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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 262 KB, 1600x1067, 4950926187_2220d8bfdc_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5933011 No.5933011 [Reply] [Original]

New bookshelf thread

Post bookshelf, rate to get rated.

>> No.5933043

wow such an awesome book shelf, you have book and everything!!


DIFFERENT colors too?!??!? Didn't expect that

Colors, more than one shelf, and decent quality picture.

Solid 7/10 breh.

Can't wait to see what you'll have in one year. Keep adding to the shelves man, will validate again in 12 months!!
Not enough orange though imo jest saying.

This shelf just says so much about what you want others to to think of you. Nice way to constitute your idealized self-image. Would definitely look at again.

>> No.5933046

That's a stock image, chill out

>> No.5933049


u having a breakdown?

>> No.5933064

>tfw you googled bookshelves for starting image

you doing ok there bud?

>> No.5933065

Alto kek

>> No.5933067

Point still stands.

Masturbatory, self-aggrandizing shit.

I want to know who you ARE not what you want to appear as.

Let me embrace you in your absolute singularity; in that tic or compulsive gesture which gives lie to the entire facade and surface you so desperately wish to project to others, dude.

>> No.5933069

cool dude did u raed fight club?

>> No.5933070

Dude, go read some Dickens and chill out.

>> No.5933072

same insecure fagggggggggg.

>> No.5933074

well my thread got derailed by idiots fast, and i thought lit wouldn't have this behavior as much .-.

>> No.5933075

I'm so drunk. It's two hours till midnight, and I may kill myself finally lel.

Hope we can stay friends, brehs.

>> No.5933077

post your bookshelf before you go

>> No.5933083

>2015 minus two hours

They are all stacked on my floor and on the edge of my sleeping sofa.

Girls be impressed. I be depressed.


>> No.5933087

you can still post the picture to make up for ruining my thread

>> No.5933093
File: 184 KB, 1024x768, Bertie-wooster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to bottle your tears, add sugar, rose hips, and rare spices, ferment the must in an oak cask, distill the result, age it for eight years, and sip the final liqueur while masturbating to a leather bound copy of the Story of O in my richly appointed personal library. The bitterness of plebeians is delicious.

>> No.5933094

You are implying that I should feel bad. I don't. It's stupid. It's just asking for validation.

Let me see yours, though. I will tell you what you want to hear and thus give you a momentary feeling of self-worth amidst the shit and insecurity that is your life.

>> No.5933096

I want to be mean to you, but I love Wodehouse. So I can't. Hope you have a wonderful 2015.

>> No.5933101

dude, how can you even see your computer screen from that high horse you're on

>> No.5933106

Come on, do it. Why wouldn't you? I haven't made you feel self-conscious now, have I?

I never intended that. Post it. It will be so wonderful when all your internet friends tell you what a great book shelf you have there!

>> No.5933111


At first I thought you were being serious. Then I realized you must be trolling. But now I'm not sure; I think you really might be so poor and resentful that you're genuinely angry at other adults who enjoy, collect, and arrange books on shelves. And you're expressing this by lashing out on an online Chinese cartoon discussion board.

>> No.5933114
File: 1.65 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

save me from myself

>> No.5933123

I don't think there's anything wrong with it. It's just entirely narcissistic that's all.

>> No.5933141

>that war and peace cover

>> No.5933143


Haha. Stay poor and friendless, faggot.

>> No.5933148

I have upwards of 500 books. I don't have many friends, though.

>> No.5933150
File: 3.80 MB, 2944x728, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5933153
File: 2.12 MB, 1134x1090, muh books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and mine

>> No.5933154

>genuinely angry at other adults who enjoy, collect, and arrange books on shelves
theres always at least one edgy teen in each of these threads who attacks ppl who like collecting books
just ignore them

>> No.5933157

>autist detected

just kidding, man

>> No.5933158
File: 2.77 MB, 1628x1808, one more book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus this

>> No.5933164
File: 88 KB, 1160x599, nook library.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and muh ebook library

>> No.5933172

God, there really isn't any comparison between photos of books on shelves and screenshots of ebook files. The latter's just so — pedestrian and pathetic.

>> No.5933178

Are you one of those people who keep saying 'THAT'S UNFALSIAFIABLE NONSENSE' in every thread?

I apologize for being presumptuous if not.

>> No.5933188

no, i don't post much in /lit/ and if im gonna pick a fight with someone im not just gonna spout off some bullshit

>> No.5933234
File: 2.39 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bookshelf thread with four actual bookshelves

Step up ebook plebs

>> No.5933315

Someone using Ikeashit instead of actual wood has no place calling others plebs.

>> No.5933465

>being this space inefficient

ebookmasterrace represent.

>> No.5933639

>implying everyone has the room/money/age to have acquired enough books to justify large bookshelves
and if you're gonna be a pretentious cunt about it you should probably buy some decent fucking shelves to begin with. try some black walnut and not some shit you got from walmart

>> No.5933707
File: 1.46 MB, 2592x1944, 2014-12-31 18.23.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only started buying books in 2014, so this was mostly just the year's reading/re-reading. Buying a bookshelf for the new year.

>> No.5933773
File: 1.95 MB, 3000x3750, BOOKSHELF JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5933783

No good reason to go and omit your dildos and subsequent horse pornography collection out of this. It's always relevant.

>> No.5933796

Both you an your dad seem to have autistic STEM masterrace. Funny how you fellas seem to be so grounded in realistic and useful research that you spend all your free time on frivolous, embarrasingly childish fantasy crap. Im dead serious about the observation about STEM people, but you and your dad should just try to read some more worthy books. No hard feelings bby i feels bad for your autism.

>> No.5933807

my dad's not really a stemfag. he was a fireman/EMT for like 10+ years until I was born. he didn't even go to college until I was born. he was also a freelance photographer.

>> No.5933812

>more worthy books
who's the autist here?

>> No.5933848

You say this, but I think most people would read his post and then yours and then decide that you're the douchenozzle.

Have fun being pretentious and alienating yourself from humanity. But hey, at least you'll have your 7th century hand-scribed books, bound in pig skin and written in the blood of passed slavers. None of that pleb shit.

>> No.5934172

Fucking Wordsworth turned War and Peace into a 50 cent romance novel.

>> No.5934218

10/10 sentence

>> No.5934231

I have the same copy of Ham On Rye. Ragequit about 100 pages in.

>> No.5934354
File: 1.19 MB, 2560x1920, 2014-12-31 22.43.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even rate a bookshelf

>> No.5934473


>> No.5934742
File: 38 KB, 310x475, ham_on_rye3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah? I'm quite literally at the 100 page mark right now.

It's not baaad. The characters are good, the story progresses along and I can see underlying themes and what not, but I just thought Burkowski was going to be a more... eloquent writer? There's no higher vocabularly, sentence structure is super direct and simple... I don't know. I expected more. Maybe his poetry is better? Maybe it's just this novel? Can someone explain what it is that has made Bukowski renowned? If I'm missing something?

>> No.5934750

subtle poetry and rhythm w/ a stripped down, basic vocabulary that can be easily dug and enjoyed by Chuck down at the slaughterhouse

shit's deliberate, anon

>> No.5934785

So sort of a Shakespearean route? Made legible for people with poor and high literary abilities alike?

Everything does seem to have a sort of zen feel to it. I guess I'll figure out if I like or not as I read on.

>> No.5934880

get a better fluids book

>> No.5934906

just the one I had to use for class. the homework problems were out of the book

>> No.5934948
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Shit, fix'd

>> No.5934957
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>> No.5934965
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>> No.5934972
File: 22 KB, 238x300, Cengel_Cimbala_Cover_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you decide to keep a fluids book for future reference, get rid of that shit and get this instead.

Its pretty cheap too, got mine hardcover for 30$

>> No.5934973

>that portrait
Muh nigger, good to know that somebody else appreciates his genius.

>> No.5934995


Thanks, half of the books in that bookshelf are his, lol.

See that small dummy two rows below? It's him too.

>> No.5934998

The Interpretation of Dreams was dope

>> No.5935866

you sound like an unemployed English major. stay assblasted

>> No.5935880

>measuring dicks with dad

>> No.5935902

your dad is a fucking gaylord

>> No.5935943


>Antony Beevor
>not the most entry-level WWII books

>> No.5936243

Just get an e-reader and stop collecting shitty paperbacks

>> No.5936252
File: 2.99 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936267

no pissing contest, I just don't have a lot of books to showcase so i figured i'd post his

>> No.5937149
File: 2.57 MB, 1380x1082, muh books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5937220
File: 950 KB, 3456x2304, IMG_6572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have my shelf of plebby books in English.

The rest of my shelfes are all in German.

>> No.5937246

>my shelfes

Murder thyself.

>> No.5937255


Welp, time to commit sudoku.

>> No.5937283

Whoever this guy is needs to shut the fuck up. I'm serious, you are such an idiot it's insane. He posted a stock photo of a bookshelf just to compliment the theme of the thread; it has nothing to do with him, or his bookshelf, or his perception of himself, or any of this insane stuff you're accusing him of. I can't believe idiots like you take pleasure out of calling people out and shit that isn't even there because your life is so fucking miserable that you have nothing else to do. Go look at a flower and enlighten your soul. Open your eyes, take a walk, and take your bullshit elsewhere.

>> No.5937347

I like this image

>> No.5937463

you sound surprised, friend. the person you're responding to is pretty much the average poster here. it's just one giant insecure dickwaving contest.

>> No.5937478
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1600, HPIM1118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5938165

What's your favorite Seinfeld episode?

>> No.5938227

Why does one think putting a slab of rock in a bookshelf would be a good decoration?

>> No.5938309
File: 1.30 MB, 5000x5000, absolutdisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>magic the gathering cards


>> No.5938315

I'm proud son.

>> No.5938325

shut your pleb mouth

>> No.5938342
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking magic
>calling others pleb

>> No.5938600
File: 3.40 MB, 1295x1531, shelf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not yours, is it?

>spent 100$ at a bookstore.jpg

A solid 3/10. There's virtually nothing on his shelves I would want to own

Too esoteric and focused, 6/10 at best, and it's too small a collection for me to really care

Very aesthetic shelves, if too cluttered, some good books, some bad books, but too many books I don't give a shit about. 7.5/10 is the best I can do unless you trim 20-30% of the fat

Way too much clutter. Is that board just resting on the books? I see too many NYT bestseller but garbage books like Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and Stephen King. 4.5/10 is the best I can do unless you improve the collection and improve the aesthetic of your space.

No fiction from what I can see? You have too many nonfiction-for-idiots style books. Books like "Demonic Males", whatever the fuck that is, are hideous, inspire mild repulsion in people and most likely garbage. Don't keep them, toss it into a thrift store donation bin.

I'm also not a fan of the marble bookends and the shelf color. Wood for bookshelves should be stained; the 'rough' look is a Texas/midwest aesthetic, which does not affect intellectualism

Books like the green and brown ones with gold leafing on the bottom right image are very aesthetic.


Throw away or sell the Star Trek heads. The glass picture frame with ruffled paper inside looks incredibly tacky. None of the books look aesthetic and there's too much color monotony. I would drop a large amount of those books and replace them with more aesthetic books

>> No.5938645

Also, never story anything on top of your books. It looks incredibly bad.

The middle red book looks incredibly tacky. It has the aesthetic of one of those Barnes and Nobles, expensive display books.

Any book that looks like it's trying to sell itself is really tacky, it makes you look easily influenced by basic advertising schemes.

The books slanted to the side are being bent and damaged. This looks bad.

Your collection is overall fairly good. I'll give you 8/10, but you should expand that collection and store them more cleanly.

The bookends and notebook paper look bad. As well, your books are not sorted by height to any degree, and it looks a bit jarring. You have a very good collection though, and have a very nice-looking shelf. You deserve a 9/10, more if you clean up the shelf.

This isn't a shelf, and the collection is tiny..

Hmm, it's not bad immediately, but you have too narrow a concentration of postmodern/modern American authors. I would mix it up a bit. The shelf is ugly, too, and you should never stack up books horizontally on vertical books. If you have too many books, just get rid of some. 7/10.

A few of the same problems as the others. Trinkets are disorganized; books should never be stacked on books like that. Book selection is a little crappy, it looks like it could be a shelf in a thrift shop. The Seinfeld VHS, remotes and Magic cards look incredibly tacky. They should be in a box somewhere else.

>> No.5938652

>A solid 3/10. There's virtually nothing on his shelves I would want to own
I meant to link >>5933150, not >>5933153

>> No.5938663

>This isn't a shelf, and the collection is tiny..
yeah I dont have the space, money, or extra time to have amassed a bunch of stuff.

>> No.5938740

That's fine. Your collection is starting out fairly well, I just can't comment until it's enough to comment on.

>> No.5938745

What are all those red books? Also I'm pretty jealous of that Principia Mathematica.

>> No.5938763

The red book has The Wealth of Nations, On the Principle of Population and many other classic economic texts with explanations of the authors by Michael Lewis. Pretty cool book.
It was an unbelievably intelligent work. I got a lot out of it, and I'm going to have to re-read it one of these days.

>> No.5938787

Mine's the 1959 edition of the Harvard Classics collection


There's a link for one with the same binding.

The Principia is for studying; when I have time for logic..

>The red book has The Wealth of Nations, On the Principle of Population and many other classic economic texts with explanations of the authors by Michael Lewis. Pretty cool book.

That does sound good. It's just a shame the book doesn't look better; how does it look without the dust jacket?

>> No.5938833
File: 1.74 MB, 3216x2136, Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5938862
File: 1.50 MB, 3216x2136, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, jesus. First off, everything inside a red box needs to go.

You also should patch up those spots on the bedframe.

You have too many books if you're filling boxes with them. Take 40% of your collection and dump it.

The space in that room is incredibly aesthetic and virtually everything you have added takes away from it.

>> No.5938876

>You have too many books
>too many books
>too many

The /lit/ I once knew is dead

>> No.5938890

Okay, listen carefully. It's not "too many books" absolutely, it's too many books for the fucking space you have them in.

Either get rid of them or adjust your space. As it is, I shouldn't even have to assert that it looks like shit.

>> No.5938895


Eh, not really. I like what I've done with the place

>> No.5939488

>being a stemfag

>> No.5939490

>being angry at people who do science


>> No.5939494

b-but i read lots of book that other people tell me to read. that makes me better than them r-right

>> No.5939536

paul auster is good?

>> No.5939682

not sure who that is

>> No.5939696

say that to my face, clean-shirt

>> No.5940418

> people literally buy personal reference books for their field of study

Fucking why. 90% of that shit if free and easily findable on the internet. This isn't fucking 1950.

>> No.5940444
File: 1.31 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5940478
File: 2.13 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5940480

>but you have too narrow a concentration of postmodern/modern American authors.

Well, that shelf IS for modern and postmodern (American) authors. There are other shelves with other stuff. But modern literature is my pet peeve.

>If you have too many books, just get rid of some.


>> No.5940495

Every year, I sacrifice 15% of what I own.

Doing so prevents me from becoming attached to things. Being free from fear of loss is liberating.

>> No.5940506

I have 1100 books on my shelves. I also have kept every piece of paper I've ever written on since I was ten years old.

I am afraid of fire.

>> No.5940583

That's incredibly wasteful. Why cling to your old emotions? Never burn all evidence, as it is a valuable tool in understanding yourself, but junk is junk.

700-800 of your books can be thrown out with no loss to anything but your emotions.

>> No.5940586

You must cull the herd every year or so.

>> No.5940612

>700-800 of your books can be thrown out with no loss to anything but your emotions.

What? I don't really connect any emotions with my books. I study literature and language. There's no reason to throw away stuff from my private library. It's horrible to always have to go somewhere else just to look up certain things when I just need to reach into a shelf for that. Some books aren't even in our library (and it has millions of books). I'm not even talking about the money involved in some of the books.

>> No.5940620

Yes, it is healthy.

I don't mean thrown out as an idiom for placing them in the rubbish bin, I mean you do not need that many. Sell them, whatever.

There's no way you regularly reference 1000+ books.

>> No.5940632

All I really need is more shelves and more room.

>> No.5940654


nice aesthetics/10