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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 25 KB, 384x324, height.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
594252 No.594252 [Reply] [Original]

Femanon here: Male height in feet and inches.

God Tier: 6' to 6'3"

Top Tier: 6'4" to 6'6"

Mid Tier: 5'10" to 5-11"

Low Tier: 6'7" to 7'

Shit Tier: 5'9" and under

>> No.594256

6' here so i totally agree but it is entirely subjective.

>> No.594257

I am 179cm when I bother to stand up straight
where does that fit?

>> No.594260


You are 5 feet 8 inches. You are in the Shit Tier.

>> No.594264

This has a heck of a lot to do with this board, totally

>> No.594266

>Femanon here
>Translation: insecure troll

>> No.594265

190 cm here. That's like 6'2" I think. And I have a big dick. Yeah, I know. I'm awesome.

>> No.594271

>>male height in inches

Fucking fail, lit

>> No.594277

/lit/ = 99 % are in the shit tier

>> No.594282

Same person

>> No.594285

5' 10.47"

>> No.594287

God Tier.

>> No.594293


>Same person

wat? i think u mean samefag brah

>> No.594301
File: 146 KB, 420x323, louis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'11'' here

how do i grow an extra inch?

>> No.594299


I'm one of those posts, so no. You might be almost right though.

>> No.594303

the fuck does this have to do with literature? did you accidentally click here instead of /fit/?

>> No.594305

I'm 5' 6" ;_;

I hope this is trolling copypasta.

>> No.594306

saging for off topic faggots

>> No.594310

5' 11 1/2"
Come on.

Also, polite sage for shit not relevant to lit.

>> No.594312


no bro i want an answer on how to grow extra

>> No.594313

If you grow your hair and wear it upwards then you are taller

>> No.594315

I don't know why you quoted my post, but if you're younger than 18 and you can get access to growth hormone, you can grow a bit extra. It's legally permissible for doctors to write prescriptions for GH for children who are shorter than average, so it's not impossible.

Or wear big shoes.

>> No.594318


im 25 now what are my options

>> No.594320


None. Learn to deal with it.

>> No.594322

Develop a stellar personality
Or go gay

>> No.594325

I think 80% of people are Shit Tier according to OP.

>> No.594326
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>> No.594332

God Tier is basically the average.

>> No.594339


Correlation does not imply causation.

>> No.594359

6'2" here

never touched a female

>> No.594363

/lit/ = 99% shit tier

>> No.594370

6'4" here and im afraid im going to have to use my rugged man hands to stretch god tier to include 6'4".

>> No.594372

6'1" here - what do I win?

>> No.594381

6'2" fag here. :D

>> No.594386

is that because 6'2" is your height AND your diameter?

>> No.594396


i lold

>> No.594421

Afraid not

>> No.594427

6' 1" - BEHOLD

>> No.594440


I'M 6' 5"!

>> No.594445
File: 83 KB, 335x335, spam[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hay waet i saw you on that other board a minute ago. I get the feeling you are

>> No.594446

spoiler: chicks are attracted to your money and nothing else

>> No.594450

>forgetting penis size

>> No.594461


>hasn't figured out it's the social power that comes with money as well as other things like confidence, # and type of friends, etc

>> No.594465

God Tier: Books

>> No.594481

6'2 here. Feels good man.

>> No.594482

hey, fuck this, femanon.
you're a stubborn cunt.
height is directly related to intelligence.
through evolution, smart people haven't needed height, and so they've gotten shorter.
basically, athletes need height because they aren't smart enough to get jobs where intelligence is required.
and you, femanon, who so graciously posted your hormone fueled opinion onto /lit/ (and only god knows why, probably trolling, since the majority of us are short), are ALSO very unintelligent, because, by being attracted to the less intelligent, you have obviously succumbed to their unintelligent genes and that's just dumb.

>> No.594490

God tier: Redheads
High tier: Blondes
Normal tier: Brunettes
Shit tier: Femanons

>> No.594492
File: 59 KB, 300x300, 1272149746691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butthurt smallfag

>> No.594504
File: 9 KB, 252x218, 1262482119983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can label too. hurrr tallfag.

i would have the same opinion if i were tall, because it just makes sense. oh WAIT, i wouldn't, because if i were 7 feet tall i'd be in TMH classes learning how to clean tables

>> No.594516


The entire species has been getting taller for thousands of years, you're just on the shitty end of the spectrum.

>> No.594521

Cuz that has nothing to do with are change in diet amirgiht?

>> No.594528

and that's because it's easier to have access to basic necessities.
im talking about a different factor.

>> No.594537

Fuck you.

I get a bonus to saving throws.

>> No.594541

Asia would like to have a word with you brah.

>> No.594542


lrn2evolution, nigger.

>> No.594553

yeah bitch i used to have gills until i realized i don't live underwater, and then they went away.
likewise, i used to be tall, until i realized i could operate a cherry picker or pay some illegals to get the delicious fruit out of the trees for me. then guess what..
jus' sayin.

>> No.594558


You used to have a big dick until you realised you were gay and anal cavities weren't that deep.

>> No.594559


So you admit you devolved.

>> No.594590

completely sensible debate.
leaving now.

>> No.594598
File: 152 KB, 640x480, girls-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what small people actually believe

So adorable, nurrh.

>> No.594602

>derp all tall people are dumb and all small people are smart

You know full well that isn't the case. Very fucking far from it actually. All small people are useless when it comes to sport though. Fact.

>> No.594621

hurr durr

>> No.594626
File: 33 KB, 540x358, jim-morrison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.594644

Both sexes overwhelming rate their ideal partner's height based on proportion to themselves, not a numerical value.

Summary: Ideal partner height is based on your own height

>> No.594651

/v/ talks about video games more than /lit/ talks about books.

>> No.594653
File: 85 KB, 1000x862, bitchesandwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.594664

6'3" here. Feels good man.

>> No.594672

10ft here, what about me?

>> No.594693

OP, would you date an ugly guy just because he was in the God Tier heightwise? If not, do you have any (female) friends who would and live in the greater Washington, DC area?

>> No.594706

Femanon here: as long as you guys as about a forehead taller than me I don't mind. I'm 5' 4" ish so 5' 8" + is good

also, saging b/c this is not /lit/

>> No.594733

why is being smaller than a guy important for you?

>> No.594736


I'm not sure, I just don't like feeling bigger and manlier than a guy.

>> No.594751

5'7" here, shitsux. I actually got turned down by a girl pretty bluntly because I was too short. Yay, self-esteem issues.

>> No.594753

How come every guy under 5'5 I've ever met is fucking built like a brick shithouse? Compensating much?

Seriously, these guys looked like "honey I shrunk the arnold schwartzenegger" or some shit.

>> No.594761
File: 1.17 MB, 200x207, old_guy_stare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this trolling maggotry?

reported, saged.
>femanon here
does not work on this board

>> No.594762

Dumbass American who doesn't understand the metric system.

12 inches = 30 cm

He is 1 cm short of 6 feet, which puts him over 5' 11.5".

>> No.594765

Which puts him in category...

Nothing, because you are obviously fucking retarded and fucked up your tier list.

i mad

>> No.594775

I'm 9 inches, and no cumdumpster has ever cared how tall I was after figuring that out.

>> No.594779

>71 posts and 8 image replies omitted.

/lit/. I am disappoint.