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/lit/ - Literature

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5979622 No.5979622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Name your five favorite books and anons will try to decipher what kind of person you are:

Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter
The Grapes of Wrath
Norwegian Wood
A Farwell to Arms
American Psycho

>> No.5979643

You try to be a romantic but you fight your natural pessimism everyday

Wuthering Heights
In Cold Blood
Nine Stories
The Importance of Being Earnest

>> No.5979674

That's pretty spot on.

>> No.5979689

a gay 16-22 year old qtpie bahbey
do you love kate bush yet?

>> No.5979701

The myth of Sisyphus
The Idiot
The lady and the little dog

>> No.5979703

im a 69 year old misogynist

>> No.5979706

do you wear sweaters do you have curly dark hair

>> No.5979716

a dude who resents women and hasn't moved beyond baby's first lite philo starter kit
i'm not familiar with the last story though

>> No.5979718

The Brothers Karamazov
Infinite Jest
Bleak House
A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.5979721

Crime and Punishment
The Brothers Karamazov
Les Miserables
The Little Prince
La tregua


>> No.5979730


same for you two-->

same for most of lit

>> No.5979731


>> No.5979733

a brother of an infinitely bleak dunce-22

trying to call a tregua with your miserable little criminal brother

do you guys know each other?

>> No.5979737

except you are nice bc little prince is <3

>> No.5979738

And let me guess, You're an insecure faggot who likes to pretend his some sort of Literary elitist on an anonymous image board by projecting his self-loathing criticisms as if they were others? Also, small peniz

>> No.5979741

>all the pretty horses
>lonesome dove
>American sniper

>> No.5979744

Please, sir, how do we reach your level?

>> No.5979747

East of Eden
Blood Meridian
Less Than Zero
The Stranger

>> No.5979751

Not that I know of. Most of my friends are idiots.

>> No.5979754

You are very impressionable to strangers on the internet

>> No.5979760

no penis
yes to the other stuff except i'm not pretending

i just get sick of seeing the same books again and again as though there was nothing else in all the world to read
i'm not 16
at least read gravity's rainbow or something
how is the stranger everyone's fav, i hardly remember it, why not kafka? or anything else?

>> No.5979774

Good point, I forgot about kafka.
The trial takes the place of the myth of Sisyphus seeing as how its an essay

>> No.5979776

What is that supposed to mean, Anon?. I am confused.

Know each other?, who are you talking abou!
I dont resent women, but you are right about the second part, I havn't been reading that long.

>> No.5979778

Can you elaborate?

>> No.5979781

i googled it, but as said i'm not familiar enough to include that n my shitting on you

>> No.5979788
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Averse to risk.

>> No.5979809

anna karenina
sound and the fury

>> No.5979813

How is Canticle? I've been really meaning to read it.

>> No.5979826

Why do you like Speedboat? Just curious, I've only read the first part so far.

>> No.5979832

Invisible Cities
South of the Border, West of the Sun
Don Quixote
The Alchemist
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

>> No.5979835

The Brothers Karamazov
The Count of Monte Cristo
War and Peace
Crime and Punishment

>> No.5979838

it's fun and funny and I like the rhythm and I connected with the way life is stupid and great and terrible and things just happen, not cause-effect (I liked pitch dark more, but I figured less people would recognize it)

>> No.5979839

Discipline and Punish
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
Reason in History
The Stranger
First as Tragedy, Then as Farce

>> No.5979842

Harry Potter (fanfic not books lol)
Twilight (same lol)
Divergent (books way better)
The fault in Our stars

>> No.5979845

You are the type of person who has few friends, but has intense, prolonged discussions about anything and everything with the friends you have. You don't quite understand the appeal of minimalism.

>> No.5979852

you are a shitty meme
you are an edgy teenager
you are a pseudo-intellectual
basically me

>> No.5979853

why even bother

>> No.5979857

I appreciate the effort but the truth is, although I love prolonged discussions, I have no friends to enjoy such talks. Having grown up in suburbia, minimalism makes more sense than anything else.

>> No.5979859


post-post-irony advocate

novel aficionado

novel aficionado

the sickness unto death
naming and necessity
critique of judgement
word and object

>> No.5979861

>you are a shitty meme
What does that mean?

>> No.5979863

Lord of the Rings
The N----- of the Narcissus
Guns, Germs and Steel (you just said "books")
The Silmarillion

>> No.5979865

number one double nigger

>> No.5979869

"edgy teenager" "sjw"
Don't sjw's hate anything edgy?

>> No.5979874

you are an edgy 20 year old

>> No.5979876


It's funny and sad. It's rewarding to figure out some of the mysteries in the book. It says a lot about our own history eg science and religion, the rise of nation states, the morality of suicide, the role of the church during the "so called Dark Ages"

I'm not a christian but I think Miller would have made a good christian apologist but evidently struggled in life. After ACfL he didn't write another book for twenty years. I think in 1979 a companion book came out an Miller killed himself right afterwards.

>> No.5979880

Correct. This is how I can identify edgy teenagers

>> No.5979885

only if it triggers some part of their rube goldbergian psychological mousetrap

>> No.5979887

Well, that was informative.

>> No.5979893

these thread remind me of when that anon q and a site came out and I made one kinda hoping to get mean asks from people I went to school with
but I never got a single one and felt left out

>> No.5979894

The Sound and the Fury
Miss Lonelyhearts
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Sirens of Titan

>> No.5979903

You're a white American who was odd during puberty.

>> No.5979905

Last Exit To Brooklyn
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
Complete Stories of Kafka
The Plague

>> No.5979910

The hobbit
The fundation
The invisible man
The voice and the fury

>> No.5979936

happy moscow - andrei platonov
brothers karamozov
sound of waves - yukio mishima

>> No.5979946

Gravity's Rainbow
The Dispossessed
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Midnight's Children
Pale Fire

>> No.5979950

Winesburg, Ohio
A Scanner Darkly
Dandelion Wine
Brave New World

>> No.5979973

a school for fools
old man and the sea
the silent cry
the created legend

>happy moscow - andrei platonov
you're the sort of person i'd take book recommendations from

>> No.5980007

You know you're alienated, but you find better purpose in it

>> No.5980009

Children of Dune
Ptolemy's Gate

>> No.5980011

You are terribly dissatisfied and anxious with how the world currently is

>> No.5980032

Brothers Karamazov
Crime and Punishment
Les Misérables
The Gay Science
Gravity's Rainbow

Actually curious in the magic of Anon

pls respond[\spoiler]

>> No.5980035

Please tell me you are not actually gay. We have the same 3 books out of five.

>> No.5980048

I'm bisexual.

Wanna cuddle up and read a book together?

>> No.5980052


all of /lit/ is the same gay and/or virgin 19 year old with daddy and/or mommy issues

>> No.5980053

The Phantom Tollboth
Alien 3 Novelization
Weaveworld/The Hellbound Heart (tie)
The Martian Chronicles (yes, Bradbury)
A Clockwork Orange

>> No.5980059

I'll take it

>> No.5980061

I did get into Dostoevsky because of /lit/, so you might be on to something. I am 20 too, so that part was about right too. Not gay. How do you define "Dadddy/Mommy" Issues?, when you hate them or something like that?
N-No. S-sorry

>> No.5980066

I can't even call this projection because you're posting on /lit/ yourself. Glad you know yourself though, anon.

Dad is alright, he's accepted the fact you don't want to speak to him but you're always welcome.

>> No.5980070

White Noise
The Stranger
Notes from the Underground
Fight Club
Letters from a Stoic

Who am I, /lit/?
>inb4 still plebian

>> No.5980072

just riffing off of bros karm
I think it has to do with projecting your issues on other people, but these are like made up terms and usually used to make fun of 'sluts', but I don't mean it in that way
very roughly
mommy issues= hating women, esp female authority figures
daddy issues=hating authority figures, extra twist if dad was military/cop/some rich business man or whatever

>> No.5980073

They will call you plebian as long as you have Fight Club in there, m8

>> No.5980074

A romanticist who yearns for rebel and adventure

>> No.5980075

I have heard the term before, I just didn't know what people EXACTLY meant by it.

Where I live there is no such thing as "rich busieness man", Sluts are just sluts with broken families I guess.

>> No.5980076

beat me to it
only slightly projecting, but there is a lot of overlap in these lists

>> No.5980081

so then doesn't matter what I read i will be pleb as long I have fight club in it. that's shit

>> No.5980091

yes but also that's life. by the transitive property life is shit, checks out

>> No.5980097

You can save a thousand people in war and call you a hero, but suck one dick and they'll call you a faggot instead.

>> No.5980099

We are all the same person living different lives. You can't prove otherwise, can you?. You read Fight Club once and you don't even remember.

Hell, you even fapped to Michelle Trachtenbergs puffy nipples and you don't even remember it.

>> No.5980104

Do androids dream of electric sheep
Ham on rye
Revolutionary road
Fathers and sons
Fahrenheit 451

>> No.5980108

The Eternal Husband
Madame Bovary
The Cossacks
Mrs. Dalloway/Orlando
Don Quixote

Looking at it myself, there are a lot of losers in those books, and a lot of men getting humiliated by women, but I can't say I'm into that in real life.

>> No.5980120

i should have put orlando on mine

you're Romantic

>> No.5980122
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>> No.5980123

brb googling her name

>> No.5980134

You won't find what you're looking for. For some men, it is too much, for others not enough. Which one are you, Anon?

>> No.5980147

Err let's see

To the Lighthouse
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Idiot
The Portrait of a Lady

>> No.5980148

Not enough. She's a meh tier 4 me

>> No.5980152

For Whom the Bell Tolls
The Social Construction of Reality by Berger and Luckman
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

>> No.5980646

Naked Lunch
High Rise
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
The Trial

>> No.5980684

The Crossing
The Aleph
Pale Fire
Moby Dick
White Noise

>> No.5980731

House of Leaves
Gravity's Rainbow
Collected Fictions of Jorge Luis Borges
The Stranger
The Unbearable Lightness of Being

>> No.5980779

>The Unbearable Lightness of Being

>> No.5980792

you think you're smarter than everyone else

you have respect for old people

you're a good person, and you hate anal sex

you don't smoke

you have a big penis

you smoke

suicide never crossed your mind

deep inside, you're very sensitive

letters to a young poet
the crying of lot 49
gravity's rainbow
taras bulba

>> No.5980804

One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Count of Monte Cristo
Don Quixote
The Brothers Karamazov
Cannery Row

You are a nice person. You're probably religious to an extent.

Edgy, and still hasn't moved from entry-level philosophy, but still thinks he knows a lot

You're not sure yourself what you think of certain things (like religion).

Puts an accent on "manly".

Thinks he's smarter than a lot of people around him.

>> No.5980808

Moby Dick
The Silmarillion
The Fairie Queene
Anabasis Alexandri

Who am I, I wonder

>> No.5980823

>You're not sure yourself what you think

You'll never be a good writer.

>> No.5980825

Reddit-centric vidya babby.

Ham on Rye by Bukowski
A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon
Suttree by Cormac McCarthy
1984 by George Orwell
Junky by William S Burroughs

>> No.5980853

Dangling man
Don Quixote
Midnight Children
King Lear

>> No.5980862

The Transylvania trilogy
In Search of Lost Time
I Am A Cat
The Magic Mountain


You long for a quest




College professor?

>> No.5980867

mindlessness has been an enormous boon as well as a radical set back, and you're not one to do away with nature's gifts despite how poorly they sometimes play out, so the unthinking will not likely desist any time soon.

well informed, poorly adjusted. Pleasant to be around, but painful to observe from a distance - though insightful, shockingly out of touch

A modern disgrace

depressed narcissist with a heightened sense of superiority over others perceptibly undermined by your own perception of yourself

the power and the glory, Greene
blood meridian, McCarthy
pale fire, Nabokov
stoner, Williams
tractatus logico philosophicus, Wittgenstein

>> No.5980868

Confederacy of Dunces
The Third Policeman

>> No.5980876

Ayoade on Ayoade
The wretched
Clockwork Orange
Then either Lord of the flies or A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.5980881

One hundred year of solitude
Book of the new sun
We,the drowned
The sun also rises
Brave new world

A pretty cool guy who actually likes reading books

>> No.5980919


You enjoy surrealist art and like the decadent movement. Extra points for Gormenghast my nigger.


You're part of the "I'm such a NERD XD" crowd.


Often you ponder where society is heading, very mistrusting of the government.


Philosophy student or teacher.

>> No.5980922

I'm part of no such crowd, I only got into reading in the last year and I thought it sensible to read the 'Classics' first

>> No.5980928


Ayoade on Ayoade was what led me to believe you were one of those people. I apologize though.

>> No.5980930

Ah that's alright it's amusing book probably the funniest I have read, but I haven't read many funny books.

>> No.5980932

Typical "I'm such a NERD XD" crowd rhetoric

>> No.5980934

It's interesting that you base your entire argument upon that premise, well done.

>> No.5980935

>I thought it sensible to read the 'Classics' first

Books like that aren't the real classics, though. Do you think books published within the last hundred years could already be considered classics? Get some Sophocles, bitch.

>> No.5980940

Hence why the word was in inverted comma's I knew you guys wouldn't consider them classics.

>> No.5980941


Ayoade's quite funny on panel shows and a decent director, I haven't checked out his Dostoyevsky film yet, mostly because I don't want to because Eisenberg is in it. Submarine wasn't bad either. I wonder how he'd do something by Camus?

>> No.5980942

Resentful creep.
Pervert. Probably a Scot.
Stuck in high school.
Neckbeard demographic.

>> No.5980945

>well informed, poorly adjusted. Pleasant to be around, but painful to observe from a distance - though insightful, shockingly out of touch
Wow, that's almost completely spot on.

>A pretty cool guy who actually likes reading books
Yep, although you could say "likes reading books" for most of the people in this thread.

>> No.5980949

Well I know he has a third film on his mind, apart from that I have no clue what it will be about. Though I guess The Stranger would be something that could be up his ally.

>> No.5980954
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Herodotus, Homer, Virgil, Hesiod, Plutarch, Tacitus, Aurelius....and you thought it best to start with the "classic" Ayoade on Ayoade.

>> No.5980957

Well I shall take your recommendations on board, however I didn't want to get way in over my head too quickly. As for Ayoade on Ayoade I don't consider it a classic, I just enjoyed it.

>> No.5980960

You like to suck dicks

>> No.5980963

>Ayoade's quite funny on panel shows

He's no David Mitchell.

>> No.5980966

>mindlessness has been an enormous boon as well as a radical set back, and you're not one to do away with nature's gifts despite how poorly they sometimes play out, so the unthinking will not likely desist any time soon

no, but thanks

>> No.5980969

Herodotus' The Histories is place I started and I think it was a good recommendation because it's half interesting telling of Peloponnesian War followed by quickly by bullshit story about Egypt and Ants the size of badgers that eat gold in the desert. Not kidding.

>> No.5980973

The Grapes of Wrath
The Old Man and the Sea
The Stranger
Of Mice and Men
The Red Room

>> No.5980975

I may start with the Greeks I'm not too sure yet, I have a couple more kiddy books to read first.

>> No.5980976

The Day of the Locust
Nobodaddy's Kinder
Pale Fire

>> No.5981187


not familiar with chekhov?

actual fuckin pleb
chekhov is entry-level russian short fiction

>> No.5981195

The Letter Killers Club
The Foundation Pit
I'm Not Stiller

>> No.5981508

The Trial
Kafka On The Shore
Cats Cradle
Notes From The Underground
100 Years Of Solitude

>> No.5981510

Pale Fire
House of Leaves
Blood Meridian
Master and Margarita
If a Traveler on a Winter's Night

>> No.5981518

The Idiot
The Book of the New Sun
Essays and Aphorisms
The Setting Sun

>> No.5981654

>doesn't look at the books I read
>describes me
Are you a wizard, anon?

>> No.5981660

not familiar with that particular story! /lit/ is so persnickety n dumb

one of these things is not like the others
cast off the edgy teen you

chill and cool
is vineland your favorite pynchon or the first you've read or? (i've only read gr n lot)

aggressive mother issues! (su/on, hamlet, su/on)

>> No.5981675

The Good Soldier Švejk
At Swim-Two-Birds
Narziss and Goldmund
Tha Chairs (Ionesco's play)
One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.5981689

I actually used to smoke...but never had an addiction to smoking.

>> No.5981695

I am doing 10 because I am a massive faggot
Brothers Karamazov
Moby Dick
Blood Meridian
Pale Fire
The Illiad
The Hobbit
As I lay Dying
In Cold Blood
East of Eden

>> No.5981697

The Sun Also Rises
The Stranger
Slouching Toward's Bethlehem
Burmese Days

>> No.5981700

'11/'12 /lit/erati

Reads the New Yorker

Atheist with some sort of artist's quasi-spirituality.

Genre fiction lover mid-transition to experimentalist addict

The type of person who likes Vineland. (I don't know what type of person that is, either - it could be a really cool kind?)

Is really hung up on the vicissitudes of society - White Noise would be in your top ten, and you'd probably quote Zizek in political discussion.

Will soon have read so much clever metafiction that he'll become jaded and be forced to look for new pastures.

>> No.5981702

>You are a nice person. You're probably religious to an extent.

Well, I am kinda nice when I am not pissed, tired or depressed, so yeah. I am not religious at all.

I find her lovely for some reason.

>> No.5981705

didion is a ray of light in there
forget the beats, read kafka and more didion (play it as it lays for fiction, the white album for non)

same goes out to all 70% who put the stranger on your list

>> No.5981711

i have read kafka
i like the beats more
personal preference
i'm not going to pretend to like stuff that i don't enjoy

>> No.5981715

In Search of Lost Time
Parade's End
Snow Country
The Sound and the Fury
No One Writes Back

>> No.5981728

Believes in the "proper stuff" of literature. Fiercely masculine in thought but somewhat effeminate outwardly.

A true believer in man's ability to define himself.

Don't know what to say, but a Spot of Bother is a pretty good book. Ham on Rye/Junky/1984 suggests that you are overly cynical with a superiority complex while simultaneously loathing yourself as much as others around you. You need to grow up.


The Trial
Sons and Lovers
The Myth of Sisyphus
Infinite Jest

>> No.5981741

you're all

>> No.5981755

You are currently awaiting trail on charges of having sex with your under-age son, while pondering the absurdity of existence. You also like tennis

>> No.5981761




>> No.5981879

The Death of Virgil
In Search of Lost Time
Infinite Jest
The Tunnel (Gass, not Sabato)

>> No.5981891
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>aggressive mother issues! (su/on, hamlet, su/on)

Frighteningly accurate/10

Thanks Freud.

>> No.5981899

Greg Egan - Permutation City
Suarez - FreedomTM
Philip K. Dick - The Three Stigmata Of Palmer Eldritch
Arthur C. Clarke - 2001: A Space Odyssey
Kafka - Short stories

>> No.5981914

cool patient n cute
u too prob

>> No.5981932

Recently stopped doing drugs. Good for you.

Venus in Furs
120 Days of Sodom
Phenomenology of Spirit
Ecce Homo

>> No.5981961

Anna Karenina
Ars Amatoria
Crime and Punishment
Love in the Time of Cholera

>> No.5981976

This Side of Paradise
House of Leaves
Invisible Cities
The Trial

>> No.5981979

Owen Wilson in Midnight in Paris

>> No.5981987

I don't read.

>> No.5981993

The Last Honest Man on /lit/

>> No.5981997

A Clockwork Orange
The Great Gatsby
Brave New World
Animal Farm

>> No.5982012

War and Peace
The Iliad
Crime and Punishment
Villon's Testament and Lais

you pretty cool

a true man

a literal autistic faggot

you are become meme

get that dumas genre fiction shit out of there and you pretty cool

pretty cool guy imo

>> No.5982014


>> No.5982019

Keeps 101 great works to read before you die on his bedside table

>> No.5982039

>Norwegian Wood

A pleb

>> No.5982043

Darkness At Noon
Under The Volcano
The Trial
I, Claudius
The Divine Comedy

>> No.5982063

The Sirens of Titan
The Subterraneans
Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.5982064

Whose Essays and Aphorisms?

>> No.5982077

Google search is telling me Schopenhauer

>> No.5982130

The King in Yellow
Blood Meridian
The Wind Up Bird Chronicle

>> No.5982171

Dune 4
Dune 5
Dune 6
Dune 1
Dune 3

>> No.5982196

The Street of Crocodiles
Everything That Rises Must Converge
Garden, Ashes
Sixty Stories
A Voice Through a Cloud

>> No.5982211

The Satanic Verses
The Plague
The three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

>> No.5982239

tristram shandy
old man and the sea
don quixote

>> No.5982251

>calling people edgy as if being edgy is a bad thing
you some kind if fucking normie?

>> No.5982551

At the mountains if madness
The war of the worlds
The hobbit
The rats in the walls
The Colour out of space

>> No.5982592

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
Wise Blood
House of Leaves
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Bring on the judgement.

>> No.5982596

A neckbeard; not bright but chill.

>> No.5982611

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Crime and Punishment
All the King's Men
Confessions of a Mask
Nabokov's The Gift

In no particular order.

>> No.5982642

1) Infinite Jest
2) Freedom
3) Stoner
4) The Metamorphosis
5) The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.5982649


>> No.5982723

>The Idiot
why do you write one title in its original language and not the other?

>> No.5982776

The Lady with the Dog
Gravity's Rainbow
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Collected Fictions of Borges

Sorry but I guess I don't have the intuition to see personallitys behind these lists. Though paradoxically I attribute my list to aspects of my personality.

Captcha: forma nyispa

>> No.5982790

~~~> >>5981728 <~~~
Validate me

>> No.5982934

Huckleberry Finn
The Yiddish Policemen's Union
The Road
The Wars
Snow Falling on Cedars

>> No.5983175

MarijuanAmerica One mans quest to understand Americas dysfunctional love affair with weed by Alfred Ryan Nerz

Witch Piss by Sam Pink

Looking For Alaska by John Green

Bad Monkey by Carl Hiiasen

Play the piano drunk like a percussion instrument until the fingers begin to bleed a bit by Bukowski

>> No.5983202

like, 15 yo teen boy version of edgy

>> No.5983215

anna karenina
madame bovary
little, big
paradise lost

>> No.5983223


favorite pynchon

v was also good, along with slow learner

>> No.5983226

The Sun Also Rises
Philosophical Investigations (Wittgenstein)
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Book of Disquiet

Since you didn't specify novels...

>> No.5983241


the first real plen

>> No.5983255

Crime and Punishment
Notes from Underground
Great Expectations
A Portrait of the Artists as a Young Man
Abel's Island

>> No.5983281

i also like tao lin by tai pei

>> No.5983304

The Aleph (Borges)
Les Essais (Montaigne)
Savage Detectives (Bolano)
Blood Meridian (McCarthy)
The Iliad (Homer)

>> No.5983346

Foundation Trilogy
Brave New World
The Hive
The Anarchist Banker (Pessoa)

r8 plz

>> No.5983349
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>The Iliad

>> No.5983358

The Hive from José Cela, I mean.

>> No.5983389

The Aleph (J. L. Borges)
On the Art of Poetry (Aristotle)
The Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco)
1984 (George Orwell)
The Kreutzer Sonata (Leo Tolstoy)

Are you latin american?

>> No.5983593

Anna Karenina
Catch 22
Blood Meridian
East of Eden
In Dubious Battle

>> No.5983818

Decent list until The Road, have no idea how anyone liked that book.

you seem chill otherwise, maybe indecisive?

>> No.5983912

Crime and Punishment
The Possessed
The Tunnel
The Outsider
One Hundred Years of Solitude