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596154 No.596154 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I am in a newly started prog rock group and I've decided to write a concept novel for it. Here are my first two rough chapters.

>> No.596158

Oh lawdy...

>> No.596157

You are a bad person

>> No.596161

>/mu/ faggot


>> No.596162

hang on.. here

Ruins of Our World

Chapter 1: The Birth of Apocalypse

“Push, sweetie, push!”
Tim Levitas gripped his wife’s hand firmly while she attempted to give birth to their newborn sons. She was expecting twins. He could only imagine the pain she was going through to birth not only one but two children.
“Come on ma’am, just one last hard push!”
“Shove it!” she screamed as she directed her pain born of anger towards the doctor.
His wife was a very intelligent woman, but when in pain, even the smartest person can forget their vocabulary. And the pain was only just beginning. He tried not to imagine what she would say while giving birth to the second twin.
“And there we go. A beautiful baby boy. Do you want to name him parent’s?”
Jill Levitas answered with a shrill scream, signifying that the other child was on the way.
“I guess not. Okay push again Mrs. Levitas!”
It was moments such as these when Tim thanked God that he was a man. He was a curious man who constantly questioned how women dealt with their painful and pestering issues, such as the miracle of childbirth.
It certainly did not seem like a miracle to Jill. Not yet anyway.
At last, the second twin emerged from under the sheet and began to cry alongside his brother.
“What shall we name them, Jill?”
“Which one is the first born, Tim?”
“This one,” said Tim as he pointed towards the first born of the twins. They were not fraternal, which relieved Tim. It would save him the trouble of sometimes forgetting which one was which.
“Let’s name him after my grandfather.”
“What? Jill, that name will get him mocked constantly.”
“His friends can just call him Bart.”

>> No.596167

testing spoilers in this useless thread

>> No.596169

“Alright, if that is what you wish. Bartholomew it is. What about the other?”
“We can name him after your grandfather.”
“Oh come on. Why our grandparents? They have such outdated names.”
“They were great men, Tim!”
“Yes. Yes, they were. Alright. So it’s decided. Bartholomew and Sheldon.”
“Um, ma’am? You might want to lay down again.” It was the doctor speaking.
“And why is that?”
“It seems that you didn’t have twins after all. They were triplets. The next one is on its way.”
“Oh, God. Not again!”
“Don’t worry Jill, it will be over soon. Start thinking of another name. I think we are out of inspiration.”
After three more minutes of pushing and screaming and tight gripping of hands, the happy couple had a third baby boy. Again, he looked nothing like the other two boys, much to the relief of Tim.
“Well, hopefully there’s not gonna be another, eh Jill? Haha”
“Shut up, Tim.” But she couldn’t help but smile. He always knew how to cheer her up.
“ Haha. What shall we name the third boy Jill?”
“ Hmmm. Let’s come up with something original. How about Jacob?”
“Yes, I like it. Jacob it is.”
All three babies crying in unison, Tim and Jill Levitas began to envision a happy future for the family. It saddens me to know now how wrong they were.

>> No.596171


>She was expecting twins.

No shit

>> No.596172

Earth has come a long way since the terrorists were defeated. It took a long time, far too long for most to bear. After Barrack Obama, America’s first black president, took steps in the right direction of stopping the terrorists, it took a long while to finish the job. Twenty presidents, all serving two terms for their greatness, came in and out of office before the threat was resolved.
The last president who made the last step in winning the war on terror was named Andrew Dixon. Unfortunately, this last step was the Final Order of Eradication, or F.O.E. This order involved the American military wiping out all of the inhabitants of the middle east. This caused great panic in the rest of the world powers and nearly sent the world into a fourth world war, the one between America and the terrorists being the third. However, Dixon was able to convince the world powers, which at that time included Australia, India, Mongolia, and Brazil, that it was for the greater good. Indeed, it could have been in the beginning, but it most certainly was not in the end. Andrew Dixon went on to challenge the rest of the world, accusing them of terrorism. After that tactic failed, he took over less powerful countries to add on to America’s soil. Areas such as China and Russia were simple to conquer, however, Canada and Mexico put up quite the resistance. At the end of his two terms, America controlled half of Asia, all of Europe, and all of North America.

>> No.596174
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>“It seems that you didn’t have twins after all. They were triplets. The next one is on its way.”

>> No.596175

This along with very persuasive speech allowed Dixon to fight to stay an extra term. During this term, Andrew waged war against Brazil, Australia, and India. In response, Mongolia and India joined together and took over Asia, taking China and Russia from America. This loosened Dixon’s grip on the world. Also, Australia invented a way to survive in Antarctica’s harsh climate and took advantage of this technology. They began to inhabit Antarctica and by the end of Andrew Dixon’s term, they had completely inhabited the continent.
Brazil took almost a year to react, but when they did, it was their reaction that hit America the hardest. Brazil managed to conquer all of South America including the Panama Canal. Following that, they attacked America successfully on their own soil in Mexico. Seeing this, Dixon knew he needed to keep his subjects confident in him so that he might be able to stay another term and finish what he had started. To do so, he attacked Brazil on the Panama Canal and India through the Arabian Gulf. This caused him to be spread out, but the risk was a necessary one. Mongolia decided they had to make some kind of advance, so they attacked Australia’s colonies and Antarctica. In the meantime, India decided to retaliate against America by invading Canada entering at Alaska. This occurred during the last days of Dixon’s third term.

>> No.596177

He knew he was losing. But he had to continue to try. He had to serve another term. He then argued to congress that if he as president already served two terms, that was considered one presidency. Therefore, he was on his second presidency. If this was true, which congress agreed that it was, then he had just served his first term of his second presidency. In every presidency, the president is allowed to go up for re-election for a second term after he has served his first. Because this was law, he argued to congress that he should be allowed to go up for re-election for a second term. His argument was logical and successful, and he was re-elected for a second term, although it was a much closer race than usual.

next chapter coming! (only 2 chapters so far)

>> No.596179


>naming children as they are being born

what the hell happened to planning this shit

>> No.596180

Starting shit with childbirth
Not appeasing

>> No.596186

By their fifth birthday, the brothers had stopped the fighting. The day they all started school, they did it as close companions. This helped them in their school careers, or what they managed to complete. They never had any problems with bullies because if you messed with one Levitas, you messed with all three. This also had a negative affect. All the children were scared of them. Until the 8th grade, they had no idea how to fix that and no friends because no one would talk to them. Jacob embraced this. He enjoyed being feared and used that to his advantage. He gained many perks in the school by forcing younger children to do what he said. Slowly, Sheldon and Bartholomew grew apart from Jacob. This was depressing for the brothers, in particular Jacob. Now Jacob had absolutely no friends, not even his own brothers. It was also depressing for Bartholomew and Sheldon because it pained them to alienate their brother. They loved him and they always would but they could not support his behavior. He was becoming power hungry, and even at their young age they knew that was a bad thing.

>> No.596182

Chapter 2: The Time Before

After the Levitas triplets were born, Tim and Jill could not have been happier. They not only had the two boys they expected, but a third boy as well. They could only imagine the joy it would be to raise these three beautiful children. The first year of their lives made the parents feel otherwise. All the babies did was fight. This, of course, was to be expected of brothers. But there were two problems. The first, which was more obvious than the second, was that the brothers were only one year olds. This was peculiar because most one year olds would simply be throwing their food, crying, sleeping, and throwing up at this stage in their lives.
This worried Tim far more than Jill, though. What worried Jill was the second, less obvious problem; that Bartholomew and Sheldon seemed to be teamed up against Jacob. This worried Jill because she thought that when they got older, Jacob would feel insignificant and would always be the one who was picked on by the others. She should have been much more concerned. The parents had no idea that this was foreshadowing events to come.

>> No.596189

When 8th grade came around, the triplets were still divided. Neither had any friends outside of the family, and Jacob had none at all. They were all getting very depressed and started imagining an existence with no friends. However, on the first day of school Bart (as Sheldon had begun to call him, saying it was too hard for constantly) and Sheldon were going to their new homeroom and they ran into an Indian exchange student. He seemed to be lost with no idea where he was even supposed to be going.
Walking up to the brothers, he said, “Hey guys. I have no clue where I’m headed. Can you point me in the right direction?”
The brothers looked at each other, and it was Sheldon who recovered first.
“Where are you from, man?”
“I’m from Mexico, can’t you tell?”
“Yeah. I was just afraid I might be wrong. You could be from some South American country or something.”
Bart then said, “What’s your name?”
“It’s Pedro.”
“That does sound like a Mexican name.”
“It is. My mother is Indian, but she met my father in Mexico and that’s where I was born.”
“Oh I see. Well follow us. We’re goin to home room too,” said Sheldon.
“Alright. What are your names?”
“I’m Bart, and this is my brother Sheldon.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”
“Same to you.”

>> No.596191

And so a friendship was born. Throughout the rest of eighth grade, the three were inseparable. It felt good to Bart and Sheldon to finally have a friend other then each other. In some ways, it felt as if Pedro was replacing Jacob. Pedro felt the same way about having friends. He was new to America and was slightly terrified being around so much of the unknown. With Bart and Sheldon as his friends, he quickly learned of the American culture and was able to fit in much easier with the public. However, he also was not able to have any friends other than the two brothers. He did not find this odd though. He simply thought this was because he was a foreigner. He could not have been expected to see the much larger reason.

>> No.596194


>His argument was logical and successful.

Nice to know congressmen are still as much of dumbasses in the future

>> No.596197

Jacob began to notice this new friendship and grew envious. He did not think it was fair that he had been kicked out of the friendship yet this Indian kid had been so easily accepted by Bart and Sheldon. His social life involved bossing younger children around. He had not had a friend since Bart and Sheldon in the seventh grade. He did not show it, but the entire time he had been depressed beyond belief. It was on their fifteenth birthday, August 15th, 2109, that the triplets’ destiny began to unfold. Jacob ran away from home. No note was left, no warning was given. The morning of the celebration of his birth, he was simply gone. Tim and Jill were heartbroken. It took over a year for the family to go back to normal. Even then, it would never be normal. That’s why two years later, Bart and Sheldon were more than ecstatic to be leaving for college after the summer was over.

The year was 2112. The date was August 15th. This is the day when our story begins. The first day of the ruins of our world .


okay that's it for now! just let me know what you think! :))

>> No.596207
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>> No.596221

bump, this board moves fast :23

>> No.596228

waiting for the epic conclusion

>> No.596250

because china is easy to defeat, but canada is a world power. makes sense

>> No.596257

Holy shit, this is awesome. Continue, OP.

>> No.596303

>Indian exchange student
>I'm from Mexico, can't you tell?


>> No.596314

I hope this isn't going where it appears to be going from reading that last sentence.

Someone already did something in 2112 and it's better than YOU'LL ever be, even if you're not a troll.

>> No.596522

So, what do you guys think?

>> No.596540

>implying rush were the first band to base an album on a novel

p.s., rush suck