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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 702x464, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5991310 No.5991310[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guys, she's accepting and waiting to receive your...books.

>> No.5991315

link to wishlist?

>> No.5991316
File: 302 KB, 432x474, 1421109600563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake ass bitch.


She also deleted her tumblr post telling us to fuck off, but when we start buying her books, well then, she's just a peach ain't she?

>> No.5991326

Gift her Infinite Jest so that she feels obligated to read it all and review it. Also she'll probably identify with his wishy-washy sincerity bullshit anyway.

>> No.5991332

what would you expect from a girl who posts her wishlist for random anons to buy her shit?

>> No.5991333

Are you fucking serious? This is like straight off from /v/. Buying girls that play video games. She even put up an Amazon wishing list.

For fucks sake /lit/, you are getting played.

>> No.5991337

I want some rich German to do this.

>> No.5991340

Add Mein Kampf, Taipei, Atlas Shrugged and Natural Harvest and it might be a good little package of books

>> No.5991348

Is this even technically possible per Amazon wishlist?

>> No.5991354

We know her address anyway.

>> No.5991356

go to her Astrology page guys!


>> No.5991357

you scumbags like to pile on people you find online who are putting themselves out there and they can never do anything right, whatever they do they're an asshole, when its actually you who are the pieces of shit.

>> No.5991360

great op-ed faggot

>> No.5991361

>She also deleted her tumblr post telling us to fuck off

Any screenshots or quotes?

>> No.5991366

crazy bitch is crazy

>> No.5991367

nice sociopathy, cunt

>> No.5991368

Would be laf if people sent her IJ, Pinecone, Joyce and some Greeks, make her a patrician.

>> No.5991369

Oh Shit. I bet she believes in homeopathy and God too.

>> No.5991371
File: 170 KB, 1282x1808, 2ynM4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous asked: m'lady. would doth care to tell me when I have a chance of wooing another? je suis a capricorn and I'm terribly lonely

Oh, u gais.

>> No.5991372
File: 1.66 MB, 756x9800, 1421032077644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought halfway through.

She swears and tells us to fuck off--now she wants us to buy her books.

>> No.5991386

did anyone save a vid? i want to hear her hymen voice

>> No.5991389

>anonymous is one person

>> No.5991394

wow, you guys really are pussies who hide behind your anonymity.

>> No.5991400

katie is that you?

>> No.5991403

is her second name Hershlag?

>> No.5991405

Katie pls go

>> No.5991410

no it's Goldsteinlawyersbegcoen

>> No.5991412

Do you guys think she would like Evola?

>> No.5991423

Yeah, but she doesn't believe in spooks.
What a jerk of a girl.

>> No.5991424

Wait. If I grow some tits and let you faggots call me names I can get free books?

>> No.5991428

yes but make sure you make youtube videos

>> No.5991442

>buy me stuff so I feel good
Typical woman

>> No.5991443
File: 73 KB, 476x484, frans-hals-descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5991453
File: 50 KB, 625x626, 1418784103636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just witnessed the birth of a new SJW thanks to /lit

>> No.5991460

>I am not a sexual object

au contraire mademoiselle

>> No.5991462

>Indigo children

Time to get the fuck out of here


>> No.5991463

>now she wants us to buy her books.
>buy me stuff so I feel good

She was given the offer, she didn't come up with the idea herself. Who wouldn't take free stuff?

I wish you guys would realize how cringeworthy this whole thing is. Cyberstalking/trolling, whatever you want to call it, it's pathetic. I don't even care about this dumb bitch, I just hate being reminded that this board loves the fact that it's hosted on 4chan to the point that it will engage in behavior like this every once and a while. It's so weak minded.

>> No.5991467

Tits or gtfo.

>> No.5991473

nice meme :^)

>> No.5991474

I just want /lit/ to forget about this already and leave her alone.I mean, jesus, she's like a little kid

>> No.5991478

True, she did not state the idea herself, but you can see how quickly she jumped on it. She went and created an amazon wishlist so her loyal whiteknights could demonstrate just how different they are from those evil 4chan trolls.
It is typical of a woman to exploit her suffering for material gain.

>> No.5991481

>She was given the offer, she didn't come up with the idea herself. Who wouldn't take free stuff?
Being a whore really comes natural to you, doesn't it?

>> No.5991487

These guys get it:


>> No.5991501

implying it isnt op and his own wishlist

>> No.5991504


We should send her 50 Shades of Grey or ourTundra.

>> No.5991509


>Indigo children, according to a pseudoscientific New Age concept, are children who are believed to possess special, unusual and sometimes supernatural traits or abilities

Kek. What's her superpower, thin skin?

>> No.5991537

>a whore

It's not really whoring. The only thing she's exchanging is permission for you to feel sorry enough for her to buy her stuff on Amazon.

>> No.5991540
File: 10 KB, 395x297, tinkerbell2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like Alice, she has the power to grow or shrink as she pleases.

Sometimes she shrinks to inappropriately small sizes.

>> No.5991545

Not uh. That's like impossible, man.

>> No.5991567

Are you trying to be autistic again?

>> No.5991610


ok that's it. i saw the other threads yesterday and i was reading through this thread and i was feeling sympathy for katie up to this point.

fuck that. anyone who believes any of this shit deserves all the abuse they get. pile it on.

>> No.5991618

So we're sending her that meme book we wrote, right? Legacy of something.

>> No.5991637

Guys, be nice to her. Not because whatever demon-ideology it's trendy to hate these days, but you are better than this. If one board is above the meme-trolling is this one, just let it go, go read a book.

Go read a book.

>> No.5991644

really though, just go read a fucking book.

>> No.5991653

>Anonymous asked: m'lady. would doth care to tell me when I have a chance of wooing another? je suis a capricorn and I'm terribly lonely

>ummmm haha well there isn’t necessarily a ‘good time’ to woo somebody. Of course there could be a transit during a certain time that would be good for you personally for romance, but I don’t have that info. Just knowing that you are a Capricorn I couldn’t possibly tell you a good time for romance.

>The best time to ‘woo’ someone would be when you meet someone or see someone you’re attracted to and telling them so/asking them out. Usually when a romantic opportunity presents itself, the stars are actually aligned in such a way that makes it a good time for you. So really just follow your heart.

>Hope this helps :)

you fuckers

>> No.5991654

I don't get it either.

Isn't she just some dorky bookworm girl who put up a few videos on youtube?

Why are people sperging out about this girl in particular?

>> No.5991655


>> No.5991661

(I think it's because she is a woman)

>> No.5991666

It's the exchange of affection for gifts essentially, which is worse than physical whoring.

>> No.5991673
File: 127 KB, 1158x1500, Dear Katie, pls tell me what you think of page 25..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon that gave her the wishlist idea. If you check one of the many Katie threads from yesterday, some anon wanted to send her a copy of our Tundra Totalitarianism book, and so somebody asked about her amazon wishlist. I did the work for you.

Now for phase 2 of the plan: send her the most revolting books you can think of (pic related). This is our chance to communicate with her on a deeper level, send her the most patrish, disgusting piece of literature you can come up with. Make her wish she'd never learned to read. Or, just fill up her mailbox with cheap dragon dildos and double-headed dongs.

For being /lit/, you guys are the most uncreative bunch I've ever seen.

>> No.5991687

I don't believe it! There's people out there already buying her shit! 6 of her book requests have been bought. Can /lit/ get any more beta?

>> No.5991693


>> No.5991694

We're not angry teens willing to waste money to bother someone we don't know. At best she'll react mildly when checking what people send and that's it.

>> No.5991695

Why do you care about what other people choose spend their money on?

>> No.5991701

This is /b/ level shit retarded. Seriously.
I'm not defending the girl, I don't give a fuck about her.
She probably hates her hobby now.

>> No.5991702

lol yeah i got that from the beginning...people are gonna send books of "how to sodomize your gf" with a very nice postcard saying "can you please review this book? i so dearly wish to know what you think of it! So excited!" lol

>> No.5991706

If we started using the word beta we would get really pathetic.

>> No.5991709

you make me sad sometimes /lit/

>> No.5991710
File: 19 KB, 245x229, pasta on dog head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is such a sad place.

>> No.5991711

Goddamn fucking loser manchildren. Jesus Christ, grow the fuck up or fuck off to /b/ and don't come back you unfunny faggots.

>> No.5991715
File: 46 KB, 955x535, dr manhattan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you favorite board is a cesspit

>> No.5991717

I thought it was pretty funny before the beta whiteknights and astrology came into play.

>> No.5991724

Oh my god what are you people doing.

>> No.5991725

epic raid /b/rethren

>> No.5991731

Hahaha. I didn't expect you faggots to actually buy her shit.

Jesus, /lit/ is worse than reddit.

>> No.5991734

le ebin trolling,

that's what she gets for being a feminazi... wait...

>> No.5991736

Beta Cuckk low test omega betas fuckcuck whiteknight faggot shits ruin everything, God.

>> No.5991737

if anybody knows her address, please share. Got a cubic fuckton of styrofoam I can have delivered to her.

>> No.5991741

I'm not sure which faction has embarrassed themselves more, the spergs or the white knights. Actually, it's definitely the white knights, since the spergs are probably way less emotionally (and financially!) invested in this shit. Please commit mass suicide, all of you.

>> No.5991743

I don't know where you got the idea that Reddit was forgiving of anyone. People have ruined each other's lives on that site through info posting and other shit.

>> No.5991746

Also, buy her some pizza. With extra jizz. You fucking moron.

>> No.5991747

What's so funny about leaving offensive anonymous comments for random people? Especially people who were totally inoffensive themselves?

It's also obvious the main perpetrators are neckbeard scum who hate every woman because still virgins. Leave the rage mysoginy on the containment boards please.

>> No.5991748

Have some of you never visited 4chan before?

Even on /lit/, this is hardly surprising behavior from this website. Not that I condone it, but come on, did you fall off the turnip cart just yesterday?

>> No.5991750
File: 32 KB, 573x246, beta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5991753

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.5991754

suicide is a sin tho

I found the escalation of the level of spergness in the comments up to maximum creepyness with the baby tampon comment and her deleting her youtube afterwards to be comical. Also her sincere responses to some of the comments were just funny because of how naive and cute she was.

>> No.5991755

Reddit is like the ground zero of fedoras.

>> No.5991756

Get back to Reddit you filthy RIDF, you'll never be as rad as we are!

>> No.5991757

Its more that some of us are adults now.

>> No.5991760

Can you buy me something too?

>> No.5991763

what would you like ? c:

>> No.5991765

He's nice to her because she's a girl, but to you hell send a dead rat.

>> No.5991768
File: 23 KB, 225x360, Dear Katie....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd love to see her do a review dressed up like this. Anybody wanna help me out?

>> No.5991771


>> No.5991774

>le reddit, le fedora, le white knight, le GURL READER, le beta

Does anyone knows of a literature board whit a user base of above high school age?

>> No.5991776


>> No.5991781

She has a sort of inbred look to her. Makes me hard.

>> No.5991782


3845 upboats

Reddit has taken over.

>> No.5991784

>implying you'll actually leave

>> No.5991799

>[–]artuno/hr/ [score hidden] 13 hours ago
>I... I just bought two books off of her amazon >wish list...

Who the fuck are these guys?

>> No.5991804

/lit/ has proven to be no better than /r9k/ since this whole thing started. It's been fully cringeworthy since day 1. The fact that there have been multiple days makes it more cringeworthy.

>> No.5991809

>Stop doing things I don't want you to do

hahahhahaha jelly? tits or gtfo.

>> No.5991811

>tfw too scared to post wish list in case someone sends dragon dildos

>> No.5991816

Actually I enjoy seeing all the idiots that spend their time pretending this place is good realize that they're low-lives just like the rest of 4chan. Keep it up, idiots.

>> No.5991817

Wait... you could get dragon dildos for free. What's the problem then?

>> No.5991820

You do realise that the fawning homos have outnumbered the trolls by about 20:1 since the start of this thing?

>> No.5991821

Are you trying to make someone "mad" bro?

>> No.5991824

Everyone involved is an idiot. White knights and trolls are all scum.

>> No.5991825
File: 51 KB, 396x385, sad frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dragon dildo closet is already full of piss bottles.

>> No.5991830

>having anything other than dragon dildos on your wishlist
>Year of the Lord 2015

>> No.5991835

Do Amazon wish lists even share your full details? I thought it only showed your first name and city and profile pic if you have one.

>> No.5991855
File: 35 KB, 674x414, 2015-01-13 16_11_22-Katie 4 Prez — do you like haruki murakami_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5991861
File: 126 KB, 602x609, 1413814331539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5991863

last dude got balls. I would not try to rape him unless I was certain I would succeed.

>> No.5991864

no end-user details being shared

>> No.5991865

She was already received almost $60 worth of new books from anonymous white knights. Female privilege in action.

>> No.5991869

Why don't you faggots just go all the way and drive her to suicide instead of bickering with each other?


>> No.5991870

> not finishing the message off with btw I'm a grill
Step it up

>> No.5991873

anyway, these threads are getting incredibly stale, it's either this, or "girl reviewing books on youtube with sub 10k views on her most viewed video, is this our new queen /lit/?" threads that pop up because of this girl.

yikes 4chains can be shite sometimes.

>> No.5991884

Have you never visited a board outside of of /b/ or /v/ before?

>> No.5991894

>Oh Shit. I bet she believes in homeopathy and God too.
so ? she is nice and does no harm to you nor anybody else.

Don't you believe in a right to freedom of opinion and expression ?

>> No.5991896

always. and we're here forever, including you

>> No.5991898

>Don't you believe in a right to freedom of opinion and expression ?

No, I believe solely in the word of Allah.

>> No.5991905


>> No.5991910

> ?
> ?

Did you really buy a book for her? Why?

>> No.5991916

hey I remember this song from school, thanks for the nostalgia mate

>> No.5991920

She is the one :

Descriptions of indigo children include that they:

Are empathetic, curious, strong-willed, and independent
Are often perceived by friends and family as being strange
Possess a clear sense of self-definition and purpose
Show a strong innate subconscious spirituality from early childhood (which, however, does not necessarily imply a direct interest in spiritual or religious areas)
Have a strong feeling of entitlement, or deserving to be here

Other alleged traits include:[8][10]

High intelligence quotient
Inherent intuitive ability
Resistance to rigid, control-based paradigms of authority

>> No.5991926

cheers lad

>> No.5991931

My ex claimed to be an "Indigo Child" and from I gather it's really just something that women with BPD or bipolar tell themselves to feel special.

>> No.5991936


It's more something that their mothers tell others to make themselves feel special about having an autist baby.

>> No.5991942

>Autism doesn't exist. What you call an autist is a crystal child.

>The Crystal children began to appear on the planet from about 1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner and higher power. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the “Law of One” or global oneness. They are also advocates for love and peace on this planet.

>They are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means they have access to gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are born on the sixth dimension of consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the ninth dimensional level of full Christ consciousness, and then from there to the thirteenth dimension, which represents universal consciousness.

>Crystal children’s auras aren’t specifically opalescent, but are octarine, which is a color that isn’t in the normal visual range of human eyes, but is the manifest color of high magic, and on another color octave entirely. They have beautiful pastel hues to them. To the untrained eye, it appears to be without color at all, therefore Crystal, but the extremely high frequency of the energy field is what gives it away.

>The first thing you will recognize about Crystal children is their forgiving nature. They are very sensitive, warm, and caring. Don’t mistake these characteristics as a sign of weakness as Crystal children are also very powerful.

>> No.5991943

Yeah I'm pretty sure she got it from her equally mental mother.

>> No.5991947
File: 9 KB, 200x189, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when I'm a Crystal Child.

>> No.5991950

>indigo child
>pretty much omnipotent all-knowing devil/god child
>crystal child
>same thing just talks less and looks more stupid but it might be even smarter than the indigo child

>> No.5991952

10 books on Homeric Greek and no less than 20 different translations of the Iliad.

>> No.5992002

>all these people defending her
>implying its not the most hilarious outer /lit/ moment so far

>> No.5992003

Yay! I am a crystal child :-)

I asked her how I can help my relationship with "Chang", because I constantly do things for Chang and she's mean.

>> No.5992004

>tfw someone called me a crystal child once
Reading this makes me feel like such a snowflake. I'll deliver world peace in a couple of year, lads, don't worry.

>> No.5992041

Anybody know how amazon wishlists work? Can we send her anything, or just the items she selected?

>> No.5992045

You fags are buying her books? She hasn't even given nudes.

For shame, /lit/

>> No.5992181
File: 186 KB, 300x358, 1396444790795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending whores

>> No.5992214

>Crystal Children
>Pokemon Crystal
>In Minecraft you farm crystals

It all makes sense now!

>> No.5992236

No im your mom. Fuck off and get a job.

>> No.5992264

>I'm not sure which faction has embarrassed themselves more, the spergs or the white knights. Actually, it's definitely the white knights, since the spergs are probably way less emotionally (and financially!) invested in this shit
Kind of agree with this. If there's anything we should be annoyed about it should be that the spergs weren't subtle enough to please both factions. Like, they instantly go for the most offensive "creeper" stuff instantly.

Like the joker said in batman, don't punch the head first, it makes the victim get fuzzy and insensitive to pain.

>> No.5992274

>tfw I am the auteur of the piss bottles and poorly edited tampon pasta

no regrets

>> No.5992290


.... why do you have piss bottles

>> No.5992322


>> No.5992332

>walking all the way to the bathroom when you have to piss
>not using convenient piss bottles

>> No.5992344

why don't you have piss bottles?

>> No.5992351

>2L pop bottles have too small of a hole for muh dick
>Gaterade/powerade bottles have a big enough mouth hole to comfortably fit muh dick into and pee
>Peeing in gaterade bottle
>Nearly fill up the whole thing in one go (750ml)
>Had to cut off my pee stream so that it wouldn't overflow
>Stung like a motherfucker
>Never used piss bottles again

Twas not a pleasant experience on convenience.

>> No.5992355

Anyone one else hear about it from reddit and thats why they are here?

>> No.5992363

8/10, not bad b8 m8

how in the hell can you piss that much?

>> No.5992368


>> No.5992387

The only time I ever pissed in a bottle was when some girl who lived in student halls invited me back to hers. I had been drinking heavily so naturally at one point I needed to empty my bladder, but apparently the shared bathroom on her floor was broken. She told me I had to go all the way downstairs and outside to get to another one and I thought fuck that so I just pissed in a bottle in her kitchen and put it in the fridge and went home.

>> No.5992395

bwahaha nice balls soup in the morning i guess

>> No.5992400

I like where this thread is going

>> No.5992435

>reddit: the post

>> No.5992498

I actually had a therapist that was into the whole "indigo generation" thing. When I tried talking about my belief that others could hear my thoughts being broadcasted he said it might have been because I, as an indigo child, had read other peoples minds before. Lel

>> No.5992501

I havent been on /lit/ for awhile and have missed the whole thing. does anyone have a mirror so i can hear her voice?

Other than that I find it impossible to believe how some people are so sheltered. What amount of life experience must you lack to find that 19th century lit comment so insulting.

>> No.5992518

Yeah, I find this girl extremely irritating, I don't know why /lit/ thinks she's so cute. She is probably a nightmare girlfriend.

>> No.5992535

thinking about it if she is so offended by baseless text comments, imagine her in a real life scenario. when she says "I used to be harassed a lot by men at my old job to the point where I don’t even go anywhere alone anymore cause I feel unsafe" the guys probably just said she looked pretty or some other small compliment.

although its not really her fault just a reflection of awful parenting

>> No.5992542

>although its not really her fault just a reflection of awful parenting

Actually, it seems as though she is mentally ill.

>> No.5992566
File: 100 KB, 900x900, Product20-078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real men use pissjugs.

>> No.5992578

this bitch has home schooled written all over her

>> No.5992594

Will /lit/ ever get some decent waifus

>> No.5992600

>Aryn Rand not being waifu material

>> No.5992608
File: 66 KB, 640x480, feminister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw we chased our true queen away

>> No.5992618

>not a man


>> No.5992624

That pic is actually her, anon.

>> No.5992626

And today, I found out that I still have "feminister" filtered from any body of text

oh, the memories.

>> No.5992632

No it's not, you retard.

>> No.5992634
File: 14 KB, 430x312, tumblr_l4jzztUsLi1qa0ioeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5992643

>image search the image
>only one result
>posted by feminister

It's her.

>> No.5992651

Somebody buy her everything Stirner ever wrote.

>> No.5992654
File: 90 KB, 570x306, puti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5992664

If she wasn't a girl why would our dyke mod be in love with her?

>> No.5992665

>it's totally impossible that a dude posted a picture of a girl

how fucking dumb are you?

>> No.5992671

Because butterfly is a fucking retard.

>> No.5992672

A picture not otherwise found on the internet.

Besides, Feminister wrote like a girl.

>> No.5992674

you could clearly tell from feminister's way of writing that she was a dude

>> No.5992680
File: 58 KB, 871x515, putiputi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5992682


>> No.5992688

How would she fake entire, responsive webcam sessions then?

>> No.5992695

Feminister wrote like a guy lol

He would literally argue with people over nuanced meaning in Nietzsche lamo

>implying he wasn't on chatroulette until he saw her and screencapped

i could do it to in less than 15 minutes

you're so fucking autistic, dude. give up hope

>> No.5992696
File: 63 KB, 379x282, vladimir-putin-smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5992699

>implying that ever happened

how fucking blindingly retarded can one man be

>> No.5992701
File: 93 KB, 677x631, 1408213780084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some ugly bitch makes vids on youtube and people send her books galore.
I struggle with life and give most of my money for books; I live on noodles and nobody would ever send me any books.

>> No.5992704

>anyone willing to discuss nietzsche must be male

Your sexist confirmation bias is troubling you, anon.

>> No.5992705

>how fucking blindingly retarded can one man be

You have no idea.

>> No.5992706

You are obviously feminister

>> No.5992708

This is probably just feminister or butterfly coming to the defense, but there was a long thread on /adv/ written by feminister (who forgot to take the trip off) and was discussing sexual problems (involving his dick) with his girlfriend.

I know one of you idiots has the screen cap, jsut post it so this baitposter can stop.

Jesus, I probably just gonna leave /lit/ now too. This Katie business is the perfect capstone to all the retarded shitposting that's been going on lately (by lately I mean the past year).

>> No.5992713

But Butterfly said that she was a girl and they were friends and had videochat.

>> No.5992715

Post your wish list, Anon :3

>> No.5992721

>Your sexist confirmation bias is troubling you, anon.

You never saw him sperg out in arguments, did you?

Nice straw stuffing you have spilling out there, sophist

>> No.5992723

iirc the girlfriend was actually the feminister character to make it even weirder

>> No.5992730
File: 151 KB, 444x257, alex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But Butterfly said

You know that's not the real Butterfly

>> No.5992736

You can't tell by the way someone types which sex they are any more than you can tell which race they are, anon.

>> No.5992742

the real butterfly hasn't been here for over a year. the one who posts is some impersonator named Jason.

>> No.5992743
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>dudes write like this

>> No.5992748

He was trying to create a fiction/board drama where a male Anon had an affair with "Feminister". I don't know how it came as such a surprise to you guys that "she" turned out to be a phony; I mean, she was a fairly entertaining tripfag but clearly an attention-seeking troll from the offset. I guess the dude behind it all may be gender dysphoric something when you look at how immersed in the persona he became. Reminds me of some "catfish" stories that I've read.

>> No.5992753

>qt male and common /lit/ reader(not goer; I abhor shitposting)

Can I have gifts now?

>> No.5992759

dude, seriously. Tell me you can't honestly tell the difference between a book written by a male and a female. Are you that thick?






>> No.5992760

That is so obviously a dude trying to act like a girl. Jesus, you people are autistic.

>> No.5992761


you get nothing

>> No.5992763

came here from /b/ because its getting posted around. are you guys done already, shits boring as fuck in this thread.

>> No.5992764
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>> No.5992765

post your dick and i'll consider it

>> No.5992767

link pls

>> No.5992783

I love that mention of her possibly being a man, this is either totally insanity or a creative work of genius.

>> No.5992784

It wasn't just "the way he typed". If it was one post, I'd agree. I read dozens, if not hundreds of posts by him and they all indicate the same thing. He was incredibly standoffish, he was obsessed with egotist philosophy like Nietzsche and Stirner (which you can't deny is PRIMARILY preferred by men)

Plus, you know, the /adv/ hard evidence, which you ignore cuz you're retarded

He literally faked being a woman on the internet for attention

>> No.5992785

Why is the idea of women posting on 4chan so impossible to you?

>> No.5992790

>he was obsessed with egotist philosophy like Nietzsche and Stirner (which you can't deny is PRIMARILY preferred by men)
Also by whites. Does that mean someone posting about Nietzsche has to be white?

>> No.5992800

It's not, I see posts from what I assume are women on /lit/ all the time. I just think Feminister was blatantly a troll/role player.

>> No.5992801


>> No.5992809

I don't understand the logic behind buying her things because people from a board you post on left 4chan tier comments on her youtube video.

>> No.5992819

autism: the thread

>> No.5992831

will /r9k/ leave soon?

>> No.5992832

>hundreds of posts as herself
>one troll post as a man
>lol she's a man

>> No.5992836
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Crystal children are magical
Crystal children are autists
Autists are magical
Wizards are magical

> mfw autists are doomed to be wizards

>> No.5992838

believing in a 10/10. He's madman... There is no such thing as 10/10.

>> No.5992854

It is obvious that it isn't a woman. Only 15 years old girls start a text with "lol so like", you got tricked.

>> No.5992860

Actually you can't tell whether it's a guy or a girl speaking. 4chan is 30% female yet everyone assumes it's like 1%

He's a dude pretending to be a girl so this is his idea of how girls talk, now how girls actually talk

>> No.5992964
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>my sides

yeah fem outed "her" self as a man on /adv/ by accident and then disappeared kekekekek

>> No.5992986
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>> No.5992992

I haven't been on here for 4 days, what happened with this girl, what's the story?

Did /lit/ turn into a /b/-doxxing-/r9k/-women-hating hybrid??

>> No.5993011

no it turned into a white-knight-pussy-worshipping-den-of-faggotry

>> No.5993029

story pls?

>> No.5993030

She gets posted in a booktube thread, a few autists post weird comments on her vids, she freaks out, a slightly different type of autists freak out and start buying her books, we all get some pretty good laughs out of it.

>> No.5993031

No he didn't. There was nothing feminine about his posts.

>> No.5993049

how do i even ask anonymous questions on tumblr?

shit, i think this may the first time i've actually browsed the site

>> No.5993072

>feminister was smarter than me she must be a man


>> No.5993077


this girl is best booktuber btw

>> No.5993085

>picked the cheapest book on the whole wishlist


>> No.5993097

I picked my favorite book from the list actually

>> No.5993100

Nope, he wasn't very smart. It's just that he writes like a man he is. Butterfly isn't pretending to be female or stupid, you can see both are true from her posts.

>> No.5993138

Someone send her Tundra

>> No.5993158

you have cheap taste. I like.

I thought that was the whole point of getting her to open up a wishlist... Nobody jumped on this yet?

>> No.5993198

came here from reddit just to tell you guys are a disgusting lowlifes. stop picking on women just because you have never had a girlfriend in real life.

>> No.5993213

gib reddit gf

>> No.5993222

This, and I thought /lit/ was one of the better boards but now I see its just another /b/

>> No.5993230
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We have let reddit down.

>> No.5993237
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>> No.5993247

A guy gets away from his real life just to get out of the mob mentality of our society only to find the exact same thing in an anonymous message board. You sheep are everywhere!

>> No.5993266

>Bullying a complete stranger only to feel better about your pathetic life and tastes.
Did I miss the moment when /lit/ turned into a cesspool of manchidren?

>> No.5993271

/lit/ is dead to me

>> No.5993278


>> No.5993289

>implying it hasn't always been such a cesspool
The same thing happened, more or less, with Feminster. Regardless of the poster's gender and intentions, they were shit on and "bullied" whenever they posted.
Before the whole /adv/ thread thing, users would follow "her" from thread to thread just to say nasty things. However, such is the way of this place. Choose to follow it or not.

>> No.5993319

This thread is worse than what actually happened. Its one thing to get some cheap laughs by trolling people but then you guys make a huge deal about it and end up making multiple threads and start buying books for her just so you can clear your conscious and not feel as bad.

>> No.5993326
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>tfw reddit is mad at you

>> No.5993328

It's not manchildren, those can be found on /v/. We are mostly bitter college and high school kids.

>> No.5993343

You also missed the moment this board became a reddit hugbox. Worthless sappy newfigs

>> No.5993349

Good riddance, faggot.

>> No.5993356

I see dealing with people on 4chan a sort of ordeal poison. It sucks that people got to her, but at the end of the day she let them get to her. People are going to be awful. You can either feed them or ignore them.

>> No.5993363

you are not a bitter college or high school kid, you are just an idiot, don't go around mixing those concepts

>> No.5993372

>8/10 correct
feels good man

>> No.5993386

So salty.