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/lit/ - Literature

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5962557 No.5962557 [Reply] [Original]

I think going on 4chan has made me dumber

>> No.5962577

thanks for sharing, op

>> No.5962586

maybe you always were dumb and 4chan just made you realize it

>> No.5962587

I think constantly shitposting and reading shitposts has finally taken its toll on me

>> No.5962595

Does anyone else feel like arguing a lot with people since you started using 4chan

I feel like seeing people wasting their time and patience with me almost gives me strength

>> No.5962600

>tfw you spend more time reading about books on /lit/ than actually reading books

>> No.5962601

What's the point of arguing with people?

We all die at the end anyway.

>> No.5962606

I think this is what 4chan did to me tbh

>> No.5962608


>> No.5962609

Initially yes, but now I don't care anymore.

I'm back to the old passive me

>> No.5962627
File: 49 KB, 786x520, Plastic Bag feelings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5963835


>> No.5963845

4chan made me meaner

>> No.5963948

It probably has. There's a lot of lazy thought habits going around, you should leave. This is just my brief look to see if anything has changed. Hopefully I won't visit again

>> No.5963970

>he can't separate himself from what he reads with this senses

>> No.5964083

All laughter is desperate laughter, betraying every underlying fear. The ultimate laughter resounds forever through the hollow of existence.


>> No.5964955

What's the point of nihilism?

We all die at the end anyway.

>> No.5964960

It made me a memer

>> No.5965055

because we all die anyway

>> No.5965061
File: 37 KB, 512x288, frail yet popular body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy, there, Bart.

I've never seen anyone do that much glint before.

>> No.5966264
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How do I escape this hell?

>> No.5966293

I think this happened to me too ;-;

>> No.5966300
File: 52 KB, 419x249, C9Dghpv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get one of those website blocker add-ons.

Make it redirect to something that won't suck your attention away. Like Pornhub or Counterpunch or the National Alliance to End Homelessness something, idk.

>> No.5966456

>tfw I normally browse 4chan on my phone

Wat do?

>> No.5966499
File: 32 KB, 600x338, Zero-Cool-aka-Crash-Override-?-Hackers-e1396568511287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just rerouting 4chan.org to localhost
>not knowing about your hosts file
>not running your own DNS server for zero config adblocking

What the fuck /g/.

>> No.5966552

recycle your phone

>> No.5966557

me too
every board I go on, this one especially, is brain numbingly low level of discourse. can't stop tho lol

>> No.5966559

why do i even come here.

>> No.5966565

I did, but then I undid it to get something from a win o' thread, then I thought seeing as I was here, I may as well check another couple of boards. And now hours later, here I still am.