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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 55 KB, 906x308, Twilight HHGTTG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
593466 No.593466 [Reply] [Original]

Literature rage thread?

>> No.593469

But she's right?

>> No.593471

Eugenics. Invest in it.

>> No.593472

This was posted just yesterday.


>> No.593473

And it has existed since Aug 07, 2009 7:37 PM. Why does anyone care? They are both bad books

>> No.593475
File: 107 KB, 300x1063, Evolution Debunked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't here yesterday.
Got this from a vidya rage thread.
Here's another one, not /lit/ related, but still rageworthy.

>> No.593476

I would rage, but I've read both series and know she's wrong, so why should I care?

>> No.593511

>Someone implying Twilight is a timeless work.

>> No.593513
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>> No.593660

Yeah, what an idiot! I mean, Douglas Adams better than Stephanie Meyer?! Please.

>> No.593663
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>> No.593708


Oh, come on - "A Tester" - he's taking the piss.

>> No.593715
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>> No.593752

Threads like this make me hate humanity. WHY DO I ALWAYS CLICK ON THEM?

>> No.593753

that guy rules

>> No.593776


Oh dear god.

>> No.594000
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>> No.594016
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>> No.594020

he's awesome indeed. lotr fanboys claim it to be the ultimate root of life, the universe and everything including dragon ball,which is wrong. Now that weeabo could have gone at great lenghts to explain how dragon ball is actually based on a 17th century tale from China as well as 20th century mangas, how it couldn't possibly've be influenced by a book first published in (proper) Japanese in 1992.
He also could have bluntly said 'fu' but he chose the tao and I salute him.

>> No.594022

I just don't know how to react to that level of stupidity

>> No.594024
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>> No.594033
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i remember when i learned how to read

>> No.594044

You are completely right and have made the best post itt, congrats

>> No.594048

Oh come on, everybody's seen those already.

>> No.594053

samefag bumping
disregard me

>> No.594064

bumpity bump bump

am i the only one to find my thread extremely awesome?

>> No.594068
File: 537 KB, 1024x817, 1262962821739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any one-star Amazon.com review of your favorite book

>> No.594069

Hey nice job ruining the composition of the piece just to throw in some retarded meme, asshole

>> No.594071

that's not true. People can have legit reasons to not like books, it's only the ones that go "HURR IT'S TOO LONG AND NOTHING HAPPENS" that make me rage

>> No.594081

why? if you force people used to south park to read books in school that will be their truely true honest feeling. I don't believe the book to a sacred medium. I think you're all defending them just because you invested so much time in books, like the nerd who will rip you apart for insulting his favourite manga.

>> No.594088
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>> No.594095

For me mostly its people complaining about books they don't read.

>> No.594096

gets mad at shitty meme
countered by other shitty meme
trolling is truly a art


>> No.594101


sure that may be how they feel, but don't go writing reviews of books unless you can back your shit up. Everybody does not need to know your opinion of everything. Reviews that go "OH WOW BEST BOOK EVER DOSTOYEVSKI IS SO DEEP!!" bug me just as much.

>> No.594110

...basically, throw memes at them?

>> No.594112

yet you never see people asking for poorly reviews on lit. they always ask for reviews seeing judging the book as bad although the former type would be a better demonstration of good taste.

>> No.594354
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>> No.594377
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>> No.594388
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Here's some more fuel for the fire

>> No.594397
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Not really /lit/ related, but I'll post it anyways.

>> No.594408
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>> No.594411

>oppressive hierarchical dualistic obsession with success and the value of Philosophical classics

What does this even mean?

>> No.594412
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