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5990665 No.5990665 [Reply] [Original]

Western civilization is a waxes and wnes When he turn to the Gods (Greek/Rome/Renaissance/Enlightenment), we wax, when we get "bored" we turn to false Gods (Christianity, Orientalism, Gangstaism, Islam, etc.) and extreme decadence and asceticism (make no mistake, these two tendencies arise around the same time).

Yes, I know a cyclical theory of history is nothing new--obviously.

>> No.5990690

Except a lot of modern decadence is a product of the enlightenment.

>> No.5990696

Is the Enlightenment really a cause of or just an excuse for?

>> No.5990704

>shilling this hard for false Gods

An excuse, the Enlighten aesthetic was much less decadent than the Baroque aesthetic, and the Romantic aesthetic was a reaction against the Enlightenment aesthetic, not for it.

>> No.5990771
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Right idea but it is actually equality which causes decadence.

>> No.5990788

Nope. the more egalitarian Athenian democracy became, the more their culture advanced. At its highwater mark, not only could those without property vote, but they had their expenses to come to assembly paid for by the state.

>> No.5990938

I'd also like to add that Gansterism is not a product of egalitarianism in racial thinking, it's from worship of decadence and tyranny above all else. Gangsterism as a cultural paradigm started with organized white crime.

>> No.5990999

>Gangsterism as a cultural paradigm started with organized white crime.

>> No.5991004

Absolutely, it started as urban phenomenon in Prohibition, as in cultural glamorizing of urban gangsters as symbols of money and power.

>> No.5991035

The Irish and Italian mobs were prominent before nigger and spic thugs. How dumb are you?

>> No.5991039

That's exactly what someone who predicted that equality would CAUSE decline would say - pointing out that equality and culture peaked around the same time reinforces the reactionary position.

>> No.5991060

Except the peaking was more and more democratic and lasted for hundreds of years, even under nominal foreign rule, whereas the decline occurred when Constantine started cracking down on Athenian democracy....

>> No.5991149

hm you left out jewish

i wonder why......

>> No.5993071

>le epik Hellenismos may may xD

>> No.5993216

>false Gods (Christianity...


>> No.5993233

Wow, this kid is so edgy he doesn't need proper spelling or grammar. Let's pitch in a few dollars so he can publish his manifesto!

>> No.5993236

This is facebook-tier 'philosophizing.' What made you feel the need to share this with us?

>> No.5993273

>God of the Jews
>not false

Greek Gods were a product of Greek cultural exchange and incorporating each other's Gods into a pantheon of Gods, it really started with the great poems, it was born from Hesiod and Homer. The Jewish God was a product of captivity, they turned against their old (possibly true) Gods in favor of a new God of the Jewish people, and then came up with the idea that they had stopped worshiping this God and that caused their problems.

>> No.5993282

>God of the adolescent shut-ins
>Not based

>> No.5993313

According to Evola, decadence and involution is an inherent quality of the world. It's a cosmic process. Otherwise you'd be able to stop it via political means. The fact that you can't is pretty much the entire point of the entire Traditionalist movement, from Nietzsche through Spengler to Junger or from Guenon to Evola and Schuon.

>> No.5993324

Yeah, it's not like the majority of Greek philosophers were monotheistic or pantheistic, and the higher classes by followed mystery cults that were functionally similar to Christianity.

>> No.5993382

i wonder if there was ever a time where the west was like "we finally did guys we are completely without degeneracy"

>> No.5993396

Nah, they weren't. Some were henotheistic at most, but the idea of them being monotheistic comes from us thinking Logos means God or creative process. Logos meant a mathematical ordering of cosmos, it wasn't used to mean God until Philo used it in that way to reconcile Greek philosophy with Judaism. For "God", the Greeks had Theos and Deus (a form of Zeus), and when these were used in singular, it should be noted Greek doesn't have any definite articles, and also that Greeks used singular to refer to a group often (Man to refer to men in general, Barbarian to refer to barbarians, God to refer to the Gods as a group). As for the principle of order by a creator, the Greeks called that "Nous", not Logos.

Heraclitus, and important Greek philosopher, placed strife as that which gives motion in cosmos, including strife between the Gods

"First worship the Immortal Gods, as they are established and ordained by the Law."

>> No.5993405

Define degeneracy in a way that could be universally applied through all tines.

>> No.5993630

thought this was some weird white slang for hinduism, maybe w/o the t

>> No.5993656

You're thinking of Thuggee life

>> No.5994394

Cultural Marxism, valuation of equality, etc.

>> No.5994407
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>Cultural Marxism
There it is again.

>> No.5994411


>> No.5994413

>Cultural Marxism through all times
>pre-Marx Marxism

>> No.5994449
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There was never anything wrong with Cultural Marxism.

>> No.5995288

Marx didn't invent Judaism

Ted Bundy would say there was never anything with rape and murder.

>> No.5996032

>Marxism can do no wrong!
>any time something it did wrong is brought up

>> No.5996862

"Cultural Marxism" as a term doesn't mean anything. Marx doesn't write about culture. He writes about economy and philosophy of history. Confusing egalitarianism with Marxism (because only one of them is a spooky historical enemy of capitalist world) does not further your argument, it detract from it.

>> No.5996870

Cultural Marxism was refined by Gramsci and the Frankfurt School, it is very real

>Thus when monogamous marriage first makes its appearance in history, it is not as the reconciliation of man and woman, still less as the highest form of such a reconciliation. Quite the contrary. Monogamous marriage comes on the scene as the subjugation of the one sex by the other; it announces a struggle between the sexes unknown throughout the whole previous prehistoric period. In an old unpublished manuscript, written by Marx and myself in 1846, I find the words: “The first division of labor is that between man and woman for the propagation of children.” And today I can add: The first class opposition that appears in history coincides with the development of the antagonism between man and woman in monogamous marriage, and the first class oppression coincides with that of the female sex by the male.

>> No.5997674

>OP tries to get a conversation in cyclical theory of history

>gets only responses of marxists that haven't read shit of it

truly west is going to fall soon.

>> No.5997685

>very real

>> No.5997719


>> No.5997722

Boy, it sounds like you're very well read on historical cyclicality!

>> No.5997730

>whereas the decline occurred when Constantine started cracking down on Athenian democracy....
which could be caused by this egalitarianism...

>> No.5997767

>"Cultural Marxism" as a term doesn't mean anything.

Maybe the term doesn't mean anything, but it's pretty clear that Marxists are hostile to anything that they themselves deem as constructs of capitalism, such as the nuclear family, religion, and other cultural and social contingencies.

>> No.5997781
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>mfw when marxists think that they can re-create civilization using their own cultural program.

>mfw when marxists think they can separate capitalism from west culture

>> No.5997933

I don't see how that can reasonably be figured.