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/lit/ - Literature

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5983307 No.5983307 [Reply] [Original]

Judge me, /lit/

>> No.5983327

a girl with shitty shelves and dandruff

>> No.5983397

do you think hair products give you dandruff?

>> No.5983404

I've never used shampoo

>> No.5983460

>that booklight
How long ago did you get that?

>> No.5983484

>Five Richard Dawkins books
delusion, indeed

>> No.5983505

I've, actually, dated a girl like you. Never again.

>> No.5983510

I-is that blue one a koran?

>> No.5983513

>Carl Sagan

*tips fedora*

>> No.5983628

I got it at a thrift store maybe a month or two ago.

I don't have any Richard Dawkins books, wtf?

Cool, what am I like?

Which blue one? I don't own a Koran. What the hell are you people seeing?

You got me.

>> No.5983638

That's why I said delusion

Delusion, indeed.

>> No.5983774

That was actually pretty funny.

>> No.5983792

Is those one of those threads where you post bookshelves from Reddit? If so, we should try to get some OC, since I've seen this before on here, IIRC.

>> No.5983802

I think that's the same chemistry textbook I used in my sophomore year of high school.

>> No.5983810
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Here we go!

>> No.5983828
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U-ha honey ;^)

>> No.5983854
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this one is actually OC

>> No.5983911

>that cog
>those weights haphazardly spread across the floor
>fucking Master Chef movement

>> No.5983943

How was the baroque cycle? I stopped halfway through quicksilver to go back and brush up on english history. I read pepys and a few history texts and I'm gonna tackle quicksilver again soon. Is it worth reading all three of the volumes? You're a NS fan from the looks of it so i realize your answer may be biased, but I'm still curious.

>> No.5983961

This shelf makes my OCD cringe

>> No.5983977

While I do like NS I had to take a break between volumes and read something else. The baroque cycle really is long winded and complex. If you want to see how the lives of the characters all intertwine in the end it comes together really nicely... its just the middle that seems to drag. I hope you like learning about late 1600s and early 1700 european currency. Cyrptonomicon actually has the later relatives of all the baroque's characters and wraps up a better story in less pages.

>> No.5984009

I do indeed like learning about that time period. I think I'll do it as you did, with a break between books. I loved quicksilver, I just wanted to know more about the time period in order to imagine the world more accurately. I'm definitely ready to attempt it again.

Pepys' diary was entertaining in its own right as well, and i'm glad that Neal indirectly got me to read it.

>> No.5984032

yeah that 1st volume can be a little tough to keep the characters straight just because they will have a casual name like rodger but also a formal name like the ear of ravenscar but he does this with like 20 different characters until towards the end when he starts to keep it a little more simple for a casual like myself.

*side note.. have you noticed NS tends to rape the female characters in a lot of his books?

>> No.5984037
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*runny farts*

>> No.5984038
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>Paulo Coelho

>> No.5984053

You've probably seen this before because it's a generic white bookshelf from Ikea that cost fifty bucks. But no, this is my bookshelf from an hour ago.

Probably, it's the one I used in high school, too.

Yeah, my sister doesn't like it, either.

>> No.5984068
File: 801 KB, 1920x1080, PIC_0585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm more patrician than all u fags

>> No.5984075
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10,000x more patrician than u fags

>> No.5984085
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>> No.5984097


>100% 2nd hand books
>only English language books

no, you're monolingual plen

>> No.5984109

get on my fuckin' level, pleb-fuck.

>> No.5984118

>Only the dead can know peace from this shitposting

>> No.5984119
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>> No.5984126

you and me, we are one

>> No.5984127
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OP, are you a bipolar geisha with a hunchback? Am I warm or cold?

Rate but don't prate, knaves!

>> No.5984138

Pretty cold.
Also, there's nothing entertaining on your bookshelves. Are you the most boring person in the world?

>> No.5984143
File: 842 KB, 1920x1080, PIC_0595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a portion of my english shelf then, cunt. the rest is too patrician for your eyes.

>> No.5984148

yeah, i got 3 copies of R.D. Laings Politics of Experience and the Birds of Paradise, fuck you.

>> No.5984159

we got the same bookshelf

>> No.5984196

I'm digging the picture of the children.

Are they your next target?

>> No.5984224

b-b-but this way they'll get ruined!

>> No.5984240
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x2448, 20141213_081404_8_bestshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a patrician yet?

>> No.5984291


I'm in the top ten.

>> No.5985147

Seems like your the only non patrician-self-masturbating-pleb here anon, minus the bukowski

>> No.5985151

are you a 30 something housewife

>> No.5985167

just look at this ugly abortion

>stephen king
>my booky wook

Embarrassing all around.

>> No.5985212

not terrible, but I'm going to say that this is a mixed library with you and a so. This so is female.

>> No.5985216

I think it's his mom's book shelf.

>> No.5985218

nice DFW. The titular essay is wonderful.

>> No.5985220
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>> No.5985227

used college books and stuff from thrift stores.

>> No.5985232

I haven't read it yet, It's the last one in the book and giving me the drive to get through the occasional 10 or so pages of mathematics related tennis criclejerk nonsense.

>> No.5985240

Do yourself a favor and read it, pal. It is entertaining from start to finish.

Also, don't you dare blast the mathematics and/or tennis-strategy segments.

>> No.5985244


Is there something wrong with thrift store books?

>> No.5985247

Don't trust a DFW fan. None of them have read enough to even have valuable opinions on essays--any essays.

>> No.5985255

>not reading every sentence DFW ever wrote

>> No.5985273

are you from dublin?

>> No.5985320

Beleive me, I don't. I started my essay fascination with Orwell and Borges but DFW has a similar style to me, or better, I have a similar style to DFW, so i was interested in reading him

>> No.5985725

>paulo coelho
you aren't worth more than 10 seconds of my time and I've spend it typing this

>> No.5985772

i felt so much better when i took all my bukowskis off my bookshelf

>> No.5985793

everyone is overlooking the help
>laing (yikes)
bitter n obbsessed with masculinity core

>> No.5985836

Pharmacy student?

>> No.5985914

No, I live in America

No, just interested in psychiatry

Actually, the Coelho books were a Christmas present from a close friend and I was very sad when I opened them... but not going to be rude now, am I?
Also, who doesn't like a book where somebody eats shit?

>> No.5985973


>> No.5985980


>has never had qts in his room checking out his shelf

I almost pity you

>> No.5986006
File: 563 KB, 543x607, idareyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss this so much

>looking at qt's butts while they check out my shelf
>discuss literature with them a bit, joke, talk, drink, whatever
>fuck their brains out
>tfw nearly all my books got destroyed in a flood
>tfw have gf anyway

ugh, i want new women

>> No.5986017

sad (for your gf)

>> No.5986289


you're pathetic

>> No.5987089

more pathetic than any other dude who's posted his shelf with the exact same caption on here before, amirite?

I've never had a qt in my room checking out MY shelf. Maybe that's why I desperately need the validation of all you /lit/ studs

>> No.5988314
File: 1.95 MB, 3000x3750, BOOKSHELF JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5988318
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i know the shelves sag, i'm working on fixing that

>> No.5988349

manga books

i guarantee it

>> No.5988410

3/10, terrible looking "artsy" shelf, pleb-tier books like stephen king

toss all of the trinkets and clean it up a bit, and you have a decent shelf. 6/10, 8/10 with some work.

Keep alarm clocks on desks, too, not on your bookshelf.

Terrible book selection, 6 Ayn Rand books, seriously? The way you stacked (vertical on top) is awful


>gear, paintball mask and hopper, location next to television
3/10, your books are okay but your shelf looks horrible. a short step above trailer trash

You're too concentrated in a few authors and subjects. Why are some books stacked on top, instead of next to the others?

5/10, you can score more by having a better collection and keeping a neater desk.

Pretty shitty books selection (Capote? Who gives a fuck about him?) and too much theology/edgy theology (muh martyrs)

also, >coffee on a bookshelf


Your book selection is meh, and the games look incredibly tacky (board games are a middle class affect). If you toss the games and improve the collection, 7/10. Otherwise 3/10

Very nice-looking shelf, and a very good assortment of books. The only problem is you have a few too many books of too varying height on the same shelf, such as the thin paperbacks on the third shelf down (just group them together) and the tall books like Billy Budd on the top shelf.

9/10, 9.5/10 if you fix it up a little bit.

Biographies are generally plebbish. I don't see much literature. Your geology books are too scattered; they should be placed in the same area.

6/10, improve your selection and sort the shelves better.

>> No.5988440

Get a load of this faggot, he thinks his opinion matters to anyone.

>> No.5988472
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Why do people keep starting these fucking threads and replying to them?
Why don't you just read your fucking books?
But no, you all bitches need to post here a pic of your shelves looking for the approval of strangers.

>I have good taste; people on the internet say so!


>> No.5988475

quality post

>> No.5988481
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mah bookshelf

>> No.5988499

Why do you think anyone on here reads any literary work?

>> No.5988576

Good selection, shows you're not narrow-minded and willing to try different books. It also shows that you're a woman. 6/10
Disgusting shelf - Average selection
>Stephen King
>Putting a picture of you and your gf on a bookshelf instead of putting more books
>I just got into reading!!
>Let me read Dosto first because /lit/ said he's cool
What the fuck is this

>> No.5988700

>Why do you think anyone on here reads any literary work?

>> No.5989212
File: 640 KB, 1296x968, wilbur smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge me /lit/

My stash of books written by my favorite author, along with a rifle from the era in which many of his books are written.

>> No.5989218



>> No.5989401

I've only ever seen Wilbur Smith mentioned on /k/ twice. I'm surprised he isn't more popular there, but then again I doubt the majority of /k/ reads anything.

>> No.5989408

do you like alan paton

>> No.5989434

I have that batman underwear

>> No.5990059

have you actually read those books? and actually liked them?

>> No.5990376
