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/lit/ - Literature

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5997010 No.5997010[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's a simple fact that writing either in 2015 is pretty much a pointless task, unless you're willing to relinquish any sense of privacy and market / promote yourself as aggressively as possible despite your talent being mediocre (Tao Lin), being a member of some underrepresented minority (or female), or have parents willing to fund a creative writing degree of some sort wherein you will establish connections to publish your work.

Otherwise you're in for a life of disillusion. Wages for authors are at an all-time low. Book sales, both physical and digital, are dropping every year. The internet now entertains people in a relative way to a lot of older literature used to (the confessional book or Dostoevesky's epistolary novel Poor Folk, for example, are both readable in a contemporary form for free online).

By all means struggle for rent while sending out stories to whichever fanzine has been created this month and will dissapear the next, or spend years hearing from editors and agents who "don't feel you fit there list". Or you could just grow up and get a job, and get over whatever teenage angst has led to you wanting to become a "writer".

>> No.5997033


>> No.5997036

if you didn't want to do it no matter what you probably never really wanted to do it.

>> No.5997044

Wow what a John Green-tier aphorism

>> No.5997045

>posting her picture without permission

stop raping me

>> No.5997051

maybe that's why we are both successful in writing.

>i-i-i c-could write YA trash if i "lowered" myself to that level. . . or finished something.

this is the real state of most "writers"

>> No.5997061

OP is correct

the only reason I post here is because I'm interested in history and philosophy

>> No.5997062

Using a picture of Laurie Penny. A girl who gets paid to write articles and books, and had he dissertation published and marketed and selling before graduating from her English degree.

>> No.5997064

>tfw I wrote a YA-esque novel when I was 21 and could have had it published
>tfw I withdrew my submission because I realized I didn't want to write those kind of books or be associated with them

>> No.5997067

>unless you are [...] a member of some underrepresented minority (or female)

>> No.5997068

>Using a picture of Laurie Penny. A CIS-identified "girl" who gets paid to write clickbait articles and poorly researched and ultimately narcissistic books, and had her dissertation published and marketed and selling before graduating from her English degree which her rich parents paid for, along with the private education that allowed her to get into her university as easily as she did


>> No.5997069

pen names anon. people use them for a reason.

>> No.5997074

She also went to a public school.

>> No.5997079

I didn't want to waste peoples' time. There are more than enough people publishing garbage and I don't want to contribute to that culture for the sake of a few shekels.

>> No.5997081
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>> No.5997083

>>unless you are [...] a member of some underrepresented minority (or female)

Okay, so with "underrepresented minority," I presume you are using a 'first-world', predominantly white, country, and concede that the rest of the world can succeed as a writer in these countries. With 'females', you concede that half the white population can also get published.

If the majority of the world has no trouble getting their shit published, I don't know what the problem is. Seems like a thinly veiled, 'Oh, nerdy middle-class suburban white males have it so hard' rant.

>> No.5997085

She recently live-tweeted a seduction attempt by some dude when she was in Las Vegas. It was so fictional I can't believe she can get away with that sort of thing.

One of the things this "drunken banker" allegedly told her was "You look like Amelie from that movie, what's it called?"

I mean come on who says that?

>> No.5997086


except it will be revealed eventually and there will be a wiki page about you with a list of your serious novels, a mention of the nobel prize which you got for one of them and a list of young adult smut and sonic the hedgehog fanfiction which you wrote under a pen name

>> No.5997103

Stupid people talk like that. As in, I mean people who are objectively stupid.

>> No.5997118


maybe he was trying to evoke le fabuleux destin d'amelie poulain :O

>> No.5997121

Yeah but would a drunken banker (who also apparently claimed his "wife didn't understand him" like in the movies) seriously think Laurie Penny looks like Amelie, and would fail to remember the name of the movie but remember the protagonist's name? It's a lame joke which she obviously fabricated, like a lot of other things which reinforces her victim mentality as well as her cute self-image

>> No.5997126

thats even better

dont you want people to have a sensible chuckle when they realize their favorite literary fiction author also wrote "the castle of cock crazy count Christopher" on the side.

>> No.5997136

>It's a simple fact that writing either in 2015 is pretty much a pointless task

That's why it's a perfect time to write. A thing is at its most patrician when it's at its most useless.

>not writing little lyrical poems and showing them only to your friends if to anyone
>publishing your work, not writing for the pleasure of making something beautiful

step it up

>> No.5997144

Uh, you do realize that guys lie to woman all the time about how they look in order to flatter the woman? I compare women to celebrities all the time, especially ones I know women like more than men. Also appearing to forget the name of a movie makes you look like less of a nerd.

But she probably made up the wife part.

>> No.5997145

epic poems require an ethos to build upon
dramatic works (plays, novels) have been superseded by films which is frankly more suited to the format
that leaves lyrical poems (odes, sonnets, haikus, whatever) that express personal emotions; you shouldn't write them for money because that would be vulgar.
Also, listen to Horace's advice, wait 10 years before publishing a book if you are going to publish. Then you will be able to look back on the book and see if it has any lasting merit and wasn't just riding of the emotions that you had at / the fashions of the time.

>> No.5997154

my ideal poet is someone who writes the most beautiful verse the world has ever known and then burns it.
the next best writer is someone who doesn't publish his work, leaving it in a chest someone either to be forgotten or to be published by someone else.

>> No.5997156

>claims to be patrician
>has "friends"

Yeah, nah, you're a pleb dude.

>> No.5997161

I'm not talking about whether he lied or not, I'm talking about the reference itself, which is just not something a drunken banker in Las Vegas would think of. It's absurd, she obviously invented it to flatter herself as she thinks she looks like Amelie, which she of course does not. HOW WOULD HE FORGET THE NAME OF TH MOVIE IF IT'S THE SAME NAME AS THE CHARACTER? Holy fuck. It's people like you who allow frauds like Penny to get away with shit like this.

>> No.5997163

I don't have friends mate. That's why I put
>if to anyone

>> No.5997168

Do you listen to black metal? . . . or . . .

>> No.5997176

of course

well, I listen to Burzum and Summoning anyway.

>> No.5997191
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>writing needs to be read by others and showered with wealth in order to be worthwhile

I mean if those are your metrics of 'good' then sure.

>> No.5997199

that's what i thought

>> No.5997206
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>tfw I vomit myself onto a page and run it through the shredder because it has served its purpose.
>tfw I do this to origami models too

>> No.5997209

So, in short, OP can't publish for shit, in retaliation, makes a post about how you shouldn't write at all anyways.

Crabs in a bucket, misery loves company, etc.

>> No.5997213

what, that I listened to black metal or that I listened to only a few black metal bands?

>> No.5997227

kinda both.

your thoughts on poetry and writing are both so 2nd wave blackmetalish that i was certain there must be some influence/overlap.

i find it creeps into my own thoughts or writing sometimes. like a funny version of romanticism.

>> No.5997231

Actually I published a story in NOON when I was in college, and have another coming out in a small regional magazine in March

>> No.5997235

well I doubt I've been influenced by black metal in my thoughts because I've never been into it that much; it's probably just coincidence.

yeah, it is romantic in a way, but it can also be put down to classical ideals. The Chinese and Japanese wrote for their friends and not for a commercial purpose, if I'm not mistaken, and I don't know if Horace got paid for his Odes but I do not think he was.

>> No.5997245

Why anyone wants to be a writer is beyond me. Why not just enjoy reading literature? We will invent an AI that can write better than any human in a few decades anyway.

>> No.5997253


So basically, you contradict yourself?

>> No.5997276

may be op was "willing to relinquish any sense of privacy and market / promote yourself as aggressively as possible despite your talent being mediocre (Tao Lin), being a member of some underrepresented minority (or female), or have parents willing to fund a creative writing degree of some sort wherein you will establish connections to publish your work"

>> No.5997280

i know getting your stories rejected sucks. but dont look for conpiracies itll just turn you bitter. instead keep writing.

...unless you havent been trying but complain anyway, that makes you a bit of an asshole

>> No.5997338
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>> No.5997348

I'm trying to discourage the compeition

>> No.5997355

kek'd. this.

>> No.5997991

>Pointless self-deprecation

Quit listening to /lit/ and actually try and you might be capable of doing something great.

Jesus you people are weenies. Have some fucking confidence.

>> No.5998001

>Not selling your novels on the side of the road in a stand like a kid sells lemonade, 25 cents a copy

Get a load of this fagwad

>> No.5998007

I just want to write OP. I honestly couldn't give a rat's ass if I'm poor.

>> No.5998014

The point of any art (I'll include writing for this example) isn't material or social gain. Who cares about sales, what point does this have at all on whether or not a book should be made? I'm sure most authors care more about whether there are at least some people who actually understood the book more than whether or not a bunch of people who barely even read bought it to put on a bookshelf. It sounds like you think writing is a job, it's not. Many people are perfectly willing to starve for art or creation of something. It's not just a means to make money or status or things like that. It's about expressing ideas.

>> No.5998015

Because reading and creating your own shit are two completely different things as is the satisfaction derived from either.

If you don't have a passion for it you won't understand.

>> No.5998020

>Caring about money

Capitalist pig fucking whore pls gtfo

>> No.5998028

they probably care more of not being read than of not being able to earn money with writing

>> No.5998047 [DELETED] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.5998050

/lit/ shows its true self whenever you talk about publishing and success. Always good for a laugh.

>> No.5998068

It's 2015. Everything is about attention and financial gain.

>> No.5998082

That's all you're going to say?

Kill yourself.

>> No.5998107

*unsheathes katana*

No, you will be the only one dying today

>> No.5998126

Because some people gain self-satisfaction from contributing to the arts and not just leeching the creativity of others.

>> No.5998338

There are plenty of people making at least a living wage by writing genre fiction and self-publishing on Amazon. It's more than just YA out there. Hell, it's more than just genre fiction, too.

A lot of people don't care about the money anyway, and will go to their grave thinking that trying their hardest to make an impact on the literary world is satisfactory.

They're wrong, of course. Trying doesn't mean anything, only doing, and most people here are just too stupid. Visit a critique thread if there are any doubts. Something tells me most of the people in this very thread crying about "capitalism", "money", and petty things like "food" and "housing" have never known starvation or true need, so of course they'll let sputter their uninformed opinions like the last drops of cum dribbling from the hole of a well-milked cock.

>> No.5998366

>have parents willing to fund a creative writing degree of some sort

Um, nah, bro. Pretty sure there's 45 MFA programs in the top 50 ranking that PAY you to study with them. As in, free tuition and a monthly stipend, plus healthcare. The only ones that don't pay anything are the big ones located in Jew York, cause they're just cash-cows. But seriously, nobody with an ounce of talent pays for an MFA. Do your research, anon.

The MFA at Iowa city, the oldest in the country, the most prestigious one and with the most ammount of Pullitzer Prize winners, accepts 50 students each year and funds them all. You just gotta know how to write, that's all, then they'll help you get polished.

>> No.5998569

>A thing is at its most patrician when it's at its most useless.

This is just crazy enough to be true.

>> No.5999039


>> No.5999147

very good job avoiding using the phrase "accepted for publication"

>> No.5999505

>you are not making money
>other people don't agree with/care about it
>you probably won't be successful
>therefore it isn't worth doing

Did that really sound like a convincing argument to you, or are you just trolling? Writers, and good ones at that, don't write because they think they should or because it's going to be profitable to them in some sense. They do it because they have to, it's that artistic scratch you just can't itch anyway else. Good art gets made for the sake of making good art, it's a means and an ends in of itself. Seriously, fuck off.

>> No.5999751

>I'm not talking about whether he lied or not, I'm talking about the reference itself, which is just not something a drunken banker in Las Vegas would think of.
It really does tho. If you doubt me go get your twink ass down to Las Vegas in that cut little dress of yours and see what happens.

>> No.6000377

but it was anon

my college press were going to publish it

>> No.6000405

>Otherwise you're in for a life of disillusion
I'm in software development and I'm already there.