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/lit/ - Literature

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5960466 No.5960466 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most profound book you've ever read?

I'm going through a bit of a slump right now. Not depressed, but pretty bummed about life in general -- my future looks a little bleak and, though I'm nowhere near suicidal, I have no motivation to deal with all of life's bullshit. Are there any books you've read that have gotten you out a rut like this?

pic unrelated

>> No.5960552

slaughterhouse-five. You got any suggestions for anons op?

>> No.5960555

Phenomenology of Spirit
Or maybe the Tractatus Logico-Philosopicus
Or maybe the Gospel according to John.

>> No.5960675

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.5960760

The Confidence Man

>> No.5960777

À la recherche du temps perdu

>> No.5960794
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>> No.5960803

east of eden

>> No.5960814

I think... Steppenwolf, from Hermann Hesse.

>> No.5960816

philosophy tied into a good plot and one of the most interesting wars in history. Really changed the way I looked at things.

>> No.5960819


The Slight Edge

>> No.5960822

Finnegans Wake

It's pure fucking genius, a linguistic masterpiece.

>> No.5960845
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I legitimately can't comprehend how this isn't a joke. Slaughterhouse-Five may be a good novel, but...I just can't imagine anyone calling it the most profound novel they've read, or even 'profound' at all. Please stop.

>> No.5960851

I mean, we all have our opinions man. I really like the idea of trying to see life in the 4th dimension. but that's just me.

>> No.5960859

That's barely philosophy.
That's [unfalsifiable]
Inb4 who are youbquoting

>> No.5960864
File: 43 KB, 318x424, pale fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will use basically any excuse to post this image

>> No.5960870

I don't think you understand the meaning of profound. It's an adjective, a particularly opinion based one. I don't understand why you can't just look your own way and let me suggest the guy a damn book.

>> No.5960881

Every book I have read was pure epic awesome of living Valkyria and Thunder

>> No.5960885

>Still no one has edited this image to name the correct author
For shame

>> No.5960896
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I wouldn't say it's the most profound, but it is very profound in beautifully subtle and dignified manner.

It is not some dressed up philosophy, rather the opposite, an author's stark naked reflection of reality.

>> No.5960937

this asshole won't like it because it's not 300 yo philosophy based book.

>> No.5960954

I just started and I'm through canto 1. How should I actually read this this? All the way through? Switching off between the commentary and the poem?

>> No.5960969


Anon, I think he didn't appreciate the recommendation because we are not discussing children's books here.

>> No.5960975
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>> No.5960985

my b, I forgot the auto-biographical bombing of dresden was a subject for children. Not to mention it's banned in a lot of schools.

>> No.5961000

Epic of Gilgamesh

short, but literally what influences all our culture

>> No.5961003

and last time I checked, even a children's book can be profound. Today we learn that /lit can be ignorant as hell.

>> No.5961029

The Gospels.
Ascent of Mt. Carmel.
Tao De Ching.
Poems of Alberto Caeiro.

>> No.5961044

Whichever is most comfortable to you. Personally on a reading I'd recommend finishing a Canto before switching to the commentary on it, and then moving onto the next Canto once you finish that, and then on a second read read the poem entirely through followed by the notes entirely through.

Switching off at every note is definitely the worst way for a first read, though.

>> No.5961046


>> No.5961058


Chill man, I was just messing. You need to stop taking yourself so seriously

>> No.5961065


there are thousands of tractatus...

>> No.5961228

do what you want. be free