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File: 426 KB, 500x614, 1378403859989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6012600 No.6012600 [Reply] [Original]

>On a 10 hour train ride
>I almost always have someone to talk to
>They almost always tell me their life story
>I use it as material for my writing

Just literary things.

>> No.6012613

If you subscribe to the greater ideological purpose of fighting a war the extreme conditions have a feeling of purposefulness. Living a comfortable, easy life induces a state of anxious disenfranchisement. You can stare directly into the abyss of nihilism from a perspective you wouldn't bother to if there are tangible immediate threats to your life which must be taken care of.

>> No.6012615

>listening to peoples boring ass life stories


>> No.6012620


>NEET virgin trying to justify his horrible life

>> No.6012634

lol and people diss Freud's defense mechanisms.

>> No.6012644

>probably earns more a month than you do a year
>been laid more times this week than you have in your entire life
>has so many possibilities to succeed

Your interpretation is truly woeful. Trying to reason why I'm unhappy despite such easy circumstances.

>> No.6012647

>sex and money are the only measures of worth

lol k Glengary Glen Ross.

>> No.6012654

War is mostly downtime, it's not the extreme conditions it's actually the uniform, the marching and the brainwashing that does it

>> No.6012667

Financial security, if you ever move out of home you might understand this term.

Living in a country with some of the highest living standards.

Cheap and easy access to higher education.

One of the highest rates of suicide in the world.

>> No.6012759

Don't talk like you know war, you don't--watching full metal jacket doesn't make you an expert.

>> No.6012768

those /k/ pics are stupid. they could literally change the gender of people on the 'peaceful' side and sometimes even on the both sides and nothing would change. what do they pretend, as if they ever fought and did not simply lie in the bed, listen to music, chat with friends etc, the same things what the girls on those macros do

>> No.6012779
File: 419 KB, 500x689, 1377759433827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not fooling anyone, we know you're a guy posing as a girl. Faggot.

>> No.6012784
File: 151 KB, 500x626, 1414045966738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one makes me laugh

>> No.6012790

Why don't you just use that time to read?

>> No.6012795

Cus I like getting second hand wisdom from others.

>> No.6012796

I've read a lot about war and talked to veterans, it's an actual fact that war is mostly downtime, that fearlessness is instilled by repetitive rituals, not leveling up from sick headshots.

>> No.6012888

i don't think it's a gender thing though, if there's a male equivalent of justgirlythings out there these things would apply as well

this one is brutal

>> No.6012898

I would say it's more of a commentary on the shallow life of middle class tumblr kids, not a tirade on women.

>> No.6012948

if they actually wanted to show a dread of persons of the both genders during a wartime they could put a pic of a woman after a drone strike, or like that famous one of a girl running naked because her clothes got napalm sticked to them, or a woman who is afraid to read mail because it can bring her a letter about the death of her son/husband etc, as for the peace-war division the gender isn't really important there but they still almost always divide the macros by gender. it's not a genuine complaint on their part, it's a pure bs. as for the pic which you called 'brutal' the strong part there it's the bottom one (albeit that man probably simply rested a bit before meeting with other veterans, but still its appeal is clear) and it neither has anything in common with the upper one, nor wins in the comparison (what comparison? most of his friends died, because panta rhei, how are these girls related, could they stop the time for him? do you think the time is stopped for them and they don't and won't feel the same at some point of their lives?), so the whole macro looks forced

>> No.6012955

The pics are because women don't fight in wars and have been pampered and protected throughout the ages yet complain about oppression because men never tell them to shut up because they want to fuck them. This is why realistic sexbots should be invented, men will no longer pander nor rape and women will have to buck up their ideas.

>> No.6012967

what? whatever

>> No.6012971

The primary victims of war are the people who die not women because they are more victimy or because "they are the ones who survive" ;(

Why do you mention 'drone strikes' and 'napalm' as if they're drastically different from other weapons? Sounds like you're ethnocentrically judging shit based on perceived gnarliness.

>> No.6012989

And why would a middle class male want to ruin their good time by making absurb comparisons revealing their victim complex?

>> No.6012993

> The pics are because women don't fight in wars
As don't 90% of males either.

> have been pampered and protected throughout the ages
As have middle class white teen males.

> yet complain about oppression because men never tell them to shut up because they want to fuck them
As do males.

>> No.6013000

what. i said that the macro would make sense if it was an image which could actually investigate the difference of war dread between the genders, where men would be shown as suffering while being more active and bringing suffering to others and women as more passive, not that one of the genders suffers more or that it's the only way how they suffer (not every man is a soldier after all) or something, that's your perverted reading.

because civilians of the 1st world countries aren't attacked directly nowadays, not counting the random and pretty insignificant terrorist attacks. napalm was mentioned because afaik the pic of the soldier on the bottom was made during the vietnam war. those kinds of attack i.e. fire and bombing are pretty spectacular too. also napalm is a very cruel weapon

>> No.6013002

>Feminists angry at the pathetic state of middle class white males, which they created.

>> No.6013011

I think most people categorise napalm differently, not because it's fiery death, but because its adhesive qualities means that it burns into your bones more efficiently to cause suffering without death. if it caused the same bone melting pain with death, well then, the faster the better; since it doesn't, making sure it only sticks to the enemy has been the major draw back since greece.

>> No.6013014

Not angry m8, just reminding you of how you aren't all that different to the woman you dream up in your power fantasies.

> Which they created
[Citation on published peer reviewed sociology paper needed]

>> No.6013015

>As don't 90% of males either.

Similar roles relative to women have been historically expected in peacetime

>As have middle class white teen males.

I'm working class, and black people have lower self awareness thus less capacity to suffer. Middle class white women throughout the ages didn't have to do shit but get married.

>As do males.

No, men cannot act like a screeching entitled spaz without being fair game for a sucker punch

>> No.6013020
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>> No.6013022

>let single mothers raise a generation of males
>complain when they act like women

>> No.6013024

> Middle class white women throughout the ages didn't have to do shit but get married.
Ayy lmao

> No, men cannot act like a screeching entitled spaz without being fair game for a sucker punch
That sure explains /pol/, reddit and other forums for white male frustration.

>> No.6013029
File: 30 KB, 330x480, 1421411671406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anonymity is sexist

>> No.6013031

> 70% of Black males raised by single moms
> By far one of the more masculine minorities in US

>> No.6013033

who are you quoting?

>> No.6013035

Peer reviewed sociology paper please, I don't care for your personal non-scholarly opinions.

>> No.6013037

>crime, violence, drugs, unemployment
Do feminists really consider this the meaning of masculine?

>> No.6013047


This happens to me, but I never ask for it. I am just a magnet to these people. Last week a man stopped me in the supermarket and then proceeded to talk at me for 50 minutes chronicling events from his childhood to his elderly years. Most of them are interesting. Of course, I did almost get raped three times in a Turkish bathhouse.

>> No.6013048
File: 876 KB, 500x281, Biden.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rigorous and objective

>> No.6013050

Sociology is coming to a conclusion free of oppressive things like facts then writing a bunch of fancy words to make an unprovable assertion seem lofty, like the bible, but more pompous.

>> No.6013051

> Sporty, stoic, not a closet racist, doesn't loathe women and has life outside 4chan
compared to you, yes

>> No.6013052

Yes. And then they consider that as glorification.

>> No.6013053

my sociology textbook said that men raised by single mothers act in a more masculine way to compensate for their lack of a father figure

>> No.6013054

wow thanks to the expert opinions of Anon I can now dismiss an entire field of study

>> No.6013059

Women are dumber than men and have less capacity for suffering. Their level of tears is not relative to how much they suffer. Why do you think women care about knitting and are bad at making jokes while men make spaceships? It's because women are by and large infantile and mentally vague.

>> No.6013060

>Racial group most likely to commit rape and violence against women
>Feminists feel more threatened by neckbeards on the internet.

>> No.6013061

sure thing virgin
what spaceships have you made recently,

>> No.6013062

I guess you assertations count as sociology then ;)

>> No.6013066

>Racial group most likely to commit rape and violence against women
do /pol/tards understand that sentence doesn't make the slightest bit of sense?

>> No.6013068
File: 114 KB, 436x454, Davidcross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do believe that on a whole, women are definitely smarter than men. You know, just on a whole. Absolutely. I do believe that. I also believe that dogs are smarter than women.

>> No.6013070

Nobody is defending the racial groups' rapes and homicides, but a lot of people are defending the white middle class males' blind hate towards females, minorities and other groups that are already in weaker social position than they are.

>> No.6013071
File: 1.29 MB, 1500x1000, 18mi3yu61f7x3jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level, slut

>> No.6013072

I've had sex with girls that are more attractive than you, you're probably really ugly!

>> No.6013073

i want to be happy for them
but all i can feel is pity

>> No.6013076

>Women ... have less capacity for suffering.
[citation needed]
but actually even if it were true it wouldn't matter neither with respect to our discussion nor generally, you cannot demand of somebody more than s/he can give

>> No.6013077

>focuses energies on checking the privileges of a bunch of white nerds
>Excuses blacks because they are just victims of the evil Patriarchy.

>> No.6013078

they probably work at legoland or something

>white middle class males' blind hate towards females, minorities and other groups that are already in weaker social position than they are.

this is really disingenuous because you can't reduce social position to a tally of identity categories like sjws seem to think.

>> No.6013084

You just can't stand to see men enjoying something that doesn't involve women. You really don't understand it do you?

>> No.6013090
File: 574 KB, 1515x1600, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sporty, stoic, not a closet racist, doesn't loathe women and has life outside 4chan

>> No.6013094

it has nothing to do with women. it's pure manchild nerdery

>> No.6013096

fuck man, did you have to post that. I have no idea how these animals can do this.

>> No.6013097

What's your opinion on the impending realistic sexbots that will replace women entirely?

>> No.6013104

i think civilization will end before they feel real / as good as real.

>> No.6013105

>You just can't stand to see men enjoying something that doesn't involve women.

this actually makes a lot of sense. women hate it when men do things that either don't involve them or ultimately benefit them in some way

>> No.6013106

>"oh look some men having fun"
>"what? They are not bitching, moaning or complaining?"
>"I am going to ruin this for them, because that is all I understand"

>tfw you have to hide you lego collection from your gf : (

>> No.6013108


You do realize its bollocks, right?

>> No.6013112

haha yea, probly ketchup or something, just acting :)

>> No.6013116

Only if women become the new ISIS in response, but the old ISIS will step up to the plate

>> No.6013121

Yeah, we can fly to the moon but we will never manage to create sex-bots that feel better than a loose saggy vagina.

>> No.6013122

I'm a dude. You're still a virgin.

>> No.6013126

I'm not. And you performing unreciprocated oral sex on some feminist hambeast doesn't count as losing your v.

>> No.6013129

>hambeast strike incoming

>> No.6013130

if you want to fuck a lunar lander go right ahead but nothing will feel as good as real pussy/mouth. i would rent a prostitute over fucking a doll.

>> No.6013132

>I-I'm not a virgin I swear! I've had, like, blowjobs and shit!

>> No.6013134

>loose saggy vagina
i'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest the vagina is not the problem in this equation

>> No.6013135

>prostitutes are not fuck dolls already

>> No.6013138

Are you fucking mental m8, with the cumming singularity we will have sexbots that EXCEED women, imagine a futuristic nanovagina that discombobulates your penis based on software algorithms

>> No.6013140

That wouldn't be a big limb I guess

>> No.6013142
File: 472 KB, 526x567, D9lzyhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin-shaming in this thread is EXTREMELY problematic. Check your sexhaver privilege before you post more hurtful comments.

>> No.6013144

sex isn't all about pussy contrary to what virgins seem to believe, there are hormones involved
this is why actual sex will always be better than fapping and this is why virgins are never completely satisfied by fapping

>> No.6013146

Just because I dislike /r9k/ virgins doesn't mean I'm a sjw, virgin

>> No.6013150
File: 31 KB, 1280x720, Foryou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6013151

I think an advanced doll could do everything a prostitute does. technology will advance to a point where the doll could physically feel better than the real vagina, but psychological needs wont be met, and that is the biggest issue. so the choice between a doll and a prostitute would not be so hard. maybe that is why the enormous sex industry doesnt develop dolls for commercial use as much as they could. all the illegal moneymaking that comes from prostitution and human trafficking would be at risk

>> No.6013156

>can't control those

>> No.6013158

no you can't

>> No.6013161


Actually, squat while fapping into a sock, it feels the same as the feeling after the sex. A/B'd it

>> No.6013164
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was getting hung part of your plan?

>> No.6013167

hormones are involved in the masturbation as well
the different level of agitation is probably due to the lack of visual and tactile simulators, those are definitely manageable to imitate, and due to social and psychological reasons, those will still probably mark doll users for a while

>> No.6013169
File: 92 KB, 526x526, Maletears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but psychological needs wont be met

>> No.6013174
File: 896 KB, 500x382, bane.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course

>> No.6013176

>the white middle class males' blind hate towards females, minorities and other groups that are already in weaker social position than they are.

Never really noticed that and I'm sure me and most of people I meet are middle class.

>> No.6013178

Hehe, you sound cute... ;)

>> No.6013182
File: 9 KB, 238x211, halel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychological needs
>when he sweet talks me he really means it we're like ying and yang

>> No.6013186

>being so as retarded to draw a false dichotomy between the physical and the psychological
>ignoring your own hormones
ok virgin, you just stick to that sock

>> No.6013190


that's a nice conspiracy theory, but it's probably because we cannot really make complicated robots yet and those which are made are very expensive

>> No.6013192
File: 479 KB, 1313x1525, 1411162846656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolol guys wait a second, are you guys arguing that western women aren't absolute garbage? LOL! Women are useless for anything outside of shitting out babies.

>> No.6013197

>le long ass shittily-written strawman comic
what's with the /r9k/ brigade?

>> No.6013199
File: 110 KB, 950x522, Moores-law-graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6013200

"Dad, wah happin 2 all da doh and all da food?"

"Son, long time go de white mon come and dey burn all de money and take away all de food becos dey hate de black mon"

>> No.6013201
File: 256 KB, 736x1515, 1407871703032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait lol, are you saying that that comic isn't 100% accurate? That white men didn't invent 99.99% of everything?

>> No.6013206


Either troll or autist, not sure which one but disregarded all the same.

>> No.6013207

it's already 2015 and i think we don't have a program, save a robot, with a behavior as complicated as mouse's

may be we can theoretically make such a thing though

>> No.6013209

they didn't though
go back to fucking your pillow

>> No.6013211

>you sad pathetic virgin
She's right though

>> No.6013212
File: 236 KB, 891x576, 1413116458750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol did I hit a nerve? Do you feel disarmed that your pussy antics have no sway here?

>> No.6013213

son de black slaves built dis country and all da xboxes

>> No.6013215

>high living standards
enjoy your 5m^2 "big" flat ling ling

>> No.6013216
File: 209 KB, 971x662, 1418397650218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Great come backs cum dumpsters.

>> No.6013217

>he/she thinks technological advancement is not deliberatly stunted and/or hidden from public
read on petrodollars, military research, etc

>> No.6013220
File: 126 KB, 500x489, 1418399405667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a woman, she doesn't fucken read anything other than 50 shades of grey.

>> No.6013221

> those which are made are very expensive
do you know why?

>> No.6013223


>lol did I hit a nerve?

Am I mad that you're being insecure?
Is this what you're asking me?

>> No.6013227

now you should explain me the mechanism how pimps and human traffickers hold the robotics. do they buy and threaten the scientists through the whole world?

>> No.6013228
File: 45 KB, 480x640, 1419050845665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahha y u mad? The life of western women's narcissistic bubble will soon burst in spectacular fashion--with grave repercussions.

Prepare to become lower than a prostitute.

>> No.6013230
File: 116 KB, 1205x768, power.aug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6013232

I'm a dude, virgin.

>> No.6013236
File: 27 KB, 1089x409, Truelit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k lol.

>> No.6013237

kitty isn't a woman, he's just a mentally ill dude
which makes you all the more stupid to be proven wrong by him

>> No.6013238


>all this angst

literally okay.jpg

>> No.6013241
File: 64 KB, 490x606, 1406838039540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh! I'm being le rused on 4chin.

>> No.6013244

come on now kitty. you know those people are not the ones in charge.
whats next, ghetto boys from da hood cotrol the drug trafficking?

>> No.6013245

After reading this thread I'm glad I don't live in the western society.

>> No.6013246

who the fuck saves all these pictures?

>> No.6013247
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>> No.6013248
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>> No.6013249

don't worry he'll get tired eventually

>> No.6013250


I bet you have a whole folder of this anecdotal fodder saved, don't you?

All you're conveying to people here is that you're an intensely petty person.

>> No.6013252


right in the feels.

>> No.6013253
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>> No.6013254

oh mai gawd i read about some women being bad on the internet this means all women are bad!!1 how should i know better since i have never hugged one in my life lol?

>> No.6013257
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>> No.6013258

>virgin shaming
>"How dare you judge me for how many dicks I have taken"

>> No.6013261
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>> No.6013262

> psychological needs wont be met
You really think todays women are going to meet any psychological needs that men have?
They're dependent and entitled children.

>> No.6013263

Huh yeah having a healthy sex life is good and a non-existent sex life is bad and leads to nerd rage
what's your point?

>> No.6013268

Don't worry we all know you're a fat virgin neckbeard and the best part is you can't and won't prove me wrong.

>> No.6013270
File: 136 KB, 909x872, 1420124471860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're dependent and entitled children.

Exactly. It's ok for women to think of you as their "daddy," but shame of you for ever wanting to get mothered by them: "I"m your wife, not your mother!"

Ugh western women.

>> No.6013273

>nerd rage
whore detected. dont you have some sexting to do with chad?

>> No.6013274

post more pictures. i want to see how many of these you have on your computer. it's amusing to see the depth of someone's frustrations literally unfurl in front of you.

>> No.6013275

here is a tip virgin, acting like a whiteknight for feminism won't get you laid.

>> No.6013278

well he aint wrong is he?

>> No.6013280


op pls.

>> No.6013282

Honestly, it has nothing to do with 'them not giving me sex'. It's the inner SJW within me, who wants women to check their privilege. Face up to it, and OWN IT you cisheteronormativenonotherkin

>> No.6013283

huh that's not whiteknighting, that's being a normal person and this attitude got me laid a lot of times thank you very much

>> No.6013285


op. pls. it is funny to me.

>> No.6013286

oh sorry, I thought you were straight.

>> No.6013289

of course i can't prove you wrong but what matters is that when the thread's over i won't be the one crying myself to sleep

>> No.6013293

has it occurred to you that women are not really that different from men? of course not because you haven't met any real women and get your opinion from /r9k/ memes

>> No.6013296

Unreciprocated oral sex on fat girls with blue hair doesn't count.

>> No.6013298

i don't understand this picture. what is mybp? even google tells nothing but million years before present and something like myelin based protein

i personally think that the computing power itself doesn't mean much too when we cannot use it to make an entity with a complicated behavior. a complicated behavior relating to a doll like that it's not chatting but being able to move and to operate a human-like robot body naturally and to interact with objects recognizing them by their visual image etc

i don't see any utility robots which it promises around either and the industrial robots existed way before 2010

but how can their masters prevent, say, grants and financing of robotics researches and wouldn't cost them way too much and would be discovered long ago. all these conspiracy theories don't really withstand any criticism

>> No.6013301
File: 1.72 MB, 2448x3264, photo (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try fatty also taken with the newest Iphone because I earn more than you.

>> No.6013304

Not that guy, but they aren't funny and they are really fucking bad at FPS and pretty much anything that requires being good at something not just being pretentious or stealing a beta's work like marie curie.

>> No.6013305

>bu...but she had purple hair!

>> No.6013307

deep and edgy?

>> No.6013311
File: 17 KB, 247x204, fullretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6013313

maybe you should just stop having shit friends?

>they are really fucking bad at FPS
oh you're a /v/ kid, explains everything

>> No.6013315

>guy proves he's more successful than me
>gonna call him edgy
How jelly?

>> No.6013317

*wouldn't it cost

>stealing a beta's work like marie curie

marie curie died of the radiation to which she was exposed while stealing the beta's work

>> No.6013322

nice ruse

>> No.6013323

>can't handle that jelly

>> No.6013327

Yeah, the beta actually knew what radiation was she probably used a brick of uranium as an ashtray dumb cunt

>> No.6013328

Only false claim in the image is that she's the girl in the diversity video

>> No.6013330

Srsly doe you look like the runt of the litter, small frame and small bones, minimal hypertrophy, just low fat because you can't lrn2bulk

>> No.6013333

I wasn't that guy. You sound butthurt.

>> No.6013334

That wasn't even me, also you still didn't post your pic.
>confirmed for jelly virgin

>> No.6013340

>bad at FPS
Who the fuck cares about FPS? Video games are for kids and FPS are the babby-tier of video games.

>> No.6013345

funny how he stopped posting pics right after you said that
men are so predictable

>> No.6013351

you can't be that guy that's not that guy, because i only replied to one guy so what is it

>> No.6013353

Let me spell it out for you.

>>6013323 is me

>>6013301 that guy (not me)

>>6013330 you are replying to me.

>> No.6013359

and this >>6013301 and this>>6013334 is me not only a virgin but also stupid

>> No.6013362

you sure showed him sister!

>> No.6013367

I've had sex with penis in vagina. You have runty lil wrists and a jewish navel.

>> No.6013368
File: 31 KB, 308x450, 1412473997509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gr8 thread

>> No.6013369

Its a system that is built to sustain itself. You need lots of money for serious research. You get the money from the same "masters". Like a Manhattan project but on a much smaller scale. Computers were used by military long before they became commercialized. When they calculated more profit is to be made from making them available to personalized use all of a sudden they were everywhere.
Can you even begin to imagine what kinds of AI the top investment banks use?
Why is every organization on higher levels impossible? Dont be one of the folk who react emotionally and scream the thought terminating "conspiracy theory!"

>> No.6013370
File: 343 KB, 511x1024, Are You Lonely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6013372

Ah, thanks
keep going

>> No.6013385
File: 128 KB, 700x490, 700asdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6013388

>doesn't post pic
Do you realise how jealous you sound?

>I've had sex with penis in vagina.
non virgins don't usually make a big deal out of this

>> No.6013399


post more. post all that you have.

i know you are frustrated but i want to see your frustrations played out in pictorial form. it's more entertaining that way. it's like a game. i can try to picture how bitter and defeated you felt each time you committed yourself to saving one of these for use later on. it adds a whole new layer of amusement to it.

>> No.6013400
File: 24 KB, 342x336, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting images on an image board

>> No.6013403
File: 123 KB, 501x566, 1377827683670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love these pics

>> No.6013404

I'm not jealous honestly! You have a small runty frame, you look like a 14 y.o. who lost a bit of weight swimming. You chose to post a pic don't blame me. And you can keep calling me a virgin, it only works if it's true.

>> No.6013405
File: 73 KB, 627x584, 1356794818478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6013409

That wasn't me again you need to realize more than one guy are shitting on you.

>> No.6013410

>reverse psychology
Observe the woman's tool of last resort.

>> No.6013411

>i am so above the situation!
kek you are worse than him

>> No.6013413

I would give her some affirmative action.

>> No.6013415

>defending the honor of a guys abs

step back from the computer

>> No.6013424
File: 162 KB, 500x502, 1388970341239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6013425
File: 62 KB, 500x626, 1377831534547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6013426


you misunderstand a couple of things here. a technology may be secret but its practical possibility and probably even its existence cannot be secret because they involve a great deal of commonly known data and a lot of different people too. also i personally don't think we are near some great breakthrough like in 40s, so if the us army has something it's probably not much better than what a top civil robotics lab can have.

then, what does it have to do with prostitution as a business which was claimed as the force which holds back robotics. the army and the government aren't funded by those, they won't hold their researches to help pimps

>> No.6013429


this picture is spot on

last year i dumped a woman that was too much of a pain in the ass, in the sense she created drama out of nothing

he tried to kill herself, lel

>> No.6013433
File: 253 KB, 958x718, 1421210698211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6013434

>he tried to kill herself, lel
that's what you get for dating trans people

>> No.6013436
File: 139 KB, 700x490, 700 (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6013437

That >>6013409 is the pic guy, I >>6013388 am a different guy.
You don't even have the balls to post your own image so we can compare the aesthetics. You are just talking shit.

>> No.6013445

I actually don't have a camera, as I eschew modern cellphone technology and don't own a camera, but I swear, I am a lot better den u.

>> No.6013450


lol there is no reverse psych going on you bitter loser just plain old schadenfreude. i don't want you to stop.

>> No.6013453

The advanced sex robots are possible but the research is not funded because they wouldn't be profitable. It's a different situation

>the army and the government aren't funded by those
this is where we agree to disagree

>> No.6013476
File: 42 KB, 479x720, tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6013498

but those technologies have a way wider sphere of use than mere sex robots. robots, except simple industrial robots, sputniks/space probes and minor stuff which we don't even call robots like electronic fuel injection or a doll that i saw once used by japanese road workers which waved a flag to make cars turn around, so, robots except these aren't profitable because they are way too stupid and expensive yet and they are like that because robotics didn't achieve the proper level yet despite the demand exists and it goes way beyond somebody's sex dreams. also some utility robots exist, i saw an ad of a relatively cheap robot which can clean floors (its name was scooba i think), but they are still very stupid and need too much care to be useful

>> No.6013718

Not sure if you're the same retard who initially replied with the terrible interpretation. But what if I told you we also have some of the largest homes on average.

>> No.6014291


>> No.6014443


>My face when a girl on facebook shared these pictures, and then other girls started getting mad at her

I contemplated commenting just to say, uh, weren't these pictures originally a /pol/ meme, or....?

>> No.6014483
File: 70 KB, 500x650, 1377831685847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think they started on /k/

>> No.6014497

hahahaha that's hilarious

>> No.6015160
File: 37 KB, 434x594, 1722f3d3a8e66b3d95b9b74cf62b6191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf has happened to /lit/
>/mu/ invades
>/pol/ hangs around
>/b/ style raid on k8e
>this /r9k/ faggotry
>i can't into women so imma fuck a doll instead
>muh feminist oppression