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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 599 KB, 1020x797, My Life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
594905 No.594905 [Reply] [Original]

I legitimatly wish to know you /lit/ post your pics and put your favourite book/series or both

Les Miserables
The Dresden Files

>> No.594911

.../b/ shit

>> No.594980

/b/ shits

>> No.595016
File: 98 KB, 1024x768, me2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember youuuu


>> No.595088

yes because /lit/erates and/adv/isors are awesome

>> No.595092

damn right

>> No.595104
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>> No.595105

/r/ the exploitable (or whatever the hell was the name used)

>> No.595110


>> No.595117
File: 749 KB, 1024x768, life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More lit:
If on a winter's night a traveler
Bend Sinister
King Lear
His Illegal Self
Long Day's Journey Into Night
The Road

>> No.595118

woahhh, those arms...

and what is that thing in your hair? just curious

>> No.595122
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I was working on this for some /v/ threads.
And yes, Catcher in the Rye

>> No.595125

I have a blonde spot in my hair. It's genetic.

>> No.595130


coolness confirmed.

>> No.595134

oh, okay. Thats pretty neat in a weird sorta way

>> No.595131 [DELETED] 
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>> No.595148

Big O!
KC Green!
Kate Beaton!

Good work, fairly legit.

>> No.595149

Can we be friends? o.o

>> No.595164


>> No.595168
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>> No.595187

Well, close. His music taste is not really my style and he likes 1984 so I can't give it my complete blessing.

Um... depends? What do you like?

>> No.595221

Get the fuck off this board and back to /adv/. Reported.

>> No.595228
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bumping thread because I feel like it.

also,somebody had better post the template

>> No.595229

I'm actually op, so that's the things I like. if you mean books, Farenheit 451, A bit of Historical fiction, and some others.

>> No.595259
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>> No.595271

Hmm... In terms of the Big Three of dystopian futures, I like Brave New World the best, Fahrenheit 451 almost as much, and 1984 the least. The last historical fiction book I read was a pretty long time ago... it was about this woman who had an affair with the town's pastor during the black plague, I think? It was okay.

Abbey Road is also the best Beatles album by far! The whole second side is fantastic.

>> No.595276

Big O guy here, i'm still working on the list actually, a lot of stuff missing.

>> No.595294

why do you not like 1984?

>> No.595308
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yeah...favorite book is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

>> No.595312


>> No.595313
File: 1.07 MB, 250x187, colbert_wtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have friends?

trrrooooooooll in the dungeon

>> No.595327

lol, that's the reaction I expected...

>> No.595330

I have the same feeling towards it that I have towards The Jungle. The writing doesn't really keep my interest, and the message of the plot may have had a purpose in it's time, but now I feel like Fahrenheit 451 or Brave New World's societies are more relevant. And I kind of shrink away from works driven by the author "wanting to get a message out" in the first place, especially when it's political. I much prefer works driven by language and plot. Bend Sinister and The Trial will always be my favorite Dystopias.

>> No.595339
File: 14 KB, 350x272, RiddlerTV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well shit

>> No.595360
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Favorite books: story of the eye by george bataille, the petty demon fyodor sologub, moby dick, anti-oedipus by deleuze/guattari

>> No.595363
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>> No.595370


oh wow. But the Foucault quote made me crack up, therefore win

>> No.595382

I'm not a junky, I am a heroin enthusiast, but the law sees it other ways.

>> No.595391
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>he thinks heroin gives him a sophisticated devil-may-care attitude

>> No.595396
File: 57 KB, 485x588, Max Payne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when HIPSTERS

>> No.595399

get out

>> No.595400

no it feels really good, idiot.
picture of nick cave and you're not a hipster? p'sha

>> No.595402

Is /lit/ really this bad? Just /mu/, but with a larger vocabulary?

>> No.595406

It's not usually this bad, I guess you just caught us on a bad day.

>> No.595416

It's a pic of Max Payne, dumbas

>> No.595424


It's getting exponentially worse with each passing day

>> No.595427


>heroin enthusiast

Yous a good troll, yo.

>> No.595429

see i don't even know who that is. now who's the hipster?

>> No.595457

> implying people who know who Max Payne is are hipsters

>> No.595595
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>> No.595635

I wouldn't know if this counts as dystopian, but have you read Ender's Game?

>> No.595643

Wait, what, you don't actually know who Max Payne is?
God fucking dammit, and i was only trolling

>> No.595651

Yeah, I think I did in Middle School sometime... I don't think I liked it, but I don't remember if that was because it disturbed me at that age or if I just didn't like it.

I distinctly remember hating The Golden Compass in middle school because the main character was so irritatingly perfect. Even then I was a snob.

>> No.595656

I really, actually don't know who that is.

>> No.595665

>enders game

I god, lol'd. Good book, but it's society was not dystopian per se.

>> No.595666

your childhood must have sucked.

>> No.595670

yeah I agree, but I've seen some people classify it as Dystopia on /lit/

>> No.595678

really? oh jeeze. I hate /lit/ sometimes

>> No.595684

Video game character, from one of the greatest game ever created. Really well written too.

And it has a kick ass theme
If you like noir, you NEED to play it, and if you don't, you kinda need it too

>> No.595698
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what is postmodern trolling?

>> No.595706

Dunno, what is?

>> No.595710
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, Fuck yeah, LIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fairly old and outdated one.

>> No.595712
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>> No.595720

Postmodern trolling is trolling that's impossible to contextualize and indistinguishable from normal posts. Like, I'm trolling you right now, but I'm also not.

>> No.595777

We already had this thread, where someone gave a lengthy multi-post explanation as to what, exactly, postmodern trolling entails.

Also, this thread is gay and I hope you all die soon.

>> No.595780
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>> No.595789
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>> No.595790
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Check, check, and check

>> No.595799
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>> No.595806

This thread would be more entertaining if the profiles were of authors or characters in literature.

>> No.595808

That would be too clever for /lit/.

>> No.595862
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