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/lit/ - Literature

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5973062 No.5973062 [Reply] [Original]

Motivation to start writing right now?

>> No.5973064


>> No.5973100

Just sit down with a hot cup of tea or something, open a new document on MS Word and stare into the white screen until shit happens. Once you know what you wanna do, getting motivated shouldn't be difficult. If you still have trouble starting, you might need to turn off the computer, and write on a piece of paper instead.

>> No.5973108

You're gonna die. Do all the things you want before you die.

>> No.5973113

The only thing keeping me from killing myself is that I have too much to do before I am allowed to die.

>> No.5973120
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At the end of the day, can you really say you've tried your best?

Until you can say that you absolutely dedicated your whole being to the pursuit of your life-long passions, you're just a lazy schmuck.

If if you consistently tried your best and you didn't succeed, then suicide is an option.

>> No.5973124

you're going to die regardless. do everything except for the last thing on the list

>> No.5973128

if you don't want to write man, don't write. there is no need to put pressure on yourself. You don't want to write from a place of stress anyway.

>> No.5973141

No, fuck you. I have been dreaming of my death for years, and when I am ready I will do it, but I am not ready yet. And to say death is an inevitability is fucking weak. babies know that when they cry for food, and for clean underwear. Besides, immortality would be fucking hell.

>> No.5973144

Don't be so hard on yourself.

>> No.5973149

I always enjoy setting down an outline. Much easier to come up with your characters and story, and then scenes and motivations and build up an entire world. Dealing with the "facts" is a lot easier and can even be fun. Then you can play around with all of it, organize it, and start the real writing, which will be that much easier when you have all this material to refer back to.

You don't have to generate novels of backstory, just enough to make the actual book a good, sane read.

Also, I sometimes get a calculator and figure out how much money I'd make if I sold X amount of books. It'll never happen of course, but I like to fantasize. I'm a greedy little shit.

>> No.5973150

Aliens come to our solar system and send a powerful gas to earth's atmosphere. Anyone touched by the gas goes into a coma. Soon, the gas goes back to the alien ships who fly away but most people were affected. Earth has stopped, and only few people have escaped from the gas.
A few weeks pass and everything has stopped. But the comatose are still in a coma.
Our hero, Plucky Anon, discovers that comatose people cannot be killed after seeing his (affected) little sister fall from a roof and remain unharmed. We later discover that he pushed her off because he is jealous of her.
Plucky Anon goes about town experimenting on the comatose and finally has sex with a real girl, altough asleep. As months pass the comatose remain alive and unmoving, not even needing to breathe. Plucky Anon has a few close calls with a band of looters, and develops parkour skills.
After a full Earth year has passed, the aliens come back to Earth. Their ships station over every big city. They suddenly make a very violent and sudden noise, which confuses Plucky Anon in the middle of an experiment on a comatose. He slips and hits his head and dies but it's okay because this isn't his story.
When the alien ships stop the sound every comatose awakens. The aliens send beautiful rainbows everywhere and suddenly the people who have awakened can only speak one language, the language of aliens.
They are now immortals, the alien say. Also, they will never age and their bodies will never evolve. They are indestructible.
The aliens thank the earthlings for their time and leave (to be seen again on book 78, where it is revealed that they vampire'd mortality out of the humans).
Frontiers, language and culture mean nothing after a few decades. There's no need for food.
Since no one can age everyone meets everyone and people now have thousands and thousands of acquaintances. Orgasm cannot be attained, but no one can get pregnant anyway.
Everyone starts to read and write and paint: with infinite times all of the arts can be enjoyed to their fullest extents, and anyway there's really nothing better to do.
Five hundred years later the earthling society revolves around finding something to do.
Some people do crimes for fun. Others play at being police officers. Truly annoying people are packed and strapped to giant rockets and sent into orbit. Even in space they do not die.
Some earthlings even travel the infinite breaches of space, using their immortality to reach another world.

>> No.5973159

>No, fuck you. I have been dreaming of my death for years

> And to say death is an inevitability is fucking weak.
no it's acknowledging a fact.

>Besides, immortality would be fucking hell.
i didn't say anything about immortality

don't bother responding if you're just going to keep harping on your own weird hangups

>> No.5973199

Yes, acknowledging inevitable death is acknowledging a fact, but so is pointing out the weather to everyone else standing around. It is redundant, and only serves to make you feel like you are saying something prophetic, something mystical, and deep. You only do it to listen to the silence afterward - your silence. Like I said we are aware of our own deaths from the first painful breath. And as people are predicted to grow older and older, and spend longer degenerating then they have growing, the idea of an inevitable death is no longer as potant as it once was, compared to potentially decades of being imprisoned in a failing body.

>> No.5973222

You talk like me when I was 16. Get over yourself, so fucking what you will die, nobody gives a shit.

>> No.5973226

>Aliens come to our solar system and send a powerful gas to earth's atmosphere. Anyone touched by the gas goes into a coma. Soon, the gas goes back to the alien ships who fly away but most people were affected.

that's right, it's a useful gas, you wouldn't want to waste it so it's better to make it return back to your ship

>> No.5973245

>but so is pointing out the weather to everyone else standing around. It is redundant
what if someone is asking you what the weather's like?

>only serves to make you feel like you are saying something prophetic, something mystical, and deep. You only do it to listen to the silence afterward - your silence.
not really, at least not for me. i'm going to die. ok, well i still have to go grocery shopping, call my boss, work on my resume, and try to read a little for pleasure today. life goes on, my life included

>Like I said we are aware of our own deaths from the first painful breath.
iirc becoming really aware of your own mortality and death is actually a very involved psychological process

>And as people are predicted to grow older and older, and spend longer degenerating then they have growing, the idea of an inevitable death is no longer as potant as it once was, compared to potentially decades of being imprisoned in a failing body.
it's really a mundanity, though.

>> No.5973246

Noice, you are on /lit/ and you can't read. Keep it up, mate. You are going to go far in life.

>> No.5973257

Cool story bro

>> No.5973265
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D-do you want to love me?

>> No.5974190

sounds honest

>> No.5975937


>> No.5976086

God that comic makes me irrationally angry.

>> No.5976120

The word "using" is so hot when it comes to sex IMO

My boyfriend says "having sex" but I'd rather he just say he's gonna use me.

>> No.5976122

Yeah, like the author thinks his over-the-top cartoony style is cute or something. Just comes off as obnoxious to me.

>> No.5976127

>Motivation to start writing right now?

Find a cure to nihilism.

>> No.5976129

i'm a grill btw

>> No.5976130

What? I'm not a girl lol

>> No.5976149

That's too bad

>> No.5976153

kill yourself you fucking human filth. you deserve to be tortured endlessly in the depths of hell

>> No.5976217
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>> No.5976237

>pedophile lolicon child molester
>uses archaic, unbelievably stupid memes

wow, your life must be harrowing

>> No.5976242

How do you know you won't be able to do all those things in another place after you die? You haven't died so you can't know.

>> No.5976261

Your hurt feelings are amusing

>> No.5976273


Okay Ignatius

>> No.5976276

>lel le mad xD
>epic trolling rite guys xD

>> No.5976285


>Resorting to ironic shit posting

Argument lost

>> No.5977785


sauce on that pic OP

>> No.5977798

>tfw having no muse in the form of a lewd sister
Why even try?

>> No.5977802
File: 10 KB, 131x225, too lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting ban hammered

>> No.5977805
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>> No.5977822

OP here. To be honest, my little sister is my muse.
