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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 48 KB, 450x565, 1270692344462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
597439 No.597439 [Reply] [Original]

Record yourself reading poetry, song lyrics, book excerpts, whatever. Hit "Post on Internet" and paste the link here.

I love you guys.

>> No.597458


>> No.597461 [DELETED] 

damn, you read my mind. Well......

I'd recorded this for my own benefit, you've probably seen it posted before on here before. I wanted to work out the rythmn a little


>> No.597468

Seems you deleted that post... :(

Oh well, I'll continue to keep this shit bumped. Join in, guys!

>> No.597473
File: 28 KB, 376x317, booktroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had second thoughts. Maybe I'll record something new for a change

>> No.597480


>> No.597485


It wasn't the nearest book to grab, but for 4chan, I thought I'd make a bit of an effort.

>> No.597489

Holy win, what was that from?

>> No.597494

Shit dude. I rolled my eyes when you said Walt Whitman. I got excited when you said Jim Morrison.

But I am an uncultured faggot.

>> No.597495

BUMP, posting soon

>> No.597499

Gravity's Rainbow. If I can find it, I'll read the only passage from a novel to ever make me throw up a little in my mouth.

>> No.597502

Oh my God. Kudos to you sir.

I thought it was from there, because of that entire section with all the humorous ditties that Marvy and his crew were singing. I just wasn't sure.

I love that book.

>> No.597505

Not OP.

I'll take requests though.

>> No.597510

OP here. Since we got a Gravity's Rainbow excerpt in here I'm going to follow it up with some of my favorite parts of the book.

>> No.597511


>> No.597518

Hopeless millitaria junkie here, now for something completely different


>> No.597521


>> No.597526


>> No.597527

Ooof, I take it back. I can't read Pudding's scat scene out loud. Instead take this: http://vocaroo.com/?media=vW5HswMkCeWwq0HRI

>> No.597529

>good friend

fixed. Still good, however.

>> No.597536

OP here. I've decided to read the heartbreaking ending to Pokler's story.

I might get misty, just warning you. Posting soon.

>> No.597539

*posts and gets totally ignored*


>> No.597540
File: 186 KB, 381x380, annoyingbabby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.597541


>> No.597542

I was hoping it was Rufus T. Firefly.

>> No.597543

hey, I've listened to just about every one of these o.o

>> No.597545


No one's said anything about mine.

>> No.597547

a girl in bathroom?

>> No.597553

awesome thread
listed to all links
good job anons

>> No.597559

many just lurk
not many poast

>> No.597564


>> No.597568

I wonder if we could do entire threads this way...

>> No.597572

We can and should.

>> No.597577


I like the idea of it... It would be a little too easy to troll on though.

>> No.597581

This strikes me as a good distraction, so you get another


>> No.597598


>> No.597599
File: 111 KB, 1013x841, nb_pinacoteca_rembrandt_philosopher_meditating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.597604


Please excuse me for shitty sound quality, it's just shitty. haha :3

>> No.597607

I'm sorry but...

It's basically impossible to hear what you're trying to say :|

>> No.597611

This is a great idea.

I'd do this, but English's not my first language, and by experience it seems to divert people's attention when I read poetry.

>> No.597612

OP here. This is that friend I spoke of earlier.

I'll redo it so you guys can hear the poem better :3

>> No.597614


I FUCKING TOLD OP THIS, but he refused to let me get away with not posting


>> No.597616
File: 3 KB, 126x119, proceed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've got nothing to lose

>> No.597618


>> No.597620


I geeeeeeet it.
I geeeeeeeeeeeeeeet it.

Andrew, quite pissing off your girlfriend

>> No.597624


>> No.597627


I'll begin by catching up on what's already there and see.

>> No.597628

I was gonna read some Checkov. But then I wound up reading the whole story again, and getting very depressed. So instead, I give you: http://vocaroo.com/?media=v0a98YlCcx5u3lzjw

>> No.597631

Dare I ask what your first language is?

>> No.597632

Adventure of Huckleberry Finn

I'm Southern California Asian, trying to learn southern accent.

>> No.597633

You've got a great voice.

>> No.597635

fuck yea

>> No.597640

It sounds a tad hokey, but I enjoyed it.

Keep working on it, you're off to a great start.

>> No.597644

oh jesus, unintentional lol. Dem southerns sure their drawwwwwl.

>> No.597645


>> No.597646

You lie. My voice is nasal and shitty.

>> No.597648

You sound like a dude I once met from Alabama. I bought moonshine from him. He is the only person I've met to use the term 'book learnin' in a non-ironic manner.

>> No.597649


>> No.597651


Don't you make youtube videos? your voice and rythm remind me of a yutuberess I'm subscribed to.

>> No.597659
File: 97 KB, 415x351, What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.597660



>> No.597663


Uh, nope. haha. Never posted to Youtube in mah life! :3

>> No.597664


is this a yes?

>> No.597667

Ah, can't help you then. I was considering reading something in the only other language I know, since I love the sound of it, but French isn't it.

>> No.597668


Ah! too bad.

I gotta find back that girl. Why do I have so many subscriptions.

>> No.597670


C'mon guise, I contributed. I'd contribute moar but my sound quality is SO shitty.

So shitty... *shakes head*

>> No.597672


Well, I also speak Spanish and babble some German, but it's even worse than when I speak English.

>> No.597673



you don't want to here me make a third recording, no.

>> No.597674


Haha, yeah! I know how that is :3

>> No.597681
File: 27 KB, 432x608, Jesus_christ_is_watching_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping for potentially epic (if not already) thread.

c'mon anon, this beats teh shit outta the census easily

>> No.597683

Ah, well I suppose it is moot, since I can't find my copy of Faust anyway

>> No.597685


Awh, no, that's okay. haha

It really was shitty. And I do want to hear you make a third recording. I'd be overjoyed, in fact.

>> No.597686



>> No.597688


argh darnit , I'll have to sort for something interesting now.....

>> No.597694


Thankyouthankyou! :D

>> No.597697

lol, nevermind.

I'm stupid enough to be in the midst of a /b/tard hookup thread, you might get a cool choose-your-own adventure story tomorrow however...

>> No.597699

Well in that case, here is me attempting to not sound like a total moron in German: http://vocaroo.com/?media=vuPPZiAUqOhCZ3o4f

>> No.597700




>> No.597706


>> No.597708

English, motherfucker. Do you speak it?

>> No.597709


Heyso, uh, is your name Brian? Because if it is, I'm fairly certain we have English together. And if we do, that's pretty fucking cool.

>> No.597710


>> No.597727


This one is for you


>> No.597729


Oh, gods. I came. It's stunning.

It actually makes me want to describe it as sexy. And I despise the word for all its modern overusage.

>> No.597733


>> No.597740


>.< I need to work on my voice.

>> No.597743

Gave me a slight chill at the end there. You're a wonderful orator.

>> No.597753


Why thank you :3

>> No.597758

need some English accents

>> No.597763

OP here, carrying the thread as best I can with Moarrison (Moar Morrison, hehe getit? LOLOLOL)


>> No.597768
File: 12 KB, 320x144, PulpFiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, it didn't record.

Oh well, must be a sign.

Thread's dead baby, thread's dead.

>> No.597769


I can't hear anything.

>> No.597771


(no joke)

>> No.597776

I won't be on tomorrow 'til later in the afternoon or perhaps early evening. So make it for me! :D

>> No.598455
File: 23 KB, 400x265, page0_blog_entry707_summary_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


return of the vocaroo thread

>> No.598473
File: 23 KB, 484x350, reichstag_flag_and_the_fall_of_berlin-484x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked this thread last time, it had some cool moments.

therefore, bump for justice

>> No.598480
File: 23 KB, 400x400, cluster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing a lit original piece on vocaroo.

>> No.598484
File: 12 KB, 206x296, so telling the internet that one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bah, you've seen my poems posted on here a hundred times before.

but it's a cool idea

>> No.598867

European voices please!

>> No.598898


>> No.599445

I R back, guys. Bumping with some Leonard Cohen.


>> No.599448

This is perturbing; 'twould seem that Vocaroo is broken. Everything only records about halfway :/

>> No.599471

I'd love to read you Porphyria's Lover in a northern English accent but I'm shy.

>> No.599476

Loving the Morrison, OP. :3

>> No.599897


>> No.599914


>> No.599919

600k get

>> No.600860


>> No.602125

bumping this