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/lit/ - Literature

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5990903 No.5990903 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck, this is how real intellectuals talk about Hamlet.



Wish I could listen to them all day, their elocution is so pleasant to listen to.

>> No.5990939

The ghost in Hamlet really is a goblin from hell. It's not his father. Read any theology from that time that discusses discernment of spirits and it will tell you that a spirit that fosters doubt and despair and anxiety is undoubtedly from he'll. Hamlet's flaw is that he tries to combat his doubt with reason instead of prayer.

>> No.5990944

The spirit of his father is not real at all and is a hallucination or dream resulting from Hamlet's guilty conscience due to not preventing his father's murder and it only serves to confirm suspicions he had already internalized within himself.

Fite me, nigga

>> No.5990950

>The spirit of his father is not real at all
Yea but it is because guards and Horatio see it too.

Leave the intellectual literary criticism to the champs kiddo.

>> No.5990953

No, because guards had been seeing the ghost nights before Hamlet saw it, and those guards didn't have a guilty conscience. Hamlet didnt even know his father was murdered until the ghost told him. This is a medieval play, you should expect the supernatural.

>> No.5990956

The guards are telling tall tales because they're superstitious and Hamlet overheard them, hence why the manifestation subconsciously takes the form of a spirit.

>> No.5990958

I think it's you shut up kiddo. and leave it to us.

>> No.5990965

>implying the text exists as a document of objective events in a world external to the text

>> No.5990966

This is how Hamlet should have acted.

>Sees Claudius praying
>instead of saying, "I can't kill him while he's praying, because there is a chance he won't be damned if I do", something which Dr. Johnson admitted was disgraceful, he should have realised that he had to pray
>he goes to pray beside Caludius
>Holy Ghost appears on stage and reveals the truth to Hamlet, that the ghost was a fake; Claudius cannot see the Holy Ghost.
>Then the play ends either with Hamlet retiring from the castle to join a monastery, or to start a family somewhere in the country and look after Polonius in his dotage. OR he confronts Claudius before the queen and his men, and reveals that he is a murderer. Then either Hamlet wins the confrontation, Claudius is justly killed, and Hamlet is crowned, or Claudius wins and Hamlet is martyred.

>> No.5991380

Welles on Shakespeare is always extremely interesting. The man was a genius and he was immersed in the plays for ~60 years.


>> No.5991399

>citizen kane


>> No.5991407

I like joyce on hamlet

>> No.5991417

orson shut your fat fucking mouth and let them speak

>> No.5991419

>a spirit that fosters doubt and despair and anxiety

Didn't Iago also fulfill this criteria, despite not being a spirit?

>> No.5991425

Welles a really smart dude

>> No.5991430

Welles was* fuck

>> No.5991432

What's the mick say about it?

>> No.5991433

What's wrong with Citizen Kane, you contrarian buttlick?

>> No.5991485

I'm a huge Orson Welles

>> No.5991488


>> No.5991497

imdb-tier for people who think they're patricians

>> No.5991503

So, in other words, you don't like it because other people think it's good.

How brave of you to break from the herd.

>> No.5991923

The two central factual questions of Hamlet - the honesty of the ghost and the alleged guilt of Claudius - are both intentionally left without complete answer. Anybody who demands certainty about these details is missing the beauty of Shakespeare.

>> No.5993578

>muh ambiguity


>> No.5993607

Orson Welles looks like one pissed off motherfucker.

>> No.5993640

orson welles has such a cool voice. the intonation, the accent, the gravity

i wish i sounded like that

>> No.5994047

Well it must be hard to have been worshipped as a genius your entire life and then find yourself on a television program where you are made to look like a foolish bore by a younger man who is more talented and learned than you.

>> No.5994092

>for people who think they're patricians

You mean Ike the entire film critic circle? Shut up.

>> No.5994127

It's only sin is that it's boring as hell.

>> No.5994132

Are you well versed in cinema? Whats your favorite film?

>> No.5994141

Not him, but How Green Was My Valley - the film most fake patrician film pseuds say robbed Citizen Kane of the Best Picture Oscar - is the greatest American film ever made.

>> No.5994151

Look how drunk and alpha Orson welles is, interrupting everyone and speaking over people to get his point across. Showed those british pussies how to confabulate

>> No.5994220

This is truthful. There's a lot to be admired about Citizen Kane, but it's certainly not the type of film I like. Anyone that says Citizen Kane is complete trash, without giving any reasons, is terribly small-minded, that's not even criticism.
Welles would've agreed with this. He bowed down to John Ford, rightfully so.

>> No.5994233

You can't talk like this when discussing something you have invested a lot of time into? We have discussions like this at least once a week at uni.

>> No.5994243

There's a slight difference between the insight of Orson Welles and the pinko buttbuddies in your classes m8.

>> No.5994296

T.V. would be so much better if we still followed this open discourse format. The only show that has this sort of dry quality of pacing is Charlie motherfucking Rose.

Here's another roundtable, Anthony Burgess and a bunch of meme loving fucks thrown in for giggles

>> No.5994509

According to the vid the official catholic position was that the spirit was from purgatory.

>> No.5994541

/lit/ threads are more interesting

>> No.5994560


>> No.5994611

All those lines from memory. Deep insight into the characters.

Is being a Shakespearian actor the true patrician path?

>> No.5994652

No. Comic book actors and epic length cable series actors are the true patricians. That's where all the Shakespearean actors are headed nowadays.

>> No.5995018

As a huge Orson Welles, I love this

>> No.5995056

Bitch I need to pay rent.

>> No.5995064


this is the new /lit/, no one remembers this.

>> No.5995158

Here's a 3 hour conversation between academics, artists, and intellectuals on the question "Is life worth living?"


It's quite hilarious. Martha Nussbaum obsessive over an abstract notion of justice. Germaine Greer is shrill cocky. Richard Rorty says like 3 things and obviously doesn't want to be there. The Russian woman is scary and Russian. George Steiner trolls the fuck out of everyone. J.M. Coetzee says literally nothing for the whole 3 hours. The painter guy says something really profound half way through and leaves everyone speechless, only to have his point swept up by the scientists. Plus more.

>> No.5995169

Holy shit, Burgess is a boss

>> No.5995200

A+ post

>> No.5995242

Classically trained british actors are literally the cream of the crop.


All these lines were written by the actor that spoke them.

>Tenhausser gate

Honestly, classically trained actors are great because of Shakespeare's influence.

>> No.5995266

Rutger Hauer is Dutch.

>> No.5995278

no thanks brits, im good with my modern literature. keep convincing yourselves your still relevant

>> No.5995327


You're a fucking dunce.

>> No.5995376

Stop making me look bad. His parents were drama teachers.

>> No.5995414

Orson Welles was a New Deal democrat. Fuck off.

>> No.5996011

>how real intellectuals talk

how people have conversations on a daily basis.

You must be living with sum dum motha fuckers

>> No.5996050

you guys are giving shakespeare too much credit

>> No.5996071

*tips sombrero*

>> No.5996125
File: 11 KB, 251x242, 1382400883923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tipping your sombrero after you've already payed for it

americlap culture never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.5996131

english people sound so passive aggressive when they talk

>> No.5996135


not really.

>> No.5996144

>citizen kane

dude whhaaaaattt its fast moving as all FUCK
i mean, ive heard criticism of citizen kane, but to call it boring is absolutely ridiculous

>> No.5996156
File: 783 KB, 1648x2047, 1421033905015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Borges talking about Joyce


>> No.5996183

Fuck, this is how real intellectuals talk about economics


>> No.5996196

I wouldn't say "intellectual" but definitely a good conversation. Then again, you could easily make an argument that they are much more knowledgeable than English grad students on the subject.

>> No.5996540

>Martha Nussbaum
Still blows my mind that this disgusting cunt wasn't prosecuted for perjury.

>> No.5996544

He was also a surly racist who would have voted GOP today if he'd seen the pussies in the Democratic party.

>> No.5996563

>old white men discussing something using big words while talking over each other

*creams pants* real intellectuals!!!!!

>> No.5996568

tits and then gtfo.

>> No.5996616

I've narrowed it down to these:

Пиcьма мёртвого человека (1986, Lopushansky)
Un condamné à mort s'est échappé (1956, Bresson)
Guns of The Trees (1961, Mekas)
Love Streams (1984, Cassavetes)
牯嶺街少年殺人事件 (1991, Yang)
Duelle (1976, Rivette)
Alice in den Städten (1974, Wenders)
Le Rayon Vert (1986, Rohmer)
Սայաթ-Նովա (1968, Parajanov)
Mauvais Sang (1986, Carax)

>> No.5996634

We should listen to young niggers oog and boog instead, they are true intellectuals.

>> No.5996898

>He was also a surly racist


>> No.5996910

Hey! That's not a nice way to talk about our lord and savior DFW

>> No.5996913


>> No.5996917
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>> No.5996918


>> No.5996919

>Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>Welles: To me it does. I hate him so. Because he's one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: One of those what?

>Welles: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: I can't believe you said that.

>Welles: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two eggs.

>> No.5996932

Yeah, well, those are white races, it's okay to be racist against any white race but Jews. Welles was an outspoken opponent of racism when he was in radio.

>> No.5996934

>He was also a surly racist
Welles first major theatre production was an all-black Macbeth
Welles dated Billie Holiday, Dolores del Río, and Eartha Kitt. And was married to Rita Hayworth
Welles was a civil rights activist who campaigned on behalf of civil rights cases of police brutality against blacks and hispanics in the 40s

>> No.5996949

He was literally recorded saying 'I'm a racist'

>> No.5996953


>Don't argue with me. You're such a liberal! Of course there's no proof. It's the way I feel! You don't want me to feel that, but I do! I think everybody should be bigoted. I don't think you're human if you don't acknowledge some prejudice.

>> No.5996955

Are you autistic?

>> No.5997047

what time does painter guy say the 'really profound' thing'?

>> No.5997048

Every good actor ever has been in a Shakespeare play/adaption

>> No.5997063

Yep, on Hamlet.
Also, OP was talking about theyr elocution, when it really just seems like a regular conversation about something all participants actually have knowledge enough not to have to be ashamed to open their mouths.

>> No.5997119

>muh old white men
>being this reductive about the entire lives and subjectivities of a fellow human being

*tips hair dye*

>> No.5997173

No. Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.5997645

just after the 2hr mark

>> No.5997663

>this is how people with an upper class RP accent talk about hamlet

>> No.5997666

High school

>> No.5997710
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an intellectual discussion thread. Trilling and Nabokov discussing Lolita.


>> No.5997801

>they're intellectual cause they have accents and say "indeed"
your pleb is showing, they say nothing of worth

>> No.5997847

Except for Welles, none of them have accents. They just speak properly.

>> No.5997928

He said film, not kinogragphy.

>> No.5997978

>calling people kiddo instead of making an argument
Wether the ghost was a goblin may be debatable but you surely must be a troll

>> No.5998046


the fuck is kinography, retard

>> No.5998343

Wow, my Spanish has gotten really bad. Thank you for sharing this though.

>> No.5998360


This, take a bunch of people from /lit/ dress them up and sensor the swearing and slap on the BBC logo and even we will sound like "intellectuals"

>> No.5998385
File: 72 KB, 800x601, 1312863042397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I be moan'in in bed! Where is sky?

>> No.5998486

Too bad O'Toole was a commie.

>> No.5998498
File: 68 KB, 540x405, funny-blonde-guido-weird-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In light of day you still night BingBee P.E.A.C.E!>>5998486

>> No.5998525
File: 53 KB, 555x773, NTYD-strange_glasses_weirdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my open air suit I smell your musk one million times over. Peace,Love,Mint sensation in a carousel.

>> No.5998539
File: 34 KB, 500x679, Im-Going-To-Get-Married-Fugly-And-Weird-Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night on the livewire I felt your time, it passes just as mine.

>> No.5998691

Are you autistic? It's a joke.

>> No.5999167


>> No.5999178

Get a job faggot!

>> No.5999191


>> No.5999199

What? @lol

>> No.5999300

>Are you autistic? It's a joke.

>> No.5999324

>Well define purgatory good sir
>Hamlet likely sent Ophelia fart letters like Jamb-le-Juice
>I say, no discernable talent
>Piss bottles my good man, piss bottles

>> No.5999330

>Well define purgatory good sir
>Hamlet likely sent Ophelia fart letters like Jamb-le-Juice
>I say, no discernable talent
>Piss bottles my good man, piss bottles

>> No.5999334

>Well define purgatory good sir
>Hamlet likely sent Ophelia fart letters like Jamb-le-Juice
>I say, no discernable talent
>Piss bottles my good man, piss bottles

>> No.5999341

All intellectuals worth a damn have piss bottles.

>> No.5999343

>>>5999178 (You)
>>5999178 (You)

>> No.5999446

>All intellectuals worth a damn have piss bottles.

>> No.5999560

Just from a quick glance:

>and even if the lowest men get to score pussy from time to time, we are no longer able to hold on to it because they're conditioned to keep trying to move upwards

>it's like a videogame. when they fail they start again at the beginning, but it doesn't last long before they try it again. and with polygamy becoming cool, the constant flow is stopped because many of them can share the same top dick at once

Warped, deluded, extreme media culture representation taken as truth for all women, etc.

Just don't. Talk to people. Experience people. Trying to take advice on women here is like reading a high school freshman's tweet summary of Ulysses, and spouting to people that you've read it.>>5997764
>lol not yet (that you know of)
if he already enjoys playing the hubby, I do not think there will be a problem
>Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>Welles: To me it does. I hate him so. Because he's one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: One of those what?

>Welles: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: I can't believe you said that.

>Welles: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two eggs.>>5998825 (You)
>>5998817 (You)
>>5998808 (You)
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>>5998285>>5998817 (You)
>>5998717 (You)
>I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.
>More than once I've met people with very compatible tastes in media and all we could do is pat each other on the back for our patrishness.
>-oh you read that? Wow great
>-yeah its so good bro
>At the end all the books in the world won't make you fun to hang around with. I find I make people laugh with stupid jokes, so I make stupid jokes.
>Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking matter.
I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.>Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't
Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.
>>5997300 (OP) (OP) (OP)
I think you may be autistic, anon.>>5998138
This will never be any of you

>> No.5999582

Case closed I guess

>> No.5999642

I've figured out how to act the "to be or not to be" scene. Look in vain if you can find any good editions of this on video (but if you do send them to me because I'm interested).

>To be, or not to be,
Come on to stage already saying this line. Repeat it again and again. Sometimes louder, sometimes quieter; sometimes with frustration, sometimes calmly, etc. Until at last Hamlet is at center stage. He keeps on repeating it until it becomes quieter and quieter, and at last he is mumbling it so that the audience cannot hear. He becomes totally despondent and expressionless. This is the low point of his melancholy.
>that is the question—
he says this line very flat, just loud enough for the audience to hear, without much emotion. He's despondent.
>Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
>The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
>Or to take Arms against
he mumbles these lines so that the audience cannot hear. Maybe the people in the front row.
>a Sea of troubles,
He shouts this line out of frustration.
>And by opposing, end them? To die, to sleep—
>No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
>The Heart-ache, and the thousand Natural shocks
>That Flesh is heir to? 'Tis a consummation
>Devoutly to be wished.
Mumbles these lines so that audience cannot hear. Maybe he can emphasize a word or a phrase or two, according to whim.
>To die, to sleep,
>To sleep, perchance to Dream;
OK, this is why he starts to weep. I mean properly weep. He has a nervous breakdown on stage. He's had suicidal thoughts since the beginning of the play. The pressure of having to kill his uncle is getting to him. He's alienated from everyone he knows, and he's at his wit's end. He squats down in anguish.
>Aye, there's the rub,
>For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come,
>When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
He sobs through these lines, louder and louder, emphasis on "this mortal coil".
>Must give us pause. There's the respect
>That makes Calamity of so long life:
much quieter, but loud enough so the audience can hear. He's starting to calm down.
>For who would bear the Whips and Scorns of time,
>The Oppressor's wrong, the proud man's Contumely,
>The pangs of despised Love, the Law’s delay,
>The insolence of Office, and the Spurns
>That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
His tone is calmed down now, he is regaining his composure.

>> No.5999650

>When he himself might his Quietus make
>With a bare Bodkin? Who would these Fardels bear,
>To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
>But that the dread of something after death,
>The undiscovered Country, from whose bourn
>No Traveler returns, Puzzles the will,
>And makes us rather bear those ills we have,
>Than fly to others that we know not of.
>Thus Conscience does make Cowards of us all,
>And thus the Native hue of Resolution
>Is sicklied o'er, with the pale cast of Thought,
>And enterprises of great pitch and moment,
>With this regard their Currents turn awry,
>And lose the name of Action.
He says these lines as he stands up, brushes himself off, and turns around with his back to the audience. Several of them are said with his back to the audience.
>Soft you now,
>The fair Ophelia. Nymph, in all thy Orisons
>Be thou all my sins remembered.
He turns half towards the audience and says these last lines with strength and composure. Exits.

>> No.5999664
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>> No.5999668 [DELETED] 

THIS is how a modern intellectual talks. Get with the times gramps.



>> No.5999682
File: 262 KB, 571x479, 1421145585861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've figured out how to act the "to be or not to be" scene. Look in vain if you can find any good editions of this on video (but if you do send them to me because I'm interested).
>>To be, or not to be,
>Come on to stage already saying this line. Repeat it again and again. Sometimes louder, sometimes quieter; sometimes with frustration, sometimes calmly, etc. Until at last Hamlet is at center stage. He keeps on repeating it until it becomes quieter and quieter, and at last he is mumbling it so that the audience cannot hear. He becomes totally despondent and expressionless. This is the low point of his melancholy.
>>that is the question—
>he says this line very flat, just loud enough for the audience to hear, without much emotion. He's despondent.
>>Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
>>The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
>>Or to take Arms against
>he mumbles these lines so that the audience cannot hear. Maybe the people in the front row.
>>a Sea of troubles,
>He shouts this line out of frustration.
>>And by opposing, end them? To die, to sleep—
>>No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
>>The Heart-ache, and the thousand Natural shocks
>>That Flesh is heir to? 'Tis a consummation
>>Devoutly to be wished.
>Mumbles these lines so that audience cannot hear. Maybe he can emphasize a word or a phrase or two, according to whim.
>>To die, to sleep,
>>To sleep, perchance to Dream;
>OK, this is why he starts to weep. I mean properly weep. He has a nervous breakdown on stage. He's had suicidal thoughts since the beginning of the play. The pressure of having to kill his uncle is getting to him. He's alienated from everyone he knows, and he's at his wit's end. He squats down in anguish.
>>Aye, there's the rub,
>>For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come,
>>When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
>He sobs through these lines, louder and louder, emphasis on "this mortal coil".
>>Must give us pause. There's the respect
>>That makes Calamity of so long life:
>much quieter, but loud enough so the audience can hear. He's starting to calm down.
>>For who would bear the Whips and Scorns of time,
>>The Oppressor's wrong, the proud man's Contumely,
>>The pangs of despised Love, the Law’s delay,
>>The insolence of Office, and the Spurns
>>That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
>His tone is calmed down now, he is regaining his composure.
Haa low ultimus sectus

>> No.5999706
File: 171 KB, 555x773, hghg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low Behold@!
>I don't think there's much wrong with people saying that we worship Mary. She is a god in the sense in which Christ called all of us gods, which goes especially for saints, and among saints it goes especially for her. She isn't divine in that only God is divine, but perhaps no human being as participated in God's grace as much as her except Christ himself. The commandment is to have no other gods before God, which does not exclude those "gods" that are directly beneath God like the saints and the angels.
Folk Catholicism is a resistance against the horribleness of abrahamism. By worshiping Mary and the saints, they preserve goddess and ancestor worship for when the current monotheistic dark age ends.

Pic related, he too turned his back on polytheism and tried to make his personal god the only god.
Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>Welles: To me it does. I hate him so. Because he's one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: One of those what?

>Welles: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: I can't believe you said that.

>Welles: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two eggs.>>5998825 (You) (You)
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>> No.5999736
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>This is how Hamlet should have acted.
>>Sees Claudius praying
>>instead of saying, "I can't kill him while he's praying, because there is a chance he won't be damned if I do", something which Dr. Johnson admitted was disgraceful, he should have realised that he had to pray
>>he goes to pray beside Caludius
>>Holy Ghost appears on stage and reveals the truth to Hamlet, that the ghost was a fake; Claudius cannot see the Holy Ghost.
>>Then the play ends either with Hamlet retiring from the castle to join a monastery, or to start a family somewhere in the country and look after Polonius in his dotage. OR he confronts Claudius before the queen and his men, and reveals that he is a murderer. Then either Hamlet wins the confrontation, Claudius is justly killed, and Hamlet is crowned, or Claudius wins and Hamlet is martyred.

>> No.5999755
File: 70 KB, 755x801, pepe the bard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Isn't Denmark a Protestant country?

>> No.5999871

that doctor absolutely kills it

>> No.5999872

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>>>5998666 (You)
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>>>5998636 (You)
>>>5998573 (You)
>>>5998582 (You)
>>>5998595 (You)
>>>5998552 (You)
>>>5998483 (You)
>>5998825 (You)
>>5998817 (You)
>>5998808 (You)
>>5998761 (You)
>>5998717 (You)
>>5998697 (You)
>>5998682 (You)
>>5998666 (You)
>>5998648 (You)
>>5998636 (You)
>>5998573 (You)
>>5998582 (You)
>>5998595 (You)
>>5998552 (You)
>>5998483 (You)
>>5998285>>5998817 (You)
>>5998717 (You)
>I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.
>More than once I've met people with very compatible tastes in media and all we could do is pat each other on the back for our patrishness.
>-oh you read that? Wow great
>-yeah its so good bro
>At the end all the books in the world won't make you fun to hang around with. I find I make people laugh with stupid jokes, so I make stupid jokes.
>Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking matter.
I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.

More than once I've met people with very compatible tastes in media and all we could do is pat each other on the back for our patrishness.
-oh you read that? Wow great
-yeah its so good bro

At the end all the books in the world won't make you fun to hang around with. I find I make people laugh with stupid jokes, so I make stupid jokes.

Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking matter.
>Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>Welles: To me it does. I hate him so. Because he's one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: One of those what?

>Welles: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: I can't believe you said that.

>Welles: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two eggs.

Anonymous 01/14/15(Wed)15:57:57 No.5999523 ▶
>>5999539 >>5999555

>>5997300 (OP)

>> No.6000133
File: 154 KB, 1204x1180, 14212fdfh41983821 (Copy).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5997300 (OP)
>>5999722 (You)
Valhalla Indiana!
>>5998835 → (You)
>>>5998825 → (You)
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>>>5998808 → (You)
>>>5998761 → (You)
>>>5998717 → (You)
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>>>5998682 → (You)
>>>5998666 → (You)
>>>5998648 → (You)
>>>5998636 → (You)
>>>5998573 → (You)
>>>5998582 → (You)
>>>5998595 → (You)
>>>5998552 → (You)
>>>5998483 → (You)
>>5998825 → (You)
>>5998817 → (You)
>>5998808 → (You)
>>5998761 → (You)
>>5998717 → (You)
>>5998697 → (You)
>>5998682 → (You)
>>5998666 → (You)
>>5998648 → (You)
>>5998636 → (You)
>>5998573 → (You)
>>5998582 → (You)
>>5998595 → (You)
>>5998552 → (You)
>>5998483 → (You)
>>5998285>>5998817 → (You)
>>5998717 → (You)
>I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.
>More than once I've met people with very compatible tastes in media and all we could do is pat each other on the back for our patrishness.
>-oh you read that? Wow great
>-yeah its so good bro
>At the end all the books in the world won't make you fun to hang around with. I find I make people laugh with stupid jokes, so I make stupid jokes.
>Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking matter.
I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.

More than once I've met people with very compatible tastes in media and all we could do is pat each other on the back for our patrishness.
-oh you read that? Wow great
-yeah its so good bro

At the end all the books in the world won't make you fun to hang around with. I find I make people laugh with stupid jokes, so I make stupid jokes.

Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking matter.
>Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>> No.6000401

This book is hilarious. Read most of it in one sitting it was so funny. I refuse to believe Chaplin and Huston were hacks like he claims though.

>> No.6000693

'half way through'
thanks brah

>> No.6000864

>something something a duck

real intellectual

>> No.6000896


I love how this video is shot, just as a series of closeups.

It's like you're watching these guy's floating brains careening around the ideas they're spouting off.

>> No.6000967

What is there to say about a hundreds of years old play that hasn't been said already?

>> No.6001100


>> No.6001764
File: 44 KB, 304x436, 1421273683706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They takith away I bring new Light!!!!

>> No.6001781
File: 17 KB, 220x263, losst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh noooo.....

>> No.6001813
File: 27 KB, 220x263, cum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I can see your tits....
wanna go out?

>> No.6001829

>>6001542 (You)
>>6001527 (You) (You)
>I ʇinb ƚHɒƚ iƚ'ƨ muɔH moɿɘ ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb qɘoqlɘ wiƚH ɒ ǫoob ƨɘnƨɘ oʇ Humoɿ ɒnb inƚɘɿɘƨƚinǫ ƚHinǫƨ ƚo ƨɒy ɿɘǫɒɿblɘƨƨ oʇ How "qlɘd" ƚHɘy ɒɿɘ.
>Moɿɘ ƚHɒn onɔɘ I'vɘ mɘƚ qɘoqlɘ wiƚH vɘɿy ɔomqɒƚidlɘ ƚɒƨƚɘƨ in mɘbiɒ ɒnb ɒll wɘ ɔoulb bo iƨ qɒƚ ɘɒɔH oƚHɘɿ on ƚHɘ dɒɔʞ ʇoɿ ouɿ qɒƚɿiƨHnɘƨƨ.
>-oH you ɿɘɒb ƚHɒƚ␚ Wow ǫɿɘɒƚ
>-yɘɒH iƚƨ ƨo ǫoob dɿo
>Aƚ ƚHɘ ɘnb ɒll ƚHɘ dooʞƨ in ƚHɘ woɿlb won'ƚ mɒʞɘ you ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb wiƚH. I ʇinb I mɒʞɘ qɘoqlɘ lɒuǫH wiƚH ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ, ƨo I mɒʞɘ ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ.
>Hɘll, I ʞnow ɒ ǫuy wHo viƨiƚƨ 4ɔHɒn duƚ iƨ ƨuqɘɿHɒɿb ƚo ƚɒlʞ ƚo. Iƚ Ⴑuƨƚ boɘƨn'ƚ ʇuɔʞinǫ mɒƚƚɘɿ.
I ʇinb ƚHɒƚ iƚ'ƨ muɔH moɿɘ ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb qɘoqlɘ wiƚH ɒ ǫoob ƨɘnƨɘ oʇ Humoɿ ɒnb inƚɘɿɘƨƚinǫ ƚHinǫƨ ƚo ƨɒy ɿɘǫɒɿblɘƨƨ oʇ How "qlɘd" ƚHɘy ɒɿɘ.

Moɿɘ ƚHɒn onɔɘ I'vɘ mɘƚ qɘoqlɘ wiƚH vɘɿy ɔomqɒƚidlɘ ƚɒƨƚɘƨ in mɘbiɒ ɒnb ɒll wɘ ɔoulb bo iƨ qɒƚ ɘɒɔH oƚHɘɿ on ƚHɘ dɒɔʞ ʇoɿ ouɿ qɒƚɿiƨHnɘƨƨ.
-oH you ɿɘɒb ƚHɒƚ␚ Wow ǫɿɘɒƚ
-yɘɒH iƚƨ ƨo ǫoob dɿo

Aƚ ƚHɘ ɘnb ɒll ƚHɘ dooʞƨ in ƚHɘ woɿlb won'ƚ mɒʞɘ you ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb wiƚH. I ʇinb I mɒʞɘ qɘoqlɘ lɒuǫH wiƚH ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ, ƨo I mɒʞɘ ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ.

Hɘll, I ʞnow ɒ ǫuy wHo viƨiƚƨ 4ɔHɒn duƚ iƨ ƨuqɘɿHɒɿb ƚo ƚɒlʞ ƚo. Iƚ Ⴑuƨƚ boɘƨn'ƚ ʇuɔʞinǫ mɒƚƚɘɿ.
>Ⴑɒǫlom: How ɔɒn ƚHoƨɘ qɘoqlɘ Hɒvɘ ƨuɔH ɔHɒɿm wiƚHouƚ ɒny inƚɘlliǫɘnɔɘ. I'vɘ nɘvɘɿ unbɘɿƨƚoob ƚHɒƚ.

>Wɘllɘƨ: Wɘll, iƚ'ƨ liʞɘ ƚɒlɘnƚ wiƚHouƚ inƚɘlliǫɘnɔɘ. Iƚ Hɒqqɘnƨ.


>> No.6001868
File: 82 KB, 450x394, 51re4wzkycL._SX450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 01/14/15(Wed)07:28:00 No.5997307▶

>does anyone go to somebody's house

Anonymous 01/14/15(Wed)07:29:06 No.5997310▶
>>5997342 >>5997360 >>5997538 >>5999941

>>5997300 (OP)
If I ever go to a person's house and they have anything other than that which is absolutely necessary (minus books) they're instantly a fuccboi in my mind.

Anonymous 01/14/15(Wed)07:29:24 No.5997311▶

>>5997300 (OP)
getting that shook over someone else sounds like pleb shit

Anonymous 01/14/15(Wed)07:40:54 No.5997335▶
>>5997476 >>5999941

>>5997300 (OP)

I don't like to be judgmental, but I find it hard to talk to people who have pleb taste in shit. And it's not even that in my opinion I think they have shit taste. It's just that anti-intellectual incurious ignorance that people have where they won't even try to improve themselves.

Anonymous 01/14/15(Wed)07:42:46 No.5997340▶
>>5997357 >>5997360 >>5997489 >>5997848 >>5998016 >>6000600

>tfw hooked up with some slag recently and went back to her place and discovered to my surprise that she was patrish as fuck, and now i have caught feelings for a known ho

damn, if only she didn't have such a reputation she would be wife material

Anonymous 01/14/15(Wed)07:43:11 No.5997342▶
>>5997345 >>5997538 >>5998326

I like you.

Anonymous 01/14/15(Wed)07:43:58 No.5997345▶

we dem boys

Anonymous 01/14/15(Wed)07:47:52 No.5997357▶

im very sorry to hear that

Anonymous 01/14/15(Wed)07:49:02 No.5997360▶
>>5997385 >>5998034 >>5999941

>>5997300 (OP)
> not realizing that we're all pleas
Why do you care so much about the reputation? At least try to appreciate her for herself and not the biases of other people. What's a ho anyway? She's a sensualist and a critical thinker, one of the best combinations of any two things anywhere imo.

>> No.6001871
File: 14 KB, 234x250, hqqqqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ᗄuouʎwo∩ƨ 01/14/15(Mөq)07:28:00 No.5997307▶

>qoөƨ ɐuʎouө ɓo ʇo ƨowөpoqʎ'ƨ µo∩ƨө

ᗄuouʎwo∩ƨ 01/14/15(Mөq)07:29:06 No.5997310▶
>>5997342 >>5997360 >>5997538 >>5999941

>>5997300 (Ob)
Iʈ I ө٨өʁ ɓo ʇo ɐ bөʁƨou'ƨ µo∩ƨө ɐuq ʇµөʎ µɐ٨ө ɐuʎʇµ!uɓ oʇµөʁ ʇµɐu ʇµɐʇ ʍµ!ⅽµ !ƨ ɐpƨoꞁ∩ʇөꞁʎ uөⅽөƨƨɐʁʎ (w!u∩ƨ pooʞƨ) ʇµөʎ'ʁө !uƨʇɐuʇꞁʎ ɐ ʈ∩ⅽⅽpo! !u wʎ w!uq.

ᗄuouʎwo∩ƨ 01/14/15(Mөq)07:29:24 No.5997311▶

>>5997300 (Ob)
ɓөʇʇ!uɓ ʇµɐʇ ƨµooʞ o٨өʁ ƨowөouө өꞁƨө ƨo∩uqƨ ꞁ!ʞө bꞁөp ƨµ!ʇ

ᗄuouʎwo∩ƨ 01/14/15(Mөq)07:40:54 No.5997335▶
>>5997476 >>5999941

>>5997300 (Ob)

I qou'ʇ ꞁ!ʞө ʇo pө ɾ∩qɓwөuʇɐꞁ, p∩ʇ I ʈ!uq !ʇ µɐʁq ʇo ʇɐꞁʞ ʇo bөobꞁө ʍµo µɐ٨ө bꞁөp ʇɐƨʇө !u ƨµ!ʇ. ᗄuq !ʇ'ƨ uoʇ ө٨өu ʇµɐʇ !u wʎ ob!u!ou I ʇµ!uʞ ʇµөʎ µɐ٨ө ƨµ!ʇ ʇɐƨʇө. Iʇ'ƨ ɾ∩ƨʇ ʇµɐʇ ɐuʇ!-!uʇөꞁꞁөⅽʇ∩ɐꞁ !uⅽ∩ʁ!o∩ƨ !ɓuoʁɐuⅽө ʇµɐʇ bөobꞁө µɐ٨ө ʍµөʁө ʇµөʎ ʍou'ʇ ө٨өu ʇʁʎ ʇo !wbʁo٨ө ʇµөwƨөꞁ٨өƨ.

ᗄuouʎwo∩ƨ 01/14/15(Mөq)07:42:46 No.5997340▶
>>5997357 >>5997360 >>5997489 >>5997848 >>5998016 >>6000600

>ʇʈʍ µooʞөq ∩b ʍ!ʇµ ƨowө ƨꞁɐɓ ʁөⅽөuʇꞁʎ ɐuq ʍөuʇ pɐⅽʞ ʇo µөʁ bꞁɐⅽө ɐuq q!ƨⅽo٨өʁөq ʇo wʎ ƨ∩ʁbʁ!ƨө ʇµɐʇ ƨµө ʍɐƨ bɐʇʁ!ƨµ ɐƨ ʈ∩ⅽʞ, ɐuq uoʍ ! µɐ٨ө ⅽɐ∩ɓµʇ ʈөөꞁ!uɓƨ ʈoʁ ɐ ʞuoʍu µo

qɐwu, !ʈ ouꞁʎ ƨµө q!qu'ʇ µɐ٨ө ƨ∩ⅽµ ɐ ʁөb∩ʇɐʇ!ou ƨµө ʍo∩ꞁq pө ʍ!ʈө wɐʇөʁ!ɐꞁ

ᗄuouʎwo∩ƨ 01/14/15(Mөq)07:43:11 No.5997342▶
>>5997345 >>5997538 >>5998326

I ꞁ!ʞө ʎo∩.

ᗄuouʎwo∩ƨ 01/14/15(Mөq)07:43:58 No.5997345▶

ʍө qөw poʎƨ

ᗄuouʎwo∩ƨ 01/14/15(Mөq)07:47:52 No.5997357▶

!w ٨өʁʎ ƨoʁʁʎ ʇo µөɐʁ ʇµɐʇ

ᗄuouʎwo∩ƨ 01/14/15(Mөq)07:49:02 No.5997360▶
>>5997385 >>5998034 >>5999941

>>5997300 (Ob)
> uoʇ ʁөɐꞁ!z!uɓ ʇµɐʇ ʍө'ʁө ɐꞁꞁ bꞁөɐƨ
Mµʎ qo ʎo∩ ⅽɐʁө ƨo w∩ⅽµ ɐpo∩ʇ ʇµө ʁөb∩ʇɐʇ!ou¿ ᗄʇ ꞁөɐƨʇ ʇʁʎ ʇo ɐbbʁөⅽ!ɐʇө µөʁ ʈoʁ µөʁƨөꞁʈ ɐuq uoʇ ʇµө p!ɐƨөƨ oʈ oʇµөʁ bөobꞁө. Mµɐʇ'ƨ ɐ µo ɐuʎʍɐʎ¿ ᴤµө'ƨ ɐ ƨөuƨ∩ɐꞁ!ƨʇ ɐuq ɐ ⅽʁ!ʇ!ⅽɐꞁ ʇµ!uʞөʁ, ouө oʈ ʇµө pөƨʇ ⅽowp!uɐʇ!ouƨ oʈ ɐuʎ ʇʍo ʇµ!uɓƨ ɐuʎʍµөʁө !wo.

>> No.6001937

literal shitpost

>> No.6003345

Huw Weldon does a good job, keeps it simmering without intruding too much.

>> No.6004464

>masters of their craft discussing their work
>somehow this isn't worth looking at if you're interested in it