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/lit/ - Literature

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5933745 No.5933745 [Reply] [Original]

Is 2015 the year /lit/ finally starts a bookclub that works?

>> No.5933748

I say we start a book club but it would have to be non-demanding. One book every 1-2 months to draw more people in.

Strawpolls to determine the books to read.

>> No.5933749


if you post pictures of voluptuous beauties like that, probably.

>> No.5933762
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I see you're a high test dude, I'm pretty high test myself.

>> No.5933767
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>One book every month.
>No popular books (Kafka, IJ, Pynchon etc), yet not incredibly obscure (should be available in a good library)
>Daily threads.
>100-150 pages per week (depends on book)
>new suggestions the 1st week of the month
>Strawpoll vote on new book on 2nd week (so there's enough time to obtain it)

>> No.5933780
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I second the motion

>> No.5933792

eh, her tits are nothing special

>> No.5933794


>1 book every month
>as many digital versions (the best of each) as possible (.epub, .mobi)
>Standard OP picture for recognition.
>Standard OP format

>> No.5933797
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Oh you like tits? I don't really have anything in that department, sorry.

>> No.5933798


>> No.5933800

>Standard OP picture for recognition.
Would be lovely to get something hand drawn from some anon if it ever gets to live.

>> No.5933802

>that guy with girlfriend eyeballing for in the background

>> No.5933805


2 months I feel would be too long. One book a month would be good, so that it could give people time to acquire it, read it concurrently with their other books, and gives people some leeway if shit gets in the way.


agree with all this shit.

>> No.5933806


>> No.5933808


2 months would be reasonable with something that has +1000 pages, however I wouldn't receommend that anyway because people would just neglect it eventually.

>> No.5933809
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Olivia Jensen.

>> No.5933835

I propose someone far away from the usual /lit/ "meme" authors yet rich in content. Maybe someone from the past that is just becoming influential on the margins of academia at this moment.

Basically: which important author has been neglected, by /lit/?

It would be nice to have a debate between fresh readers of some author instead of just exchanging already formed opinions.

>> No.5933837


John Dos Passos

>> No.5933840
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david foster wallace

>> No.5933843


True, but like you said, people wouldn't read it. Gotta appeal to the masses at least a little if you want to have a conversation between more than 3 people.

I think the cap should be somewhere around 600 pages, unless it can be justified.

>> No.5933845

maximum stirner

>> No.5933849

Fat /=/ high test

>> No.5933858

If we start a decent bookclub it won't be on /lit/

I've seen one on goodreads, did it last long?

>> No.5933863

Bump for interest, if this takes off I'll definitely follow it

>> No.5933871

>Gotta appeal to the masses


>> No.5933878

Well, to the /lit/ masses. If you're gonna start with some collection of Hegel's essays your club will last until the thread wanders off page 10

>> No.5933881

It's either appealing to the masses or appealing to the individual.

>> No.5933970

I got two suggestions:

Cane, by Jean Toomer (available in the sharethread right now) >>5932113

Lay Down in Darkness, by William Styron (I got epub/mobi to share)

Both are good writers, yet not lit-memes, so doubt many people have read them.

Also, what about doing some of those Best American Short Stories every now and then? The latest ones (2010-2014 are available at genlib), just to get a glimpse of what the current writers are up to? Plus, they're short stories, should be quick reads.

>> No.5933971

Civ V threads in /vg/ have a "game of the month", I could see it working.

>> No.5933979

Does anyone know any voting sites that lets the voters add choices?

>> No.5933981

The contemporary book club is still going on right now, were just taking a small break during the holidays.

>> No.5933996


I haven't seen a bookclub thread in months

>> No.5933999


That one, he gave an update about a week or two ago that it would be on break for the holidays along with the patricians pledge, and that it would resume afterwards.

>> No.5934412

Poll me I believe.

>> No.5934428

You people suck, you're pretentious AF

>> No.5934439

Why, because were actually reading, or because we want to read books not normally read on lit? And what do you mean by 'you people'?

>> No.5934446

But really, at least try to explain why you think that.

>> No.5935520


So is there actually a bookclub? Or is it dead with 3 people running it?

>> No.5935523

No. It's a waste of time. People won't keep up with the reading, and even if they do there will be no worthwhile discussion.

>> No.5935550

We can try once again, although most probably know what will happen.

>> No.5935557
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The last bookclub I participated in on /lit/ was Mann's "Death in Venice" which was an extremely terrible boy lusting piece of shit novella.

I wanted to read oliver twist, but noooOOOOOOoooo.

Anyway, when discussion time came, I was literally the only one who discussed the book with textual examples and expositions.

Everyone else proceeded to do the usual /lit/ wankery and turn every argument into semantics, sophism, and "define _____".

Happens everytime without fail.

>> No.5935560

>The last bookclub I participated in on /lit/ was Mann's "Death in Venice" which was an extremely terrible boy lusting piece of shit novella.

Scrap the idea of having a bookclub with the general /lit/ user

>> No.5935563


Or read some YA-Novels, I do not know what books do you want to read with people who are too retarded for even Death in Venice?

>> No.5935571

will girls like that come?

>> No.5935573


i was in one. it was a philosohy one that worked with selected extacts from books. people didnt read shit; everything was about me talking stuff an citing borges and people looking in awe and shame. it was an universitary group for a social sciences career, which makes it really worse

>> No.5935576

/lit/ is just generally retarded.

You do realize there are clinically ill people on this board? Like schizophrenic/autistic people who need to be on medication? Browsing this board.

They come here to solely vomit on everything and piss everyone off--because nobody in real life can stand them.


>> No.5935587

This club actually had the best discussion out of all /lit/ clubs I've participated in.

>> No.5935589

>the best discussion out of all /lit/ clubs I've participated in.
The bar is pretty low, so it's not like you're saying anything complimentary.

>> No.5935597

I don't have high expectations, half of the people come here to shitpost about books they've never read.

>> No.5935600
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>reading translated Mann

>> No.5935601

>half of the people come here to shitpost about books they've never read.
Try 90% >>5935600

>> No.5935612

How about we use Bloom's Western Canon to pick a book ?
For instance:
>select random era
>select random country
>choose a not-too-long not-too-/litcore book from the corresponding section

Even excluding the contemporary period, Bloom's canon has over 500 canonical (read: translated and generally not-too-shit) works of all lengths and genre, hailing from a variety of countries and era. Bloom's bias are close to the population of /lit (big chunk of native english speakers, plus a lot of europeans and a few non-western).

>> No.5935619

Sounds good to me

>> No.5935634
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Why is the fat fuck bloom such an authority on literature? Is it from the simple fact that ivy league schools in the U.S can't stop sucking his dick?

Let's just take a vote, and let people decide whether or not they want to participate based on the results.

I've got an interesting book on my shelf that might be worth reading.

>> No.5935644

We should include audiobook versions as well.

I'd love to contribute. What do you have in mind?

Michael Ende.
I've been reading everything about him that I could find these past two years, and at this point I'm convinced that he's a genius, and easily one of the greatest German writers of all time. His books have been widely disregarded by critics, because they seem to be childrens lit at first glance, but when I actually took the time to take in what I was reading, I realized just how deep all of his books (especially mirror in the mirror and prison of freedom) are.

>> No.5935650

Actually, from what I understand, there are many (possibly the majority) graduate students and professors who's opinion of him ranges from him being irrelevant to loathing most of his work. The majority of his audience sort of exists outside of higher academia.

>> No.5935651


Go vote, nignogs.

>> No.5935653


>> No.5935659
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>> No.5935661
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>the first rule of /lit/ bookclub is you don't talk about /lit/ bookclub

>> No.5935700

>tfw people with serious mental health problems will never be accepted
>even on 4chan

>> No.5935795

I didn't notice godzilla. Am I automatically a pleb with shit taste or something?

>> No.5935820

>I didn't notice godzilla. Am I automatically a pleb with shit taste or something?


>> No.5936651


Thanks for reminding me to take my medicine friend.

>> No.5936657


You're probably the first person to notice Godzilla.

>> No.5936664

I never would have seen the godzilla

>> No.5936667

I thought it was a tree

>> No.5936677
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No I was hoping we'd start making boobs that work instead.

>> No.5936852

Holy Shit! I fapped to that pic and only just now did I see the godzilla!

Guess I'm pretty Alpha, ha!

>> No.5937864
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Well...shit. At first I was like, what the fuck does he mean godzilla.

>> No.5938371
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every selection should be a somewhat recent release to eliminate the, 'i ve already read that!' factor and the group maintained off 4chan like in a fb group. a month sounds fine.

>> No.5939448


>> No.5939462

there need to be flexible options. I think it should be broken up into quarters -- winter, spring, summer, fall, maybe -- and there should be a pool of titles within each season, most of which are bi-weekly choices

so, we have Pot A, Pot B, Pot C, Pot D, and four 13-week "seasons." so, if /lit/ 'reads' four books a season, there should be four more on the list available to discuss as secondary interests. thoughts?