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5961214 No.5961214[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you a Christian yet?

>> No.5961217

Because I already was one

>> No.5961231

I've never been presented with compelling evidence that it's description of reality is accurate.

>> No.5961269

I'm past the age of reason

>> No.5961393

Better tell me, OP, why would I be one?

>> No.5961400

I wanna be but all the other Christians are fucking retarded.

>> No.5961404

Because the New Testament isn't canon.

>> No.5961408

Because the evidence of evolution and a big bang and the lack of evidence of anything from the Bible

>> No.5961419

Because fetishizing blood sacrifice and divine authority really isn't the way for humans to progress

>> No.5961426

man even if george carlin was a proto-fedora, he was a cool proto-fedora

>> No.5961564


>> No.5961571

Because Jesus is a dead carpenter and the real messiah has not come to us yet

>> No.5961577

Yeah its so archaic, I can't believe modern day Christian still do that.

Wait what? They don't? Then what is this guy complaining about ?

>> No.5961579

So others behaviors and actions keep you from following the path of righteousness

>> No.5961581

>awkward as fuck le smart old grump

>> No.5961584

Because I'd consider Islam first, as it is closer to the truth.

>> No.5961607

Because life's complicated enough without bringing in an omnipotent, dogmatic dick into the mix. Can't I just drink beer, fuck bitches and read good books?

>> No.5961719

Explain the cross then. A tortured man on a stick is the best representation of christian goodness? Because that sounds like more of the same tribal fetishes we're supposed to dismiss as "primitive". And what is God from the bible anything but a figure of authority?

>> No.5961729

So why did God -need- to die on the Cross?

>> No.5961736

I don't need what God offers.

>> No.5961739



>> No.5961740

You could say all other atheists are just edgy fedoralords

>> No.5961741


>> No.5961745

To save himself from himself.

>> No.5961819

I can't turn off the logical part of my brain and take a "leap of faith". I have neither the desire nor the capacity.

>> No.5961840

I feel the same. There's so much to be judged on by other Christians. Premarital sex, use of the lords name in vain, all this shit that my mother gets after me for when I'm visiting her. It is a deterrent.

>> No.5961888

a self-righteous christian is a poor christian

>> No.5961962

Because Islam makes more sense.

>> No.5961969

Because I'm smarter than the average person.

>> No.5961985

i am though

>> No.5962553

I still have electrical impulses in my frontal lobes m8

>> No.5962560
File: 96 KB, 332x333, 1412639397040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because capitalist homogeny makes it unfeasible and outdated

I'm sorry brothers I wish I could but I can't

>> No.5962568

That doesn't even resemble a valid excuse

>> No.5962598

Why aren't you a scientologist yet?

>> No.5962599

Because I cannot make myself believe.

>> No.5962603

That's because you haven't read enough

start with the greeks





>> No.5962618

I don't have faith, and don't understand why I would want any.

>> No.5962621


because it allows you to turn off your brain and immunizes you against existential dread

>> No.5962624

>1.) The Bible – to learn that it’s easier to be told by others what to think and believe than it is to think for yourself.

>> No.5962625

Sincere Christians experience existential dread as much as anyone, if not more. I don't know what would make you think faith protects you from dread.

>> No.5962633


>What's the point of life oh god everything is so fucking meaningless why am I even alive why should I even eat or go to work what the fuck man what the fuck

>Haha! Everything happens for a reason :3. Golly gee heaven sure sounds great, doesn't it?

I see your point

>> No.5962656

everlasting life sounds terrifying and horrible

>> No.5962662

the quality of this guy's argument made me convert to christianity >>5961719

>> No.5962919

Man you don't even know about the shit you so violently hate do you
The cross is a sign of redemption and forgiveness
Redemption because Jesus died for our sins
Forgiveness because while Jesus was being tortured he said " forgive them father for they know not what they do "

>> No.5962926
File: 111 KB, 800x315, Alhambra_Lion_Court.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to be on the losing team.

>> No.5962928

>taking things this literally


>> No.5962966

coz if god exist, he is a huge dick

also christposting is barely above shitposting

>> No.5962970

he's a dick because he loves us and wants to know us and shed his blood so that we could be restored

>> No.5963008

That's the point. Christ's message is a total inversion of the dominant values of his time. Crucifiction ceases to simply be a sign of death and becomes also a sign of resurrection and new life.

>> No.5963032

Dude, that tone of your sentence makes you sound like one of those abused wives that always try to justify their husband's actions

>> No.5963046

There's not evidence that there is any kind of god, much less that he picks sides

>> No.5963050


*no evidence

>> No.5963074
File: 96 KB, 481x639, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a dick because he thinks he should be worshiped for sacrificing himself to himself, or else he'll torture us forever.

Please don't use my word choice to make the conclusion that i actually think your god is real.