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5944749 No.5944749 [Reply] [Original]

Yo /lit/ recommend me some good books about war, that you think would make for a good movie adaptation.
Thanks you philosophical Fags, <3

>> No.5944782

Storm of Steel

>> No.5944790

>not realizing all books are ultimately about war

>> No.5944811

>Storm of Steel
Thanks. adding it to the list

deep shit

>> No.5945351

damn son

Richard Millet, La confession négative.

«Qui ne s’est jamais battu à l’arme automatique ignore tout du chant de la kalachnikov ou du M16 et de la danse qu’ils suscitent, dans laquelle le fait de tuer peut donner, hors de toute cruauté, au cœur de l’action, une jubilation singulière»
(not from this one but damn)

>> No.5945837

Sven Hassel

>> No.5945846

Clausewitz on war

>> No.5945849

>being this edgy

>> No.5945932


Thanks anons, all added to the list.

>> No.5945978

How has no one said Johnny Got His Gun???

>> No.5946003

The Good Soldier. It's EXACTLY what you are looking to find.

>> No.5946006


Would be a good movie but The Diving Bell and the Butterfly is a similar concept

>> No.5946009

Any good books, fiction or not, on Chinese wars from 1800 up to the 1970's or so (taiping especially), or just books on China in general in that time? I find it's history really interesting but the whole country is just one big gap in knowledge to me

>> No.5946011
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I really enjoyed Junger's adventures in the front lines of WW1

>> No.5946024

I wish I could read an unedited translation of it. Apparently a lot of detail was taken out of the book in later versions, especially when he comes across the guy that he called his little british soldier or whatever.

>> No.5946077

I haven't read too much about it, but for what the translator note said in my spanish version most of the posterior edits were taking things that were more or less opinions to put them together in other works. He did the editions so to a certain extent it's part of his edition process, it just took him a decade to really get sure he liked it like that.
If you want a wider picture he has more bio stuff, the edition I have include a couple of extra texts and you can tell how he starts turning into a more aesthetic writer with time.

I'd like to read his more fantastic books but they are hard as fuck to find around here

>> No.5946095

>more fantastic
As in, fantasy genre.

>> No.5946150

Heard about this book an been really wanting to read it thanks for reminding me.
Thanks, you got me really interested right now.

Thanks agine /lit/, i haven´t browsed here before but you guys seem to have one of the best boards

>> No.5946159

Same. I've been trying to find Chinese history books in general and coming up dry. Rape of Nanking is the closest I've come.

>> No.5946182

On War.

>> No.5946228

Blood Meridian
The Iliad (with choral music narrating and the characters singing their lines).
Storm of Steel
Homage to Catalonia (maybe, the war is a bit half-ass even if the story is good)

>> No.5946238

A movie or play of Thucydides' history would be top tier

>great speeches
>Sicilian Expedition

A movie of Xenophon's Anabasis would be good too.

>> No.5946270

Wow thanks,

>> No.5946282

Would be, I doubt it will ever be made. They haven't made a decently accurate film about ancient Greek history since the 1960's


>> No.5946291

War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning - great book, I think The Hurt Locker is influenced by it.

>> No.5946418


>> No.5946545

>War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning
Thanks, Im not really a fan of hurt locker, but since you mention it i will defiantly try to read and compare the two.

>> No.5946636

fields of fire.

>> No.5946680

>fields of fire.

>> No.5946706

The Things They Carry

>> No.5946711

King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat King Rat

this is my favorite book about war

>> No.5946717
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>> No.5946805

The Guns of August by Tuchman

>> No.5946852

Thanks, seeing your excitement made me put it high on the list :)
Added firendo

>> No.5946973

jonathan spence the search for modern china

>> No.5947044

slaughterhouse 5 is the best book about war

>> No.5947122

Looks good, added to the list. Thanks!

>> No.5947140

I have heard a lot about it, and after hearing what it´s about im not sure it has the same thing a want to create. I will try to watch the the movie tho to see if i get interested in read it

>> No.5947201
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>plant christmas tree above trench
>get half of head removed by a .303

>> No.5947212

A great nonfiction historical text is Eksteins' Rites of Spring; WWI is one of the most interesting wars in history in terms of its effect on modernity, art, etc.

>> No.5947460

For Whom the Bell Tolls of course. Probably his best book anyway.

Lol, captcha: ccoon

>> No.5947564

The Great War in Africa, by Byron Farwell. I've always maintained that the story of Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck would make a great movie.

>> No.5947576

war is the worst fucking thing, fuck you for making me think about it at 3 am

>> No.5947593

No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission that Killed Osama bin Laden by Mark Owen.

>> No.5948321

more like low fantasy
some analogues of the Nazi era...
Specifies >on the marble cliffs
then there's the story's about his internal isolation in the modernising world.

>> No.5948324

The Good Soldier Švejk

>> No.5948326

Eumeswil is his best work of fiction by far.

>> No.5948328

>movie adaptation.

why would you want to ever do this to a book you love.

>> No.5948374

They sorta already did a movie, Zero Dark Thirty.

>> No.5948555

Which translation or release of Storm of Steal should I get?

>> No.5948696

the Basil Creighton translation if you can find it

>> No.5948782

The Red Badge of Courage

>> No.5948807

There already is a movie about the anabasis: The Warriors.

>> No.5948920
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i can tell its your first time posting a threa

>> No.5949952
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Here's some interesting perspectives on Nam from specialized soldiers as opposed to grunts;

Dispatches by Michael Herr (war correspondent)
Chickenhawk by Robert Mason (chopper pilot)
Dear Mom by Joseph T. Ward (marine sniper)

>> No.5950168

Ha, yes!

>> No.5950175

Yes! This also!

>> No.5950186


>> No.5950192

No, they are crap ...

>> No.5950201

Thukydides and Xenophon of course!

>> No.5950212

There is a film based on Johnny Got His Gun from the 70s - you will remember it from Metallica's video for One, which contains some scenes

>> No.5950216

Do any of you war lit buffs have a link to Wilfred Saint-Mandé's 'War, Wine and Women,' first published in England 1931?

>> No.5950227

Also the first 100 or so pages of Stendhals' Charterhouse of Parma. Just to the battle of Waterloo and the aftermath: http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks03/0300301.txt

Also Marbot memoirs from the Napolic age: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2401

And some completely different. Jonathan Little: The Kindly Ones

>> No.5950346

Which books of Churchill are worth reading? I originally wanted to read his WW2 series, and his History of English Speaking People, but then I looked up his writings and found that he's written an absolute shit ton. Is his WW1 series worth reading? I've been looking for books on WW1, particularly books that go more into the background and the political as well as the military aspects of the war, but the damn thing's five volumes long and I imagine there's probably better and more concise books on the subject.

>> No.5950370

Was watching the Three Kingdoms (2010) recently, I'm on episode 57 or something.

Its a story about the warlords during the last days of the Han dynasty.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I've heard game of thrones is similar to this, are there any other?

>> No.5950423

>A Rumor of War by Philip Caputo

>> No.5952614


>> No.5952716

look if there is a translation of Воcпоминания о войне by Николай Никулин

>> No.5953001

That would be Andrei Nekrasov's Frontline Stalingrad. Excellent recommendation!

Front-line Stalingrad. Tr. David Floyd, London, Harvill Press, [1962], 320 p.

>> No.5953030

one soldiers war

may induce PTSD

>> No.5953113

There is a filmadaption from - i think - 1951. It's black/white.

The story in it self trandcens it's historical setting andeasily translates to other eras or conflicts.

>> No.5953138

>Chickenhawk by Robert Mason (chopper pilot)
I loved how something as boring as a huey pilot may seem is in fact rather awesome.

>> No.5953143

Does /lit/ approve of war?

>> No.5953170

>lit is one person

fuck off

On topic

The Naked and the Dead by Norman Mailer

>> No.5953271

The gods gave men the prostate and war as a compensation for not being women, having a clitoris and the ability to bear children.

>> No.5953378

Viktor Nekrasov that is.

>> No.5953391

war, is the motherfucking answer

Man and war bred for each other. When we were hunter-gatherers, we were at war with nature. When we conquered her, then we conquered fellow man

Now we conquer the universe, life is a state of war.

Man declares war on his gods and sets out to best them

>> No.5953447

does /lit/ approve of anything?

>> No.5953478


Depends. If you're interested in his side of the story go for it. Mind you it's quite a dense read. I started by just reading the particular part of the war I found most interersting. I started with book 2 which is basically a coverage of 1940.

If you want more of a general overview you can read the books written by Martin Gilbert or Max Hastings or even Antony Beevor (though he has to be my least favourite of the three).

>> No.5954833

Yeah it really opened my eyes. The training they had to go through (like cutting the engines mid-hover and having to recover before smacking the ground) sounds batshit insane

>> No.5954854

The Centurions -Jean Larteguy

>> No.5955017

Please tell me more. I've only read Beevors book about Stalingrad and the capture of Berlin. Why don't you fancy him? I thought he was very informative but I'm no historian

>> No.5955257


Gaunt's Ghosts.

>> No.5955795

If it were done right, this would be one of the greatest movies of all time...certainly the greatest about war. It's never going to happen though. Read it OP!

>> No.5956455

Johnny Got His Gun
Slaughterhouse 5
All Quiet on the Western Front