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5997300 No.5997300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody else have a visceral reaction when they go to somebody's house and they're a pleb?

>> No.5997307

>does anyone go to somebody's house

>> No.5997310

If I ever go to a person's house and they have anything other than that which is absolutely necessary (minus books) they're instantly a fuccboi in my mind.

>> No.5997311

getting that shook over someone else sounds like pleb shit

>> No.5997335


I don't like to be judgmental, but I find it hard to talk to people who have pleb taste in shit. And it's not even that in my opinion I think they have shit taste. It's just that anti-intellectual incurious ignorance that people have where they won't even try to improve themselves.

>> No.5997340

>tfw hooked up with some slag recently and went back to her place and discovered to my surprise that she was patrish as fuck, and now i have caught feelings for a known ho

damn, if only she didn't have such a reputation she would be wife material

>> No.5997342

I like you.

>> No.5997345

we dem boys

>> No.5997357

im very sorry to hear that

>> No.5997360

> not realizing that we're all pleas
Why do you care so much about the reputation? At least try to appreciate her for herself and not the biases of other people. What's a ho anyway? She's a sensualist and a critical thinker, one of the best combinations of any two things anywhere imo.
I don't think there's anything wrong with decoration or a few nice things. I personally try to keep as kitty stuff as possible, but I don't think that your view point reflects a minimalist mind.

>> No.5997375
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>went to qt's apartment before we went to a party
>there are a bunch of us just hanging out waiting for other people to show up before we leave
>Tolstoy on the end table
>Twilight on the bookshelf
It's one thing to be a YA fiction pleb, but it's even worse to pretend like you you're not. Its obviously there for show, and that's just fucking obnoxious. The rest of her shelves are lined with Nicholas Sparks, John Green, etc and just a sprinkling of her high school reading list (Jane Eyre, Great Gatsby, etc.)

>> No.5997385

>Why do you care so much about the reputation? At least try to appreciate her for herself and not the biases of other people. What's a ho anyway? She's a sensualist and a critical thinker, one of the best combinations of any two things anywhere imo.

i know for a fact that she's shagged at least four people who i know personally, one of which is my best m8, and generally i just find that sort of behaviour a bit gross. if i dated her i would have a hard time respecting her.

i tried to be open-minded and give a slut a fair chance once before and predictably it all ended in tears.

>> No.5997410

she sounds better off w/o you then m8

>> No.5997417

It's just sex, anon.

Are you saying just because I've been with 15.5 men that you wouldn't respect me?

>> No.5997423

was it a dwarf or an amputee

>> No.5997426

you're a fag
"wahh a woman might like my dick TOO MUCH. That's strictly for the lads!"

>> No.5997430

he was sixteen

>> No.5997441

sure, we're better off without each other. i was just lamenting that the most patrician girl i've met irl so far who is also willing to sleep with me happens to be undateable

15 is not an especially high number unless you are like 18. anyway i can be friends with slutty girls, and will remain friends with the girl in question, i just don't want to date them

>> No.5997446

enjoy your damaged goods

>> No.5997455

>heterosexual sex=harmful
fag confirmed

>> No.5997460

>It's just sex, anon.
then why doing it ?

>> No.5997462

because it's fun. it's not harmful if it's consensual

>> No.5997463

female promiscuity is almost always a symptom of an underlying personality disorder

>> No.5997466

by how many men have you been taken ?

>> No.5997476

This. I've made an asshole out of myself more than once from thinking like this. This is where arrogance comes from and I hate it because it makes me become the asshole in the room.

>> No.5997489

>patrish as fuck
Give more information.

>> No.5997515

>women's bodies are repulsive and distress me
>men's bodies are pure, wholesome, and desirable
>totally not gay

>> No.5997516

This wouldn't really be a probably if it really wasn't impossible for a women to have a healthy relationship with sex. With men, there is the agony of being labeled sexually incompetent (virgin, etc.) but with a women, both poles of sexuality (virgin<->promiscuity) are difficult terrain. That's why so many often are driven to one pole and pursue it in spite of feelings or thoughts that should be cues to letting them know that they should modify their attitude towards sex. It ceases to be liberating when it is pursued through the negative (society says I can't have sex so I'm gonna fuck a lot of dudes) rather than through the positive (society is dictating when I can have sex so I'm going to only have sex when I really feel like it would add to my cohesiveness as an agent of power, with a capacity to act).

This is the problem with a lot of strains of ethics within contemporary feminism. They are almost purely in a negative existence.

Solution for men this is an issue for: read more fucking books why are you shitposting about this and worrying about dicks in some chick so much

>> No.5997525

>This wouldn't really be a probably if it really wasn't impossible for a women to have a healthy relationship with sex.

what are you talking about
how many women have you talked to in your life who aren't your mother?

>> No.5997534

is this pol?

>> No.5997538


You guys seem like you have a very utilitarian mindset. Does that also apply for the choice of reading you'd prefer these people to have?

That is, would you prefer to see books about a variety of subjects - some of which might be superfluous - or do you want it to be like the True Detective dude with piles of books about nothing but what he's skilled in?

>> No.5997547


It's also almost wholly possibly for men to have a healthy relationship with sex either.

But men at least have the option to relegate those desires and failings to other realms in which has a capacity to act and express power. Women have very few of these (of which sex is probably the largest).

>> No.5997553

do you have a problem with homosexuals?

>> No.5997558

My reading is highly varied in styles but not in genre, if that helps.

>> No.5997560


some of them are too good-looking and i want to bang them prison-style, which is not good for my marriage

>> No.5997568

*impossible for men

>> No.5997574

>But men at least have the option to relegate those desires and failings to other realms in which has a capacity to act and express power.

Do you live in Saudi Arabia? Do you feel guilty when you masturbate? Have you had sex with more than 5 women in your life?

>> No.5997576

The more liberated women are, the more men can sleep with them. If this is not progress, then I do not know what you need.

>> No.5997579

so you are getting angry itt because you made a hoe a housewife?

>> No.5997588

what? oh sorry i'm not the person you were asking that question to. I just felt like saying something gay to let it out a bit

>> No.5997589

>The more liberated women are, the more men can sleep with them.

That's not how it works. Women are hypergamous.

>> No.5997591

>The more liberated women are, the more men can sleep with them.
kek, people actually think this is true.

>> No.5997594

The average joe will have more chances to take a bird, of average appearance or not. OFC I do not say that he should go into a relationship.

>> No.5997598

Why is hanging out before a party so much more fun than the party itself, bros?

>> No.5997604

Le meilleur moment de l'amour est quand on monte l'escalier.

>> No.5997615


and even if the lowest men get to score pussy from time to time, we are no longer able to hold on to it because they're conditioned to keep trying to move upwards

it's like a videogame. when they fail they start again at the beginning, but it doesn't last long before they try it again. and with polygamy becoming cool, the constant flow is stopped because many of them can share the same top dick at once

>> No.5997624

>Le meilleur moment de l'amour est quand on monte l'escalier.
Does this help you feel like a patrician?

>> No.5997629

i.e. you mean that it leads to harems for men of a higher social status? a simple logic, since there are ~the same amount of men and women, and only some men have that higher status, it means that 'liberated women' who are 'hypergamous' should share them if they don't want to give up their hypergamous plans
that's an amusing theory

>> No.5997636

yes that's what he meant good job

>> No.5997637

they do

>> No.5997641

OKCupid studies seem to confirm the trend.

>> No.5997644

and sex is, in society, what makes men men.

chicks can complain that getting to much dick leads to a bad reputation, but they'll never know the feeling of being considered a half-man

in that sense, they're not interested in gender deconstruction. this arrangement works pretty well for them, because it gives the woman freedom of choice and the guy is left trying to prove his worth, because his reputation depends upon it.

>> No.5997653

I have thought some of this fucking verbatim. This is embarrassing.

>> No.5997694

Yes it makes a good impression at parties.

>> No.5997707

Do you actually think that the kind of women with the sexually-reserved values you seek would choose to date you when it's clear that you don't hold those same values to yourself?

Or do you plan on lying to them?

>> No.5997716

women in general prefer their men to experienced, just like how men in general prefer their women to be inexperienced

sluts only exist to pad your numbers. they are practice

>> No.5997721

Two possibilities that come to mind:
1. Tolstoy is chick-lit approved (this depends: was she reading Anna Karenina, or The Cossacks? Because ever since that movie, chicks seem to treat AK like it's a Russian Pride & Prejudice)
2. She's actually patrician and the Twilight was a gift from a family member that sits on the bookshelf so as not to appear rude when they visit.

>> No.5997735

I guess I should assume my situation applies to everyone else. My current girlfriend is significantly more experienced than my last one, and also myself. It's not been a problem for either of us and I now think I'd want the same should anything happen to our relationship.

My perception of people is warped because I don't talk about sex with 99% of my friends, so your comments about what is generally preferred may ring true. Not that I understand why those preferences would exist.

>> No.5997743


>the woman freedom of choice and the guy is left trying to prove his worth

that's how it always was for humans, and how it's for many other animals, males prove their worth while females choose. obviously that both sides choose but men demand less of their partners, and are supposed to play the active role in the relationship too, it's determined by that a single male can impregnate multiple females (but quite often cannot protect and feed the offspring of multiple females, so in the case of humans, harems are not very common)

if anything, the power which women hold depends solely on them being less promiscuous than men, that's why they choose, because the men's want of them is higher than their want of men, their 'liberation' undermines it. a hypothetic alpha male may sleep around for a while, but he eventually will settle with a single woman, the west don't really have an established harem cohabitation or marriage at all, and then, promiscuous sex generally decreases the bar, because, unlike marriage it doesn't put any serious demands on the partner

the only thing which you can complain of it's that the divorce became easier for women, i.e. that you cannot hold a woman by force. why does she want to flee from you though

anyway you blame women for what is not their fault, every human person strive for the best, and it's men who have lower standards, not women

>> No.5997754

>being a plebshit apoligist

>> No.5997759

Don't listen to 4chan on women and sex, mate.
Just don't.

>> No.5997764

>It's not been a problem for either of us

lol not yet (that you know of)

good luck mate

>> No.5997773

>lol not yet (that you know of)
if he already enjoys playing the hubby, I do not think there will be a problem

>> No.5997775

Why not? All the thoughts and attitudes towards women in this thread seem very healthy and mature.

>good luck mate
thx m8

>> No.5997782

>and it's men who have lower standards, not women

well no : liberated women decrease their value and the value of other women (by a process of imitation these other women want casual sex too, when they do not already love such a relationship anyway). So overall, cheaper women by their own free will.

>> No.5997789

Just from a quick glance:

>and even if the lowest men get to score pussy from time to time, we are no longer able to hold on to it because they're conditioned to keep trying to move upwards

>it's like a videogame. when they fail they start again at the beginning, but it doesn't last long before they try it again. and with polygamy becoming cool, the constant flow is stopped because many of them can share the same top dick at once

Warped, deluded, extreme media culture representation taken as truth for all women, etc.

Just don't. Talk to people. Experience people. Trying to take advice on women here is like reading a high school freshman's tweet summary of Ulysses, and spouting to people that you've read it.

>> No.5997792

You're entirely correct, but I was being sarcastic.

>> No.5997848

tis pity she's a whore :')

Seriously though, I'd love to get involved with a patrish ho.

>> No.5997862


that's what i said
the quoted phrase it's of the situation how it was set traditionally

>> No.5997926

I'm not an autist so no

>> No.5997943

It gets lost on me sometimes while browsing this website.

>> No.5997948

So Men can have as much sex as they want but the moment a Woman loses her virginity she's a whore?

>> No.5997962

Someone once assumed I had a B.A. in english by looking at my books. Does this make me a pleb?

>> No.5997979

I got a Kindle and put all my physical books in a cupboard. Now my bookshelf is full of bottles of alcohol and people assume I'm an alcoholic instead.

>> No.5997985

Meant for >>5997962

>> No.5998012

I had a chuckle
but isn't it actually perfectly normal to have a liquour cabinet?

Also, alcoholism is an incurable disease, seek help immediately.

>> No.5998016

you don't deserve her, so don't even try.

>> No.5998034

>What's a ho anyway? She's a sensualist

The things betas tell themselves.

>> No.5998036

>a visceral reaction when they go to somebody's house and they're a pleb?

I live in Thailand. When I go back to somebody's house, it's usually a hot 20yo Asian girl who can't read English.

>> No.5998041


why are you so upset tho

>> No.5998057

>seek help

>> No.5998061

this. i would understand the dude if he didn't want to have a relationship with someone who has lots of sex because of religious or "moral" reasons, but he fucked her himself. He considers her 'impure', but not himself. He's probably filled with a lot of self-hatred.
you literally do not know anything about life

>> No.5998067

Yes, that's correct.

>> No.5998079

Uberwench located

>> No.5998090

This place is sad.

Women don't give you guys the time of day, so you're bitter and resentful and are constantly shitting on them. When women do give you the time of day, they've given other men the time of day as well so you don't value her. It's not good enough for you.

You're all waiting for some pure, wholesome virgin who you think sees nothing but positivity in the world to come sweep you all away and make you forget your crippling depression and apathy towards life. That's why you harass and disgust girls like Katie or Springbok. For a place that tries to hard to be "enlightened" or "philosophical" or whatever the fuck, the moment a woman comes into the picture you all turn into weak and emotionally unstable little boys.

>> No.5998091
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>> No.5998094

>The entire board is less than a dozen people who browse /r9k/

Tumblr, srsly, pls go. You don't even want to be here.

>> No.5998098

Why is everyone so upset at this guy for not wanting to date a girl who has shagged four of his mates?

You guys are the weird inverse of /r9k/.

>> No.5998099

Most people I know read nothing but those banal as fuck Wheel of Time books. I usually put up with it but when they start claiming it's high literature I tend to get quite testy

>> No.5998115

I don't think most people on /lit would turn down a girl who's had a boyfriend or two, but if a woman has a reputation for sleeping around, being unfaithful, or generally has the type of personality which sees you as disposable, why would you invest your time into someone like that?

>> No.5998121

then why do I see this sort of shit everywhere

>> No.5998125

>So Men can have as much sex as they want but the moment a Woman loses her virginity she's a whore?
Do not tell me that you have just discovered this.

How would feel if it was your daughter ??

>> No.5998134

It's got less to do with his not wanting to date someone who acts in such a manner, and more to do with the fact that he doesn't hold himself to the same standards, and additionally expects his future wife not to hold him to the same standards that she holds herself.

>> No.5998138
File: 329 KB, 445x250, makeout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will never be any of you

>> No.5998159

Yeah, I'm usually on top.

>> No.5998168


i'll find my boy someday

>> No.5998198


if i end up in a greyscale softcore 3-sec gif i will have myself killed

>> No.5998254

What if your qt 3.14 /lit/ patrish wife sent you the gif in a cute email while you were at work, so that your spirits would be lifted from the monotony of day-to-day life?

Would you have yourself killed then?

>> No.5998270

>has a boring day job


captcha: beggary ntactcom

>> No.5998283

yeah well i can afford to be extra picky because i am easily capable of dating women who live up to my standards

>> No.5998285
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"I wanna be on my dongey"

>> No.5998298
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"Be my Dongey row?"

>> No.5998303
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"Loaw Loaw"

>> No.5998304

actually, you may have a point. in the past i have not been a good boyfriend and maybe that is partially attributable to my promiscuity or the traits that make me liable to sleep around. but since 'good girls' still often want to date me, why should i bother with the female equivalent of myself?

>> No.5998315
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"Mill Me"

>> No.5998326
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Mister Bin!

>> No.5998336
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>> No.5998340
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"Ratchet Sex" He say?

>> No.5998358
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Moron "gay" "Go to school"

>> No.5998371
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"What is?" 1994 L oh L

>> No.5998483
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Hey baby, wanna go out sometime?
My ding Big?

>> No.5998535

I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.

More than once I've met people with very compatible tastes in media and all we could do is pat each other on the back for our patrishness.
-oh you read that? Wow great
-yeah its so good bro

At the end all the books in the world won't make you fun to hang around with. I find I make people laugh with stupid jokes, so I make stupid jokes.

Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.5998552

This board is complete chaos.

>> No.5998571

kill everyone in this thread

>> No.5998573

Those posts are better then most. How are your hook toes faggot lol.

>> No.5998582

I don't want to die

>> No.5998595

Go back to 7chan fag!

>> No.5998605
File: 36 KB, 756x240, welp4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all degenerates anyway.

>> No.5998634

Just become gay and give up on trying to understand women and having to play the courtship mini game
I honestly think prearranged marriages were miles better than shit we have to go through today. I refuse to play the fucking social ritual.

>> No.5998636
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The last twenty post sum up 4chan very well.

>> No.5998648

wtf happened here?
I love it.

>> No.5998666
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Fuck you, you don't understand me!

>> No.5998682
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This is just the another nail in the coffin at this point.

>> No.5998697
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Momento Mori

>> No.5998717
File: 31 KB, 480x477, tumblr_lixsknna7Q1qatr87o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Off ,your disrupting our vanity!

>> No.5998729

Oh woe is me fucking idiot

>> No.5998743
File: 72 KB, 720x483, 7TmGu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking into the eye of madness.
Help me....

>> No.5998761
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If im mad what make you?

>> No.5998791


>> No.5998805

>taking schopenhauer seriously

l m a o

>> No.5998808
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Don't go off topic!!

>> No.5998817
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My listless flight will end tonight.... with you.

>> No.5998825

You said not robot but are lulz.

>> No.5998835


A true patrician!

>> No.5998844
File: 64 KB, 362x599, 362px-Google’s_First_Production_Server.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katie bitch got you horny

>> No.5998857

What you suck dick. I bet your baby mama gone. Ha

>> No.5998871

Is this all the same guy?
This is getting weird.

>> No.5998879

Katie wasn't as good as this shit.

>> No.5998899
File: 21 KB, 960x317, nous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got rotten nu nu pussy queer

>> No.5999069

Physical books are an absolute no no

>> No.5999225
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If only if only woodpenis sigh.

>> No.5999244
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We back on top BABY WORLDSTAR!

>> No.5999257

Go away lol

>> No.5999265

lol got him.

>> No.5999275
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This is now an intellectual discussion thread. Trilling and Nabokov discussing Lolita.


>> No.5999281

>Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>Welles: To me it does. I hate him so. Because he's one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: One of those what?

>Welles: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: I can't believe you said that.

>Welles: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two eggs.

>> No.5999286

Yeah, well, those are white races, it's okay to be racist against any white race but Jews. Welles was an outspoken opponent of racism when he was in radio.

>> No.5999292

Are you autistic? It's a joke.

>> No.5999318
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This pain unreal?

>> No.5999340

>Well define purgatory good sir
>Hamlet likely sent Ophelia fart letters like Jamb-le-Juice
>I say, no discernable talent
>Piss bottles my good man, piss bottles

>> No.5999371

I accepted early on that I probably wasn't ever going to get a romance. It doesn't bother me, I find myself the most entertaining person around.
>and implying women are anything more than walking voiceboxes

>> No.5999450

All intellectuals worth a damn have piss bottles.
I accepted early on that I probably wasn't ever going to get a romance. It doesn't bother me, I find myself the most entertaining person around.
>and implying women are anything more than walking voiceboxes

>> No.5999488

>All intellectuals worth a damn have piss bottles.
>I accepted early on that I probably wasn't ever going to get a romance. It doesn't bother me, I find myself the most entertaining person around.
>>and implying women are anything more than walking voiceboxes
All intellectuals worth a damn have piss bottles.
I accepted early on that I probably wasn't ever going to get a romance. It doesn't bother me, I find myself the most entertaining person around.
>and implying women are anything more than walking voiceboxes

>> No.5999496

it's breaking

>> No.5999509

it's breaking
>>5999318 (You)
>All intellectuals worth a damn have piss bottles.
>I accepted early on that I probably wasn't ever going to get a romance. It doesn't bother me, I find myself the most entertaining person around.
>>and implying women are anything more than walking voiceboxes
>>5999450 (You)
All intellectuals worth a damn have piss bottles.
I accepted early on that I probably wasn't ever going to get a romance. It doesn't bother me, I find myself the most entertaining person around.
>and implying women are anything more than walking voiceboxes
>>5999286 >>5999292 >>5999318

>>5999275 (You)
>Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>Welles: To me it does. I hate him so. Because he's one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: One of those what?

>Welles: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: I can't believe you said that.

>Welles: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two egg

>> No.5999516

it's breaking
>>5999318 (You)
>All intellectuals worth a damn have piss bottles.
>I accepted early on that I probably wasn't ever going to get a romance. It doesn't bother me, I find myself the most entertaining person around.
>>and implying women are anything more than walking voiceboxes
>>5999450 (You)
All intellectuals worth a damn have piss bottles.
I accepted early on that I probably wasn't ever going to get a romance. It doesn't bother me, I find myself the most entertaining person around.
>and implying women are anything more than walking voiceboxes
>>5999286 >>5999292 >>5999318

>>5999275 (You)
>Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>Welles: To me it does. I hate him so. Because he's one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: One of those what?

>Welles: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: I can't believe you said that.

>Welles: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two egg

>> No.5999522

>I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.
>More than once I've met people with very compatible tastes in media and all we could do is pat each other on the back for our patrishness.
>-oh you read that? Wow great
>-yeah its so good bro
>At the end all the books in the world won't make you fun to hang around with. I find I make people laugh with stupid jokes, so I make stupid jokes.
>Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking matter.
I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.

More than once I've met people with very compatible tastes in media and all we could do is pat each other on the back for our patrishness.
-oh you read that? Wow great
-yeah its so good bro

At the end all the books in the world won't make you fun to hang around with. I find I make people laugh with stupid jokes, so I make stupid jokes.

Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking matter.
>Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>Welles: To me it does. I hate him so. Because he's one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: One of those what?

>Welles: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: I can't believe you said that.

>Welles: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two eggs.

>> No.5999523

I think you may be autistic, anon.

>> No.5999539
File: 45 KB, 450x440, 1293286792057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>Welles: To me it does. I hate him so. Because he's one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: One of those what?

>Welles: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: I can't believe you said that.

>Welles: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two eggs.>>5998825
>I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.
>More than once I've met people with very compatible tastes in media and all we could do is pat each other on the back for our patrishness.
>-oh you read that? Wow great
>-yeah its so good bro
>At the end all the books in the world won't make you fun to hang around with. I find I make people laugh with stupid jokes, so I make stupid jokes.
>Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking matter.
I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.

More than once I've met people with very compatible tastes in media and all we could do is pat each other on the back for our patrishness.
-oh you read that? Wow great
-yeah its so good bro

At the end all the books in the world won't make you fun to hang around with. I find I make people laugh with stupid jokes, so I make stupid jokes.

Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking matter.
>Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.
>>5997300 (OP)
I think you may be autistic, anon.>>5998138
This will never be any of you

>> No.5999555

Just from a quick glance:

>and even if the lowest men get to score pussy from time to time, we are no longer able to hold on to it because they're conditioned to keep trying to move upwards

>it's like a videogame. when they fail they start again at the beginning, but it doesn't last long before they try it again. and with polygamy becoming cool, the constant flow is stopped because many of them can share the same top dick at once

Warped, deluded, extreme media culture representation taken as truth for all women, etc.

Just don't. Talk to people. Experience people. Trying to take advice on women here is like reading a high school freshman's tweet summary of Ulysses, and spouting to people that you've read it.>>5997764
>lol not yet (that you know of)
if he already enjoys playing the hubby, I do not think there will be a problem
>Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>Welles: To me it does. I hate him so. Because he's one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: One of those what?

>Welles: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: I can't believe you said that.

>Welles: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two eggs.>>5998825
>I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.
>More than once I've met people with very compatible tastes in media and all we could do is pat each other on the back for our patrishness.
>-oh you read that? Wow great
>-yeah its so good bro
>At the end all the books in the world won't make you fun to hang around with. I find I make people laugh with stupid jokes, so I make stupid jokes.
>Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking matter.
I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.>Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't
Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.
>>5997300 (OP) (OP)
I think you may be autistic, anon.>>5998138
This will never be any of you

>> No.5999563

Case closed I guess.

>> No.5999574


>> No.5999626 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 304x436, 1421207986171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think there's much wrong with people saying that we worship Mary. She is a god in the sense in which Christ called all of us gods, which goes especially for saints, and among saints it goes especially for her. She isn't divine in that only God is divine, but perhaps no human being as participated in God's grace as much as her except Christ himself. The commandment is to have no other gods before God, which does not exclude those "gods" that are directly beneath God like the saints and the angels.
Folk Catholicism is a resistance against the horribleness of abrahamism. By worshiping Mary and the saints, they preserve goddess and ancestor worship for when the current monotheistic dark age ends.

Pic related, he too turned his back on polytheism and tried to make his personal god the only god.
Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>Welles: To me it does. I hate him so. Because he's one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: One of those what?

>Welles: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: I can't believe you said that.

>Welles: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two eggs.>>5998825 (You)
>>5998817 (You)
>>5998808 (You)
>>5998761 (You)
>>5998717 (You)
>>5998697 (You)
>>5998682 (You)
>>5998666 (You)
>>5998648 (You)
>>5998636 (You)
>>5998573 (You)
>>5998582 (You)
>>5998595 (You)
>>5998552 (You)
>>5998483 (You)
>>5998285>>5998817 (You)
>>5998717 (You)
>I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.
>More than once I've met people with very compatible tastes in media and all we could do is pat each other on the back for our patrishness.
>-oh you read that? Wow great
>-yeah its so good bro
>At the end all the books in the world won't make you fun to hang around with. I find I make people laugh with stupid jokes, so I make stupid jokes.
>Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking matter.
I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.>Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't
Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>> No.5999697
File: 36 KB, 480x360, fgfgjjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think there's much wrong with people saying that we worship Mary. She is a god in the sense in which Christ called all of us gods, which goes especially for saints, and among saints it goes especially for her. She isn't divine in that only God is divine, but perhaps no human being as participated in God's grace as much as her except Christ himself. The commandment is to have no other gods before God, which does not exclude those "gods" that are directly beneath God like the saints and the angels.
Folk Catholicism is a resistance against the horribleness of abrahamism. By worshiping Mary and the saints, they preserve goddess and ancestor worship for when the current monotheistic dark age ends.

Pic related, he too turned his back on polytheism and tried to make his personal god the only god.
Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>Welles: To me it does. I hate him so. Because he's one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: One of those what?

>Welles: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: I can't believe you said that.

>Welles: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two eggs.>>5998825 (You) (You)
>>5998817 (You) (You)
>>5998808 (You) (You)
>>5998761 (You) (You)
>>5998717 (You) (You)
>>5998697 (You) (You)
>>5998682 (You) (You)
>>5998666 (You) (You)
>>5998648 (You) (You)
>>5998636 (You) (You)
>>5998573 (You) (You)
>>5998582 (You) (You)
>>5998595 (You) (You)
>>5998552 (You) (You)
>>5998483 (You) (You)

>> No.5999722
File: 262 KB, 571x479, 1421145585861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low Behold@!
>I don't think there's much wrong with people saying that we worship Mary. She is a god in the sense in which Christ called all of us gods, which goes especially for saints, and among saints it goes especially for her. She isn't divine in that only God is divine, but perhaps no human being as participated in God's grace as much as her except Christ himself. The commandment is to have no other gods before God, which does not exclude those "gods" that are directly beneath God like the saints and the angels.
Folk Catholicism is a resistance against the horribleness of abrahamism. By worshiping Mary and the saints, they preserve goddess and ancestor worship for when the current monotheistic dark age ends.

Pic related, he too turned his back on polytheism and tried to make his personal god the only god.
Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>Welles: To me it does. I hate him so. Because he's one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: One of those what?

>Welles: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: I can't believe you said that.

>Welles: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two eggs.>>5998825 → (You) (You)
>>5998817 → (You) (You)
>>5998808 → (You) (You)
>>5998761 → (You) (You)
>>5998717 → (You) (You)
>>5998697 → (You) (You)
>>5998682 → (You) (You)
>>5998666 → (You) (You)
>>5998648 → (You) (You)
>>5998636 → (You) (You)
>>5998573 → (You) (You)
>>5998582 → (You) (You)
>>5998595 → (You) (You)
>>5998552 → (You) (You)
>>5998483 → (You) (You)

>> No.5999941
File: 862 KB, 1180x1204, gggggghh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5997310 >>5997311 >>5997335 >>5997360 >>5997375 >>5997653 >>5997926 >>5998036 >>5998326 >>5998805 >>5998844 >>5999523 >>5999539 >>5999555
Fuck Oppie My suta lutme cowlty

>> No.5999994
File: 975 KB, 1180x1204, 14212fdfh41983821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valhalla Indiana!

>> No.6000007

Check em

>> No.6000010

Very Postmodern!

>> No.6000046

lol wtf, I've learned alot about the human psyche from this thread

>> No.6000068
File: 975 KB, 1180x1204, 14212fdfh41983821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Siege Hiel minor into a star roter forever

>> No.6000115
File: 154 KB, 1204x1180, 14212fdfh41983821 (Copy).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malleus Maleficarum
Aliester were are THEE

>> No.6000146

>>5998835 → (Yo∩)
>>>5998825 → (Yo∩)
>>>5998817 → (Yo∩)
>>>5998808 → (Yo∩)
>>>5998761 → (Yo∩)
>>>5998717 → (Yo∩)
>>>5998697 → (Yo∩)
>>>5998682 → (Yo∩)
>>>5998666 → (Yo∩)
>>>5998648 → (Yo∩)
>>>5998636 → (Yo∩)
>>>5998573 → (Yo∩)
>>>5998582 → (Yo∩)
>>>5998595 → (Yo∩)
>>>5998552 → (Yo∩)

>>5998825 → (Yo∩)
>>5998817 → (Yo∩)
>>5998808 → (Yo∩)
>>5998761 → (Yo∩)
>>5998717 → (Yo∩)
>>5998697 → (Yo∩)
>>5998682 → (Yo∩)
>>5998666 → (Yo∩)
>>5998648 → (Yo∩)
>>5998636 → (Yo∩)
>>5998573 → (Yo∩)
>>5998582 → (Yo∩)
>>5998595 → (Yo∩)
>>5998552 → (Yo∩)
>>5998483 → (Yo∩)
>>5998285>>5998817 → (Yo∩)
>>5998717 → (Yo∩)
>I ʈ!uq ʇµɐʇ !ʇ'ƨ w∩ⅽµ woʁө ʈ∩u ʇo µɐuɓ ɐʁo∩uq bөobꞁө ʍ!ʇµ ɐ ɓooq ƨөuƨө oʈ µ∩woʁ ɐuq !uʇөʁөƨʇ!uɓ ʇµ!uɓƨ ʇo ƨɐʎ ʁөɓɐʁqꞁөƨƨ oʈ µoʍ "bꞁөp" ʇµөʎ ɐʁө.
>ʍoʁө ʇµɐu ouⅽө I'٨ө wөʇ bөobꞁө ʍ!ʇµ ٨өʁʎ ⅽowbɐʇ!pꞁө ʇɐƨʇөƨ !u wөq!ɐ ɐuq ɐꞁꞁ ʍө ⅽo∩ꞁq qo !ƨ bɐʇ өɐⅽµ oʇµөʁ ou ʇµө pɐⅽʞ ʈoʁ o∩ʁ bɐʇʁ!ƨµuөƨƨ.
>-oµ ʎo∩ ʁөɐq ʇµɐʇ¿ Moʍ ɓʁөɐʇ
>-ʎөɐµ !ʇƨ ƨo ɓooq pʁo
>ᗄʇ ʇµө өuq ɐꞁꞁ ʇµө pooʞƨ !u ʇµө ʍoʁꞁq ʍou'ʇ wɐʞө ʎo∩ ʈ∩u ʇo µɐuɓ ɐʁo∩uq ʍ!ʇµ. I ʈ!uq I wɐʞө bөobꞁө ꞁɐ∩ɓµ ʍ!ʇµ ƨʇ∩b!q ɾoʞөƨ, ƨo I wɐʞө ƨʇ∩b!q ɾoʞөƨ.
>Hөꞁꞁ, I ʞuoʍ ɐ ɓ∩ʎ ʍµo ٨!ƨ!ʇƨ 4ⅽµɐu p∩ʇ !ƨ ƨ∩bөʁµɐʁq ʇo ʇɐꞁʞ ʇo. Iʇ ɾ∩ƨʇ qoөƨu'ʇ ʈ∩ⅽʞ!uɓ wɐʇʇөʁ.
I ʈ!uq ʇµɐʇ !ʇ'ƨ w∩ⅽµ woʁө ʈ∩u ʇo µɐuɓ ɐʁo∩uq bөobꞁө ʍ!ʇµ ɐ ɓooq ƨөuƨө oʈ µ∩woʁ ɐuq !uʇөʁөƨʇ!uɓ ʇµ!uɓƨ ʇo ƨɐʎ ʁөɓɐʁqꞁөƨƨ oʈ µoʍ "bꞁөp" ʇµөʎ ɐʁө.

ʍoʁө ʇµɐu ouⅽө I'٨ө wөʇ bөobꞁө ʍ!ʇµ ٨өʁʎ ⅽowbɐʇ!pꞁө ʇɐƨʇөƨ !u wөq!ɐ ɐuq ɐꞁꞁ ʍө ⅽo∩ꞁq qo !ƨ bɐʇ өɐⅽµ oʇµөʁ ou ʇµө pɐⅽʞ ʈoʁ o∩ʁ bɐʇʁ!ƨµuөƨƨ.
-oµ ʎo∩ ʁөɐq ʇµɐʇ¿ Moʍ ɓʁөɐʇ
-ʎөɐµ !ʇƨ ƨo ɓooq pʁo

ᗄʇ ʇµө өuq ɐꞁꞁ ʇµө pooʞƨ !u ʇµө ʍoʁꞁq ʍou'ʇ wɐʞө ʎo∩ ʈ∩u ʇo µɐuɓ ɐʁo∩uq ʍ!ʇµ. I ʈ!uq I wɐʞө bөobꞁө ꞁɐ∩ɓµ ʍ!ʇµ ƨʇ∩b!q ɾoʞөƨ, ƨo I wɐʞө ƨʇ∩b!q ɾoʞөƨ.

Hөꞁꞁ, I ʞuoʍ ɐ ɓ∩ʎ ʍµo ٨!ƨ!ʇƨ 4ⅽµɐu p∩ʇ !ƨ ƨ∩bөʁµɐʁq ʇo ʇɐꞁʞ ʇo. Iʇ ɾ∩ƨʇ qoөƨu'ʇ ʈ∩ⅽʞ!uɓ wɐʇʇөʁ.
>ᘃɐɓꞁow: Hoʍ ⅽɐu ʇµoƨө bөobꞁө µɐ٨ө ƨ∩ⅽµ ⅽµɐʁw ʍ!ʇµo∩ʇ ɐuʎ !uʇөꞁꞁ!ɓөuⅽө. I'٨ө uө٨өʁ ∩uqөʁƨʇooq ʇµɐʇ.

>> No.6000164
File: 70 KB, 436x304, gfgfgfjjjkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I ʇinb ƚHɒƚ iƚ'ƨ muɔH moɿɘ ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb qɘoqlɘ wiƚH ɒ ǫoob ƨɘnƨɘ oʇ Humoɿ ɒnb inƚɘɿɘƨƚinǫ ƚHinǫƨ ƚo ƨɒy ɿɘǫɒɿblɘƨƨ oʇ How "qlɘd" ƚHɘy ɒɿɘ.
>Moɿɘ ƚHɒn onɔɘ I'vɘ mɘƚ qɘoqlɘ wiƚH vɘɿy ɔomqɒƚidlɘ ƚɒƨƚɘƨ in mɘbiɒ ɒnb ɒll wɘ ɔoulb bo iƨ qɒƚ ɘɒɔH oƚHɘɿ on ƚHɘ dɒɔʞ ʇoɿ ouɿ qɒƚɿiƨHnɘƨƨ.
>-oH you ɿɘɒb ƚHɒƚ␚ Wow ǫɿɘɒƚ
>-yɘɒH iƚƨ ƨo ǫoob dɿo
>Aƚ ƚHɘ ɘnb ɒll ƚHɘ dooʞƨ in ƚHɘ woɿlb won'ƚ mɒʞɘ you ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb wiƚH. I ʇinb I mɒʞɘ qɘoqlɘ lɒuǫH wiƚH ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ, ƨo I mɒʞɘ ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ.
>Hɘll, I ʞnow ɒ ǫuy wHo viƨiƚƨ 4ɔHɒn duƚ iƨ ƨuqɘɿHɒɿb ƚo ƚɒlʞ ƚo. Iƚ Ⴑuƨƚ boɘƨn'ƚ ʇuɔʞinǫ mɒƚƚɘɿ.
I ʇinb ƚHɒƚ iƚ'ƨ muɔH moɿɘ ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb qɘoqlɘ wiƚH ɒ ǫoob ƨɘnƨɘ oʇ Humoɿ ɒnb inƚɘɿɘƨƚinǫ ƚHinǫƨ ƚo ƨɒy ɿɘǫɒɿblɘƨƨ oʇ How "qlɘd" ƚHɘy ɒɿɘ.

Moɿɘ ƚHɒn onɔɘ I'vɘ mɘƚ qɘoqlɘ wiƚH vɘɿy ɔomqɒƚidlɘ ƚɒƨƚɘƨ in mɘbiɒ ɒnb ɒll wɘ ɔoulb bo iƨ qɒƚ ɘɒɔH oƚHɘɿ on ƚHɘ dɒɔʞ ʇoɿ ouɿ qɒƚɿiƨHnɘƨƨ.
-oH you ɿɘɒb ƚHɒƚ␚ Wow ǫɿɘɒƚ
-yɘɒH iƚƨ ƨo ǫoob dɿo

Aƚ ƚHɘ ɘnb ɒll ƚHɘ dooʞƨ in ƚHɘ woɿlb won'ƚ mɒʞɘ you ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb wiƚH. I ʇinb I mɒʞɘ qɘoqlɘ lɒuǫH wiƚH ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ, ƨo I mɒʞɘ ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ.

Hɘll, I ʞnow ɒ ǫuy wHo viƨiƚƨ 4ɔHɒn duƚ iƨ ƨuqɘɿHɒɿb ƚo ƚɒlʞ ƚo. Iƚ Ⴑuƨƚ boɘƨn'ƚ ʇuɔʞinǫ mɒƚƚɘɿ.
>Ⴑɒǫlom: How ɔɒn ƚHoƨɘ qɘoqlɘ Hɒvɘ ƨuɔH ɔHɒɿm wiƚHouƚ ɒny inƚɘlliǫɘnɔɘ. I'vɘ nɘvɘɿ unbɘɿƨƚoob ƚHɒƚ.

>Wɘllɘƨ: Wɘll, iƚ'ƨ liʞɘ ƚɒlɘnƚ wiƚHouƚ inƚɘlliǫɘnɔɘ. Iƚ Hɒqqɘnƨ.

>Ⴑɒǫlom: Iʇ [Ƨqɘnɔɘɿ] Tɿɒɔy wɒƨ Hɒƚɘʇul, nonɘ oʇ ƚHɒƚ ɔomɘƨ ɒɔɿoƨƨ in ƚHɘ woɿʞ.

>> No.6000186
File: 55 KB, 436x304, 1421207986171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6000068 (Yo∩)
>>6000068 (Yo∩)
ʍʁ.⊂ʁoʍꞁөʎ ⊥HE MI⊥⊂Hᴤ HᗄʍʍEᖉ
ʍɐꞁꞁө∩ƨ ʍɐꞁөʈ!ⅽɐʁ∩w
ᗄꞁ!өƨʇөʁ ʍөʁө ɐʁө ⊥HEE


>> No.6000224
File: 158 KB, 510x556, fdfff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people can't separate the ideas of asking people to pray for you and praying to something

>> No.6000236

Reality itself is breaking down wtf is happening?

>> No.6000244

Just run while you can!

>> No.6000249

>>5998825 (Me)
>>5998817 (Me)
>>5998808 (Me)
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>>5998483 (Me)
>>5998371 (Me)
>>5998358 (Me)
>>5998340 (Me)
>>5998336 (Me)
>>5998326 (Me)
>>5998315 (Me)
>>5998303 (Me)
>>5998298 (Me)
>>5998285 (Me)

>> No.6000263

>>5998825 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998817 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998808 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998761 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998717 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998697 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998682 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998666 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998648 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998636 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998573 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998582 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998595 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998552 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998483 (Yo∩) (ʍө)
>>5998371 (ʍө)
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>>5998340 (ʍө)
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>>5998326 (ʍө)
>>5998315 (ʍө)
>>5998303 (ʍө)
>>5998298 (ʍө)
>>5998285 (ʍө)>>6000249

>> No.6000270

Seems like typical /lit/ thread to me?

>> No.6000282
File: 104 KB, 304x436, 1421207986171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Lordith say smile for your already DEAD!

>> No.6000290

Best thread on lit in a while

>> No.6000294
File: 24 KB, 465x374, 1421271100699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our holy mother does not condemn you for your tongue.

>> No.6000314
File: 290 KB, 690x517, vlcsnap-2014-12-03-22h11m38s81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Kresnu
>I ʈ!uq ʇµɐʇ !ʇ'ƨ w∩ⅽµ woʁө ʈ∩u ʇo µɐuɓ ɐʁo∩uq bөobꞁө ʍ!ʇµ ɐ ɓooq ƨөuƨө oʈ µ∩woʁ ɐuq !uʇөʁөƨʇ!uɓ ʇµ!uɓƨ ʇo ƨɐʎ ʁөɓɐʁqꞁөƨƨ oʈ µoʍ "bꞁөp" ʇµөʎ ɐʁө.
>ʍoʁө ʇµɐu ouⅽө I'٨ө wөʇ bөobꞁө ʍ!ʇµ ٨өʁʎ ⅽowbɐʇ!pꞁө ʇɐƨʇөƨ !u wөq!ɐ ɐuq ɐꞁꞁ ʍө ⅽo∩ꞁq qo !ƨ bɐʇ өɐⅽµ oʇµөʁ ou ʇµө pɐⅽʞ ʈoʁ o∩ʁ bɐʇʁ!ƨµuөƨƨ.
>-oµ ʎo∩ ʁөɐq ʇµɐʇ¿ Moʍ ɓʁөɐʇ
>-ʎөɐµ !ʇƨ ƨo ɓooq pʁo
>ᗄʇ ʇµө өuq ɐꞁꞁ ʇµө pooʞƨ !u ʇµө ʍoʁꞁq ʍou'ʇ wɐʞө ʎo∩ ʈ∩u ʇo µɐuɓ ɐʁo∩uq ʍ!ʇµ. I ʈ!uq I wɐʞө bөobꞁө ꞁɐ∩ɓµ ʍ!ʇµ ƨʇ∩b!q ɾoʞөƨ, ƨo I wɐʞө ƨʇ∩b!q ɾoʞөƨ.
>Hөꞁꞁ, I ʞuoʍ ɐ ɓ∩ʎ ʍµo ٨!ƨ!ʇƨ 4ⅽµɐu p∩ʇ !ƨ ƨ∩bөʁµɐʁq ʇo ʇɐꞁʞ ʇo. Iʇ ɾ∩ƨʇ qoөƨu'ʇ ʈ∩ⅽʞ!uɓ wɐʇʇөʁ.
I ʈ!uq ʇµɐʇ !ʇ'ƨ w∩ⅽµ woʁө ʈ∩u ʇo µɐuɓ ɐʁo∩uq bөobꞁө ʍ!ʇµ ɐ ɓooq ƨөuƨө oʈ µ∩woʁ ɐuq !uʇөʁөƨʇ!uɓ ʇµ!uɓƨ ʇo ƨɐʎ ʁөɓɐʁqꞁөƨƨ oʈ µoʍ "bꞁөp" ʇµөʎ ɐʁө.

ʍoʁө ʇµɐu ouⅽө I'٨ө wөʇ bөobꞁө ʍ!ʇµ ٨өʁʎ ⅽowbɐʇ!pꞁө ʇɐƨʇөƨ !u wөq!ɐ ɐuq ɐꞁꞁ ʍө ⅽo∩ꞁq qo !ƨ bɐʇ өɐⅽµ oʇµөʁ ou ʇµө pɐⅽʞ ʈoʁ o∩ʁ bɐʇʁ!ƨµuөƨƨ.
-oµ ʎo∩ ʁөɐq ʇµɐʇ¿ Moʍ ɓʁөɐʇ
-ʎөɐµ !ʇƨ ƨo ɓooq pʁo

ᗄʇ ʇµө өuq ɐꞁꞁ ʇµө pooʞƨ !u ʇµө ʍoʁꞁq ʍou'ʇ wɐʞө ʎo∩ ʈ∩u ʇo µɐuɓ ɐʁo∩uq ʍ!ʇµ. I ʈ!uq I wɐʞө bөobꞁө ꞁɐ∩ɓµ ʍ!ʇµ ƨʇ∩b!q ɾoʞөƨ, ƨo I wɐʞө ƨʇ∩b!q ɾoʞөƨ.

Hөꞁꞁ, I ʞuoʍ ɐ ɓ∩ʎ ʍµo ٨!ƨ!ʇƨ 4ⅽµɐu p∩ʇ !ƨ ƨ∩bөʁµɐʁq ʇo ʇɐꞁʞ ʇo. Iʇ ɾ∩ƨʇ qoөƨu'ʇ ʈ∩ⅽʞ!uɓ wɐʇʇөʁ.
>ᘃɐɓꞁow: Hoʍ ⅽɐu ʇµoƨө bөobꞁө µɐ٨ө ƨ∩ⅽµ ⅽµɐʁw ʍ!ʇµo∩ʇ ɐuʎ !uʇөꞁꞁ!ɓөuⅽө. I'٨ө uө٨өʁ ∩uqөʁƨʇooq ʇµɐʇ.

>> No.6000332
File: 82 KB, 450x394, 51re4wzkycL._SX450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's a fucking faggot ass Dick. lol

>> No.6000339

lol yeah that is he Gay HA HA

>> No.6000344


>> No.6000356

What was this thread even about?

>> No.6000371

>in that sense, they're not interested in gender deconstruction.
>wahhh wahhh why aren't women interested in my men's rights and problems
>btw i think rape should be legal

>> No.6000383

Trips and dubs everywhere!
This may be the best thread ever

>> No.6000406

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.6000416

Holy shit you're right

>> No.6000427

Why the fuck are you doing this to us?
This is like hell.

>> No.6000437

irony has gone too far

>> No.6000453
File: 273 KB, 1024x576, fffggfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iɿony Hɒƨ ǫonɘ ƚoo ʇɒɿ

>> No.6000463
File: 104 KB, 304x436, 1421207986171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life itself is death ,you know?

>> No.6000469

Somewhere carnal over 40 winks would like to have a word with you.

>> No.6000482
File: 29 KB, 398x500, 1421264402802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very thoughtful.

>> No.6000525

So is this some new chan-based abstract art movement I'm unaware of?

>> No.6000576
File: 77 KB, 304x436, 1421273683706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you are free to join our new order.
Shall Val Kilmer Smile in our new Holy Order.

>> No.6000582

This feels like the 4chan from like six years ago.

>> No.6000589

If I ever felt in touch the spiritual it's now!

>> No.6000600

pretty pathetic man, pretty pathetic

>> No.6000630
File: 17 KB, 201x253, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Very thoughtful.
Vɘɿy ƚHouǫHƚʇul.

>> No.6000649
File: 415 KB, 690x517, rgrrgrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot handle such abstract

>> No.6000675
File: 113 KB, 480x531, fffffggghkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy anorexia knows no bounds

>> No.6000687
File: 721 KB, 1903x6105, The Last Messiah - Issue 45 - Philosophy Now 2014-12-29 19-28-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read young one

>> No.6000740
File: 1.03 MB, 1903x6105, fgfghjkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fuck reading

>> No.6000757

Thats actually pretty interesting.

>> No.6000777
File: 98 KB, 720x616, deadlywaterfacts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because parties trigger my social anxiety hard and I can only calmly interact with people when I'm drunk.


>> No.6000782

Man, I come back from work and this shit is still going on.
I feel this is a historic moment.

>> No.6000802
File: 264 KB, 720x616, qqwwrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tyranny of water knows no bounds on this spinning square

>> No.6000822
File: 7 KB, 250x234, 1421285628762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katie you ugly cunt!!!!

>> No.6000837
File: 13 KB, 234x250, dwnnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katie you slag!

>> No.6000843

>in /lit/
>talking about probability
do you even understand that what makes us human is our ability to surprise? have you even read hannah arendt? to reduce human behavior to statistical probability is to make us unhuman.

>> No.6000848
File: 14 KB, 250x234, nnnnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katie why?

>> No.6000854

nice repressive hypothesis

>> No.6000862
File: 14 KB, 234x250, hqqqqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katie my love

>> No.6000948
File: 12 KB, 250x234, ggfgfaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6000976

Fuck you ,you sjw Fag!!!

>> No.6000999

Any man who is "experienced" prefers his women to also be experience, trust me.

>> No.6001000

>>6000948 (You)
Is this one Guy?

>> No.6001019
File: 323 KB, 1296x864, hjkl;mmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of many.....

>> No.6001032

lol blubber mouth whore

>> No.6001037

lol dluddɘɿ mouƚH wHoɿɘ

>> No.6001043


>> No.6001053

<50 unique posters
come on guys

>> No.6001065

What are you talking about little man?
You're very puzzling.

>> No.6001070

What are you on about?

>> No.6001088


>> No.6001101

Arduously articulated abstractness addles the arid air of my chair.

Keep up the work you sevenfold Jesuit.

>> No.6001121
File: 70 KB, 304x436, 14212736ggggggg83706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the name of Gale never give up the struggle!
Rain forever my tiny scar!

>> No.6001148

All these posts seem like a culmination of years of broken dreams....

>> No.6001160

is that a dementor

>> No.6001181
File: 11 KB, 204x330, Dem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you horny for one?
lol gay

>> No.6001191
File: 11 KB, 204x330, Gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHy you Hoɿny ʇoɿ onɘ␚
lol ǫɒy

>> No.6001198

Are you inverting the letters and image?

>> No.6001227
File: 60 KB, 204x330, gghj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6001303

You know!

>> No.6001343
File: 19 KB, 185x341, 1421103090262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam in the play pin da da doo

>> No.6001459
File: 581 KB, 1366x768, gisele_bundchen_wallpaper_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm genuinely curious in what your responses are.

How do you feel or what do you think about how you will never in your life experience sex with what's considered the epitome of the physical female form? A Gisele Bundchen, for example.

You may bag a few of what you'll call "10s" but never a demi-goddess superhuman supermodel type.

>> No.6001477


I'll be rich with real estate in Beverly, doing lines with 11/10s of both sexes, smoking weed by the pool, enjoying the quiet worship of my fans and peers as they admire my impressive catalog of artistic achievement

>> No.6001485

Excepting Annie Clark, such women only exist in certain lights. And the electronic sight of Annie Clark is just so excruciating I couldn't bear to see her in the flesh.

>> No.6001503

Could I read original Don Quixote if I know Mexican Spanish?

>> No.6001515
File: 23 KB, 185x341, 1421103090262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Annie Clark
Gumpert Appollo
Op Fug offf

>> No.6001520

why are plebs so focused on sex?

>> No.6001524

>the epitome
Her form is classically not that great.

>> No.6001527
File: 52 KB, 304x436, hhhhhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.
>More than once I've met people with very compatible tastes in media and all we could do is pat each other on the back for our patrishness.
>-oh you read that? Wow great
>-yeah its so good bro
>At the end all the books in the world won't make you fun to hang around with. I find I make people laugh with stupid jokes, so I make stupid jokes.
>Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking matter.
I find that it's much more fun to hang around people with a good sense of humor and interesting things to say regardless of how "pleb" they are.

More than once I've met people with very compatible tastes in media and all we could do is pat each other on the back for our patrishness.
-oh you read that? Wow great
-yeah its so good bro

At the end all the books in the world won't make you fun to hang around with. I find I make people laugh with stupid jokes, so I make stupid jokes.

Hell, I know a guy who visits 4chan but is superhard to talk to. It just doesn't fucking matter.
>Jaglom: How can those people have such charm without any intelligence. I've never understood that.

>Welles: Well, it's like talent without intelligence. It happens.

>Jaglom: If [Spencer] Tracy was hateful, none of that comes across in the work.

>Welles: To me it does. I hate him so. Because he's one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: One of those what?

>Welles: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>Jaglom: I can't believe you said that.

>Welles: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two eggs.

>> No.6001541

Who's talking classically? Plump is passé. Contemporary bangability is in inverse correlation, to a limit, with body fat.

>> No.6001542
File: 14 KB, 201x346, fffhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I ʇinb ƚHɒƚ iƚ'ƨ muɔH moɿɘ ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb qɘoqlɘ wiƚH ɒ ǫoob ƨɘnƨɘ oʇ Humoɿ ɒnb inƚɘɿɘƨƚinǫ ƚHinǫƨ ƚo ƨɒy ɿɘǫɒɿblɘƨƨ oʇ How "qlɘd" ƚHɘy ɒɿɘ.
>Moɿɘ ƚHɒn onɔɘ I'vɘ mɘƚ qɘoqlɘ wiƚH vɘɿy ɔomqɒƚidlɘ ƚɒƨƚɘƨ in mɘbiɒ ɒnb ɒll wɘ ɔoulb bo iƨ qɒƚ ɘɒɔH oƚHɘɿ on ƚHɘ dɒɔʞ ʇoɿ ouɿ qɒƚɿiƨHnɘƨƨ.
>-oH you ɿɘɒb ƚHɒƚ␚ Wow ǫɿɘɒƚ
>-yɘɒH iƚƨ ƨo ǫoob dɿo
>Aƚ ƚHɘ ɘnb ɒll ƚHɘ dooʞƨ in ƚHɘ woɿlb won'ƚ mɒʞɘ you ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb wiƚH. I ʇinb I mɒʞɘ qɘoqlɘ lɒuǫH wiƚH ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ, ƨo I mɒʞɘ ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ.
>Hɘll, I ʞnow ɒ ǫuy wHo viƨiƚƨ 4ɔHɒn duƚ iƨ ƨuqɘɿHɒɿb ƚo ƚɒlʞ ƚo. Iƚ Ⴑuƨƚ boɘƨn'ƚ ʇuɔʞinǫ mɒƚƚɘɿ.
I ʇinb ƚHɒƚ iƚ'ƨ muɔH moɿɘ ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb qɘoqlɘ wiƚH ɒ ǫoob ƨɘnƨɘ oʇ Humoɿ ɒnb inƚɘɿɘƨƚinǫ ƚHinǫƨ ƚo ƨɒy ɿɘǫɒɿblɘƨƨ oʇ How "qlɘd" ƚHɘy ɒɿɘ.

Moɿɘ ƚHɒn onɔɘ I'vɘ mɘƚ qɘoqlɘ wiƚH vɘɿy ɔomqɒƚidlɘ ƚɒƨƚɘƨ in mɘbiɒ ɒnb ɒll wɘ ɔoulb bo iƨ qɒƚ ɘɒɔH oƚHɘɿ on ƚHɘ dɒɔʞ ʇoɿ ouɿ qɒƚɿiƨHnɘƨƨ.
-oH you ɿɘɒb ƚHɒƚ␚ Wow ǫɿɘɒƚ
-yɘɒH iƚƨ ƨo ǫoob dɿo

Aƚ ƚHɘ ɘnb ɒll ƚHɘ dooʞƨ in ƚHɘ woɿlb won'ƚ mɒʞɘ you ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb wiƚH. I ʇinb I mɒʞɘ qɘoqlɘ lɒuǫH wiƚH ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ, ƨo I mɒʞɘ ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ.

Hɘll, I ʞnow ɒ ǫuy wHo viƨiƚƨ 4ɔHɒn duƚ iƨ ƨuqɘɿHɒɿb ƚo ƚɒlʞ ƚo. Iƚ Ⴑuƨƚ boɘƨn'ƚ ʇuɔʞinǫ mɒƚƚɘɿ.
>Ⴑɒǫlom: How ɔɒn ƚHoƨɘ qɘoqlɘ Hɒvɘ ƨuɔH ɔHɒɿm wiƚHouƚ ɒny inƚɘlliǫɘnɔɘ. I'vɘ nɘvɘɿ unbɘɿƨƚoob ƚHɒƚ.

>Wɘllɘƨ: Wɘll, iƚ'ƨ liʞɘ ƚɒlɘnƚ wiƚHouƚ inƚɘlliǫɘnɔɘ. Iƚ Hɒqqɘnƨ.

>Ⴑɒǫlom: Iʇ [Ƨqɘnɔɘɿ] Tɿɒɔy wɒƨ Hɒƚɘʇul, no

>> No.6001548

good chubby-chasing goy...

>> No.6001550

lol you don't know the underlying framework.

>> No.6001554

All me

>> No.6001559

wtf is this guy doing? Its been going on for hours.

>> No.6001576
File: 41 KB, 304x436, jjjkkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impersonating something beyond your scope I see!!!!!!

>> No.6001580

Just some fucking faggot.
He'll probably hang himself tonight.

>> No.6001582

Who the fuck is Kati? also is that pic human?

>> No.6001587

Some slag he fucked probably lol

>> No.6001588

>being this cloaca-critical

>> No.6001597

Who the fuck gave you herpes?

>> No.6001609
File: 43 KB, 304x436, 1421273ffffffffffuhj683706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, I agree

>> No.6001616

lol ass herpes, is real?

>> No.6001629
File: 24 KB, 220x263, hhjjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all got me loling.

>> No.6001635

is this what s4s does 4 fun

>> No.6001651
File: 30 KB, 304x436, j,jjjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will transcend time and sensation!

>> No.6001662
File: 10 KB, 220x263, 1421191008593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caught this old boy with my sister!

>> No.6001669


>> No.6001672
File: 41 KB, 395x386, sdfdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>“If by some magic, autism had been eradicated from the face of the earth,
>then men would still be socializing in front of a wood fire at the entrance to a cave.”
>Grandin, Temple.

>> No.6001689


>> No.6001692
File: 17 KB, 220x263, kkkkttrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6001527 (You)
>I ʇinb ƚHɒƚ iƚ'ƨ muɔH moɿɘ ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb qɘoqlɘ wiƚH ɒ ǫoob ƨɘnƨɘ oʇ Humoɿ ɒnb inƚɘɿɘƨƚinǫ ƚHinǫƨ ƚo ƨɒy ɿɘǫɒɿblɘƨƨ oʇ How "qlɘd" ƚHɘy ɒɿɘ.
>Moɿɘ ƚHɒn onɔɘ I'vɘ mɘƚ qɘoqlɘ wiƚH vɘɿy ɔomqɒƚidlɘ ƚɒƨƚɘƨ in mɘbiɒ ɒnb ɒll wɘ ɔoulb bo iƨ qɒƚ ɘɒɔH oƚHɘɿ on ƚHɘ dɒɔʞ ʇoɿ ouɿ qɒƚɿiƨHnɘƨƨ.
>-oH you ɿɘɒb ƚHɒƚ␚ Wow ǫɿɘɒƚ
>-yɘɒH iƚƨ ƨo ǫoob dɿo
>Aƚ ƚHɘ ɘnb ɒll ƚHɘ dooʞƨ in ƚHɘ woɿlb won'ƚ mɒʞɘ you ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb wiƚH. I ʇinb I mɒʞɘ qɘoqlɘ lɒuǫH wiƚH ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ, ƨo I mɒʞɘ ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ.
>Hɘll, I ʞnow ɒ ǫuy wHo viƨiƚƨ 4ɔHɒn duƚ iƨ ƨuqɘɿHɒɿb ƚo ƚɒlʞ ƚo. Iƚ Ⴑuƨƚ boɘƨn'ƚ ʇuɔʞinǫ mɒƚƚɘɿ.
I ʇinb ƚHɒƚ iƚ'ƨ muɔH moɿɘ ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb qɘoqlɘ wiƚH ɒ ǫoob ƨɘnƨɘ oʇ Humoɿ ɒnb inƚɘɿɘƨƚinǫ ƚHinǫƨ ƚo ƨɒy ɿɘǫɒɿblɘƨƨ oʇ How "qlɘd" ƚHɘy ɒɿɘ.

Moɿɘ ƚHɒn onɔɘ I'vɘ mɘƚ qɘoqlɘ wiƚH vɘɿy ɔomqɒƚidlɘ ƚɒƨƚɘƨ in mɘbiɒ ɒnb ɒll wɘ ɔoulb bo iƨ qɒƚ ɘɒɔH oƚHɘɿ on ƚHɘ dɒɔʞ ʇoɿ ouɿ qɒƚɿiƨHnɘƨƨ.
-oH you ɿɘɒb ƚHɒƚ␚ Wow ǫɿɘɒƚ
-yɘɒH iƚƨ ƨo ǫoob dɿo

Aƚ ƚHɘ ɘnb ɒll ƚHɘ dooʞƨ in ƚHɘ woɿlb won'ƚ mɒʞɘ you ʇun ƚo Hɒnǫ ɒɿounb wiƚH. I ʇinb I mɒʞɘ qɘoqlɘ lɒuǫH wiƚH ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ, ƨo I mɒʞɘ ƨƚuqib Ⴑoʞɘƨ.

Hɘll, I ʞnow ɒ ǫuy wHo viƨiƚƨ 4ɔHɒn duƚ iƨ ƨuqɘɿHɒɿb ƚo ƚɒlʞ ƚo. Iƚ Ⴑuƨƚ boɘƨn'ƚ ʇuɔʞinǫ mɒƚƚɘɿ.
>Ⴑɒǫlom: How ɔɒn ƚHoƨɘ qɘoqlɘ Hɒvɘ ƨuɔH ɔHɒɿm wiƚHouƚ ɒny inƚɘlliǫɘnɔɘ. I'vɘ nɘvɘɿ unbɘɿƨƚoob ƚHɒƚ.

>Wɘllɘƨ: Wɘll, iƚ'ƨ liʞɘ ƚɒlɘnƚ wiƚHouƚ inƚɘlliǫɘnɔɘ. Iƚ Hɒqqɘnƨ.


>> No.6001705

STFU go away you saggy foreskin!!!!

>> No.6001721
File: 119 KB, 960x639, jjjjfff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Snowpiercer sucked