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File: 8 KB, 284x177, terrorist attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5963208 No.5963208[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Perhaps we can discuss the recent events in Paris and talk about tolerance/freedom of speech and how we feel about the Paris terrorist attacks.

>> No.5963211

I am OP. I need to think about things a lot, about society and community and work out exactly how I feel about things.

I think I am a sensitive person and been mocked and laughed at in the past and it does make me feel angry.

Obviously, killing another person is wrong and should never happen, nor can physical violence.

How can you challenge people that upset you though?

I don't know, perhaps I am just rambling...

>> No.5963218

>How can you challenge people that upset you though?

Nothing was ever solved by non-violence, anon.

>> No.5963224

Nothing was solved by non-violence?!

>> No.5963225

The problem is that passive muslims support the fundamentalists. Like think, would a mother abandon her son if he became a radicalised? She wouldn't and neither would any other muslims because its a community based religion.

Normal muslims arent thorough enough in their rejection of their radical brothers. Sure they condemn them but if a radical brother were on the run from police they would give him a place to hide.

>> No.5963228

could you have at least tangentially related this to a book? jesus christ. go back to /pol/.

>> No.5963232

Current affairs anon, I have read threads on newspaper sites, on reddit and on /b, felt like I wanted lit's opinion.

>> No.5963236

Only hippie-Gandhi and because GB already wanted to leave India. GB only wanted a commercial point, not a vassal, it did not make profit being that way.
And I think there were also some violent episodes.

>> No.5963241

Perhaps, I don't know that much I guess about islamic community/family. All communities would do the same though wouldn't they? All police officers stick together, journalists stick together, immigrants....I don't know

>> No.5963242

Their intolerance to western opinions must not be tolerated by us. If you wish to be tolerated you do not rampage around killing innocent bystanders and police officers, you engage in peaceful dialogue.

>> No.5963243

So how do you feel about the terrorist attacks today?

>> No.5963245

You punching people in high school because they called you a gayfaggot is not analogous to a group of individuals carefully planning the assault on a journalist office and gathering the weapons necessary over a period of time.

And fuck banal interpretations that are just half-baked muh classism and muh post-colonialism.

There's obviously something very wrong with how Islam is understood by a significant portion of its adherents.

>> No.5963247
File: 51 KB, 600x330, smug pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houellebecq's publicity team really outdid themselves this time.

>> No.5963248

I think he's right, even the civil rights movement didn't start causing change until Martin Luther King started threatening violence.

>> No.5963252

I'm afraid it's far too soon for a reasonable discussion, OP, and the spillover from the /pol/ septic tank will reach this thread soon. Try again in a week or so; by then you'll have an even better handle on your feelings.

>> No.5963254

A lot of 'liberal' people express their freedom of speech in ways that can't really be considered 'peaceful dialogue' though?

I think Richard Dawkins strategy was 'point and laugh' at religion? This can't be considered dialogue and is un-helpful?

>> No.5963255


>> No.5963256

Thats true. Especially conservative groupa like islam. Pretty much islam is susceptible to radicalisation, and then the community aspect of the religion does nothing but support this, unwillingly.

>> No.5963258

Moot fucked up, he ruined /pol/ so it doesn't function as a containment board as well as it did. When you start sabotaging /pol/, its users just start spouting their shit on other boards. Big mistake.

>> No.5963261

Perhaps anon, I am no /politician. Just trying to have a sensible discussion and work through some thoughts as to what is happening.

>> No.5963263
File: 351 KB, 685x962, 1418275351326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a good example of why there's no such thing as a RIGHT to free speech. You can exercise free speech and thats a good thing, but no one can protect you of the consequences of your action. The magazine and the staff working there made a choice and people died because of it. The Muslim attackers did what they did simply because it was possible for them to do it. There is pretty much nothing that could have stopped them, only changed the way it would have happened. People die

>> No.5963265

>pointing and laughing is now equated to vigilante executions

All dialogue is inherently peaceful. It's just talk.

>> No.5963269

>I think Richard Dawkins strategy was 'point and laugh' at religion?

Writing books that systematically and rationally limn arguments against certain practices and beliefs is now "point and laugh strategy"?

>> No.5963270

You need to talk to real people off the internet so you learn the value of that stupidity to your bone structure.

>> No.5963278

A fair point perhaps. 'Talk' can be hurtful though anon, racist 'talk', sexist 'talk', people mocking others.

Especially in a big group, when they have the power and the perceived 'moral authority'.

>> No.5963279
File: 85 KB, 1250x874, 65ax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terror attacks exploding in frequency in western europe
>tfw it's actually happening
>tfw it's actually fucking happening
>tfw kebab will actually be removed

>> No.5963281

>All dialogue is inherently peaceful

Dumbest shit I've ever read all day. Why don't you go post some threats to obama on twitter then you idealist faggot.

>> No.5963283

So if people punch you for not liking what you say, that means the words spoken are violent?

I bet you think those killed satirists had it coming. Why say stuff people don't like if you don't want to get shot, after all? Filthy violent cartoonists.

>> No.5963288

I think he stated it, that this was his strategy, which has generally been carried on throughout the athiest movement.

>> No.5963289

The hurtfulness of talk relies solely on the recipient and whether they choose to be offended.

That something may be responded to with violence does not make the remark itself violent, silly.

>> No.5963292
File: 133 KB, 1600x1071, HEUHEHUEH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n u maek fun of smelly american but in Dearborn we have all of chicken shawarma we digestify HEUHEUHEHUEH

>> No.5963294

MLK achieved more than Malcolm

>> No.5963296

>I think he stated it, that this was his strategy

Oh, okay. That wraps the whole thing up. Thanks for that. Only--one last thing. Citation?

>> No.5963299

What the FUCK are you even trying to say?

Do you know why we humans have language? So we can communicate our ideas to each other.

>dialogue is inherently peaceful

What the fuck Does it fucking MATTER IN THE REAL WORLD? No, it doesn't, it will never matter in the real world and it's just the stupid ramblings of some fucking fedora faggot.

A man comes up to you and says he's going to fucking murder your dumb ass the following day. Yeah man, inherently peaceful.

Fuck off with this pleb philosophy 101 tier shit already my god you sound like someone who has never stepped foot in the real world

>> No.5963300

I am OP, I did not intend for this to become a parody of /pol. Just wanted to talk I guess.

>> No.5963301

>'point and laugh' isn't peaceful dialogue
I take it a certain someone's been pointed and laughed at. :^^>)'

>> No.5963310

>All dialogue is inherently peaceful
jesus christ read some walter benjamin already

>> No.5963312



>> No.5963313

No, this is about you needing to be punched in the face, not about satire.