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5959398 No.5959398 [Reply] [Original]

Any advice?
Maybe it's depression or something, but I'm losing interest in writing and it's just bumming me right the fuck out.

>> No.5959438

Shit, I used to be able to write feverishly for hours a few years ago. It would be the best feeling to sit back and have thousands of words down. I wasn't amazing or anything, but just to get some of my fantasy down was the best feeling.

Then came a time of depression and PTSD and now I struggle.

I mean, I can mechanically force myself to write, but it doesn't make me feel anything any more.

I've even developed more of the plot and characters in my mind, and regularly have ideas about it, but writing it is tedious and has been for three years now. It's actually really sad for me.

>> No.5959442

who that

>> No.5959446

Nevermind found it

>> No.5959459


share her name, anon, please...

>> No.5959461

remember to use lotion or they'll be blood in your piss

>> No.5959479


>> No.5959494



>> No.5959617
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>I can mechanically force myself to write
>doesn't make me feel anything any more.


What happened?
I don't have anyone else to talk to about this.

>> No.5959652
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>It is so much easier not to do things, than to do them, that you would do anything, is totally remarkable. http://vinyl.vegetarian.vancouver.vagina.visionary

>> No.5959684

I can only guess it's got something to do with the fucked up mental health I had for about a year.

I gtg for some hours, it's morning here in Aus. I'll be back later to check on the thread tho

>> No.5959696

Thanks, man. I feel less alone.

>> No.5959719

I like the shit I write, but I have the sinking feeling that it's all shit, private and person, and nobody else will like it.
But that's ok.

I can only write from time to time, too. I have never been able to consistently write more than once every two weeks or so. Even if I force myself to, it's... like >>5959617 said. It feels mechanic and does not make me content.

>> No.5959726

Dear fucking god, those commas. Why?

>> No.5959731

What would you withdraw when you broke af lol

you dont even sell anything stop dreaming you broke af nigga lol

>> No.5959734

>private and person
Personal, I mean.