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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 97 KB, 768x1024, muh bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5962049 No.5962049 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread :D!

>> No.5962060

le ebic bait xDDDD!

>> No.5962065

Are the people who go on to post their shelves so insecure with what they're doing that they have to start their threads with the facade of irony so they are not singled out for being the losers starting the thread but merely forgettable, even forgivable participants?

Because I think that's the case.

>> No.5962082

At least I see the Great Gatsby in there.

>> No.5962088


It looks more like some attention faggot took an image from Google and posted it here in the hopes of rousing some of the more autistic posters on here.

>> No.5962097

Baiting through the obviousness of the bait? Perhaps. If so they got me. Doubt it though. There will be ernest shelf posts any time now.

>> No.5962289
File: 2.57 MB, 1380x1082, muh books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't got a lot of money for books or space to store them. or time to read them really

>> No.5962378
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here is a picture of the sunset that i took yesterday. Saigon has cool clouds.

i don't have any pictures of my bookshelf sorry

idgi do you guys think it's bait because The Man will use the pictures of your bookshelf to identify you when they kick down your door or something?

>> No.5962398

>Not just using an ereader

>> No.5963649

so you decided to buy Fusion Research 3 times or are those different editions?

>> No.5963759

3 different volumes covering different material

>> No.5963787
File: 88 KB, 1160x599, nook library.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also copped a used nook last year but I don't use it took that much

>> No.5963792
File: 2.77 MB, 1628x1808, one more book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this guy

>> No.5964765

i want your Ligotti

>> No.5965692
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patrician af

>> No.5965701
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get on my fuckin' level

>> No.5965707
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>> No.5965714
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>> No.5965752
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i'm so friggin' cool



>> No.5965864


there's no way that's not taken in a bookstore.

>> No.5965934



>> No.5966684

Top-right is one of the dumbest fucking covers I've ever seen in my life. Belongs on a Wordsworth.

>> No.5966709

thats a picture of my mid 2000s emo band

>> No.5966715


oh fuck I never thought of that.


not bad
needs more obscure texts. Everyone who's not a pleb will have at least heard of those texts (though reading is another matter)

>> No.5966723

>needs more obscure texts

>> No.5967157
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Pleb 4 life

>> No.5967161
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At the bedside right meow

>> No.5969161

i think it's cool, reminds me of clockwork orange, u fag

>> No.5969231

top kek, you have GR on penguin classics, sucker.

>> No.5969532

you're just a huge fucking faggot. die pls

>> No.5969557
File: 710 KB, 2029x1518, Kobo_ereader_touch_black_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5969667

You can tell I have a shit ed of GR from that blurry image?

You faggots need to get of Pynchons dick for like 30 seconds haha

>> No.5969681

Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition®

>> No.5969781


>> No.5970258

where do you work?

>> No.5970289

still in school

>> No.5970364

Based anon. Even for the sample of esteemed literary connoisseurs here on /lit/. Though having DFW on the shelf, even if tucked away in the bottom corner, does take away from the magnificence.
9.5/10, minus for DFW, 8.5/10. Good work.

>> No.5971802

ur not supposed to stack books. it causes the words to warp.

>> No.5971815

>trying this hard

>> No.5971859
File: 3.40 MB, 1295x1531, shelf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5972006

>all that Dostoevsky

No, anon, you are the pleb.

>> No.5972015


>> No.5972020

>dat warping
you faggot, do you not make your own shelves? do you even wipe your own ass?

>> No.5972025
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, 20150109_121933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls r8

>> No.5972026


>> No.5972042


>> No.5972055

>Holy Bible

>> No.5972068

/mu/ pls go

>> No.5972072

>"serious books"
truly a gentleman with a hat

>> No.5972082
File: 85 KB, 640x480, 1410583359803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"serious books"

Sorry for not buying all of /lit/s meme books.

>> No.5972095
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>> No.5972096

You're retarded

>> No.5972102
File: 343 KB, 430x364, opsuperfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a gay thread. Unless you're a chick, then it's kind of qt.

>> No.5972112

All those books but no shelf

>> No.5972124
File: 2.15 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5972125

I know ivory is evil shit.. .But the one on the far left i think looks like hes holding the weight against his shoulder lol.. anyone thing there molded after any eastern ppl in particular?

>> No.5972127

>wooden bookshelf on tile floor

>> No.5972133

>all those barely half-finished books

My autism can't handle this.

>> No.5972153

Their not half finished, man. I keep my receipts and i put them In a random page. As for the road, its my second read through and i got bored and the plague I have only read upto part 2 (I'm waiting for L'estranger to arrive and read it before i continue)

>> No.5972214

>I'm waiting for L'estranger to arrive and read it before i continue
any particular reason why?

>> No.5972238

Well, I heard it was a better place to start in regards to camooo. Though i will most likely flip through The myth of Sisyphus (to understand his philosophies a little more deeply), then move onto the stranger and then finish the plague.. Also, Mersault is mentioned in part 1 and other c/lit/'s told me not to start with the plague, but i couldn't put it down!

>> No.5972268
File: 458 KB, 2296x650, bshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh welp

>> No.5972333


>> No.5972354

How is ivory evil and shit?

>> No.5972361

I assume he said that because the ivory trade contributed heavily to making the African and Asian elephants endangered species. Doesn't really matter unless it's brand new ivory, though, and it rarely is.

>> No.5972363

Because its made from the tusks of helplessly slaughtered elephants?

>> No.5972365

Yeah you're right. Its over 40 years old. So anon needn't concern himself with "Muh activism"

>> No.5972367

Not the guy you're responding to, but: Oh come on, that's a hopelessly broad argument. And, unless you're a strict vegan, it's also hypocritical as hell.

>> No.5972368

Kek, Tell me about it.

vegan femanon detected

>> No.5972373

Oh, I guess he's one of those moralist hippies.
Yes, I was correct.

>> No.5972487

>why even try, the world will never be perfect

>> No.5972544

Sagging shelves, as >>5972020 so rudely notes.

You can just get a length of solid wood, cut it to the width of your shelf, and then affix it to the underside of each shelf via screws or nails, and it would go a long way towards fixing your sagging particle-board shelves. That's what I did with inexpensive walmart bookshelves, and it works quite well. Though they are only half-height shelves, so you can't see the supports. On your full height shelves you could, but it might still be an improvement over the sagging.

>> No.5972547
File: 1.02 MB, 2592x1456, 2Patrician4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it.

>> No.5972567


Fuck you must be boring

>> No.5972586

Pleb detected.

>> No.5972602


I´m not the pleb, you are the pleb. You are trying so fucking hard to be what others consider to be sophisticated. Just how much of these books have you read? What have you derived out of these books? What did these books do to make you a wiser person?

Give me 3 examples of something important you learned from reading any of that shit, and i can promise you that any of those examples, i already knew without reading it from the context of those books.

>> No.5972622

I studied classics you utter fucktard, I've read all of them.

>> No.5972625


You didn't answer my most important questions you wretched tool.

>> No.5972627

>Rule 865 of /lit/
Don't sperg out over someone's bookshelf. For all you know, they took that photo from somewhere else. Or, they are actually well read. In either case, worry about yourself and go fucking read. Get on his level if you are this buttblasted about one photo.

>> No.5972634
File: 31 KB, 217x278, 1307468247738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually starting with the Greeks

>> No.5972639

Some people are just interested in Ancient culture, what is your problem?

>> No.5972641

>hating on someone reading the classics

Post your bookshelf, faggot. I want to laugh at all your genre fiction.

>> No.5972648


I'm trying to defend my position of not having to read any of what the Greeks wrote, considering how fucking irrelevant they are, it's all irrelevant knowledge that won't help you gain anything.


I've tried reading Plato - it's the most boring literature i've ever encountered, and everything about it was irrelevant to anything.

>> No.5972658

So... many... translations...

>> No.5972666
File: 43 KB, 235x236, 1417906343246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading for fun

>> No.5972667


Shut up - no one knows Greek

>> No.5972674

Obviously there are, there are people who find trains or bird watching interesting.
And history is way more interesting than either of those things.

>> No.5972676


Nice Satanic trips friend - i read for fun and knowledge, but i only read for knowledge if the knowledge is relevant in life.

Also, if the knowledge is relevant to people i am interested in like Tesla, Napoleon, Hitler, Cesar, Neumann - etc.

Reading about what stupid fucks with not actual knowledge about the universe around them - is simply absurd unless you have a flawless memory and will be able to live for the next 500 years.

We can only read so many books in our short lives - best read what is relevant.

>> No.5972678

>This post
All of this sounds like a personal problem. Not saying I disagree with you, but fuck, if it's boring to you then don't read it.
Personally, the only philosophy I can get into is literary theory stuff. Otherwise I find it boring or pointless. However, Mr. Start with the Greeks' bookshelf might find lit. theory boring and irrelevant.
Let's all just calm the fuck down and recognize that we are all here for a common purpose.

>> No.5972681

A buddy of mine knows Greek. He's quite patrician and browses /lit/. Complete aspie though.

>> No.5972686

You Sir, you got a point. XDDDDDDDD

>> No.5972690

I can also read Greek from my uni days, but I don't do it very often because who wants to read with a dictionary really slowly.

>> No.5972697
File: 13 KB, 530x492, 1412189079356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just disregard this post altogether men, i'm just drunk and i'm babbling nonsense - go read the greeks if you're interested in them, fucking wine makes me dull and argumentative as fuck.

Pic definitely related

>> No.5972702

I think that if you only read for fun you have a problem .-.

I know that may be some topics won't result atractive to you and that is important to enjoy the book you are reading, but it's as important as reading something that can teach you anything. I also advice you to begin with more simple books in the topic before reading Plato.

>> No.5972710

still love you babe

>> No.5972720

Plato is boring? Dear god what shit taste.

>> No.5972928

>he actually started with the greeks

you absolute madman hahahahahaha!

>> No.5973155

>Because your clothes are made from the crops of helplessly slaughtered cotton plants.

fucking seriously, I've had it with animal rights activists, failure to see the bigger picture.

that's pretty neat anon, thought I was the only one to keep book receipts. which makes it easier on me.

meh, how long you been reading Anon, current title?

>> No.5973212

If you are not a vegan, then it follows necessarily that your argument against ivory isn't only that they kill defenceless animals, seeing as that is also done in many other contexts.

>> No.5973528

fuck you cunt, post your books, cunt. go get raped, cunt.
you too, go get fucking raped

>> No.5973540

>getting mad on the internet
Welcome to 4chan, newcomer!

>> No.5973545

go suck a dick, grandma

>> No.5973563


>> No.5973576

i fucked your mom so hard last night, she cried

>> No.5973652

Warn me next time so I can get ready for you too, ducky.

>> No.5974000
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>> No.5974143


>> No.5974161

>rieu iliad
>lattimore odyssey
kek you fucked up

>> No.5974347

I've read pretty consistently since I was 15 (now 24). I'm currently reading Roadside Picnic.

>> No.5974423

>he reads English versions of Camus' novels