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6007322 No.6007322 [Reply] [Original]

>that part in the brothers karamazov where Ivan describes that little girl getting beaten
this is the bummer of all bummers
itt saddest parts of books

>> No.6007392

if it was a little boy getting beaten it would be sad but it's hard to sympathize and to associate yourself with a girl so it's just like a little girl is beaten? whatever

>> No.6007398

man did you ivan read it
ba dum tiss
lil girl hasn't eaten the fruit yet

>> No.6007403

>the horse getting beaten in crime and punishment


>> No.6007412

When Luster whispers "Caddy" into Benjy's ear.

>> No.6007418

Johnny's death in the outsiders.

>> No.6007462

>the horse getting beaten in, you know, nietzsche's life.

>> No.6007620

>that censored chapter from Demons
Holy shit.

>> No.6007641

>everything in jude the obscure

>> No.6007645

That shit was depressing

>> No.6007652

i do not remember when this happened

maybe i should re read it

>> No.6007665

>That part about the murders in you better know what this is
>the last few chapters of Under the Volcano

>> No.6007694

Fuck that chapter is intense.

>> No.6007700
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>Fyodor Dostoevsky had a child named Alyosha
>this son died at the same age Ilyusha dies
>tfw the description of Captain Snegiryov following the funeral party, picking up flower petals in distress and playing them on the casket, then not knowing where to sit and wringing his hat are Dostoevsky's attempts to communicate his grief
>tfw the brothers Karamazov makes me feel really sad

>> No.6007712
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>> No.6007717

> you better know what this is
i don't though?

>> No.6007779


>> No.6007788

Babe is worse. No contest. The pure hopelessness of that situation.

>> No.6009357

>In Bright Lights, Big City
>The part where the narrator obsessively visits the mannequin that's modeled after his wife that left him for another man

>> No.6009419

But that horse's dead.

>> No.6009525

>>That part about the murders in you better know what this is
It really got to me after a while. I felt worn out and got nauseous.

>> No.6009555
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Clearly you didn't get to the scene with the poor boy getting torn apart by dogs for pissing off the rich noble.

>Tfw The Idiot is basically a self flagellation on his son's death due to Epilepsy inherited from Fyodor.
Why is being Dostoyevsky suffering?

>> No.6009769

>The oafish, despicable Fyodor Pavlovich is named after Fyodor Doesoyevsky
>The kindhearted and enlightened Alyosha is named after Dostoyevsky's dead son

>> No.6009814

That was hard to read.

>Come along son it's no business of ours
And you wonder why your son turned out to be /r9k/: The Person

>> No.6010068
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>> No.6010106

>tfw Fantine gives up her baby, and you know she will never see her again
>tfw Jean Valjean wastes away and stops eating because he doesn't want defile Cosette's marriage by being an ex-convict (wtf?)

>the entire book
Whoever thought this would make asweet cartoon was one twisted fucker.

>> No.6010116

In Dubliners when that dude realizes he is beta as fuck and then flips out at his infant child
>tfw you always relate to beta characters

>> No.6010128
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>tfw you realize that Dubliners is about how all of us humans are massive fucking betas

>> No.6010136
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>> No.6010137

That was the only part of Demons that persuaded me to read more Dostoevsky.

>> No.6010142

>When Beane busts in Moneyball

I want to play the boy's game ;_;

>> No.6010152
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The end of Cities of the Plains

>She patted his hand. Gnarled, ropescarred, speckled from the sun and the years of it. The ropy veins that bound them to his heart. There was map enough for men to read. There God's plenty of signs and wonders to make a landscape. To make a world. She rose to go.
Betty, he said.
I'm not what you think I am. I aint nothin. I dont know why you put up with me.
Well Mr. Parham, I know who you are. And I do know why. You go to sleep now. I'll see you in the morning.
Yes mam

The feels.

>> No.6010161

>mfw Anna dies

>> No.6010189

>Captain Snegiryov following the funeral party, picking up flower petals in distress and playing them on the casket, then not knowing where to sit and wringing his hat
that scene was intense, could barely handle

>> No.6010196

>tfw Ilusha's little boots

>> No.6010293

> The play in V.
fucking yuck
> The end of A Farewell to Arms
So fucking unnecessary
> Victoria by Hamsun
I just want to read something where the girl lives!

>> No.6010377

>>tfw Jean Valjean wastes away and stops eating because he doesn't want defile Cosette's marriage by being an ex-convict (wtf?)
It's because he felt that he served his purpose, that is taking care of Cosette. Now that she's happily married and starting her own family, he can finally let go with a clear conscience that he had redeemed himself in the eyes of God and his own mind. He was saddened, but he felt his death would be less burden on Cosette now that she's connected and well off.

>> No.6010604
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>tfw it dawns on you that Catherine is going to die in childbirth as soon as they escape Italy

also, the scene where Paul's friend is dying after his legs are amputated in All Quiet on the Western Front and he keeps sobbing

The flashbacks in Less Than Zero where Clay's grandmother is dying of cancer but noone seems to care and keeps ignoring her

When the deformed manlet forces Stoner to end his affair with the grad student

>> No.6010804

Best part in All Quiet on the Western Front was the end, when the telegraph that was supposed to be sent to his family said how Paul died 'peacefully' and 'laid there, all quiet on the Western Front', and you know that telegraph was hinting at the opposite of that--that Paul died most likely slowly in an agonizing pain, and didn't die peacefully or quickly--as an nod to Paul bullshitting the guy's mother and telling her that he died quickly in the field without pain.

>> No.6010849

It's very short, but very moving. It's in "the brothers get acquainted".

>> No.6011477

the scene where the captain and his son are talking sitting on the rock after dmitri beat the shit out of the captain in TBK nearly had me in tears

the ending of stoner, last 3 paragraphs to be precise

when the girl dies in platonov's foundation pit

every fucking page of platonov's chevengur

>> No.6011535


>Reading Invisible Man
>One of the Battle Royal participants gets boner through his shorts because of the naked dancing girl and tries to hide it miserably
>Laughed at by all the evil old white men
>Just the first fucking chapter

Would definitely have killed myself.

>> No.6011557


>Reading Of Mice and Men for summer assignment
>Lenny kills puppy and then Curlys wife
>Know Lennys gonna have to die
>No he's just retarded plz!.jpeg
>Final scene by the river
>Tell me about the rabbits
>Tearing up.jpeg
>Kill shot.jpeg
>Cry for couple hours afterwards

>> No.6011593

the end of oblomov shattered my heart. poor oblomov. poor zahar.

i know this isn't lit related, but has anyone seen the movie Calvary?
i've been chasing the heartbreak that movie gave me but i cant find it

>> No.6011613

For new years eve I decided to drink a whole bottle of aged rum, at like 3 am I decided to watch this movie. I ended up in tears.

>> No.6011628


the feels came unexpected and overwhelming.

i cried too, anon.

>> No.6011642
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Lomax finding out about Katherine.

His daughter getting taken away from him by his wife.

His daughter becoming a soulless drunk.

His daughter's baby daddy dying exactly the way Gordon died

I was either angry or sad throughout this whole novel. Pardon my plebiness.

>> No.6011665

i want to read this book i think. i have a lot of feelings and i like when they're all sad.

it is very depressing, correct?

>> No.6011675


>> No.6011676


>> No.6011704

>tfw completely forgotten the whole book

>> No.6011830
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>> No.6011878

You can fix that, do it right away.

>> No.6011931


Why do people think it's depressing?

I think people mistake it being realistic, for it being depressing.

>> No.6011961

How is that even a mistake you can make? You think you're feeling sad , but actually, you're sensing that the book is realist? That doesn't make sense.

>> No.6011986

>How Baudolino goes from getting high in Paris to losing his wife and child, losing his parents, losing his adoptive father, losing his second child and love, losing all his friends, having to kill his oldest friend, and finally realizing he killed his father

>In The Long Ships, the whole life and story of Orm's brother

>The whole ending of The Name of the Rose, fuck you Jorge

>> No.6012008


Did you think before you posted that?

Look, Stoner's life is full of downs, but despite this, he has a life he finds individually fulfilling. That's happy, not depressing.

>> No.6012021

That doesn't mean the book doesn't depress you. Mention Bambi to someone and they'll say it's depressing. It has a happy ending, but it's still depressing.

>> No.6012089

i finished it like a month ago, i dont want to re read it

>> No.6012248


Look even the fucking author said he didn't think it was depressing. I understand people thinking it's depressing, you should stop being dense and understand that both views are valid.

>> No.6012282

If you're talking about the Anna in Anna Karenina, I'd consider that the "God, finally" moment.
Great book but that bitch was insane.
>muh tortured misunderstood womyn

>> No.6012286

>understand the both views are valid
You're the one who said that people with the other view were mistaken and acted as though you couldn't understand their point of view, and I haven't once accused your emotions of being invalid, and you're the one slinging insults. But I'm somehow the one refusing to acknowledge or respect the opposing viewpoint.

>> No.6012296

>When Karenin is so much of a cuck that he basically tells Vronsky Thundercock that it's fine he's been fucking fucking his wife and Vronsky is so ashamed that he tried to be an hero
Made him seem like a real human being for the first time in the novel, then you see him in a different light after that.

>> No.6013891

>Lily Bart burns her incriminating letters and then takes her sleeping drought and she doesn't know she's gonna die but you know she'd gonna die and then Seldon comes to marry her but it's too late.