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5959181 No.5959181 [Reply] [Original]

Can you guys recommend me some books dealing with modern loneliness/isolation? (Modern I mean being in the last 50 years.)

>> No.5959186

Wittgenstein's Mistress

>> No.5959188

Taipei. Really anything by Tao Lin

>> No.5959194

second this if you're interested in existential loneliness. What kind of loneliness would you like to read about?

>> No.5959196

Anything by DFW (fuck you /lit/), particularly the short story Good Old Neon

>> No.5959203

Is /lit/ like anti-DFW now? I haven't been on for a while. I also just posted Tao Lin without the world collapsing which surprised me.

>> No.5959206

Thanks anon, looks very interesting, will definitely check it out.
Anything really, loneliness in the most basic sense I suppose, romantic loneliness, cultural loneliness, that sort of stuff.

>> No.5959231

OP here, yeah, I'm not sure about Tao Lin, mainly because of this board. But then again that makes me want to read his books all the more.

>> No.5959297

Oh ignore the weird anti-Tao Lin thing. That started because he was one of the original posters on /lit/ and self-promoted constantly before he blew up. It became a joke that nobody got that if somebody recommended him that it must be him. It got out of hand. Once he got a major deal he hasn't really posted on here. His shit is uneven but Taipei is crazy good.

>> No.5959321

The Setting Sun - Omasu Dazai
No Longer Human - Omasu Dazai

>> No.5959337

Hm, interesting, I never knew that. Will check out Taipei in the near future.
I have Dazai on my to-read list already, is there anything similar to his style/subject(s)?

>> No.5959370

It's Osamu, you dumbass.

>> No.5959381

It's slightly out of the timeframe, but still very applicable. Octovio Paz's "The Labyrinth of Solitude"

>> No.5959387

get em tiger. show him who the real man is

>> No.5959406
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I have dyslexia.

>> No.5959420

I think Murakami is supposed to be, but I've never verified that myself.

>> No.5959476

I've read a few by him, my favorite has been Norwegian Wood, but I read that a couple years ago. 1Q84 held my attention but didn't give me nearly as much satisfaction as NW did. Wind-up bird chronicle I found hard to finish but I don't regret reading it.

>> No.5959492

That being said, Murakami isn't what I'm really looking for. Maybe if it's similar to Norwegian Wood in some way but, I'm looking for more realistic takes on this subject.

>> No.5959582

Why do people always go to his longer aka shittier works when talking about Murakami? The Rat trilogy plus DDD, After Dark, South of the Border etc are all far better

>> No.5959653

Yeah, I've still yet to read those. I do mean to. Reason as to why I read 1q84 was because it was his newest release, for wind-up bird, it was because I heard it was his best, but I was severely disappointed. NW was the first I read by him and I don't remember how I found it, but I'm glad I did, as it rekindled my love of reading, as pleb as that is.

I'm currently reading the Brothers K, Candide, and the King in Yellow. Still pleb maybe but, fuck /lit/

>> No.5959854

Tao Lin. You're asking for Tao Lin.

>> No.5959874

one hundred years of solitude - gabriel garcia marquez. The title says it all. Read it

>> No.5959878
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Schoolgirl by Osamu Dazai is a beatiful short story which deals with loneliness and ephemerality

>> No.5959884

I had this arrrive in the mail yesterday and I'm ten pages from finishing. The translation is pig disgusting and is obviously aimed at American teens.

>> No.5959890

Are there any other translations out?

>> No.5959933

>reading translations
Read it in japanese.

Not that I'm aware of. I gave it a look and the translation isn't as awful as the anon above may lead to think, even if it's stylized to be a little bit more commercial still gets the point of the book.

If you can't read it in japanese read it in english, it's preferable to not reading it at all.

>> No.5959937

>it's preferable to not reading it at all.
it's preferable than not reading it at all.

>> No.5959940

No idea, but I doubt it since it was a pretty minor work. It's only like 15 thousand words, hardly a novella. It's ok but it wouldn't get published today, but it was Dazai's first real book to get any attention after the short storry collection. It sucks to think you could write this shit back then and earn enough from publishing it to live ascetically from the royalties etc

>> No.5959988
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>it's preferable to not reading it at all

Why is this so hard for so many anons to grasp?

>> No.5960006

There's many things on her I'd like to grasp

>> No.5960090

>write this shit
I thought it was good. I has many elements of his later No longer Human

>> No.5960090,1 [INTERNAL] 

tao lin

a poem about loneliness by him http://www.bearparade.com/thisemotionwasalittlee-book/2006/03/im_going_to_touch_you_very_har.html