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/lit/ - Literature

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5959401 No.5959401 [Reply] [Original]

Recent purchases?

> A Confederacy of Dunces - $4
> Red Badge of Courage - 50 cents
> Candide - $1.50
> Down and Out in Paris and London - $5
> A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man & Dubliners Combo - $3
> Night - $2
> The Things They Carried - $7

>> No.5959407

A Confederacy of Dunces - $0
Red Badge of Courage - 00 cents
Candide - $0
Down and Out in Paris and London - $0
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man & Dubliners Combo - $0
Night - $0
The Things They Carried - $0

>> No.5959462

Lolita - 13$
The Gambler - 2,5$

Nice prices, where did you buy?

>> No.5959485

Lolita - 10
2666 - 30
Ficciones - 15
TBK - 12
Blood Meridian - 11
V. - 13

>> No.5959500

Heart of Darkness 0$
The Sound and the Fury 0$
Death of Ivan Ilyich 0$
Sevastopol Sketches 0$
Spring Snow 0$
Arthur Rimbaud selected poems 0$
box man 0$
Woman in the Dunes 0$
The Crying of lot 49 - 0$
Grapes of Wrath 0$

>> No.5959505

every single book i want - $0

thank you based library

>> No.5959529

Hit up a sale at my Uni Campus.

Some dude was selling a bunch of his roomates shit that they left when they moved away. All of them are brand new, like the roomate bought them to read then never touched them. I was pretty happy

>> No.5959531

this, OP has spent more than I ever have on books in just one shopping spree.

>> No.5959540
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, cry laughi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> renting books from the library
> not keeping them forever

fokin plub

>> No.5959552

shit taste

>> No.5959588

thank you based interlibrary loan

I probably cost my library $400 a year in ILL processing fees, library owns

>> No.5959608

Don't know price amounts

Heart of Darkness
Figure It Out!: The Beginner's Guide to Drawing People
The Vegan Bible

>> No.5959615

I'm happy for you.

>> No.5959650


Protip given by my logic teacher: Borrow books from highschool libraries, they don't know what they have and most of the time nobody will ever ask you to return it.

>> No.5959724

That seems kind of risky; it could lead into a Seinfeld "Bookman" issue

>> No.5959749
File: 1.13 MB, 765x932, Lord_Byron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of us that are above 18 can't just walk into a high school to pick up books. Must be nice still being in high school though!

>> No.5959782

The Sun Also Rises
Candide - 3€
Death with Interruptions