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/lit/ - Literature

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5931259 No.5931259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>h-hey anon, y-you wanna go ch-checkout some s-secondhand b-bookshops some t-time o-or something?

>> No.5931263

Sure thing, man! Maybe we will meet some cute ladies there. I think we would both be good boyfriends.

>> No.5931268

>unrealistic standards of beauty.
You're oppressing me.

>> No.5931274

nah fuck you, i am gonna get wasted and read foucalt.

>> No.5931280

Find a book on overcoming stuttering, you damn dirty ape

>> No.5931297

Look at this weeaboo faggot with his stutter typing.

>> No.5931300

Didn't I tell you to stop talking to me until you fixed that stutter?

>> No.5931318

ayy you remind me of Bowie, I think I'm gonna full Jagger on your ass

>> No.5931328


No I don't like short haired cunts. You're probably a feminist or some shit fuck off.

>> No.5931355

Yeah okay
>avoid her forever because idk what to do

>> No.5931976

no now fuck off you carpet munching shit.

>> No.5931986

>tfw no moss stitch jumper

>> No.5931992
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Oh, my god! I cannot believe what my precious ears are hearing! I am absolutely perplexed as to why you would think I would accompany a boyish harlot anywhere, let alone into a den of cast-off intellectual vacuity and perversion. Likely I would catch leptospirosis from the waste of some vermin and quickly expire! Now begone from my presence, before you unsettle my valve!

>> No.5932010
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absolutely this. I'd be utterly petrified.

my sides

>> No.5932017

Fuck yes. I'm always down for an opportunity to go raid used bookstores.

>> No.5932020
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>> No.5932021

Holy shit what the fuck happened to your hair?

>> No.5932027

She's very pretty. I'd have no problem with her looks, as long as she acted feminine, and wasn't butch.

>> No.5932054

Fuck off tranny, I don't buy poorfag peasant books

>> No.5932061

Hate her glasses tho.

>> No.5932071


>Old lady lips
>Weak chin and jaw
>Dumbass glasses probably blind as a bat
>Flat chesteed
>Shit tier genetics
>Dyke haircut

Nah, I'm good.

>> No.5932075


This post made my valve open.

>> No.5932136

Jesus why is /lit/ so full of reactionaries?

>> No.5932149

>tfw you will never have a lit waifu

>> No.5932163

this post is exactly why I occasionally go on /lit/

>> No.5932173

Any ronery qts on /lit/ for new years?

>> No.5932180

Because literature is a very aristocratic thing.
>isn't a tranny
>is kind of qute
>tfw no gf
I'd love to, what are you doing this friday?

>> No.5932197
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>> No.5932214


You have no clue. War, riding horses, duelling and raping farmer's daughters is aristocratic.

Scribbling and reading has always been the field of the middling class, who for this reason, once printing was invented, rule the world.

>> No.5932223

it's the easiest way to blame things going wrong in life is because "things aren't how they used to be"

sometimes this is true and other times it's not but it's not surprising the demographic of this website leans in the general direction of neoreactionary thought for the reasons that they're neet or have no gfs or are wizards or whatever is because of the jews/blacks/immigrants/feminists/anything that wasn't in the way before, even though most of them were always there, they just didn't notice it because they were kids.

my ex gf was basically only into hard sci-fi and modern fantasy and it got kind of tiring after a while

>> No.5932238

I want a pleb GF so I can feel smarter than her.

Someone who would earnestly say, "Wow, you are so smart!"

>> No.5932254

By middling class, you mean the clerks and churchmen ? Because those weren't the middling class by any means, and they were even quite powerful in their time.

Also note:

>Geoffrey of Villehardouin was a knight, a diplomat and a general who led troops during the fourth crusade in the early thirteenth century, but he also wrote one of the first historical accounts in French
>it's worth noting that Geoffrey was a layman, ie he was technically not among the clerk you described as "middling class"

>Dante, an aristocrat who rode a horse to battle and was for a short time in charge of a whole city, was an avid reader and a keen writer
>he would exchange love poems with his fellows literate aristocrats

Need I continue, sir, or have you already resolved to read a book before you pretend to know what is aristocratic and what is not ?

>> No.5932255

>sad anon detected
Sad anon, why must you be so sad?

>> No.5932260

That's why I come to /lit. Try hanging out on /tv perhaps ?

>> No.5932261

>you will never fight in the hundred years war
>you will never be the richest man in England
>you will never use your riches to legitimise jousting between wars
>you will never have the best shoes and outfits to dance the court and peasant ladies into bed after winning all the tournaments
>you will never be a founding member of the royal order of the garter
>you will never receive the first duchy outside of a direct heir in England
>you will never find Christ anointing the seven wounds of your body you have developed from delving deep into each of the mortal sins
>you will never write a devotational book to steer others from your decadent ways, listing each of them
>you will never pass the copies of your book to your noble friends who can't even afford a bible
>you will never be Henry of Grosmont, First Duke of Lancaster
>you can only aspire to become bourgeois scum

>> No.5932265

You do know that aristocracy continued for a long time after the 13th century, right?

>> No.5932283

Almost everyone is pleb. Finding a pleb girlfriend is the easiest thing in the world

>> No.5932293

Hi, I'm a grill, but I'm not qt and I'm not ronery.

>> No.5932297

Better than nothing, it's not like I can pick.

>> No.5932299


You need to read some George MacDonald Fraser.

>> No.5932310

I'm surprised he's still writing books, but yes, probably

>> No.5932325

Actually aristocracy in the 13th was already not completely like he describes, see>>5932254

>> No.5934195

Maybe if you would grow your hair out you disgusting dyke.

>> No.5934233
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David Bowie, is that you?

>> No.5934240

yes'm. It would be my pleasure.