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/lit/ - Literature

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5927863 No.5927863 [Reply] [Original]

/fit/izen here, looking for recommendations for books to help cultivate my mind and get philosophical/mental/Intellectual gains.

Planning on reading the following already; Nietzsche, Heraclitus, Marcus aurelius, Homer/Greek tragedies, Indian/Hindu Gita's, Beowulf, Icelandic Sagas, Poetic and Prose Edda.

What else is there?

>> No.5927910

>Indian/Hindu Gita's

people spend their entire lives devoted to these texts and you think you can gain something by flicking through them once?

just pick one author you look up to and learn from him.
seriously, you will gain more from reading Beowulf 50 times than reading 50 different books and picking nothing up from them but vague reminiscences.

Plato on writing
>If men learn this, it will implant forgetfulness in their souls; they will cease to exercise memory because they rely on that which is written, calling things to remembrance no longer from within themselves, but by means of external marks. What you have discovered is a recipe not for memory, but for reminder. And it is no true wisdom that you offer your disciples, but only its semblance, for by telling them of many things without teaching them you will make them seem to know much, while for the most part they know nothing, and as men filled, not with wisdom, but with the conceit of wisdom, they will be a burden to their fellows.

>> No.5927916

Start with Wittgenstein then work your way back to the greeks.

>> No.5927939

>Reading Nietzsche right off the bat
I hope your not here because of the stupid "iron pill" meme

>> No.5927941

>people spend their entire lives devoted to these texts and you think you can gain something by flicking through them once?
I've only got the Bhagavad Gita in mind at the moment and I'm not going to flick through it.
>seriously, you will gain more from reading Beowulf 50 times than reading 50 different books and picking nothing up from them but vague reminiscences.
I will pick stuff up from them.

Plato's only talking about if you rely on what is written by others, you can Learn from books without relying on them.

>I hope your not here because of the stupid "iron pill" meme

>> No.5927956
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This isn't a video game, reading Nietzsche doesn't mean shit if you don't actually put effort into understanding what he's saying, the cultural relevance and where the views developed from. That is true for everything you listed.

This guy hit the nail on the head. You could spend months to years on every single subject you listed to develop a coherent understanding on each.

If you have to start anywhere my vote goes to the Greeks (no meme) it's the only subject which you will gain a lot just by flicking through. You don't realize how much everything references Greek mythology until you read some.

Start with Edith Hamilton, even the audiobook so you can listen to it when you train.

>> No.5927957

that's why you're a /fit/ poster, if you actually wanted to read something you'd be already doing so instead of compiling endless lists of books

>> No.5927964

Your on a tightrope with reading Nietzsche, without background knowledge (Philosophers before him) you will only be able to grasp a shallower understanding, if you really want to read Nietzsche why not read Schopenhauer as well?

Also it's best to get a secondary source (scholarly text) of Heraclitus as what we know about him is fragmented and passed down through secondary sources.

>> No.5927967

read novels and poetry

flaubert, keats, austen, shakespeare's sonnets

>> No.5927969

I know it's not a fucking video game, I put effort into everything I do which is why I'm fucking ripped. If anything the retards on this board don't put effort into anything and just read wiki pages and consider themselves enlightened.

And thanks for the advice I'll read about Greco-roman and Germanic mythology

>> No.5927977

if you think about reading literature in the same way you think about getting physically strong you will have serious problems

>> No.5927985

I've already read most of shakespeare
I might do.
No thinking about it in the same way, I've got lots of spare time and might as well put it to good use.

>> No.5928007

You don't get mental gains, you get a glimpse at truth in exchange for a fraction of your vital functions, leading you to a spiral of enlightening self-destruction. Philosophy is probably the most profound of human pursuits, but it's anything but healthy.

>> No.5928013

Add Plato, Descartes, Locke, Hume, Kant, and Hegel

>> No.5928023

I hope you're trolling.

>> No.5928025

lol look at you alluding to nietzsche..

you're clever :-)

>> No.5928038

i don't usually do this but
*applicates torque onto headwear*

>> No.5928057

What is halfway between gamma and alpha plus? i'm no beta

>> No.5928069


You seriously want to recommend Hegel as a starting point for someone to get into philosophy?

>> No.5928070

After the ones I listed?

>> No.5928077


My bad, I didn't realize that was a sequential order. I thought you were just providing a list of separate suggestions.

Although IMO the only way to properly read Hegel is after Schopie.

>> No.5928080

by that logic, start with the latest essays criticizing philosophers and work backwords..?

>> No.5928087

Low qualit b8, op. Just make sure you dont skim the text but you dont have to try to translate the piece or nothing. I recoebd you read some good shit that will hook you, like hemingway or steinbeck then move on to other shit. I ten to read one philosophy book and one literature book so that could work. You just dont want to make it a chore.

>> No.5928105



>> No.5928147

The Greeks are the only thing you listed that you should actually read. Aurelius? Nietzsche? Icelandic Sagas? Wtf were you thinking

>> No.5928156

Why not add Islamic philosophers like Avicennia and Al-Ghazali

>> No.5928192

Avicenna is irrelevant and ghazali is a moralist and mystic that is only relevant if you are muslim.

>> No.5928197

>2nd rate Greek philosophy that's also esoteric
Ebin trole

>> No.5928245

Imagine if these categories actually existed, wouldn't that be cool, life would be like a video game or something

>> No.5928273

It's fine to read Nietzsche, but PLEASE don't assume he is what philosophy should look like. He was a poet and a mystic, not an actual philosopher - indeed, he himself wanted to be evaluated as such. There is not much to read from Heraclitus, but it would be good to read him ALONG WITH the other presocratics. That will give you a good overview of the most ancient Western philosophy. But don't JUST focus in on Heraclitus. He was perhaps the least-philosophical of the post-Milesian Presocratics. Marcus Aurelius is good too, but you ought to read the earlier stoics first. Also, don't skip over Plato or Aristotle, obviously. Greek tragedies are good. Ancient Hindu literature is good. North European literature is good, too. Perhaps you might look into something Chinese, since you've already got a literary survey of three major "theaters" of culture.

I can only give you advice for philosophy after this. Once you've read the Greeks, you can really either take or leave the scholastics and other medieval philosophers. They are essentially just riffing off the ancients. Of course, you'd do well to start modern philosophy at the beginning, with Descartes's Meditations. After this, you can try reading Spinoza's Ethics, I suppose, but it's quite the tome. You should then read one of the big three British Empiricists; Berkeley's not essential, though. Something by Locke would do you well. After that, you're left with the two philosophers who in my opinion represent their schools at their best and most evolved state - Leibniz and Hume for the Continental Rationalists and British Empiricists respectively. You should read an anthology of philosophical correspondences and maybe also the Monadology for Leibniz, and for Hume you should read A Treatise of Human Nature. After that, it's time for Kant. A hard mode introduction to Kant would be reading Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, followed by the Critique of Pure Reason. Easy-modo would just be reading the Critique with an extensive reader.

After that, you should read some Analytic philosophy, since you've already read some Continental "philosophy" in the form of Nietzsche. You ought to read Russell's On Denoting, and if you're feeling brave, Frege's Begriffsschrift, although it is pretty dense and difficult to comprehend. After that, choose whether you like Analytic or Continental philosophy more, and pursue readings in one of the two directions, or both, if you're one of the few who likes it all. As you can probably tell, I am a hardcore Analytic, so naturally I'd urge you to go in that direction, but I won't tell you what to do.

>> No.5928278
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>mfw you furrowing your meathead brow while nonchalantly flicking through the gita in some vain attempt to look intellectual

>> No.5928293
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>Nietzsche, Heraclitus, Marcus aurelius, Homer/Greek tragedies, Indian/Hindu Gita's, Beowulf, Icelandic Sagas

So youre a big strong manly man, eh? We dont like yer kind roind eyah, soo git ahhhtttt.

>> No.5928309

May have coema cross as edgy, but I stand by it: building muscle is a thing you do for yourself, it's about you. Philosophy isn't about you, but is its own end, which will take its toll on you to the degree that you try to do it justice.

>> No.5928322

I might read Three kingdoms and Journey to the west from china. I'm not sure about Russell, I've screen shotted your post and will look into your recommendations, thanks.

>> No.5928361
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>Once you've read the Greeks, you can really either take or leave the scholastics and other medieval philosopher

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot.

>> No.5928363

Muslims are irrelevant.

>> No.5928374

Pics or it's all talk. We need to see your abs in order to determine which philosophers you should read. It's similar to palmistry.

>> No.5928452

Isn't there a /fit/ reading list already? Between that and the /lit/ wiki you should be able to find plenty of material. Just keep reading and make mental gains brah

>> No.5928462

this, read something that isn't for meatheads

>> No.5928766

at least i'm not an airhead, faggot

>> No.5928795

>/fit/ being dumb cunts as always

stop taking steroids, you monkey.

>> No.5928814

The Histories of Herodotus. Also, read Travels with Herodotus by Kapuscinski. They will give you a beautiful insight of what's humankind.

>> No.5928819

>tfw -omega male

feels good man.

>> No.5928898

Who the fuck would want to be an alpha when you could be gamma positive masterrace?

>> No.5928908

But since you felt the need to ask this, you have been by definition excluded from the gamma positive masterrace, no?

>> No.5928912

Since I felt the need to ask this I want an answer. Don't speak to me, omega.

>> No.5928917

No, actually. Since by definition the gamma gives not one shut about the social expectations of the people around him.

>> No.5928929


>being this insecure

I bet you're a punny little bitch that feels threatened when men are around.

>> No.5928951

i am actually a qt trap.

>> No.5928954

Descartes is rightly regarded as the father of modern philosophy primarily and generally because he helped the faculty of reason to stand on its own feet by teaching men to use their brains in place whereof the Bible, on the one hand, and Aristotle, on the other, had previously served.

>> No.5928962
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What do you do in general?
Torrent, borrow from library, buy second-hand, or buy brand new when getting a book.

>> No.5928976


So basically a punny little bitch that feels threatened when men are around.


>> No.5929282

Don't read Nietzsche, he just ripped off Kierkegaard and replaced the concepts of God or love with atheism and the self.
Read Kierkegaard instead. He's a better writer, the ideas or more fleshed out, and they're more conducive to a positive and strong outlook on the world.

>> No.5929320

Torrent if I'm feeling incredibly lazy, library to check out first-time reads and I'll buy a cheap copy if I like the book enough to re-read it at least once in the future.
I think it's great that you want to improve your mind as well as your body. Best of luck, brother.

>> No.5929340

not OP but I already bought Beyond Good & Evil and I intend to read it.

Will it be an absolute waste? What's the bare minimum I can do to prepare for approaching it?

>> No.5929360
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50 squats, 50 push ups and 10 kilometres every morning

>> No.5929368

I'm doing 5x5 brah, all that high volume and cardio will kill my gains

>> No.5929379

>reading these troll threads
I decided that this text was a trap…that everything about it, in its form, was ambiguous, implied, convoluted, complicated, suggested, murmured….I deployed all my resources to uncover a range of meanings fanning out from each sentence, each word.

>> No.5930328

Ernest Hemingway

>> No.5930606

>positive and strong outlook on the world.
aka false

>> No.5930614


Start off somewhere simple if you're not very accustomed to such heavy reading, find an introductory text first, more than likely that'll cover your list - at least, the basics. Then find an author to focus on. It does sound like you're trying to just hit as many authors as possible rather than just finding one you are comfortable with and studying them.

>> No.5930621

Delta Positive master race.

>> No.5930667


>> No.5930686

Brah, Stay the fuck away from Nietzsche for now. For philosophy start w/ the greeks instead, namely the presocratics.

>> No.5930697

How beta is this chart though?
It's like some beta felt so beta about being beta he had to make 7 lower categories and 1 roughly equal version of alpha just so he could feel less beta about being beta.

>> No.5931618

OP thats some tough leather you've decided to chew through. Many pro readers don't stick on to it to the end.

I recommend Feuerbach instead, either one of his books or a general biography with excerpts. Its also less edgy and of tremendously good (its something non-fedora and non-dogmatic at the same time).

I also recommend to make library days instead of rattling through a list. Go to the main city library (the biggest one with directly accessible shelves) and just read into whatever evokes your interest. Devote your Saturdays to it, for example.

>> No.5931627
File: 268 KB, 333x475, the importance of being ebin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Greeks

>> No.5931629

Squats and oats? Squats and oats!! But... squats and oats?!

>> No.5931662

OP and by the way, reading through your comments, you're a giant condescending twat for someone who spends +2 hours a day to make himself look pretty for da gurls.

>> No.5931665

not OP but you sound like a scared skinny nerd lol

>> No.5931668

>literally riding op's cock


>> No.5931682

Start with the greeks OP serious suggestion.

>> No.5933316

Don't focus too much on ancient literature. If you want to get intellectual gains, pick up Derk Pereboom or Derek Parfit (big-time philosophers). If you want something more literary, try Lanark by Alasdair Gray, If on a winter's night a traveler by Italo Calvino, or Gunter Grass' autobiography, Peeling the Onion.

>> No.5933457

Otto Weininger

>> No.5933718

Left (positive) column, top to bottom, simply goes from extroversion to introversion. Right (negative) column is just the left column with higher neuroticism. Nonetheless, all the people in that hierarchy are really in one tier: sheep. The real people at the top of the social ladder are the omega imaginaries, 200+ IQ disembodied brains, kept alive in vats, seeing over the oil trade, brains that once belonged to the bodies of incredibly pasty white nerds.

>> No.5933932

I spend 2 hours 3 times a week and I don't lift for girls, you're just a little skinny boy who thinks he's a mad man by being rude on the internet.

>> No.5934139

I am also fond of training as well as reading. You do well to remain impervious to the trolls trying to belittle you for valuing the condition of your body; do not let the pathetic worms that mingle with the rest of us here affect you. As for where to start, I am sure one of these kind fellows will post for you the /lit/ starting guide for reading as I think it's best to work your way up to more difficult reads. There can be found philosophy embedded in narratives so you are enthralled by a captivating story while also being exposed to enlightening advice. The works of Hesse, Camus, Dostoevsky, and Tolstoy come to mind for such books. You might benefit more by starting with something easier to devote your attention to; you don't deadlift three plates your first day in the gym, right?

Your in-depth advice is appreciated by more than just OP, thank you. I have yet to read what we've been blessed with from the Greeks (aside from excerpts here and there) and I am wondering what specific works are recommended.

>> No.5934148
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I found it for you.

>> No.5934149
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>> No.5934157
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>tfw Gamma positive

>> No.5934232

WTF, even on /lit/?

>> No.5934247

Right, thanks.
Thank you.

>> No.5934253
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derrida was a huge poon hound though

>> No.5934347

classicest response ever