking atrociously grinding.

>> No.6016361

I've never read it. From everything I hear about it on 4chan though, it sounds like something I'd only want to read for a while before moving on to something a little lighter or more meaningful like Brave New World or The Elegant Universe.

>> No.6016391


I agree, Siddhartha is philosophical rambling. Which translation did you read by the way? I read Lesser's, maybe that's why I didn't like it.

>> No.6016404

The part at the river was the best part tho

>> No.6016421
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I didn't like it nearly as much as I thought I would.

Seeing as its sort of an introduction into complete nihilism I guess it didn't impact me as hard as it would have because I read about it here before reading it.

I might reread it.

>> No.6016445

absurdism is the word you're looking for.
i enjoyed it a lot

>> No.6016476

Madness and Civilization

Discipline and Punish was great though.

>> No.6016482

I thought it was quite clever.

>> No.6016509

People always recommend Sid when there's threads questioning which Hesse book to start with and it's probably the worst

Though on the positive side if you do read it first everything else after comes off as a great reading experience.

>> No.6016646

I read the Rosner one, which is the pic I posted.

I dont think a different translation can really save the end of the book though.

>> No.6016658

Yeah, it was pretty good for the first half.

>> No.6016730

This kinda turned me off from Hesse, I was thinking of picking up Steppenwolf though since Ive heard good things and am willing to give him another shot.

>> No.6016734

underrated comment.

>> No.6016801


The book was boring and slow. I tried reading it two times and stopped midway through.

I tried something happened and it was the same pretentious boring style.

>> No.6016833

This is either b8 or you're not meant to read literature.

heres a board that will appreciate your tastes >>>/tv/