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/lit/ - Literature

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5951004 No.5951004 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ i have a 50/50 chance of surviving the next 5 years

what books should i absolutely experience before the end?

my family knows i like reading, and all the books they've bought for me have 'sad' or 'happy' ending in the front cover. I know they're being thoughtful but honestly it's annoying and the books are mostly sentimental garbage or pop science 'top gear's guide to the universe' style stuff.

I don't read for pleasure or happiness, I want books that will shake my perspective. Kafka's ice axe books.

>> No.5951013

The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky. It isn't going to spiritually change you or anything, but you'll really enjoy it

>> No.5951021

Man and His Symbols by Jung and others

>> No.5951024

Don't spend your last 5 years locked in a room with a book, you dip

rip truman

>> No.5951025

Don Quixote

>> No.5951042

Mobey-Dick, Catch 22, The Old Man and the Sea. Good luck bro and try to stay positive.

>> No.5951057

There's no chance involved, you'll survive or you won't.

>> No.5951093

EVERYONE has a 50/50 chance of being dead tomorrow

>> No.5951101

I don't think you know how probability works.

>> No.5951106

there are TWO possibilities:
you will be DEAD tomorrow
you will be ALIVE tomorrow
there are ZERO more possibilities

>> No.5951117
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>> No.5951118

Chance isn't probability isn't possibility.

>> No.5951126

ONE will be true and ONE will be false

>> No.5951127

Manual de Psicomagia de Alejandro Jodorowsky

>> No.5951143

Heart of Darkness.

Other Conrad books.

>> No.5951224

Narrative of Gordon Arthur Pym. Battlefield Where The Moon Says I Love You. Short stories of Breece D'J Pancake. Cormac Whatever. Raymond Chandler.

>> No.5951282

>Battlefield Where The Moon Says I Love You
what is it about? wiki says nothing except literally its publication history
please, don't say it's about the battlefield where the moon says i love you
it seems as a new attempt to introduce a meme book on lit

>> No.5951288

If you haven't already, Berlin childhood around 1900 is fucking AMAZING

>> No.5951301
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>this guy
nice b8, my teeth actually clenched in rage

>> No.5951350

what if you will be semi-dead? i.e. locked in a death box like a schroedinger's cat or frozen to be revived or lay in a coma, it makes 33%, you are either alive 33% or dead 33% or semi-dead 33%
i just decreased your chance to survive by 17%

>> No.5951357


I'm semi-dead right now.
Chemo is like that

>> No.5951358

Kitty, fuck off, your weak trolling upsets no-one.

>> No.5951367

Forgot muh trip

>> No.5951368

It's a long poem about... Shit I don't know what it's about not really. Myth and dreams and stealing shit and drinking on the river I guess as much as anything. It's great not a meme at all

>> No.5951374

what book(s) would you recommend to a 16 year old boy living in a relatively poor ex-soviet country and whose parents are alcoholics? i haven't read a lot but i like celine, gide, kafka, hamsun, pessoa, sade, balzac and montaigne

>> No.5951386

Check out Čapek and Hrabal

>> No.5951393


>> No.5951405

that's sad -_-

ugh, why is it listed among epic poetry then when it rather seems as a verse novel or a lengthy elegy or something

>> No.5951406

i'm not czech but thanks anways
reporting me won't do anything, all i have to do is reset my modem and i will be instantly unbanned

>> No.5951413

fuck offx2

>> No.5951419

I know, but i am and they're good translated.

>> No.5951432

man don't ask me to justify what a bunch of academics classify something as

>> No.5951446

It's okay Ive been sick for a while, I just started therapy so I'll get used to it I guess. Reading is a little harder though and I'm still trying to get my MPhys so I hope it doesn't hurt my IQ like I read it can.

Thanks for the recs everyone keep them coming please

>> No.5951459

>life coming to a close
>not studying theravada buddhism

it's like you want to be reborn or something

>> No.5951468

btw you might like fruits of the earth by andre gide or hunger by knut hamsun if you haven't already read those

>> No.5951498

:( I hope you live buddy, you're the only tolerable tripfag on this board.

>> No.5951542

People keep telling me cancer is the best way to die and stuff.

I think dying in general is pretty irredeemably bad. I like reading and maths and I feel like I could actually contribute something. I'm going to hold out as long as I can.

>> No.5952132

How Proust can change your life

It has Proust's ideas on what do do when doomsday is approaching.

>> No.5952139
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The fault in our Stars lol

>> No.5952169


you're the cancer that's killing this board

>> No.5952199


the bible
neogenesis envangelion manga
death grips lyrics pamphlet
don quijote
oedipus trilogy
seinfeld season 3 screenplays
war and peace
gravity's rainbow
the latest national geographic
barrack obama's wiki page
frank miller's batman (year one)