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5993345 No.5993345 [Reply] [Original]

Fits of fevered delirium. Does this actually happen? I've never personally known or heard of anyone acting in such a way outside literature. Is it a symptom of the past that doesn't affect us due to modern medicine?

Also, it's brutally honest about the difficulties and unfairness of life but does anyone else find CaP god-tier comfy?

>> No.5993374

It happened to me once when my humors became unbalanced. Let no man tell you that there cannot be such a thing as being too sanguine, OP.

>> No.5993388

you dumb nigga its referencing how sometimes the punishment we give ourselves for committing immoral actions is worse than the one we would receive from society. His mind and the suffering he gives himself is far worse than Siberia.

>> No.5993399

>Fits of fevered delirium. Does this actually happen?
During an anorexic phase in my life I experience something much the same as Raskolnikov(is this his name?), although short lived.

Comfiness: The Idiot > CaP

>> No.5993406

You have to remember that most Russians are drunk all the time. That's why they feel stuff nobody else feels and come down with brain fevers and gamble away all their money and have debts that no Russian calvary officer could ever pay.
It's just vodka.

>> No.5993425

I think you were just hungry and in need of a cookie or some semen, friend.

>> No.5993473

no, we have drugs.

>> No.5993484

Probably the latter

>> No.5993512

That looks fucking awful, I hate that art style.

>> No.5993857

Yeah, was reading Demons, and they kept having fits of fever (ayy ayy). Was like... y'all niqqas weak or what? lol smh hahah :') :') :')

>> No.5993913

Does anyone else think that The Gambler said everything Crime and Punishment was trying to say in third of it's length?

>> No.5993940
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Yes, it is absolutely possible. It can be caused by a series of different things. One anon has already pointed out alcohol withdrawal as being one.

I had a good friend who became an alcoholic before I met him and would constantly have shaking hands and arms. He told me it came after he had a 12 day whisky binge. He was a train hopper and apparently all they do is drink.

I have another friend who just recently experienced this only he not only has the shakes but also now has seizures. He is far worse off than my other friend.

>> No.5993949

it reminds me a bit of the whole thing with 19th century ladies fainting so much that they needed a specific item of furniture for ladies to faint on.
i think different times had different maladies, and they're not exactly fake, per say, but possibly a touch psycho-somatic

kinda like depression or autism nowadays

>> No.5993959

i've seen it happen a couple of times, but only to people under the influence of drugs/alcohol

>> No.5993965

19th century ladies were constantly on drugs. I'm not even kidding.

>> No.5993969

He was eating maybe 1 every few days, severely dehydrated, depressed and hopeless. Then his conflict (NOT guilt) with his thoughts and actions sap the last of his health.