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/lit/ - Literature

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5957448 No.5957448 [Reply] [Original]

what should I read if I want to not care what others think of me?

>> No.5957450

The Secret

>> No.5957455


write on the wall with your own shit and read that

>> No.5957456

you should care what people think about you, to some degree

>> No.5957459


50 Shades and Harry Potter.

>> No.5957475

stirner, schopenhauerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.5957482

That photograph makes me really angry

Why is every woman some type of gamer gurl

>> No.5957495

to make myself more clear, I want to read a book that teaches me how to care less about what others think of me... not read an embarrassing book

is this legit or a comedic reply like the others? cant keep track of who are the meme authors

p sure shes a model

>> No.5957524

that's a girl posing like that because some pseud male thought it would make a good photograph

>> No.5957528

The Secret

>> No.5957529

more like PROSING like that

>> No.5957542


i got a hotline to moot

>> No.5957596

>to make myself more clear, I want to read a book that teaches me how to care less about what others think of me... not read an embarrassing book
>is this legit or a comedic reply like the others? cant keep track of who are the meme authors
There's not much I can do to prove I'm not trolling as well but Stirner helped me out big time personally. He shows why everyone has the right to feel unique and why the mature man is an egoist.

I'm a pleb though.

>> No.5957607

ayn rand, monsieur, i saw her in the television and her teeth told me she does not bother with the opinions of others

>> No.5957608

thanks, any book in particular?

>> No.5957700


>> No.5957787

Sorry for the late reply but he only has one major work

The other one is an article about why our education is shit. Still relevant imo

>> No.5958045

>is this legit or a comedic reply like the others? cant keep track of who are the meme authors

I'm just wondering how new you are. For months you couldn't start a thread without our lord MAX being shitposted.

He's both meme and sincere, and I guess that's the best you can hope for.

>> No.5958051

I love you monsieur guy

>> No.5958872

Get a journal. Pour out your emotion into that. Try not to get caught up in others bullshit (you will but you'll move past it), try not to get too caught up in your own thoughts (you will, but you'll move past it). Write about life and all of it's wonderful intricacies, grab some sharpies and coat the walls, make your skin a medium, take your wisdom out to the world and paint it with whatever brush places itself in your hand!

Just let yourself go and create. That's how I don't give a fuck.

>> No.5959208

Kekkity! ;)

>> No.5959220

Too Loud a Solitude. The Alchemist. Tess of the d'Urbervilles.

>> No.5959290
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>The Alchemist

>> No.5961244


>> No.5961281

The Bible.

>> No.5961377

is The Secret actually a good book

>> No.5961903

Hey, I'm not the one with self esteem issues. I was just being nice. Plus, its just as good as any other YA novel, or better than most.

>> No.5961908

You tell us

>> No.5961925

I agree with the guy who said Stirner.

Also, for me the most important was Michel Houellebecq's novels (I started with Whatever). You just need to wake up and realize that, outside your family and close friends, no one really cares about you at all, and this is pretty freeing.

>> No.5961946
File: 95 KB, 988x1534, 4564564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Communist Manifesto

>> No.5961976

>simple dress and chucks
>surrounded by books
>gamer gurl
Do you enjoy pulling stuff out of your ass often?

>> No.5961986

This is great therapy (journal). Don't be a bitch and go back and make changes or erase/scribble shit out either.

Even if it's the most cringeworthy and sappy shit, keep it, look back, and reflect on it.

>> No.5961998

No no thats what you read if you want everyone to think you're a faggot.

>> No.5962041

I would rather read that than /lit/-tier Moby Dick or Infinite Jest. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5962047

I think he was saying the girl in the picture is a /lit/ equivalent version of a gamer girl, not that he isn't retarded in any case.

>> No.5962052

>shit talking Moby Dick
Please be shitty b8.

>> No.5962079

>You just need to wake up and realize that, outside your family and close friends, no one really cares about you at all, and this is pretty freeing.

^Also, this.

Instead of going into helpful details, I'll go get some rest. Reply if you really need some, though.

As for a book to help you not care what others think of you? I read no book on the matter, so I have none to recommend.
This will have to do: http://imgur.com/gallery/kO3iblO

Why don't you AskReddit "How did you learn to not care what others think of you?"

>> No.5962091

Not OP, but could I just start reading Stirner without having to read anyone else?

>> No.5962092


>> No.5962101

Moby Dick? Turtle paced, disjointed plot. Encyclopedia Cetacea. Yeah, I'd rather read Marx if only for historical purposes although it is still mostly relevant, unlike Moby Suck.

>> No.5964211


>> No.5964374

Prometheus rising to start then other titles like it.

However this will result possibly in ego death and disconnection with popular reality.

>> No.5964403
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>> No.5964570


>> No.5964625

You should watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

>> No.5964740

it's a secret

>> No.5964990

I have done a grand total of 0 exercises from that book. I want you to know this stranger.

>> No.5965004
File: 45 KB, 331x501, letranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what should I read if I want to not care what others think of me?