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File: 59 KB, 184x281, Book_Cover-_Revolution_by_Russell_Brand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5957743 No.5957743 [Reply] [Original]

Post books that are utter garbage.

>> No.5957745

Hide threads that are utter garbage.

>> No.5958707
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Oh god. Why does he do this shit? He has all the money in the world.

Pic related, an excerpt.

I hate him so much.

>> No.5958728
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>> No.5959515

Well first off, I don't think he has 'all the money in the world'. Probably the most money Russell Brand ever saw was looking at Katy Perry's bank account.

Second, are you saying that rich people should just stick to material pursuits and not articulate their political views, even if they care deeply about them?

>> No.5960812
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How a man who claims to be a rational thinker yet accepts atheism with pride is a mystery to me. Dawkins, Tyson, and Hitchens seem to be trying almost to usher in an era of increased anti-intelectualism in the West all the while pretending to be advocates of science.

>> No.5960824


>hating someone for criticising Thatcher's destructive term as PM

>> No.5960827

>as if there aren't countless much important figures in Art and science who were atheists

>> No.5960848

fuck anon, at least be articulate

>> No.5960853

Sure there are a few, but each of them have an impaired sense of rational judgement to some extent. Otherwise, they would see that atheism is meant solely for the intellectually inferior. Hell, just look at Sweden if you don't believe me.

>> No.5960884

>Dawkins, Tyson, and Hitchens seem to be trying almost to usher in an era of increased anti-intelectualism in the West all the while pretending
Ironic that the people who always spout this crap have never actually bothered to read Dawkins

>> No.5960887

Alright bub what do you believe in?Please enlighten me.

>> No.5960911

why do you need to fucking believe subnormal ape?

>> No.5960923

Never said I did you illiterate faggot

>> No.5960933

then why do you ask about belief fucktard?

>> No.5960944

What are you if you don't believe?

>> No.5960948

how exactly does atheism impair your "rational judgment"?
Also whats wrong with Sweden?

>> No.5960951

relatively intelligent non-primitive ape

>> No.5960952

>says atheism is for the intellectually inferior

This implies that you aren't an atheist no? If you're not an atheist then by definition you have some sort of belief you fucking autist

>> No.5960957

I do not give a fuck about atheism or any other kind of belief. I am talking about disbelief. Anyone who believe something (including athesim) is a fucking retard monkey

>> No.5960963
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Being and Time, and everything else by Martin Heidegger.

Cloud Cuckoo-land. Empty, covered dishes served with raised eyebrows.

>> No.5960967

One of the dangers of not reading what i just wrote. I have to think the phrase then translate it to english and sometimes in the middle i decide i'm going to say it in another way, leaving the result a incoherent mix. That one was barely intangible though, even with that horrible much in it.

>> No.5960970

Do "new books" count?

>> No.5960971

lol my sides are in orbit

>> No.5960974

Isn't this board for people over the age of 18?

>> No.5960977

What's interesting about this book is that even as an atheistic I find it awful.

Dawkins lack of any historical appreciation, therefore dismissing former philosophers (or thinkers in general if you like) as idiots for using arguments with premises which belong to their time (which is, they're dumb because they thought what was thought when they lived).

>> No.5960982

Atheism isn't a belief though faggot it is the rejection of belief. If you do not believe you are by default an atheist.

>> No.5960984

There, i just saved you the trouble of having to check Atheism on Wikipedia. It's the first sentence. "Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities."

>> No.5960990
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>> No.5961001

you don't write a fucking book about something you do not believe to assert that you do not believe that shit. If you write a book about rejecting all other belief it means that you have a new belief. Fucking church of disvelief.

Isn't that how Islam emerged in the heads of sand niggers.

I don't believe the rest of the shit so there is this new shit that I created to believe.

Fucking imbeciles.

>> No.5961010
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If there is to be a popular atheism 101 book for people who do not instinctually realize that God is a "delusion," how would you guys change it? Where did Dawkins go wrong exactly? What do you expect from a book like this?

>> No.5961019

"Apatheism is acting with apathy, disregard, or lack of interest towards belief or disbelief in a deity."

Ignorance is the black plague of our age asswipes.

>> No.5961028

Dawkins is annoying, but he's not wrong- there isn't any empirical evidence for the existence of god.

>> No.5961032

Well, I give you a pass if English isn't your first language. Carry on, ol' bean.

>> No.5961050

You are so so angry

>> No.5961055

He expects atheists to renounce atheism and support his religion, obviously

>> No.5961077
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sorry dude.
got no tolerance for retadism

>> No.5961079
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>> No.5961113
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>Russel Brand

how buttdemolished can one wanker be?


>> No.5961116

>got no tolerance for retadism
Oh lordy.

>> No.5961125

Scientifically, nothing can be fully proven. It can only be proven to be false. If there is sufficient evidence, then the intelligent accept it as reality. Gravity, evolution, the Big Bang, et cetera are all theories that have sufficient evidence and has never been disproven. The existence of the divine has never been disproven, and according to St. Thomas Aquinas has sufficient evidence.


>> No.5961162

the existence of unicorns hasn't been disproven either

>> No.5961176

But unlike the existence of God, there is no sufficient evidence that supports the existence of unicorns.

>> No.5961202


did you mean retardism?

>> No.5961218


A theologian will always find God even when investigating other things. For the millionth time, we atheists ask for actual demonstrable evidence instead of self-reinforcing philosophical babble. Miracles seem to be the only real examples, yet none have been confirmed, and certainly none like the phantasms within the bible have ever been repeated, or rather even remotely observed to base a hypothesis upon for centuries.

>> No.5961226

Ponies are enough evidence then for unicorns then
really low intelligence you have

>> No.5961234

The Miracle of the Sun in 1917 was witnessed by thousands and was reported on by atheist and communist newspapers in the area.

>> No.5961261

This only follows if God is also falsifiable.

How can we disprove the existence of God?

>> No.5961364

in the area, but not the world. Strange how zero scientific observatories across the globe failed to see the same thing, no? Why would the sun just get all goofy only to a certain crowd of people? It's not like the explosion in Siberia around the same time, where there remains evidence to be investigated.

>> No.5961399

Can someone post more cringeworthy Russel Brand videos or images? He is food for my sides, man.

>> No.5961439
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I'm having an opposite problem. I've been almost constantly on the internet for several years and all the books that I've read were in english. Now I can't string a fucking sentence with more than one punctuation mark in my native tongue without some serious mental strain. And the worst shit is that my english has seen little to no improvement. Fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckme!

>> No.5961555

Tyson ain't an atheist bruv, he's ignorant to philosophy but isn't too bad otherwise. Just an average pop scientist. Bill Nye has been really, really retarded with the anti-religion shit lately though.

>> No.5961841

No, he's a Bostonian

>> No.5961851

So you have to account for the fact that people witnessed it. Say mass hipster is if you have to, don't ignore data (hundreds of people saw an evwnr) just because it does t fit your worldview.

Ditto for ghosts and alien abductions

>> No.5961861

The only people that hate Thatcher are union thugs and the Irish. I sympathize with the latter to a certain extent, but not the former.

She was the best thing to happen to British politics in at least 40 years.

>> No.5961863

/lit/ hates brand because he gain more sucess in his pleb book without going to college or uni

a true genius
and true butthurt pseudo intellectuals

>> No.5961869
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>> No.5961889

Shut the fuck up you moron. you don't know what you're talking about.
Read Bertrand Russell before you verbally masturbate like you're at a college party.
"Construct a framework of theory so that predictions can be made" and "proven" are not the same. We get it you're so pedantic.

>> No.5961909

Atheism is literally the belief that there is no God.

>> No.5961921

Not that guy, but atheism is the negation of believe in God.

An atypical person is a-typical. Not-typical.
An atheistic person is a-theist. Not-theist.

What you're saying is like saying an apolitical person belongs to a political party, even though an a-political person is not-political.

Time to step up your game, /lit/. You present the same arguments day after day and you're always proven wrong.

>> No.5961954

She was the best thing to happen to British pedophiles too.

>> No.5961959

the communist manifesto. It works great in theory but not in reality.

>> No.5961984

It's not even good in theory. It's idealistic in its entirety, which is why its always shit in execution.

>> No.5961988

Apatheism is a form of atheism.

>> No.5961993
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As if, you don't know squat

>> No.5962003

>tfw you're in love with Hibari-chan

>> No.5962017

then you should also be in love with Communism

>> No.5962032
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But I am!

>> No.5962241

As an aspiring physicist, I could not agree more. I used to love Tyson and Nye and even Michio Kaku, but after dipping my feet in actual scientific waters, I can say there aren't any scientific communicators who don't make me cringe with the amount of sensationalist stuff they spew

>> No.5962523

>just as anti-establishment becomes trendy in UK some 3rd rate comedian suddenly realises that's what he thinks too and starts haranguing everyone about it

This is demagogue-spotting 101 m8

>> No.5962527

Christ, not this again...

Why don't you fellas take the shortcut to the kingdom of heaven eh?

>> No.5963670

A million times, this. The assertion of the existence of god is an emotional, faith-based assertion, rather than one based on observation. I don't know if Hitchens was quoting someone when he said it, but I love it: "That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

>> No.5963685

The religious will always appeal to the emotional or intuitive aspect of existence as evidence. Faith is the opposite of scientific inquiry, the ultimate example of putting the cart before the horse. "There is a god. Now that we know there's a god, let's find shit that supports the idea."

>> No.5963691


>> No.5963769
File: 894 KB, 320x184, carry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm wearing a hat
>why do you hate brown people?

>> No.5963781

i found this in the humor section at my local barnes and noble and let me tell you many a kek was had

>> No.5963870
File: 63 KB, 500x801, Clive-Barker-Cabal[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"and then, like a bajillion tentacles exploded out of his eyes and he was a werewolf and there was loads of blood and it was totally awesome"

Fedora-core manifest.

>> No.5963900

Speaking of Hitchens, miracles and demonstrable evidence, I like this bit at 1:52.


>> No.5963937

you actually sold me on this. might pick it up.

>> No.5963952

That sounds so ridiculously stupid, I might actually enjoy it.

Clive Barker was never known for his outstanding books anyway.

>> No.5963959

>tfw your not an autist or a hermit so you dont know what that means

>> No.5963962

meant for >>5962003

>> No.5963965

back to reddit

>> No.5963969
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>> No.5964034

Wow. Fucking fantastic. Hitchens at the height of his powers. Thanks for that

>> No.5964047


>> No.5964052
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>> No.5964201

>implying it was god

there is maybe some scientific thing about this yet to be obeseved.

c'mon, stop whith this "god as a placeholder" BS.

>> No.5964699

He's not calling them dumb, he's calling you dumb for still treating them as relevant

>> No.5964811

Did you even bother to read the Wikipedia article on it?

>> No.5964833

Why do we have retarded conversations like this every day?

Anon: Atheism is the belief that there is no God
*Retard walks unto the stage*
Retard: No Atheism is the disbelief of God
*Retard2 walks unto the stage*
Retard2: No Atheism is the rejections of the belief of God
An atheist doesn't go to church, an apolitician is not a member of a party

>> No.5966279

Already started on that :^)

*tips crucifix*

>> No.5966485
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>> No.5967290

Atheism is only a belief when we evaluate it. Theism is a belief before we evaluate it. Theism looks like this:
(god) yes

That yes means we think something is true. We can evaluate it. Perhaps a theist is thinking about their belief.

((god) yes) yes
Atheism looks like this:

(god) no

At this point it is not a belief in anything. Its only when we evaluate atheism that it looks like a belief:

((god) no) yes
Atheists don't have a belief. At best, they have a belief that they're correct. But that's a tautology for taking a stand on anything.

>> No.5967295

so ur agnostic