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/lit/ - Literature

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5990288 No.5990288 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on pic related

I think it's shit tbh

>> No.5990303

I agree. Want to make a pact?

>> No.5990306

You have to apply your own meaning to it.

>> No.5990309

It is inherently bad and it needs to stop as soon as possible.

>> No.5990313

I'm going to kill myself. How should I go about doing this?

>> No.5990314

I wish they would return to the monthly format. The overpriced "special" issues are bunk.

>> No.5990323

Probably the helium tank method if you don't have access to a firearm. Try to make as little mess as possible. May you find peace.

>> No.5990325

Are people in this thread talking about Life of life?

>> No.5990334

Woah anon


>> No.5990372

Just get rope and a tall structure.

>> No.5990387

best way to avoid suffering is to use a shotgun... of course you (or, better said, someone else) may not like its side effects.

>> No.5990388
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But you will never experience beautiful things if you do.

>> No.5990402

There are no beautiful things once you wake up to what's happening here.

>> No.5990408


Start smoking weed and get laid once in a while.

>> No.5990410
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There are. You just have to look, they're really really subtle.

>> No.5990417

Open your eyes. You're just having one of those dreams where you think you're awake but you really aren't.

>> No.5990429

These empty platitudes aren't of use to anybody. Read way more. Watch a nature documentary then commit suicide.

>> No.5990445

That wasn't an empty platitude. I've been depressed myself but I fixed myself, just appreciate the world for the shittiness that it is and it will look beautiful in time.

>> No.5990455

just think about this: depression is truly a sickness, and you are playing games with yourself. instead of doing that, you could simply do things, like play games (to distract yourself), read more (for whatever reason you read books), pursue some valuable objective, help people, and so on. the most complicated your objective is, the more time it will take, the more methodic you'll have to be, but also, the more distracted you will get from your sickness and the happier you may be (or not, that depends on your objective).
AFAIK, the best way to cope with depression is to stop thinking about oneself.

>> No.5990469

*illness (is there a diff?)

>like play games
*video games

>to stop thinking about oneself
and do any other thing

>> No.5990473

You're fucking retarded. We are here because sentient death instruments ate each other for 2 billion years so they could 'survive'. Kill yourself.

>> No.5990478

>You're fucking retarded.
>We are here because sentient death instruments ate each other for 2 billion years so they could 'survive'
What the fuck does this even mean?
>Kill yourself.
No thanks.

>> No.5990480

It's actually laughable how ineffectual optimists are once you've left their retarded death-cult.

Read Zapffe.

>> No.5990486

>What the fuck does this even mean?

No surprises there. Go back to /mu/ you monosyllabic mouth-breather.

>> No.5990490

>>We are here because sentient death instruments ate each other for 2 billion years so they could 'survive'
>What the fuck does this even mean?

not him but what part of this did you not understand lmao

>> No.5990493
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I'd be offended if I understood what I did wrong.

Try to talk a guy out of suicide and this is what I get.

>> No.5990500

Suicide isn't something to 'talk someone out of'. It's a good thing. You're not saving them, you're dooming them.

>> No.5990501

>sentient death instruments
I've never heard that term in my life, what is it?

>> No.5990505

Stop being so edgy, life is a gift, suicide is just squandering it.

>> No.5990507

>What the fuck does that even mean?

HAhahaha, so great.

>> No.5990508

Sentience is the ability to experience sensations. Death instruments are sentient beings that kill each other to consume calories. If you couldn't get that far yourself I honestly think you can't be helped. You're not intelligent enough.

>> No.5990513

I feel like I'm being trolled. I googled 'death intruments' and it didn't find anything.

>> No.5990514

>life is a gift

Tell that to the children that starved to death while I typed this response. Tell it to the hundreds of thousands of insects being eaten alive at this very moment. You make me want to throw up. You are the edgy one, I assure you.

>> No.5990522

2/10 lmao


>> No.5990523

>starving children
>insects being eaten
You are neither of those.

>> No.5990530


You said 'life is a gift' (which is about the most offensive thing I can conceive of). This isn't a game that can be played to win. Nobody comes out of life with a profit. We all circle the drain, some just fall faster than others.

>> No.5990533
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What did I do wrong?

Some anon makes up a term and I'm dumb for not understanding it?

>> No.5990534

>sentient death instruments
cells and other living beings.

>ate each other for 2 billion years so they could 'survive'
that's nature

>> No.5990535

>This isn't a game that can be played to win. Nobody comes out of life with a profit. We all circle the drain, some just fall faster than others

How can you be so pessimistic? Have fun hating life and everything in it.

>> No.5990536

>Some anon makes up a term and I'm dumb for not understanding it?

He didn't make it up, it's common terminology in these discussions. And yes, you are definitely unintelligent. I suspect you knew that already, however.

>> No.5990541

>How can you be so pessimistic?

I have a strong capacity for empathy and I care about suffering. Enjoy your sociopathy and callous denial.

>> No.5990546
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>mfw this thread

>> No.5990549

the wikipedia article on Zapffe agrees with me on my point, but I don't really believe that, I think things are much more complicated: you have to do some effort to stop being depressed, and sometimes, it's completely out of your control (like, when there is another illness behind the depression).

finally, this >>5990541, you have to stop worrying about other people...

>> No.5990554

Zapffe spoke strongly against doing anything to resist the implosion of the Will. Read the last messiah. You're engaging in Isolation. Everything you've suggested would be laughed at.

I really want you to kill yourself. Your mindset is destroying any chance life (for humans, at least) has at being anything but horrifying.

Please end it.

>> No.5990555

So replace a game (depression), with another game (distraction). Even though the distraction itself is the reasoning for being suicidal? I hope you're not a frequenter here. Do you honestly think a person who doesn't care about their own preservation would care about anything you have mentioned?

>> No.5990557

>I ain't even mad

That's the whole point, you're a piece of shit and you're beyond help. We can only hope that you don't cause an inordinate amount of suffering while you're being a piece of shit.

>> No.5990559

I'm glad someone else ITT gets it. I feel like I have been talking to a brick wall.

>> No.5990560

you are insulting me, I'm neither optimist nor pessimist, I do whatever I need to do

>> No.5990566

I never called you an optimist.

>> No.5990573

>I feel like I have been talking to a brick wall.

All of these discussions go like that. People will go to extreme lengths to protect their delusions about life. It's actually pretty fascinating to observe them doing so, and I'll often make threads on this topic with the express intention of doing just that.

>> No.5990574
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I'm sorry I threatened your sad pessimistic world view.

>> No.5990575

that depends. what's the cause of his/her depression? the fact that s/he can't do shit about his/her reality? if so, does s/he want to do something about it but feels completely defeated? then rethink your objectives, try giving yourself a new perspective, don't be stupid and try again. in the end, life has no meaning, so you either do something or not.

and no, I'm not a frequenter... and I haven't read much in a long while.

>> No.5990579


Actually you strengthened it. I don't know how you could have thought that being a shitty human would threaten my conviction that humans are shitty.

>> No.5990581

Do you actually think there's a 'correct' state of chemical balance in the brain? Jesus christ.

>and no, I'm not a frequenter... and I haven't read much in a long while.

It really does show, my friend.


>> No.5990582

I like you, anon.

>> No.5990583
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You are, by far, the edgiest human being I have ever encountered in my life.

>> No.5990584

oh, sorry, I completely misunderstood everything... guess I'll have to read it, yeah

>> No.5990588

But we've already established that non-pessimists are the edgy ones. Pessimists are the ones that actually give a shit about things.


>> No.5990597
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The one who actually gives a shit about things is the one who supports suicide and the resultant sadness and suffering of loved ones and family? For someone who has an empathy for suffering you sure seem to support causing it.

>> No.5990605

What are you doing on /lit/?

>> No.5990612

Enjoying and discussing literature, not believing in whatever your world view is.

>> No.5990621

>Do you actually think there's a 'correct' state of chemical balance in the brain? Jesus christ.
no? I don't even remember mentioning "chemical balance". still, I don't think you have had an illness that produced some "unintended" effects on you (or that you DISCOVERED it could be the cause), have you? did you know that stomach problems and depression have been found to be linked?

>People will go to extreme lengths to protect their delusions about life.
just like everyone else. are you telling me people "just live" and don't wish to accomplish some (any) objectives (to have children, to travel, to buy cars, ...)?

funny how someone talks about nature and evolution as an argument to kill oneself, and then you come and (apparently, I'm not sure I understand what you propose) disregard biology as a factor...

>> No.5990624 [DELETED] 

Sometimes it's difficult to find pleasure an anything, and if you try to stick to something it may feel like you've betrayed yourself or it becomes exhausting. It's almost unreasonable to think that you're entire existence here is because of something so petty as art,a hobby, job, or a cause.

Financial situations, relationships and chemical imbalances aren't always the cause for depression.

>> No.5990635

I guess you guys didn't get my idea, I think I didn't put enough emphasis in the most important (for me) part of it: have an objective. I don't know what you like or want, but use that as your objective, and do it.
who is saying you'll even find pleasure doing it? I'm saying, JUST DO IT, not WHY you have to do it, that's something YOU have to solve.

>> No.5990639

Sometimes it's difficult to find pleasure in anything, and if you try to stick to something it may feel like you've betrayed yourself or it becomes exhausting. It's almost unreasonable to think that your entire existence here is because of something so petty as art,a hobby, job, or a cause.

Financial situations, relationships and chemical imbalances aren't always the cause for depression.

>> No.5990643

I really like life. It's beautiful.

But we humans have made it so, so complicated.

>> No.5990647

I like you.

Fuck this guy

>> No.5990651

These threads always serve as a poignant reminder of how fucking unintelligent most of /lit/ is.

For the record, life is an atrocious mess.

>> No.5990656

hey guy can you recommend me a philosophy book?

lemme guess myth of sysphus?

xD u red that 2?

>> No.5990657

You're the worst, most disgusting type of human imaginable. Stop preaching sociopathy as a virtue.

>> No.5990659
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>mfw this thread

>> No.5990664

Do you even know what sociopathy is?

>You're the worst, most disgusting type of human imaginable.

You must be a satirical genius because there is not way someone as awful as you could exist.

>> No.5990673

Welp, to think the world is beautiful has to be some sort of delusion. people who lie to themselves are sociopaths my friend

>> No.5990676

ooooh, I finally get it, this thread is le trolle xD xD for mental masturbatory people...

>> No.5990677

That's a very loose way of using that word.

>> No.5990680

kek it has to be. I'm convinced that this anon >>5990664 is the greatest troll of all time.

>> No.5990981

If you think life is beautiful you're the definition of a sociopath

>> No.5990985

You literally nailed it, Anon.

>> No.5991024


>> No.5991051
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I have no idea what is going on. I have tried seeking answers, learning, and I have tried just living. I have tried adopting others answers/meanings and attempting to find my own, and I have attempted eradicating meanings and self. I feel completely out of place all of the time, like you walked into the wrong class room and you have to sit through the whole class.

Whenever I read I pick out meanings completely off base from what the author meant or the consensus from other readers.

I would rather not have been born at all.

>> No.5991082

Sociopathy isn't "lying to yourself" you fucking idiot, everyone has a part of their brains that lie to them, we create a delusion of the world to defend ourselves from the piece of shit that IS this world, if people did see what the world truly is, we'd all be sociopaths, we'd all see that this world is inherently full of people who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves and get to a point where they are void of SYMPATHY OR EMPATHY, who do everything to benefit themselves, no one else. That's what sociopathy is.

>> No.5991242

You sound like one of those senseless anime characters. I just want to hold you, push my fingers through your hair and smile when a strand grazes my nose.


>> No.5991376

I shouldn't have made this thread